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Messages - Khushrenada

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 669
General-3 / Re: The Great Core Theme User Hunt
« on: October 03, 2024, 08:52:46 PM »
Hmmm. I don't like those odds.

General-3 / The Great Core Theme User Hunt
« on: October 02, 2024, 07:29:10 PM »
Welp, unfortunately, it does seem like the Core theme is borked for these forums. Maybe if more people took advantage of it then it would be the Default theme that was borked instead.

So, if you are unable to access the forums with your account then that is the most likely reason why. Currently, the forums show 61 users using the Core theme. For added fun, the forums won't show the names of those users so it will be a matter of trying to track them down and then getting them word on the steps needed to change their theme to default to access the forums again.

Currently, these are users who I can see have the Core theme still:

Mop it up
Arbok (last active 2019)
Athrun Zala (last active 2009)
Bill Aurion (last active 2012)
Bustin98 (last active 2020)
Ceric (last active 2017)
ClexYoshi (last active Feb. 2024)
Deguello (last active 2012)
jrlibrarian (last active 2014)


The hunt begins.

General-3 / Re: Unclebob posts bumps
« on: September 23, 2024, 06:49:22 AM »
Did someone bump this while the forums were broken?

General-3 / Re: Make Khushrenada stop breaking the forums.
« on: September 23, 2024, 06:47:11 AM »
Also, since when is it a bad thing to run and get help at the first sign of trouble? For instance, when the indigenous people are attacking the settlers of the old west and the settlers are badly outnumbered and outgunned, someone usually has to go and get back-up or alert the cavalry. If no one did so then they'd all be wiped out from that trouble. The person who gets the back-up like the cavalry is the hero. His swift decisive actions helped turn the tide and save the day. You think it is easy to know the lives of everyone are depending on you to run away as fast as you can to bring back help? No, sir! It would be easy to say, "I won't abandon you!" and stick around to fight but ultimately that's selfish and prideful because it will do very little to change the outcome by keeping the number of those fighting to a small amount. It's tough and takes a lot of courage to know you may never see a lot of those people you've come to know again but you do it for the greater good of all.

I mean, running from a battle used to be so revered. The Greeks gave it a name of Marathon and had competitions about it so that more people could practice that useful skill. It's been revived again in our time but apparently kids today just don't understand what it all means. Or maybe just leave it to pokepal148 to come up with the worst take on a subject every time. How's the fight against the spambots going at the moment? Aren't you going to feel silly once the forums are fixed and they've all been taken care of because I ran away to get help (after Insanolord borked the forums).

General-3 / Re: Make Khushrenada stop breaking the forums.
« on: September 23, 2024, 06:34:18 AM »
I wish I could post that picture of old Bugs Bunny just saying no.

Announcements / Re: Topic of the Day (2022 Edition)
« on: September 23, 2024, 06:22:24 AM »

This member of the Edmonton Panopticon

You're writing this from prison?  :o ??? :o

If you are reading this and you aren't planning to play Freedom Wars then WTF is wrong with you?

Honestly never heard of this game before. That's how much I paid attention to the Vita, I suppose. However, seeing that it is something in the vein of Monster Hunter plus watching the trailer and reading the scenario has left me uninterested in the game so that's what's wrong with me. Along with a hundred other issues that my court-appointed psychiatrist keeps trying to explain to me but I keep tuning out because YOLO!

Which post are you talking about? The first one in which BeautifulShy asked BnM for help or was there a reply after his response that was deleted?

TalkBack / Re: (no title)
« on: September 12, 2024, 03:49:28 AM »
Is this part of the website issues I've been hearing about?

The $80 add-on is most definitely not necessary.

Exactly. No one is going to be buying that thing....


OH NO!!!!

NWR Feedback / Re: Connection Problems
« on: September 03, 2024, 01:03:52 AM »
Spoke too soon. Looks like connection issues are still happening.  :'(

NWR Feedback / Re: Connection Problems
« on: August 29, 2024, 03:45:48 PM »
I know. I was trying to ban a spambot and when I hit the button to do it, it kept going to the connection error screen. I had to go through hitting the button five times for it to finally go through. Meanwhile, spambots are able to keep posting stuff on here. Why aren't their posts getting stopped with connection errors?! Truly a lesson in perseverance for us all...

That said, I've had no connection errors yesterday or today so it looks like once again I solved the problems that pokepal148 and insanolord caused. :evil;  8)

NWR Feedback / Re: Connection Problems
« on: August 27, 2024, 10:30:37 PM »
Years and years ago, I'd have some problems like that where the site refreshed while typing or lost connection when posting. I started highlighting the text and right-click copying it before posting. That way if the connection failed, I could right-click paste and try again.

NWR Feedback / Re: Connection Problems
« on: August 26, 2024, 03:07:48 AM »
Got it the other day when I tried to do a big post. I gave up at the time.

Noooo!! Curse you connection problems! We need all the posts we can get.  :'(

NWR Feedback / Connection Problems
« on: August 23, 2024, 08:19:08 PM »
Anyone else getting this message / page when trying to browse the forums?

Usually, I just have to hit back and then try clicking what I wanted again and then it will correctly load but it is getting annoying to be constantly encountering this.

Are the forums getting so out-of-date here that even SMF isn't able to support them anymore?  :(

General Gaming / Re: BacklAugust 2024! (Forums Are Dead Edition)
« on: August 18, 2024, 12:48:23 AM »
I was hoping to get quite a few games done this August.  I started playing Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition, in the later half of July.  I was hoping I could finish it by the first half of this month and then move on to several smaller games but things haven't worked out.  At the beginning of last week a storm knocked a tree on top of my garage which had me dealing with things that didn't leave time for gaming.  And then at the end of last week, I had an 11 year old cat die, which really made me depressed.  So yeah, this has not been a good month for me.

I did start playing again the last few days so hopefully I'll be able to at least finish Tales of Vesperia by the end of the month.

Ugh. My condolences to you. That's an awful one-two punch you received there. I hope things go better for your second half of August.

General Gaming / BacklAugust 2024! (Forums Are Dead Edition)
« on: August 09, 2024, 03:16:54 AM »
Holy crap-oli!

It's over a week into August and it just hit me that normally we should be doing BacklAugust at this point. Ugh! Just a sign of how gaming has really decreased for me even more this year as I put my time into other things. And not posting regularly on here has also had an effect.

So, is there anyone out there that's still playing games and wants to dominate this month by completing a few games? Check on in and make a post about it. Anyone still want to achieve a goal of completing something before the month runs out? Talk about it here. There's still 2/3rds of August left so still time to make something of the month before the summer is almost over.

Last year was the lowest total of beat/completed games at 36. With this delayed start, I'm guessing we'll probably see a final number lower than that but maybe I'm wrong and there's still time to stun the world with a strong gaming finish. Just how dead are the forums one year later?

NWR Feedback / Re: WiiUIVLife Account
« on: August 01, 2024, 08:08:22 PM »
Hmmm. The mystery deepens. New user sobhsepid has the same IP as WiiUIVLife. However, sobhsepid's posts read and look legit. Take the post made in "Switch is so popular" in which the user brings up an anecdote about GTA that isn't anywhere in the previous above posts. So, is that the former user just starting a new account because they can't use the old one or is it a real user working with their sock puppet WiiU account? So far, none of sobhsepid's posts have made any link so I'd view it as a legit if not for that IP connection.

NWR Feedback / WiiUIVLife Account
« on: August 01, 2024, 06:22:47 PM »
Hey all,

Perhaps you've noticed a bunch of recent posts from a poster with the username WiiUIVLife. I've always like that username and am glad we have someone willing to defend the Wii U for... well, life. However, there's no doubt that something has happened to the account. The last seemingly legit post made by the user seems to be in March 2019. Then it sprang back to life October last year with 5 posts including one that was a blatant spam message for a company. Then April 5 was another spam message and lately in the past couple weeks there have been more messages that clearly seem to be AI written.

I don't know if the actual user is aware of this happening. Did they let some other person or group take over their account to post this spam or if they were hacked and unaware? I don't want to ban the account in case the real person might still like to have it. Likewise, I don't know if the e-mail for the account would go to the actual user of if the AI spambot changed that to its own listing. The FaceBook account linked to the profile seems suspicious also so it may have added that in or maybe it is legit and I'm too suspicious.

In any case, charging head first to tackle the problem (and not consult any of the other mods to show I roll 20 for initiative), I've gone ahead and removed all posts during the time that the account has posted spam and AI like messages going back to the last seemingly legit post in 2019. I've also gone and changed the user's password to one of my own for which I now hold the key . Muh-ha-ha-ha! If the e-mail for the account is legitimate and the user can't log in than they should be able to get a new password made and sent to that e-mail. If it isn't legit than I guess we'll know by the account still be accessed and making more spam posts. If for some reason I'm wrong about the legit user being able to make a new password for the account then they'll have to try and contact me or another mod here or on Discord and we'll have to do a bit more work to get the account fixed and properly handed back to its rightful owner.

That is all,

Movies & TV / Re: The Super Mario Bros. Movie
« on: July 27, 2024, 08:34:42 PM »
I finally got around to watching Despicable Me. It met the low expectations I always had for it way back when I first saw trailers for it and didn't bother to watch it when it first released. Despite releasing in the same year as the first How to Train Your Dragon and Toy Story 3, somehow the Despicable/Minions franchise has been able to become the highest grossing animated movie series of all time. Can't believe it stayed relevant in audience's minds compared to what else was being put out there at the time but here we are 14 years later.

Anyways, at one point in the film when Gru is trying to get inside Vector's lair, we see Vector spending his free time like this:

It's still surprising to see a movie actually feature something gaming related (and to do it accurately). I get why Vector would be playing the Wii in 2010. Super Mario Galaxy 2, DKC Returns, Kirby's Return to Dreamland, Rock Band 3, Metroid: Other M. Nintendo got in one more good victory lap with the Wii that year. And then it got me wondering if Nintendo would be in the credits. With them showing the Wii like that, perhaps Illumination checked to make sure Nintendo would be cool with the use of the Wii in the movie and Nintendo would be thanked at the end of the credits in the Thanks or Special Thanks section. However, when watching through the credits for it, nothing was mentioned about Nintendo or thanking them. Still, it got me wondering if perhaps it was this simple reference and use of the Wii in the movie that got Nintendo to think of Illumination later when they decided to partner with a film company to finally start expanding their IP to other mediums and did so with The Super Mario Bros. Movie. As mentioned, it's rare for movies to feature or reference actual gaming in movies so perhaps this stuck out for Miyamoto or others if they saw the movie or were made aware of the scene.

Just something that went through my head as Nintendo teaming up with Illumination always seemed like such an odd choice.

Yeah, I've always watched to see if there would be a sale for those games and there's been nothing so far. Nintendo's got the two case bundle and seems to think $10 off for the two of them is good enough. However, last year I realized a gold coin strategy in which I made sure I collected all the gold coins from physical games I'd bought were acquired. (I've had a bad habit of not doing that because I'll leave games wrapped and on my shelf keeping them new until I get around to playing them and thus missing out on gold points.) I was also able to borrow Switch games from my library. Not every library may have that option but by doing so, about half the time, I could collect gold points from those games. (It seems some other people were smart enough to collect gold coins this way also but it's also further frustrating. Clearly, Nintendo is able to keep track of which cartridge has already collected gold coins. If so, why limit it to one year for that cartridge to collect its gold points?) By doing this, within a year, I then used that gold point collection on the two case and was able to pretty much knock off half the price for it and make my own sale for them.

I'm shocked and surprised this new game will get a physical release as I'm still not sold on our shiny digital future and really don't like being forced to do digital only.

I wouldn't be surprised if after the Switch sales really exploded in 2020, is when everyone at Nintendo who wanted to either remake or make a new installment of an older series put in a request which is why we seem to be getting a lot of them recently.

I can just imagine all these producers constantly pitching their pet projects like Miyamoto wanting to do Pikmin 4 or Sakamoto wanting to do another Detective Club game and always be shot down because the console sales / userbase suggested it wouldn't get a good return. Finally, the board establishes a rule that when a console sells a certain amount (like 80 million) then they'll greenlight these projects. As soon as Switch hit that goal, it became pet project pandemonium as every publisher began pushing for their project proposals to begin.

Famicom Detective Club remakes? Approved. New 2D Metroid? Approved. New WarioWare? Approved. A Big Brain Academy entry? Approved. A 1-2 Switch sequel? Uhhhhh... all right, approved. Another Code remakes? Sure. Pikmin 4? Yes, approved. Princess Peach Showtime? Ok, approved. A WarioWare game? Didn't we already do this? Eh, whatever, approved. A new Endless Ocean game? Are you people trying to take advantage of my good nature right now? Well, console sales won't let me stop you so approved. A new Famicom Detective Club game? Approved. Just get out of my office. *Better call my secretary* "Yes, sir?" I just want to confirm that Takaya Imamura is still retired and hasn't come back into the building. "That is correct, sir." Good. At least I won't have to worry about approving new F-Zero, Star Fox, Steel Divers or Tank Troopers games. "Sir, Kenji Miki is here to see you about a new Ice Climber entry." Damn it!!! It's gonna be approved!!!

I fear the news that the mysterious Smiling Man game is actually a new entry in the Famicom Detective Club series will be a bigger twist than anything actually in the game.

TalkBack / Re: Neo Spring (Switch) Review
« on: July 13, 2024, 07:03:49 PM »
He's right. Should be Neo Sprint, yo!

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