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Topics - King of Twitch

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NWR Forums Discord / Get to work, slaves --love, Ken
« on: May 10, 2006, 11:13:45 PM »
*adjusts pocket protecter, pushes back glasses* 7.75% sales tax on a $600 PS3 in the OC is an additional $46.50. At CA's $6.75 minimum wage, it will take 95 hours, 45 minutes to save up enough money- or four full 24-hour workdays of your life. Start now and put away around $107 dollars a month into the bank until November.

At the national minimum wage of $5.15 and say, a 3% sales tax, it will take 120 hours- or 5 full 24-hour days worth of work, not including a game.

Nintendo Gaming / In the yearrr two thousand
« on: February 11, 2005, 12:00:20 PM »
The other threads are about what needs to happen, what Nintendo needs to do, what Revolution will be like, but this topic is about what you THINK games and the industry will be like 3-5 years from now.

- like Conan O' Brien's late night show, you must say "In the yearrr two the year two thouSAND" before and after your predictions
- try to be mostly serious.
+ OK it doesn't have to be about games

In the yearrr two thousand....

+ We'll be playing online Pikmin, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing
+ IGN Revolution editors will all leave for other channels
+ Nintendo stores will open up everywhere, selling merchandise, games, etc. Which leads to..
+ A Nintendo theme park opening in Southern California
+ RARE finishes another game
+ DS SP released; more compact and with some kind of a mini-trackball for a joystick
+ "Mariovolution" comes with shoe sensors. Requires the player to jump in real life to get to higher platforms.
+ "Zelda: Hyrulevolution" items such as hookshot and hammer are controlled by real-life add-ons (like the DK bongos), and are selected for use by plugging them into the other controller ports. Thousands of kids are arrested after trying to steal $990 controller-bows.
+ Reggie wins the 2008 Presidential election by sheer strength alone.

+/- Last game announced for PSP; Super Mario Land ported to DS
+/- Xbox 2 comes bundled with Longhorn
+/- PS3 bundle includes missle launching software
+/- Revolution comes with two controllers, one of them wireless; DS is able to wirelessly synch up/connect with it; All Gameboy games playable on it through controller slots

- EA will acquire exclusive rights to every sport and movie
- Madden, Pokemon, and Mario Party will continue to sell hundreds of billions of copies every year
- Metroid Golf, Metroid Baseball, and Metroid Football, and Metroid Croquet are released
- More and more small developers get eaten up; games take longer to make because of high dev costs the year two thouSAND  

Nintendo Gaming / Reggie on TV
« on: November 09, 2004, 11:59:42 AM »
For you fellow Americans out there, was on Fox News today on Neil Cavuto's show, towards the end of the segment (around 1:50pm PST.) Reggie talked about how Nintendo prides itself on making a profit off its systems, and reassured the news host that the DS isn't too complicated to enjoy, among other basic stuff we already know.

I just checked and it should be replayed again at 10pm. Just a heads up

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