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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #50 on: June 30, 2013, 04:39:32 PM »
I´m currently playing Aliens: Infestation on DS. Think its great so far, the only problem i´m having is keeping people alive when I encounter bosses, think I have lost about 6 soldiers.

Probably my favvorite Alien game since Alien vs Predator on PC (1999), it really captures the mood from the movies.

I enjoyed that game too. I managed to get to the last boss without losing a character (by which I mean, I reloaded when I lost a character). When I finally did let them die in facing the last boss it was really very satisfying, lol.

I can understand why people don´t like permadeath, but I have always liked it. For me it makes the game all the more exciting when you have to be more carful with your resources.

And in this particular game I think it lends greatly to the overall feel and suspense (allthough it´s not  real permadeath). In the movies the aliens are much stronger then the humans and there are going to be alot of casualties.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #51 on: June 30, 2013, 07:40:24 PM »

I can understand why people don´t like permadeath, but I have always liked it. For me it makes the game all the more exciting when you have to be more carful with your resources.

And in this particular game I think it lends greatly to the overall feel and suspense (allthough it´s not  real permadeath). In the movies the aliens are much stronger then the humans and there are going to be alot of casualties.

I actually do enjoy permadeath in certain games. I embrace it fully, for example, in Fire Emblem. It just so happened that in the case of Infestation it was exceedingly easy to just reload the last check point as very little progress was ever lost, plus I thought it was would be really funny (given how disposable the characters are) to keep the same crew until the very end. As it turned out, I think it made the game more enjoyable. I feel that game would have been a little on the easy side had I not played it the way I did.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #52 on: July 01, 2013, 01:54:59 AM »
New Super Mario Bros U:

I've beat all levels and collected all stars but still had only four stars on my save.

Apparently i also need to catch Nabbit once in all worlds, and i simply ignored him entire game. Now i first have to wait till he appears, he comes up like Perfects in Rhythm Heaven games and just like Perfects you only have three tries. It's just a hassle to play levels you already collected everything on just to lure him out and then traverse overworld (which i dislike) to the level where Nabbit is. Last time i couldn't get him in three tries and that was just groove killing.

I also played challenges a LOT. Special challenges i feel are the most fun. Simple time trials are just brutal, especially the ones in Desert world levels (what's wrong with you, designers? why do you place the most vicious and tiring stages in entire game in the SECOND world for the third time in the row?).

Also, during the challenges where you have to collect coins with Lakitu i found out that analog stick works better for flying on a cloud.

And weird (or cool?) how they hid propeller suit inside Super Star World. It doesn't come up anywhere else in the main game, except in one of the Special Challenges.

I have more notes on entire game but i'll post them once i will finish FINISH the game.

Speaking of annoying overworlds. I tried again with SMB3. Yeah, no. Still can't squeeze out any enjoyment out of this game. "Weird" jumping, more emphasis on air control, confusing overworld, baffling level design, don't like speed system and how flying suit requires levels to have runways to lift off.

While digging through my box of GBA carts further i also played DKC3 for the first time. First part with swimming Dixie was confusing (again, overworlds... this is a platform game people, why am i not platforming out of the gate?) but once i got to actual level. I enjoyed it A LOT. More so than first DKC that i beat on GBA. I just played for a few levels to test if cartridge works. Looking forward to playing DKC2, and then will come back to it later.

More GBA carts. Super Mario World. Again, played it for testing, just three or four levels. I like jumping in this game more, it feels closer to first SMB and NSMB. Spinning jump is kinda weird but okay. Yoshi doesn't float, but Luigi does. Okay, i can live with it. Also i love this music.

Gunman Clive (3DS)

It's not amazing, but hey, it's just 2 euros.

I like the artstyle. Crayon sandy look, like a Wanted poster. Wiggling texture lines also make for nice visual effect, reminds me of some of the early 90s animation.

While it's supposed to be Mega Man tribute, jumping feels too floaty for Mega Man game. And both Clive and Ms. Johnson take too much time to change direction, which can mess you up during boss fights. And overall it feels like all animations are a bit slower than they have to.

It also has that Rayman Origins disease, where everything is hand-drawn (or looks like it) and game actively hides all pixels from you which is kinda crucial when you demand pixel-perfect jumps from a player. Again just like Rayman Origins game plays like it's more suited for analog stick than D-pad, which is somewhat true i guess, considering it was a phone game with touch controls initially.

I also loved random aliens and that rider in space.

I beat as Clive in less than hour or so, and then went for second playthrough with secret character and now i'm playing for the third time with Ms. Johnson. Level 9 with a duck is pretty hard, so much spam.

Very solid game on unbeatable price.

Bayonetta (360)

God dammit, that Burning City chapter. I think i had to replay the very first part like twenty or so times to get even silver. And later even that rank was obliterated by obnoxious QTEs later in this chapter. I think i "replayed" that one QTE where i had to press X in exactly at the right moment, not a millisecond before and not millisecond after dozen times or so.

I'm getting the hang of crafting and items stuff. It was just so overwhelming at first.

Some interface issues. Like after shooting angels minigame i just don't understand how to quit without buying anything. B button requires me to spend some Sonic rings on stuff i don't really want and only then i can quit. I'd also appreciate single button press to skip cutscenes or just option to skip them all during replays.

Also i want that training loading screen accessed separately from the main menu, so that i can practice combos. Or maybe it is there, i just didn't find it.

Currently stuck on that two headed dragon boss. How many times do i have to fight him? It's like fourth time. And i didn't really enjoyed fighting him first three times.

Still despite all these issues i enjoy the game lot. I remember i said wow out loud when i entered into Paradiso garden. The environments overall look great.

Of course the gameplay is the main course in this game and it's amazing. It's not even that hard, if you're okay with getting Stone Awards. I still can't get how and when i am supposed to use guns, for now i just use them to kill groups of those flying heads. Also i during Burning City chapter i kept forgetting, charged into burning angels all the time and got burned. I just don't have the patience to lure them out for Witch Time. I also wonder if that first free torture attack that you sometimes get on the very first enemy in the area is random or it is determined by some conditions.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 01:56:57 AM by azeke »
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #53 on: July 03, 2013, 01:27:38 AM »
I'm stuck on second Jeanne fight. I kept replaying her fight over and over and over until i just gave up at 1am. I think i need LOTS of green lollipops for this boss fight. Now that i figured out how to craft them and how to set them on d-pad buttons (thanks for derpy interface, Kamiya!) i can stock up on them.

I'm still playing Kid Icarus after it's lively discussion on the podcast. Multiplayer is actually pretty addicting, guys.

Really reminds me of online shooter arenas. Not THAT fast, but still pretty hectic. It gets incredibly fast during melee encounters, just a hurricane of dashes and dodges and combos.

I got the hang of powers in multiplayer. It was so satisfying to get kills with "Playing Dead" power where you fake your death and become invisible for a few seconds to sneak up on unsuspecting enemy who thought he just killed you. NOPE, have drill in your face!

Also multiplayer is giving mad points for simply playing, you got hearts and sometimes bonus weapons regardless if you win or lose.

I mostly played "Dark vs Light" mode, that is basically your regular Team Deathmatch that turns into "Hunted/President" mode halfway through. I tried one round of "Free for all" but it feels completely different and is probably too hectic for my tastes. You also need to pick different weapon and power-set for this mode because what worked in slightly slower "Dark vs Light" doesn't work in Free for all.

I also started replaying story levels simply to fill up wall of achievements. I tried to beat first chapter on difficulty 9 and got through flying section which is usually harder because you have no powers there and have to rely only on your skills and twitch reaction, but i died during the short land section after that (and i didn't even entered additional arena with the tank). And died again on Twinbellows, so my final score was on rather underwhelming 7.

I also replayed that dreaded Pandora's Labyrinth chapter, and i think i am getting better with circle pad cause this time i wasn't constantly falling down from the platforms by mistake.

This game, man. So much fun.

Assasin's Creed 2

This game has problems. Starting from retarded plot (saving the world by murdering people, okay), pretty bad battle system, manipulative game systems that are designed to keep you keep wasting those hours in the game (ridiculous amount of random unrelated side missions, collectathon with weapons, feathers, clothes, paintings, codex pieces, hidden writings, buildings and statues in your home town).

But the core gameplay of simply roaming the city and climbing up buildings is just so fun. It's so fun you sometimes can't help but to take that side mission just because.

Overall i think i enjoyed platforming challenges in assasin temples more than the main story, where it's basically Prince of Persia Sands of Time gameplay. And music and visuals during the puzzles segment really creep me out. I like it.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #54 on: July 03, 2013, 08:07:50 AM »
I just played through this game over the weekend. it's pretty indie, so you might not have heard of it, but it was called Portal 2, teh sequel to Portal!
Anyway it was really good. Maybe even one of the best games I've played.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 08:12:00 AM by RABicle »
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #55 on: July 03, 2013, 10:36:56 AM »
Looking at those impressions, it's a pity, Azeke, that the time disparity between our regions would make it very difficult (if not impossible) to bring you onto NFR someday.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #56 on: July 05, 2013, 12:05:32 AM »
More notes on Kid Icarus Uprising.

Interestingly, intensity level does not actually set difficulty for the level. It does look like difficulty setting, but it's really not.

Yes, monsters DO get harder and more dangerous, but once you get through flying section, land section will let you just run past the majority of monsters and you can skip all the additional mini-bosses and optional secrets and arenas as you like.

I've been trying to beat the first level on intensity 9 and did it yesterday, After you get through sky section, i just ran, not stopping for anything, right to the boss arena. Twinbellows on 9 is rather tough, and i mostly have been dying on him during my seven or so tries to beat the level.

The game doesn't even reward you in any way except for more points for beating chapters on higher levels. I didn't get any achievements or anything for beating level on 9. Yes there are achievements requiring minimal intensity, but from what i've seen it's just measly 5 or 6.

Intensity is all about loot and points. By running past everything you miss on a lot of hearts and sometimes won't even get back the amount of hearts you put in the cauldron when you made the bet.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 12:12:36 AM by azeke »
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #57 on: July 05, 2013, 03:11:38 PM »
Finally got around to starting Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 5: Rise of the Pirate God.

Still early on (just escaped from the crossroads) and finding it to be very much "more of the same".  Telltale Games always seem to put just enough humor and interesting plot points into their games to make them worth playing, but never manage to really create interesting puzzles. Plus there are unfortunate engine glitches, more noticeable on Wii although certainly not exclusive to the system.

So even though I'm enjoying the game - a given, since I've already played through the first four parts and am now back for more - it's clearly not something everyone will like. Shame this game didn't get a retail release on Wii, as it would be much easier to recommend if the buy-in wasn't so high.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #58 on: July 08, 2013, 04:49:22 PM »
Running through Persona 4: Golden on Vita now.  I loved the original on the PS2, and since I've obviously run through all the games in my backlog, I figured now would be a good time to dig into this version.  I think the silly rumour running around since someone registered the Persona5 website got me itching to play this game again.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #59 on: July 08, 2013, 05:23:47 PM »
More notes on Kid Icarus Uprising.

Interestingly, intensity level does not actually set difficulty for the level. It does look like difficulty setting, but it's really not.

Yes, monsters DO get harder and more dangerous, but once you get through flying section, land section will let you just run past the majority of monsters and you can skip all the additional mini-bosses and optional secrets and arenas as you like.

I've been trying to beat the first level on intensity 9 and did it yesterday, After you get through sky section, i just ran, not stopping for anything, right to the boss arena. Twinbellows on 9 is rather tough, and i mostly have been dying on him during my seven or so tries to beat the level.

The game doesn't even reward you in any way except for more points for beating chapters on higher levels. I didn't get any achievements or anything for beating level on 9. Yes there are achievements requiring minimal intensity, but from what i've seen it's just measly 5 or 6.

Intensity is all about loot and points. By running past everything you miss on a lot of hearts and sometimes won't even get back the amount of hearts you put in the cauldron when you made the bet.
I know a few levels require 9 pretty early on for an achievement.  I'll have to dig out my copy.  Though I think its good that the stronger weapons are earned with the higher difficulty.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #60 on: July 08, 2013, 06:02:54 PM »
Running through Persona 4: Golden on Vita now.  I loved the original on the PS2, and since I've obviously run through all the games in my backlog, I figured now would be a good time to dig into this version.  I think the silly rumour running around since someone registered the Persona5 website got me itching to play this game again.

What a coincidence, I am also playing this game right now. I recently got a Vita for this game and I'm really digging it. I still feel like the plot for P3 was superior though. So far this is like an anime Scooby Doo.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #61 on: July 09, 2013, 01:13:51 AM »
Well, I gave Saints Row 3 a try...and surprisingly after a few hours I was just...bored.  For all the promised wackiness, at its heart it's just another open world gangster game where you're expected to make your own fun shooting a ton of cops.  I wasn't expecting that.  I doubt I'll play much more of it.

On the flipside, I decided to finally play that $10 copy of Borderlands 2 Sony paid me to download a few months ago.  While I really didn't like the 1st Borderlands (generic environments, no memorable characters, almost no villain, and nothing of interest if you're not a big Loot fan), surprisingly its sequel is clicking with me for whatever reason.  It doesn't make sense considering Borderlands 2 just seems to be the same game, just in an Ice area rather than desert, but I think I'll be sticking with the game.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #62 on: July 09, 2013, 11:58:20 PM »
Assassin's Creed II: Brotherhood
I only played first tutorial level. It looks like combat system is reworked significantly, countering feels like is now one hit kill and hey, gamepad works now! No Xpadder needed.
Oh, and thanks UPlay again for making me tinker around to even start play this. Had to reinstall the game like three times and use registry editing tools to make it all work.

Mirror's Edge
Ah, the good ol' "let's make our heroes look all kewl and young and hot and stuff and they're like totally rebeloius and fighting nazis and ****". Cheap looking flash animated cutscenes don't help, really clashes with games' otherwise great presentation.

I was using standard controller layout for tutorial and first level, and entire time pressing LB to jump was weird. It also feels like putting aiming on left stick would have worked better with this kind of game, rather than using "standard" first person shooter configuration with "LS walks, RS aims". I will experiment with other layouts next time when i will play the game.

But otherwise, really cool gameplay concept and great looking game.

Then i went just started playing whatever on Steam:

Geometry Wars 1
Good old Geometry Wars. How does second game fare? Wii/DS games? I think my local games shop had Geometry War: Galaxies for a few bucks.

Plot aside, plays just like a regular shooter. Co-op is nice, i want to play this with pals someday. I don't understand the system with regular peashooter shots and "special" laser beam though. Laser beam is so much better there is really no reason to use peashooter.

Also, stupid  pointer based menu controls.

Hotline Miami

Aw, yeah. The most amazing soundtrack coupled with a bug fest of game. Because this great music always makes me want to do stupid dangerous things i switch buggy Steamworks on and use game's half-baked controller support.

I think i beat like two levels and gave up on level 11 at 2 am. The level where SWAT comes in the end was pretty cool. Knocking out cops and getting away from building full of corpses was fun.

I am using owl mask, cause i want to find all secrets. Didn't really found any.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #63 on: July 10, 2013, 08:50:52 AM »

Geometry Wars 1
Good old Geometry Wars. How does second game fare? Wii/DS games? I think my local games shop had Geometry War: Galaxies for a few bucks.


The Wii/DS games are very good.

Many different stages with special rules will either seem like a gimmick, or a great way to keep the game fresh. Same could be said about the 2-player vs/co-op modes. Depends on how dedicated you are to chasing high scores. One nice thing is that it includes the original game as well - so if you don't want to jump into the extra modes then you can just play the basic Geometry Wars.

I didn't like the control scheme on DS and would recommend the Wii version (with dual analog controls via the Classic Controller) first.  Not that the DS is unworkable or even that bad... but using 8-way shooting with buttons or stylus-based aiming just didn't work for me.

Although not certain, I'd wager that using the online high score feature works better on 360 - if only because you'll have a bigger and more active group of people playing.  I haven't even checked to see if the Geometry Wars Galaxies boards are still online for Wii.

Final comment: Galaxies probably wasn't worth the initial asking price for most people. Selling an arcade experience for a few bucks is much more appealing than $30-40.  That's a non-factor now though, as Galaxies can be found for very low prices if you look around.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #64 on: July 10, 2013, 11:46:53 AM »
I've been dividing my time between the following for the past week.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
This is my first foray into an Animal Crossing game, and I find myself having hot/cold streaks when playing it.  The first few weeks I owned it had me frantically working to collect as many bells and upgrade my house/complete public works projects ASAP.  In the past week or so, I've cooled to it a bit, getting a little tired of bug hunting on the island to accumulate bells, and all my house upgrades are almost 600,000 bells at this point.
I feel compelled to play each day to ensure progress doesn't stall, but at this point it's feeling more like work than actual enjoyment.  I may take a break for a few days to recouperate and regain interest, because I really do like the game despite these nagging problems.
Gravity Rush
I decided to replay through Gravity Rush after not having touched my Vita for a few months.  This game reminds me so much of Spiderman 2 in that the combat is unweildy & sloppy, the writing and storytelling are underdeveloped, the enemies are a bit too generic/bland and it's much too short.
But it's also like Spiderman 2 in that your character (Kat)'s means of transportation is a unique mechanic I've never seen in any game before, and it's exhilarating traversing the different parts of the city, picking things up and throwing them with your gravity fields, and compels me to continue playing despite those glaring issues.
Although I got this game for free as part of my PS+ membership, I may purchase the sequel, assuming the sequel is an improvement to the original to the game. 

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #65 on: July 11, 2013, 02:46:58 AM »
Assassin's Creed II: Brotherhood
Seems great so far. While visuals and animation look top-notch as usual, cutscenes still look somewhat jankie like in II. Story and characters' motivation still make zero sense (why didn't Ezio kill Rodrigo? because), but who gives a ****. This is a game where i can roam around Rome and marvel at Pantheon and other historical buildings. Though when i tried to get on top of it, i discovered Ezio lost his climb-jump ability which is slightly annoying.

New slightly RTS-y features look good so far. Map is improved, now it actually shows me locations (thank god) and i can zoom in and out. Combat system actually while felt reworked at first is actually the same from ACII just with damage doubled and kill streaks. Kill streaks are cool though and help to deal with crowds of enemies.

Full synchronization stuff wasn't really demanding so far, but i heard this will become a nuisance. But so far i liked having an additional challenge put on story missions.

Mirror's Edge
I was using standard controller layout for tutorial and first level, and entire time pressing LB to jump was weird. It also feels like putting aiming on left stick would have worked better with this kind of game, rather than using "standard" first person shooter configuration with "LS walks, RS aims". I will experiment with other layouts next time when i will play the game.
Yeah, tried "left handed" layout and it's not working for me. It's a shame they don't allow to fully customize controls and we just have four presets to choose from. "Inverted shoulders" setting feels the best so far.
I only played time trial for the first level -- really helps to figure out the physics and controls.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #66 on: July 11, 2013, 02:48:17 AM »
Damn, you play a lot of games.

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #67 on: July 11, 2013, 02:52:17 AM »
Damn, you play a lot of games.
Beats sitting and whining on forums all the time.

i still sit and whine on forums anyway
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #68 on: July 11, 2013, 02:54:49 AM »

Beats sitting and whining on forums all the time.

i still sit and whine on forums anyway

They should make that a game someday. :P

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #69 on: July 11, 2013, 11:41:29 PM »
More Assasin's Creed 2: B. Nothing special, just good old fun platforming in tombs.

Also i found an ideal path to run through second and third levels in Ghost'n'Goblins reliably after trying out different routes in third level on my lunch break.

Now i have to train on those weird flying platforms in level 4, that's only hard part of the level, the rest is incredibly easy. Dragon snake boss is a wimp, i have no idea why Arino had so much trouble with him.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 11:43:15 PM by azeke »
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #70 on: July 13, 2013, 03:26:39 AM »
In addition to the usual high amounts of FIFA and Animal Crossing, I've bees spending a lot of time with Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World. It's really a perfect refinement of the formula, largely adding late-game conent, increasing the importance of international trade, and improving diplomacy, one of the weak points of the game up to this point.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #71 on: July 13, 2013, 02:15:47 PM »
Sorry for interrupting that great forum drama queens fight thing you had. It's just silly weird me, talking about them videogames.

With Assasin Creed and Ghost 'n' Goblins i kinda got into medieval european kinda mood and subsequently played:

l'Abbaye des Morts -- had this free game on my disc for years. Really cool stuff. Despite (or thanks to) ZX Spectrum-like visuals, game still can bring a few lyrical and horror notes added to a pretty short but challenging game. It's Castlevania-like adventure but you have no combat you just go around and jump avoiding enemies, entire game is played on directional buttons.

Despite shortness, i am playing for a few days and still can't beat final boss.

Maldita Castilla -- very nice Ghost 'n' Goblins clone from the same developer. Also free and pretty cool. The effort locomalito brings into his free games is very impressive. I wish lots of commercial indie games i payed good money for, had at half of polish his games have. Game is not as brutal as any GnG but still very enjoyable.

Bayonetta -- i think i'm getting the hang of the combo system. Bayo's panthera form is pretty cool. Now i'm on a boss level which looks like another QTE-fest, i bailed out after trying to play for 15 minutes very late at night. I'll resume next day.

And of course the most medieval game of them all:

Scribblenauts: Unlimited -- it's weird that this game doesn't support controller, but considering the nature of the game it's understandable. There a few interface problems, like entering buildings and areas could have been done better, but it's not a big deal. Otherwise it look and plays just like any other Scribblenauts game, except in 1080. I filled crab cages with hamburgers and fooled fisherman. Then i got to ride king lobser, gave mob man a knife, met Shyful Shoggot, got to clean harbour from toxic wasted using black holes.

It's Scribblenauts, man.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 02:17:40 PM by azeke »
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #72 on: July 13, 2013, 05:57:03 PM »
Fez because of the Steam Summer sales, and I got my Wii Classic Controller Pro working with GlovePIE so that I can play it wonderfully, and comfortably. I just need to prefect the joystick parts of the script, but Fez doesn't really need analogue control so it's no big deal for now. I'm only at the beginning of the game, but I'm impressed. Stuck on the initial stage haha, I have one last cube to find. The game has this attention to detail, care, and it seems like it might have been a pain in the ass to QA. All worth it in the end I guess.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #73 on: July 17, 2013, 04:02:06 AM »
Spent entirety of the evening playing 3d brawlers.

First i briefly checked out MGS: Revengeance demo again, hoping i would get combat system better now that i can comfortably play Bayonetta. Nope, it still feels weird, because of no dodge action (?), which is a huge part of Bayo's combat and sword swinging mechanic still feels clunky and stops the action too abruptly. I might still eventually get the game on PC and hopefully once i put more effort into the game it will feel better.

Then four or so hours of Bayonetta. I unlocked parrying move (Mahaa-Kalaa) and while nifty, it's incredibly demanding of my reaction time. I never can trigger it on purpose and usually just don't risk it and just spam dodge.

After so many hours into the game it feels like dodge should have been put on face button or on RB because pushing trigger all the way feels like too time consuming for mechanic that demands millisecond level precision.

Another move i unlocked was turning into a cloud of bats for a moment to nullify damage when you press dodge a millisecond or so after you've been hit. Again it's waaay too much for my reaction and at first i didn't even used it, but after realizing that this basically extends the dodge time period for a few frames after i take damage i appreciate this a lot. Of course, i am not able to do this on purpose, but once in a while it activates when i'm too slow for a simple dodge or Witch Time dodge. Win-win.

I also started to mess around with different weapons and stuff. I have a fire and lightning claws, but i'm not sure how to switch them to lightning all i have so far is fire which while more powerful also slower than regular attacks. I also had a sword, but eventually i switched back to regular no weapons loadout.

I was fighting Jeanne for the third time and only then i realized that all this sick moves she did in previous encounters on me like super fast sword and parrying my attacks by creating a magical shield i can now do too! Pretty awesome feeling.

Also bosses are tedious. It just takes way too much time to deal with them, especially if you're fighting them for the first time and just figuring out what to do.

Their design somewhat makes up for it, but still, 15 minutes of doing the same stuff to kill a boss is too much.

Capcom is having a sale on Xbox right now, and i was thinking over if i should buy DMC HD collection (15$ for gold owners, which i'm not but it still shows me as 15$...) and maybe DMC4 (5$, also on Steam for the same price) while it's cheap enough. I didn't, but still downloaded DMC4 demo.

It's kinda weird how "tame" DMC4  feels compared to Bayo. Also yet another different combat system. Demo was kinda bad i wanted to check out action sequences more but it kept giving me platformy and puzzley challenges instead and even put me on a timer. It looks great though. Very clean and sharp (i wish Bayo was like that).
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Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #74 on: July 17, 2013, 04:20:55 AM »
Well, I'm coming up on the end of the main Borderlands 2 story.  So far, the game''s not "bad" per say.  The game's systems are certainly well-made and the shooting feels good.  But at the same time, it really feels like a game that's more addicting than it actually is fun.

It feels really good to find better guns and fill up XP bars, but at the same time none of the missions (even the side missions) have felt the least bit satisfying.  In fact, the side missions have gotten increasingly tedious since they usually mean backtracking through large segments of areas I just DID in the most recent story missions, fighting the same floods of enemies.  And the way that enemies in these areas level-up with you pretty much ensures you never feel as empowered as you should feel doing these bonus missions outside the main story.  The comedy is also really terrible, usually centered on groan-inducing pop-culture "parodies".  I do like the characters, though.  I just wish the game actually did anything interesting with them.
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