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Messages - rmthompson

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / RE:REVIEWS: Drake & Josh
« on: April 11, 2007, 02:45:22 AM »
"Josh's levels are completely puzzle-based and are much more fun, though probably too difficult for this game's target audience, pre-teen girls who are too stupid to realize how awful the TV show is."

"Your daughter might be sufficiently occupied by it if she's too lost in her own fantasies of making out with Drake to realize that the game has nothing to do with the show."

What a disgusting affront on video game players.

Sir, you will be smart to learn that not all videogamers, or visitors to this site, are 25 year old college students who enjoy a good game of Halo as much as they enjoy a date with a girl.

My daughter, at age 10, is a fan of this show, and while I agree that it is terrible, that is NOT to say my daughter is too STUPID because she watches it. She is 10, and when you were 10 I doubt your tastes were as sophisticated as they are now, nor would I expect you to have understood plot complications and other characterizations that make a show "good."

This show is pretty basic, and that's why it's enjoyed. It uses the same basic plot points and characters that made Full House a hit in the 90's, and most of it is down even lamer than Full House.

However my daughter does not want to "Make Out" with them, and she certainly doesn't deserve to be called stupid. You are disgusting for so effortlessly brushing off this market, and in doing so, readers like me who have kids and will never return to view another review.

Good day,

Ryan Thompson

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