I recently returned home from the trip to Japan that I mentioned in another thread. I plan on posting there as well to follow up on places to visit, but I wanted to show what I picked up here first. I really did not buy that many games, partially because of a lack of room in my luggage, but also I was worried about buying too much. Anyway, here are the pick-ups:

The only game I was specifically looking for was
Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse on switch. I also wanted a vita game since those are rather expensive in the US, so I picked up
Resident Evil Revelations 2. There was a great selection of DS games as well and I could not pass up
Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2 (less than $2 US!) and
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (Professor Layton and the Last Time Travel in Japan).
I also picked up a couple of shirts. From the Tokyo Nintendo store I got a Splatoon shirt which does have holes and is sort of a middriff, so I am not sure how often I can wear it.

From Super Nintendo World in Osaka I got a Cheep Cheep (Puku Puku in Japan) shirt, which looks pretty plain, but supposedly changes colors when it gets wet.