Author Topic: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition  (Read 36356 times)

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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #50 on: August 31, 2023, 09:26:49 AM »
I have one (or two) more to get in before the month closes.

I did roll the credits on Yoshi's New Island on 3DS. I had been playing this for a while, mainly when traveling. I was 100% completing each level as I beat it but when I started running out of time with this month decided to skip the special levels in worlds 4-6. I also still need to beat the final boss level with full health. If you are not familiar with Yoshi games, this one has the usual three challenges: find the 5 flowers, collect the 20 red coins, and complete the level with full health. In the beginning I kept trying to do all three in one run, which feels great when you can, but for the more difficult levels it is better to focus on health or collectibles. The stereoscopic 3D looks great on this game and overall I had a great time. I would probably put this between Wooly World and Crafted World in terms of my personal ranking.

I also played Shadow Archer on Wii U. This is a high score game with no actual end as far as I can tell. There are new enemies that appear when you get to 5000, 10000, and 15000 points. At 15000 points you see Master Manny and once you have defeated him I would say you beat the game. Of course the game keeps going and Manny will appear again. Your only weapon is arrows, but there are four different types of arrow and you do have limited ammo. The game works well enough and while you are still seeing new enemy types, there is a real desire to push further in the game. Unfortunately, once that progression ends, so does the motivation to keep playing. My highest score was around 34,000 points. Like the other UltraDolphinRevolution games these are all locked on Wii U so you either have them now or you can't play them.

I have been playing LoZ:TotK like many of you but I could not even come close to finishing that. I think I am right before the fight with Gannon in the main quest, but I still have side quests and shrines to complete. I am getting near the end of the side quests (I think). I thought I was getting near the end of the shrines but apparently there are more than I thought. I want to at least complete those two categories before hanging up the towel.

I am also playing Sunset Overdrive on XBoxOne but I need another few weeks to wrap that up as well.

Hopefully Khushrenada and Rabicle magically reappear at the last moment with a long list of games to make us collectively look good this month  ;).

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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #51 on: August 31, 2023, 01:29:33 PM »
These games show an issue with the Genesis controller having only three main buttons, as whether or not Shinobi tosses a shuriken or slashes with his sword is based on distance to enemy, but it feels inconsistent and often still throws a shuriken at slash range. Having a separate sword button would have been ideal.
So jump is one button and shuriken/sword is another. What is the third button used for?
Magic! There are a few different spells, but it can be used only once per stage. They're not particularly useful, but can help at certain spots.

Closing out Backlaugust is Tunic, just in time! It sometimes reminded me of one thing I liked about Outer Wilds, where sometimes progression is tied to simply gaining knowledge of how to do something or get somewhere. Collecting game manual pages is a unique and interesting way of tying puzzles together. I liked exploring the world and figuring things out, though the final set of puzzles was too technical for my liking, similar to stuff like sudoku. Conversely, I disliked the slow and tedious combat. I don't think I'll elaborate any further, so as to not invoke the wrath of its fans any more than I may already have!

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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #52 on: August 31, 2023, 08:13:43 PM »
This backlaugust I completed... nothing!
I took some days off of playing anything at all and most of my time was split evenly between Fire Emblem Engage, Pokémon Scarlet and Tears of the Kingdom. I would say I'm at like 80%, 60% and 30% respectively.

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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #53 on: September 01, 2023, 11:01:39 AM »
Well i came so close to finishing Tears of the Kingdom.  Just a few more shines and major side quest left before I call it quits.  Now I did technically beat Ganondorf and watched the end credits, so I kind of beat the game, but I'm still playing because I want to do all the Shrines and most of the side quest, so I cant really cross it out of my backlog yet.
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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #54 on: September 01, 2023, 11:10:29 AM »
As I expected, I didn't end up finishing Mechwarrior 5 in time, though it is out of my backlog since I'm actively playing it, so I guess that's a win. It's a very long and VERY grindy game.

I ended up 100%ing Death's Door and Balan Wonderworld instead, which hit PS+ and the $10 bargain bin, respectively. Been meaning to play both, but neither was in my backlog so that's not really revelevant here. Suffice it to say I really didn't like the former, and I think the latter is really just mediocre. It's only actually terrible if you try to collect everything...which I did, so...yeah...
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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #55 on: September 01, 2023, 10:00:10 PM »
after clearing out another recent release with Process of Elimination (one of the strangest visual novel detective adventure games I've ever played, but a recent release so it doesn't count here),

Too bad! I'm counting it! Like I've said before, I don't care too much about when a game released. If you beat a game during August, it pretty much counts. (With the caveats you haven't beat it on that system already and you didn't already beat the same game during this month on a different system). Gotta get these forum numbers for games completed up somehow!!!

Well i came so close to finishing Tears of the Kingdom.  Just a few more shines and major side quest left before I call it quits.  Now I did technically beat Ganondorf and watched the end credits, so I kind of beat the game, but I'm still playing because I want to do all the Shrines and most of the side quest, so I cant really cross it out of my backlog yet.

Too bad! I'm counting it also! Like it mentions in the OP, "Mark a game off your backlog when you've seen the ending or end credits". And you, Mister, have seen the end credits so this can count for Backlaugust. I've had games that I've beat in Backlaugust in which I rolled the credits but then went back to after the month was over (or even later down the road) to then fully complete to my satisfaction. I'm marking you down for this game whether you like it or not!

This backlaugust I completed... nothing!

How can I boost numbers with that?!

I did roll the credits on Yoshi's New Island on 3DS. I would probably put this between Wooly World and Crafted World in terms of my personal ranking.

Nice flex with the Yarn Poochy Amiibo. Blew my chance to get one back in 2017. I thought it and the Woolly World 3DS port were going to go on sale like the Chibi-Robo Zip Lash game and Amiibo did. There was a Toys R US with like 35 - 40 of those game bundles just taking up a large section of shelf for months. Then I went in one day and they were completely gone. Either they sent them back to Nintendo or I did miss a sale or some people decided to grab and horde them all. Not sure what. Now it is one of the most expensive Amiibos out there and less likely to get a reprint. Oh well.

Yoshi's New Island. The second game I beat in the first Backlaugust. (But this poster did fully complete the game when adding it to his Backlaugust total so a little flex of my own there. ;) ). You seem much more positive on the game then I was. Aside from maybe the bonus levels, I found it very derivative and unoriginal when compared with other games that had come before it. Not going to rehash that now but in the Yoshi series, I slot it at the bottom. Yes, even lower than N64's Yoshi's Story. However, I can appreciate that opinion on the game can vary depending on how much a person has played of previous games in the series or of the first Yoshi's Island in particular so I'll quit raining on your parade and enjoyment of it now.

Hopefully Khushrenada and Rabicle magically reappear at the last moment with a long list of games to make us collectively look good this month  ;).

Oh no!! What kind of pressure is this? I've been trying to get the forum numbers up anyway I can. Why do I have to now be the one to have played some games during the month...?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2023, 11:12:33 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #56 on: September 01, 2023, 10:36:48 PM »
So, Backlaugust is at end. This year's Backlaugust has made clear to me that I'm just not in a gaming mode these days. Part of that could be what I've been playing but, compared to the last few years before this one, I'm just finding it hard to get enthused about turning on any system to play a game. My attention and enthusiasm is elsewhere in different things. At the time I last posted on August 10, I ended up not doing any gaming until Aug. 21 and that was just to play Fortune Street with some old friends of mine who were in town visiting. We used to play that a lot together. I forgot how great that game is. I didn't really get back to my Backlaugust stuff until Aug. 25.

Instead, I continued to watch a bunch of movies and ended up going through all 12 episodes of the show Slow Horses and just about all of Ted Lasso. I'm halfway through the second to last episode of the series so will probably wrap that up tonight. Been reading some books and doing some organizing in my place. Just so many projects and tasks I've wanted to do or need to get done.

When I last posted in this thread, I had just begun the opening of the last chapter in the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. I was into the 3rd world of Mighty Milky Way and at least halfway through Maestro! Green Groove. The way things were going, I was wondering if might get as high as 20 games beat during the month. However, I just wasn't feeling that engaged with most of what I was playing and it felt more like a chore. Plus, it just didn't seem like there was much interest with other users this year for the event which further sapped motivation to stay focused and keep playing through stuff.

Seeing other users start to post more later on started to get me feeling more like getting back into the event. Although learning that we may have split participation with Discord when RABicle posted about it here was sort of disappointing. Looking up that thread on Discord, it seems like we've created two small threads now instead of having one big one like usual. This fracturing of media has got to stop people! Yet, after seeing some posts and getting a spark to get back on the Backlaugust train I'd start thinking about playing through the same 4 songs in Maestro! Green Groove or chipping away at more puzzles in Mighty Milky Way or watching the next episode of a TV show I was enjoying, and gaming was losing that choice every time. Playing Fortune Street didn't help because all I wanted to was just start playing more of that again. It may be the best thing I played this month. Nothing like in person multiplayer.

In the end, as the deadline for the month approached, I finally got back at things. Played through more of Ace Attorney Chronicles on the 25th and probably got a third of the way through that chapter. On the 27th, I got back into Mighty Milky Way. Beat it on the 28th. Then returned to Maestro! and played through the last quarter of that game to beat it. I then booted up Kirby's Blowout Blast just to give myself a different flavor of gaming. It was a nice palette cleanser for what I had been playing up to this point. Beat it in a couple days just pretty much storming through the main levels. Will have to go back to it and complete everything. Finally, I went back to Ace Attorney. Played through a large chunk on Wednesday and yesterday, right around 10:30 PM, I rolled credits on it beating it and letting me just reach double digits for the month with 10 games beat. Still have some Accolades to acquire though.

And that's it for the month. Not sure what I'm going to do next my for my gaming. It's just unfocused right now. A big part of me wants to go back to XCX. It's been so long (two years!) since I took a break on it but it's what I most feel like playing and getting back into. Ready for more grinding there and wrapping up the main story at least. And yet, I've got a bunch of movies on tap I want to watch and TV shows to check out. I've got Netflix and Apple TV both for the first time in my life and working my way through a bunch of things on those services. I did a tally and I'm now over 150 new movies I've watched for the first time this year. I'm just a media consumer right now, it feels like. Must consume more content. Everything but games it is feeling like. Wasn't this a fun post to read.
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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #57 on: September 01, 2023, 10:59:23 PM »
after clearing out another recent release with Process of Elimination (one of the strangest visual novel detective adventure games I've ever played, but a recent release so it doesn't count here),[/u]

Too bad! I'm counting it! Like I've said before, I don't care too much about when a game released. If you beat a game during August, it pretty much counts. (With the caveats you haven't beat it on that system already and you didn't already beat the same game during this month on a different system). Gotta get these forum numbers for games completed up somehow!!!

Well, then you might as well add Tunic for me as well, because I played and 100% it for the first time this month via the PS4 physical release that came out at the start of the month.

Seems a lot of us on this Nintendo website played that game this month for some reason.  ;)

So for me that would be Tunic, Process of Elimination, Death's Door, Dead Cells, and Balan Wonderworld.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2023, 11:01:35 PM by broodwars »
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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #58 on: September 01, 2023, 11:30:11 PM »
As a quick wrap-up on that previous post:

Maestro! Green Groove - When trying to see what DSiWare might be worth picking up before the eShop closed, this title came up on a couple lists. Nintendo Life seemed quite enthusiastic about it in their Best of DSiWare list and stated: "Maestro! Green Groove manages to take two very different gameplay styles and combine them into one of the most unique and enjoyable gaming experiences available on the system to date. Not only is the game extremely playable, it also features some absolutely diabolical challenges in the later levels that should challenge even the most seasoned gamers." Their review as a 9/10. Sounds like it would be worth playing, right? Well, not quite. It would seem in my haste to look up titles worth getting before it was too late, I missed this later portion which states: "Although the game only features one area from the retail release (which never saw release in the US, with only a limited release in Europe), with all of the extra goodies and rampant replay value, you'll more than get your money's worth out of this wildly enjoyable DSiWare release." I guess that explains why it was the same 4 songs done over three times in a row except the levels went easy, normal and hard through each set. Don't know how much more of a complete package the retail game would have been but I have doubts it would make things better.

When looking up the game on Gamefaqs, there is absolutely no information on it so I don't know what all these extra goodies are supposed to be but that seems like a lie to me. The only thing about the game that I see is under the Board (forum) section. There is one topic for the game with no replies. The title is Quite possibly the worst video game i've ever played in my life. and the opening post to go with it is "Stay. Away. From this game". I will add that if you didn't purchase this before the DSiWare shop closed then you made the right choice.

Basically, you strum some lines on the screen at a certain point to play a note and to make the main character, who's always running from point A to point B, jump up or jump down. Sometimes you tap an enemy on the screen to further keep the beat. It's so-so in the beginning easy section and becomes a bore by the end. Definitely the worst thing I played this month. Snap judgement rating: 1/5 stars.

Mighty Milky Way - Remember Nintendo Power? This poster still does. I remember this game sticking out in a way few DSiWare games did as they would dutifully list and talk about software being released for that service. Later, having played and had a positive experience with the Mighty Switch Force games, it just made me want to go back and see what the other titles in this "Mighty" series were like. Finally pulled the trigger on getting it before the eShop closed. Having played it now, I see why it hasn't been ported anywhere since appearing on DSiWare. One, it does need a touchscreen. Second, it's not a platformer but more of a puzzler using gravity to get to the goal each level. I almost wondered if this game didn't do more with gravity than the Super Mario Galaxy games. I guess it's just a much greater focus here but some puzzles are about other planets interacting and swinging the main character along their orbit for a bit until a new stronger force takes them away because they can't land on that planet or need to avoid a tricky area. It's definitely something I consider more casual pick up and play in that, after doing maybe 5 or 6 puzzles, you may want a break and come back to later to do some more. Never really hooked me to keep on playing unlike Mighty Switch Force. I did laugh at the unexpected ending which helped give the game a bit more positive experience than I may have felt about it at time. Snap judgement rating: 3/5 stars.

Kirby's Blowout Blast - I know this was supposedly an enlarged mode from a mini-game in Planet Robobot. How much was added, enlarged or different from that game, I'm not sure on since I've still yet to play it. It's starting to become a source of great shame for a person who says they are a big Kirby fan. I really got some catching up to do on the series over the past decade. Planet Robobot, Battle Royale, Rainbow Curse, Star Allies and some other smaller spinoffs like this that I've yet to play. Supposedly Planet Robobot is supposed to be the best of the lot so I've been saving that one for later. Still, I guess that stuff is a bit moot. When I'd first seen Blowout Blast, I thought it was it's own little game for the 3DS system as part of a Kirby celebration happening. Unlike other stuff such as Kirby Fighters and Team Kirby Clash, Blowout Blast gave the impression of being perhaps more deeper than those and just seemed like a better gaming hook. Having played it, it's pretty short if you just want to get through to the credits. There are certain goals to be accomplished for each level like collecting all the coins in a level or not taking any damage to add some challenge and that will help in getting a high score for a gold trophy. Levels are pretty short though probably taking around three minutes or so to complete. I haven't seen everything this game has to offer yet so this snap judgement rating is very snap but, at least by providing some color, 3D effect and Kirby music, it helped stand out as a more positive and fun time this month. 3.5/5 stars.

The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - And now we come to the big one of the month and a title I've spent some time with. Where to begin? I'm not sure. Which is why I think I'm going to skip posting anything about this right now.  ;D Done a lot of typing already tonight and it's time to move on to other things. I will give it a snap judgement of 4/5 stars so you can at least have that comment on the game.
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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #59 on: September 01, 2023, 11:34:41 PM »
Well, then you might as well add Tunic for me as well, because I played and 100% it for the first time this month via the PS4 physical release that came out at the start of the month.

Seems a lot of us on this Nintendo website played that game this month for some reason.  ;)

So for me that would be Tunic, Process of Elimination, Death's Door, Dead Cells, and Balan Wonderworld.

Boo-yah! That's the spirit! Don't worry, *slaps original post*, this bad boy can fit so many finished game titles in it. Don't be shy, anybody else.

Tunic has come up a lot. Should I have been playing Tunic.....?  :o

Well, that brings the total of games beat this month up to 36! Not too shabby. Especially when it was looking so quiet for the first half of the month. If anyone else has something to add to the total, please post about it quickly. After this weekend, I'm ending the upkeep of submissions.
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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #60 on: September 01, 2023, 11:57:00 PM »
Tunic has come up a lot. Should I have been playing Tunic.....?  :o

Well, Tunic is basically "What if NES Legend of Zelda were crossed with Dark Souls and Fez?", so...probably?

And the game's not even trying to hide its influences.

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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #61 on: September 02, 2023, 12:15:42 PM »
36 sounds good, I mean that is more than one game per day. Of course we had 56 last year, but more of the heavy hitters stepped up. Personally I am happy with any month where I finish more than 4. I am still hoping to host Shocktober this year, but until then perhaps someone else can resurrect another community event Pokepal started  ;D

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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #62 on: September 03, 2023, 01:07:32 PM »
Oh, I s'pose I forgot to be mentioning on which platform I played some of the games! A Short Hike is an Xbox One game, and Tunic is either Xbox One or Xbox Series, I'm still unclear how to tell if a game was technically released on Xbox Series or if it's an enhanced Xbox One release, so I'll let you decide which one. Also, it's a small thing, but Shadow Dancer and Shinobi III are not currently on the Genesis NSO dealie; I played them in the Sega Genesis Classics collection on Switch.

Out of curiosity I was browsing a little of the reception for Tunic, curious what others had thought. A lot of people seem to compare it with a game titled Death's Door, with many saying it's the better of the two. This one's also on Game Pass, so I'll have to put it on my list and check it out! Maybe for next Backlaugust... although it may leave Game Pass before then so will probably have to sooner...

Anyhoos! Here's the score breakdown for the games I played this time:

A Short Hike - 8.5
Tunic - 8
Pokémon Trading Card Game - 7
Castlevania Bloodlines - 7
Shinobi III - 7
The Revenge of Shinobi - 6
Shadow Dancer - 6

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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #63 on: September 03, 2023, 04:11:18 PM »
Tunic has come up a lot. Should I have been playing Tunic.....?  :o

Well, Tunic is basically "What if NES Legend of Zelda were crossed with Dark Souls and Fez?", so...probably?

Oh, I'm aware of Tunic. I've got it on my Switch Wishlist. Waiting to see if it goes down to a 50% off or more sale. My comment was done more in the vein of Dumb and Dumber at the end when Lloyd's asking "How come I didn't get a gun? Did you get a gun?" since everyone seems to have a gun at the end.

Or I guess in any sort of comedy situation where a character is confused since everyone seems to be doing something the same and they wonder if they should be doing it. Was it Tunic month and I got it mixed up with Backlaugust? That sort of thing. But I wasn't aware of what the physical manual and pamphlets looked like so that was cool to see.

36 sounds good, I mean that is more than one game per day. Of course we had 56 last year, but more of the heavy hitters stepped up. Personally I am happy with any month where I finish more than 4. I am still hoping to host Shocktober this year, but until then perhaps someone else can resurrect another community event Pokepal started  ;D

Last year was crazy! So many people were involved as well which helped make it the best year ever. (So far.) Even though XC3 had just released shortly before the month. Fortunately, I guess the majority of posters here weren't big on playing a new XC game right away so everyone put it off unlike TotK which seems to have continued dominating many users playtimes this year. Thanks for nothing, TotK! Looking back again, 39 total games were beat in the second Backlaugust (2021) so we almost matched that minimum record. That means this wasn't a huge disappointment or anything. That second time was the only Backlaugust so far in which I didn't get to double digits and finished with just 7 so I'm happy enough with still beating that personal marker.

Not sure what you mean by another pokepal community event though...?  ???

Oh, I s'pose I forgot to be mentioning on which platform I played some of the games!

It wasn't required or anything. I was just doing it more out of personal interest and to partially indicate about the "counting rule" in the case of a game having been released on multiple systems, a title will only be recorded once as beaten during the month by a player. However, thanks for noticing that detail and being willing to confirm the method with which you played some of those games.  :)

I just made it simple with Shinobi III and Shadow Dancer by calling them Switch games now since the Sega Genesis Collection can be counted as a Switch game. I put both A Short Hike and Tunic as Xbox Series X on the assumption that is the system you used when playing them. It's just more about the system used to play it rather than the system it was released on.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2023, 04:18:58 PM by Khushrenada »
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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #64 on: September 04, 2023, 12:13:37 PM »
Not sure what you mean by another pokepal community event though...?  ???

I thought that Pokepal had started both the Backlaugust and Shocktober themed topics on these forums and that someone else could find another topic that Pokepal had created before and carry it on in his absence.

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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2023, 11:26:44 PM »
My Backlaugust ended at the three games I mentioned before but in my defence I did propose to and impregnate my girlfriend in August and had been meaning to do those for a while. We’re still awaiting confirmation as to which happened first.
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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #66 on: September 07, 2023, 03:23:41 AM »
Looking forward to finding out if I need to bring a gift or a shotgun to the wedding.
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Re: Backlaugust 2023! (Forums Aren't Dead Yet?) Edition
« Reply #67 on: December 31, 2023, 03:33:07 AM »
Echos of Starsong has been waiting for me as well as Eastward but that is probably pretty long being an RPG so I’ll be sure to keep League of Enthusiastic Losers on standby for a quick sugar hit. Part of me really wants to knock over Xenoblade 2 so I can justify buying Xeno 3.
Goddamn I’ve been falling behind in my reading lately too, all because of Zelda. Damn I should’ve known to leave Ganon for August to do that too!

Stupid spambot. I know a RABicle post when I see one!
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