How to
Embed YouTube Videos into your Post
There is a new button in your Advanced Edit window. A YouTube Button.
You paste your link, highlight it and then click the button.
But I'm going to show you how to do it manually too.
1. Paste your YouTube Link
ex. At the beginning of your link, add the tag [
at the end of your link add the tag [
ex. [
3. Hit post and your youtube link will now be embedded as a video in the forum
ex. [
there are some limitations though. Notice how the above video did not work properly.
You might have to edit your link if it includes an & sign
In the above link if I remove the 2nd & sign and everything after it, it works fine
delete "
&list=UUxtthERX6qmEOdR3O8IF0_A&index=61&feature=plcp" from the end of the link
(that is everything starting at the "&" sign going down to the end of the link)
&list=UUxtthERX6qmEOdR3O8IF0_A&index=61&feature=plcp and now
This means that if you embed a video you will not be able to do this YouTube trick:
start it at a specific point in a YouTube video.. It will have to start from the beginning.