As a quick wrap-up on that previous post:
Maestro! Green Groove - When trying to see what DSiWare might be worth picking up before the eShop closed, this title came up on a couple lists. Nintendo Life seemed quite enthusiastic about it in their Best of DSiWare list and stated: "Maestro! Green Groove manages to take two very different gameplay styles and combine them into one of the most unique and enjoyable gaming experiences available on the system to date. Not only is the game extremely playable, it also features some absolutely diabolical challenges in the later levels that should challenge even the most seasoned gamers." Their review as a 9/10. Sounds like it would be worth playing, right? Well, not quite. It would seem in my haste to look up titles worth getting before it was too late, I missed this later portion which states: "Although the game
only features one area from the retail release (which never saw release in the US, with only a limited release in Europe), with all of the extra goodies and rampant replay value, you'll more than get your money's worth out of this wildly enjoyable DSiWare release." I guess that explains why it was the same 4 songs done over three times in a row except the levels went easy, normal and hard through each set. Don't know how much more of a complete package the retail game would have been but I have doubts it would make things better.
When looking up the game on Gamefaqs, there is absolutely no information on it so I don't know what all these extra goodies are supposed to be but that seems like a lie to me. The only thing about the game that I see is under the Board (forum) section. There is one topic for the game with no replies. The title is
Quite possibly the worst video game i've ever played in my life. and the opening post to go with it is "Stay. Away. From this game". I will add that if you didn't purchase this before the DSiWare shop closed then you made the right choice.
Basically, you strum some lines on the screen at a certain point to play a note and to make the main character, who's always running from point A to point B, jump up or jump down. Sometimes you tap an enemy on the screen to further keep the beat. It's so-so in the beginning easy section and becomes a bore by the end. Definitely the worst thing I played this month. Snap judgement rating: 1/5 stars.
Mighty Milky Way - Remember Nintendo Power? This poster still does. I remember this game sticking out in a way few DSiWare games did as they would dutifully list and talk about software being released for that service. Later, having played and had a positive experience with the Mighty Switch Force games, it just made me want to go back and see what the other titles in this "Mighty" series were like. Finally pulled the trigger on getting it before the eShop closed. Having played it now, I see why it hasn't been ported anywhere since appearing on DSiWare. One, it does need a touchscreen. Second, it's not a platformer but more of a puzzler using gravity to get to the goal each level. I almost wondered if this game didn't do more with gravity than the Super Mario Galaxy games. I guess it's just a much greater focus here but some puzzles are about other planets interacting and swinging the main character along their orbit for a bit until a new stronger force takes them away because they can't land on that planet or need to avoid a tricky area. It's definitely something I consider more casual pick up and play in that, after doing maybe 5 or 6 puzzles, you may want a break and come back to later to do some more. Never really hooked me to keep on playing unlike Mighty Switch Force. I did laugh at the unexpected ending which helped give the game a bit more positive experience than I may have felt about it at time. Snap judgement rating: 3/5 stars.
Kirby's Blowout Blast - I know this was supposedly an enlarged mode from a mini-game in Planet Robobot. How much was added, enlarged or different from that game, I'm not sure on since I've still yet to play it. It's starting to become a source of great shame for a person who says they are a big Kirby fan. I really got some catching up to do on the series over the past decade. Planet Robobot, Battle Royale, Rainbow Curse, Star Allies and some other smaller spinoffs like this that I've yet to play. Supposedly Planet Robobot is supposed to be the best of the lot so I've been saving that one for later. Still, I guess that stuff is a bit moot. When I'd first seen Blowout Blast, I thought it was it's own little game for the 3DS system as part of a Kirby celebration happening. Unlike other stuff such as Kirby Fighters and Team Kirby Clash, Blowout Blast gave the impression of being perhaps more deeper than those and just seemed like a better gaming hook. Having played it, it's pretty short if you just want to get through to the credits. There are certain goals to be accomplished for each level like collecting all the coins in a level or not taking any damage to add some challenge and that will help in getting a high score for a gold trophy. Levels are pretty short though probably taking around three minutes or so to complete. I haven't seen everything this game has to offer yet so this snap judgement rating is very snap but, at least by providing some color, 3D effect and Kirby music, it helped stand out as a more positive and fun time this month. 3.5/5 stars.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - And now we come to the big one of the month and a title I've spent some time with. Where to begin? I'm not sure. Which is why I think I'm going to skip posting anything about this right now.

Done a lot of typing already tonight and it's time to move on to other things. I will give it a snap judgement of 4/5 stars so you can at least have that comment on the game.