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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6400 on: January 01, 2021, 02:19:39 PM »
Wonder Woman 1984

Woof. I don't know how Patty Jenkins made a movie as good as Wonder Woman then made a movie as bad as its sequel. Granted, this is not the first time this has happened though I find it odd that this seems to happen with superhero movies a lot.

(To be honest, I don't think this movie is good enough to justify the time needed to individually mark spoilers or really, the length of this post, but I had a lot of feelingz)

Let's start here: It's ridiculous that Diana isn't over a man she knew for what, a few weeks, a month 66 years ago. That implies she has had no personal growth in nearly seven decades. She has pictures and mementos of Steve Trevor all over her condo. What was she doing with all that time? I don't hate the choice to bring back Steve (Gal Gadot and Chris Pine have good chemistry). However, there had to be a better way to do so without making Diana seems so needy.

Then, there's the weird moral quandary of Steve's soul/consciousness being magically placed in some random man's body instead of simply appearing as himself. Diana and Steve definitely ****, meaning both of them just used this hapless dude's body yet neither of them act like that's completely reprehensible. Then, that man shows up at the end none the wiser so I presume he was not aware for any of that (except he probably was). WHAT WAS GAINED FROM THIS? Just bring back Steve in his own pre-blown up body and have him disappear when Diana renounces her wish. After speaking to a friend, I am not the first person to think the Steve-Not-Steve thing was bizarre. This begs the question of how this made it into the final cut. Wonder Woman 1984 was delayed eleventy-billion times. No one in like two years thought it might be a good idea to cut/reshoot that part?

Anyway, many of the issues in this movie stem from the Dreamstone as its rules were particularly unclear. Explaining the MacGuffin using a well-known work of fiction (i.e. W. W. Jacobs "The Monkey's Paw) isn't necessarily a bad strategy. However, once you make that connection for the audience, it becomes extremely difficult to walk it back. The Monkey’s Paw is an extremely easy concept to grasp. However in Wonder Woman 1984, Dolos is mentioned then never introduced and subsequently ignored for the rest of the movie. Are we supposed to care about that? As for the wishes themselves, sometimes a person gets exactly what they want, sometimes they mostly get what they want. Sometimes the ironic twist is instantaneous, sometimes it's a slow burn. Perhaps more cumbersome is that the text supports the notion that everyone remembers that weird day when everyone's wish was granted yet no one is freaking the **** out, particularly Not-Steve at the end who should know who Wonder Woman is. Collectively, the movie does a poor job of establishing the rules of the world its presenting.

Additionally, I wasn't entirely sold on why this movie absolutely had to be set in 1984. I get that Maxwell Lorenzano/Max Lord was cosplaying as Gordon Gekko, the poster boy for 80s greed. The problem here is Gordon Gekko is a **** through and through while Max Lord is not (more on that later). I suppose 1984 was only five short years removed from the 1979 oil crisis yet also around the 1980s oil surplus. The movie also touched on but pre-dates the Cold War of the 1980s. One thing I learned in a screenwriting class back in college is if you're going to write a period piece, it has to be essential to the story you're telling. For example, X-Men: First Class very critically uses the Cuban Missile Crisis. Additionally, the antagonist and one of the protagonists are intimately tied to World War II so the timing works. Those are big reasons to set the events in 1962.

In Wonder Woman 1984, there are mostly superficial references to the 1980s such as the mall set piece at the beginning that seemed like a wink-and-a-nod to 1980s comedies (and aggressive use of literal winking at the camera). Tonally, it did not fit well with the rest of the film. Personally, I feel like this was a missed opportunity. If Warner Bros./Patty Jenkins really wanted to make a period piece, here's an idea: make a $200 million, two hour and 30 minute version of the 1970s TV show.

As it stands, Wonder Woman 1984 does not use its runtime well. It's somehow too long and not long enough. Jenkins seemingly wanted to do a lot with all these different moving parts and accomplished almost none of it. The opening scene is there to show how and why Diana understands the importance of telling the truth. 11 minutes were spent on what could have been a 30 second scene or you know, not in the movie at all because we don't need that lesson. As a moral figure, we expect that from Wonder Woman. This is the same kind of heavy-handed storytelling from the original (i.e. love > war). I didn't even dislike the scene itself (other than not believing Lilly Aspell could outperform all of the other Amazons). However, it was an easy scene to cut with its runtime better used elsewhere such as...

I didn't care about Max Lord and his relationship with his son because roughly 37 seconds was spent on that yet it became the catalyst for Max's change of heart at the end. In fact, I didn't really care about Max Lord's character. He's all over the place so it was difficult for me to feel anything for him. Max is the main antagonist yet the movie never commits to him being a villain. He's clearly meant to be sympathetic except we're not given key information until his flashback montage in the third act. For that reason, I wasn't able to relate to him. Marvel, for example, has tried this a few times, and has been far more successful at least partially because they didn't try to squeeze in a redemption arc in a limited amount of time. It takes Loki two whole movies and one scene in a third to earn his redemption. Zemo and Killmonger don't get a redemption arc (yet?). They live and die by their actions. In Wonder Woman 1984, Max Lord almost destroys the world yet faces no consequences. He just fucking walks out of that building the randomly finds his son wandering out of the forest. What in the worl..........

Additionally, I didn't care about Max Dillon/Electro Barbara Minerva/Cheetah because her screentime was so poorly utilized. It felt like Kristen Wiig was in this movie for like 10 minutes. Why am I supposed to care about her? She dropped some papers, people don't remember her name/appreciate her intelligence, then she has her did-we-just-become-best-friends lunch date with Diana. That scene cuts to Diana laughing and telling Barbara how funny she is. "No one's made me laugh like that in such a long time." Well, what did Barbara say that was so funny? Y'all cast one of the funniest comedians in the world and don't let her be funny? We're just told she's funny. Woof.

Later, Barbara beats up that creeper who previously harassed and assaulted her because he was harassing her again. To be honest, I was still on Team Barbara. She shouldn't be beating up people, but we're conditioned to take Barbara's side. Right? Barbara hasn't done anything terrible yet, and the guy has now street harassed her twice implying that his earlier behavior wasn't isolated. The scene plays out more like a bad person getting their comeuppance than Barbara losing a part of herself due to the ironic nature of her wish. The movie didn't commit to Barbara's heel turn when it needed to. The audience doesn't find out until later that Barbara's wish traded her warmth as a person for power and beauty. Okay. It's-not-their-fault® except that's both antagonists in this movie. Why? It's okay to have an irredeemable villain.

And it was hella weird that Barbara just walks into the White House and has a big fight with Diana. That action set piece felt off. There are multiple shots of White House security just not firing their guns at people who trespassed on White House grounds. Then, Diana drops an exposition bomb on Barbara who quickly turns it around on Diana. It's frustrating that Diana somehow didn't realize that she had to give up Steve-Not-Steve to get her powers back before being told. At least she learned to fly (though the flying and whip swinging parts looked off to me).

I'm not sure what Barbara gained by using her freebie wish from Max to be “an apex predator”. She already had Diana's powers and literally just bested her in combat. On top of that, the makeup and CGI were not great. This movie was such a flustercuck that I'm 97% sure there's a version of Cheetah with a CGI butthole. #ReleaseTheButtholeCut

Wonder Woman 1984 violates so many basic rules of filmmaking and storytelling from people who should and do know better. I want to blame Warner Bros. for meddling because that's on brand for the company and a lot of these things don't seem like mistakes a seasoned director like Jenkins would make.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2021, 05:21:16 PM by Adrock »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6401 on: January 01, 2021, 04:12:26 PM »
Wonder Woman 1984

Woof. I don't know how Patty Jenkins made a movie as good as Wonder Woman then made a movie as bad as its sequel. Granted, this is not the first time this has happened though I find it odd that this seems to happen with superhero movies a lot.

and to think WB fast tracked the the third movie with the same director...

I still haven't watched it, so I avoided the rest of your post. I'll probably come back to read it later.

Offline Stratos

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6402 on: January 03, 2021, 05:37:54 PM »
I wonder if there was some studio interference with it. 1984 is a popular year right now because the 80's are all the rage (Stranger Things, Thor Ragnarok styling) and people associate that year with the Orwell book so I imagine this was a critical bullet point added early on to the plans for the film. It is also separate enough from the first WW and from Justice League that it pulls a Mandalorean in that it can still do its own thing without either the surrounding events/films that were more controversial having too much of an impact on this film. So Justice League's panned acceptance may have caused them to pick a time in the remote past to avoid dealing with any possible retconning or adjustments or commitments to the JL film/DCU while WB figures out what the hell they want to do with that mess going forward.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6403 on: January 03, 2021, 11:11:37 PM »
Wasn't there studio interference with the first one?  I recall some talk that the final fight scene was designed to fit the Snyder-verse look, but I may be misremembering.

Wonder Woman 1984

Woof. I don't know how Patty Jenkins made a movie as good as Wonder Woman then made a movie as bad as its sequel. Granted, this is not the first time this has happened though I find it odd that this seems to happen with superhero movies a lot.

I worry she went in with an "all of my ideas are good ideas" mentality and just left too much **** in there and didn't leave room to explain enough of it.

(To be honest, I don't think this movie is good enough to justify the time needed to individually mark spoilers or really, the length of this post, but I had a lot of feelingz)

Not adding spoiler tags, so fair warning, lol.

Then, there's the weird moral quandary of Steve's soul/consciousness being magically placed in some random man's body instead of simply appearing as himself. Diana and Steve definitely ****, meaning both of them just used this hapless dude's body yet neither of them act like that's completely reprehensible. Then, that man shows up at the end none the wiser so I presume he was not aware for any of that (except he probably was). WHAT WAS GAINED FROM THIS? Just bring back Steve in his own pre-blown up body and have him disappear when Diana renounces her wish. After speaking to a friend, I am not the first person to think the Steve-Not-Steve thing was bizarre. This begs the question of how this made it into the final cut. Wonder Woman 1984 was delayed eleventy-billion times. No one in like two years thought it might be a good idea to cut/reshoot that part?

I don't get how that guy is just walking around like his life is normal?  He either is aware of what happened or has no memory of the last few days, which would cause most people to go to a hospital.  He was also all over the White House, so he probably should've been answering some questions from the Secret Service, maybe?

Anyway, many of the issues in this movie stem from the Dreamstone as its rules were particularly unclear. . .

So, I think the way it worked was that the dreamstone takes something, and it could be anything.  By becoming the dreamstone, Max Lord could just up and decide what to take?  But with everyone making wishes, it's unclear how he can possibly keep up with taking things or why he appeared to be dying for some reason.

Later, Barbara beats up that creeper who previously harassed and assaulted her because he was harassing her again. To be honest, I was still on Team Barbara. She shouldn't be beating up people, but we're conditioned to take Barbara's side. Right? Barbara hasn't done anything terrible yet, and the guy has now street harassed her twice implying that his earlier behavior wasn't isolated. The scene plays out more like a bad person getting their comeuppance than Barbara losing a part of herself due to the ironic nature of her wish. The movie didn't commit to Barbara's heel turn when it needed to. The audience doesn't find out until later that Barbara's wish traded her warmth as a person for power and beauty. Okay. It's-not-their-fault® except that's both antagonists in this movie. Why? It's okay to have an irredeemable villain.

I had no idea what the scene was trying to convey.  It didn't even register to me that she was losing her humanity.  Why?  She beat up a guy that, let's be honest, was giving off rapist energy.  He got what he deserved, but she was slightly embarrassed because the homeless guy she was nice to saw that happen?  Pfft.

I'm not sure what Barbara gained by using her freebie wish from Max to be “an apex predator”. She already had Diana's powers and literally just bested her in combat. On top of that, the makeup and CGI were not great. This movie was such a flustercuck that I'm 97% sure there's a version of Cheetah with a CGI butthole. #ReleaseTheButtholeCut

I'm still not even clear on how she got a second wish.  The rule was everybody got one, but did that reset when Max Lord became the dreamstone?
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6404 on: January 04, 2021, 12:10:02 PM »
Now that the internet at as a whole as convinced me to save my time and not invest it in yet another terrible DCverse movie, I came across this video of the WW84 Pitch Meeting that made me laugh out loud and pointed to some of the same complaints as above, while also convincing me that my time can be better spent watching other things on my watch list. LOL

Offline ThePerm

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6405 on: January 04, 2021, 03:18:12 PM »
I wonder if there was some studio interference with it. 1984 is a popular year right now because the 80's are all the rage (Stranger Things, Thor Ragnarok styling) and people associate that year with the Orwell book so I imagine this was a critical bullet point added early on to the plans for the film. It is also separate enough from the first WW and from Justice League that it pulls a Mandalorean in that it can still do its own thing without either the surrounding events/films that were more controversial having too much of an impact on this film. So Justice League's panned acceptance may have caused them to pick a time in the remote past to avoid dealing with any possible retconning or adjustments or commitments to the JL film/DCU while WB figures out what the hell they want to do with that mess going forward.

I was born in 1984. That being said. I think most nostalgia content of the 80s are barely like the 80s were. I had a college professor who was a teenager in the 60s and he thought all the 60s nostalgia stuff was goofy. I'm down for some early 90s nostalgia though.
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Offline Stratos

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6406 on: January 04, 2021, 07:07:09 PM »
I wonder if there was some studio interference with it. 1984 is a popular year right now because the 80's are all the rage (Stranger Things, Thor Ragnarok styling) and people associate that year with the Orwell book so I imagine this was a critical bullet point added early on to the plans for the film. It is also separate enough from the first WW and from Justice League that it pulls a Mandalorean in that it can still do its own thing without either the surrounding events/films that were more controversial having too much of an impact on this film. So Justice League's panned acceptance may have caused them to pick a time in the remote past to avoid dealing with any possible retconning or adjustments or commitments to the JL film/DCU while WB figures out what the hell they want to do with that mess going forward.

I was born in 1984. That being said. I think most nostalgia content of the 80s are barely like the 80s were. I had a college professor who was a teenager in the 60s and he thought all the 60s nostalgia stuff was goofy. I'm down for some early 90s nostalgia though.

1984 represent! ;)

While I agree, I personally love the hyper-stylized imagery of "our birth era". I view it similar to the stylized portrayal of pirates, ninjas, and cowboys in that it is rather romanticized and idolized rather than being true-to-life of the time. Plus as time goes on, it continues to get boiled down into tropes, stereotypes, and exaggerated images in a modern form of myth-making from history. So I try to not fault things from using stylized iterations of those images unless they are blatantly trying to claim that was truthfully how it was at the time universally.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6407 on: January 05, 2021, 11:19:03 PM »

I freaking loved this movie.  I honestly thought it made perfect sense through out.  There were a few things I would've liked to see explained more, but they're largely irrelevant and some made more sense as I thought about it later.  This movie takes the "Looper" route and literally tells the audience to try not to think about it too much, but once they really get going with inverted people, the movie is fine.  The protagonist's name being "The Protagonist" was kinda silly also.  Speaking of, he has such a Tintin vibe in that he's kind of just going along with the adventure and seeing it through because that's just how he gets down, and I like that.  "It's your job to go stop WW3", "Ok" and that's all the character motivation you get.

The action scenes are so fun, and there's people moving backwards and forwards in them and they're so fun to watch.  You get to see a lot of them from both perspectives, which is a treat and works very well. 


I recommend watching with subtitles to make it easier to follow, but basically all the action scenes have someone/something with reversed entropy so you just have to keep in mind which way the protagonist is heading.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6408 on: February 11, 2021, 12:50:43 PM »

Color Out Of Space - 2019.

Threw this on because the poster looked cool, without really knowing anything about it. But this was genuinely pretty decent, although I could see it being divisive. It's a slow-paced cosmic horror flick about a meteorite landing in Nicolas Cage's backyard alpaca farm (no, really). Slowly the space rock starts to radiate a hypnotic ultra-violet~ish color which hypnotizes everyone around it and causes all kinds of horror stuff.

In terms of characters, motivations, plot, etc. none of this is new, but Madeleine Arthur is great as a teen daughter dabbling in witchcraft, and Elliot Knight plays the straight man role well - he's the only sane person,  a hydrologist caught up in all the madness. Nic Cage is of course game for everything, and while you only get 1 or 2 Certified Cage freakouts, he's good in a quite demanding role which has him slipping in and out of sanity, persona, accents, etc. on a dime.

Yes, you could definitely switch out the ominous space color for witchcraft or demonic possession to get similar results, but it was unsettling enough to get under my skin which is impressive since the antagonist is... glowing light? It's certainly a budget movie, but they hide their limitations well by keeping most of the (deeply grotesque) body horror out of the light, and there's a real permeating sense of dread falling over the farm through smart set dressing.

Heads up though: not for anyone with a light stomach, aversion to body horror, and mutilation. It's hardly a slasher movie bloodbath, but the few choice moments of gore are unsettling. 
Rating: one Wicker Man out of MANDY.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6409 on: March 09, 2021, 03:01:33 PM »

Bliss (2021)
I saw promos for this on Amazon Prime and decided to give it a try because of the leading actors. You may have passed over it because of negative reviews. It currently has a 5.3/10 on IMDB (I rated this 9/10). I think it is being advertised as a romance film and while there is a romantic aspect it is a dark film that deals with drug use, mental health, and homelessness. If any of these issues bother you, the film's approach may be a problem and make you feel uncomfortable as it may very well be trying to. So I recommend this to people who enjoy the work of Darren Aronofsky, as Bliss seems to have suffered from the same poor reception as Mother. There is a powerful thought provoking film here, just not one that will make you feel good.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6410 on: March 10, 2021, 07:42:20 PM »
Coming to America 10/10  - A classic.  I re-watched it to catch up. Gags throughout the whole movie. Also a crazy attention to detail. When I watch a movie a subsequent time I pay attention to background things more.

Coming 2 America 7/10 - the acting and characterizations were there, but it wasn't quite as bitingly funny, and had a poorly constructed story. Everything is there except the writing.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6411 on: March 21, 2021, 10:05:25 PM »
Palm Springs

This is the Lonely Island movie that's basically a two person Groundhog's Day.  I think it might be Hulu exclusive?  Anyway, the premise was enough to sell me on the movie.  I thought having an extra person would spice up that formula.  Andy Sandberg's character has pretty much been stuck in the loop for (what he experiences as) many, many years.  He's pretty much completely jaded by the experience at the start of the movie.  He attempts to seduce Cristin Milioti's character, but she wanders into the cave that put him into the loop, which gets her stuck in it as well.  The movie is more or less a romcom from there.

The movie is fun and the jokes are pretty good.  One issue I had was that Sandberg's character seemed like he had something more going on with him.  He specifically said that he'd been trapped in the loop for so long that he did not remember what he did for a living.  I didn't think it made sense for him to be lying in that situation, so that added a layer of tragedy to the character that ultimately goes unexplored.  His character's arc feels a bit lackluster overall.  There's a light twist later in the movie that they do a good job of alluding to without it being too overt, though you can figure it out early on.


Sonic the Hedgehog

The best phrase I've seen used to describe this movie is "Better than it has any business being".  Once you accept the conceit that they're doing their own thing on Sonic's cannon, including how the rings work, the rest of the movie works.  The only thing I didn't really like were the sudden "only Sonic is moving and everything else is perfectly still" scenes.  They just felts too sudden, I guess?

In any event, I'm excited for the sequel.  The mid credits scene was sufficiently hype and the opening scene lets you know that a certain other species of Sonic friend exists in that universe.  Also, Jim Carey is an absolute treasure.  That one line from the trailer was still in the movie and was just as cringe.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2021, 10:13:15 PM by nickmitch »
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6412 on: March 23, 2021, 09:05:06 PM »
Well, after watching Netflix's Pacific Rim: The Black, I decided to finally bite the bullet and watch that copy of Pacific Rim Uprising I've had on my shelf for a while now. I'd held off on watching it because I heard it was a colossal disappointment after the superb 1st film.

Well, if I had any expectations left going into the film, it probably would be as such but in general I thought the film was just OK. The first movie was dumb, but it was so sincere and so thoroughly embraced how sincere and dumb it was that I loved it. It was like a modern Independence Day in many respects.

Uprising is a confused mess that has no idea who it wants to focus on, what story it wants to tell, or what tone it wants to set. Is it about yet another Angry Black Man Who Grew Up Without a Father Finding His Place in The World? (TM) Is it about a team of Young Recruits Learning to Become a Team and Fulfill Their Potential Under Their Harsh But Caring Instructors? (TM) Is it about a corporation carrying out political assassinations to advance their objectives? Is it a sincere movie about fighting to save the world? Is it a snarky Marvel knock-off where everyone's a smart-ass? WHO KNOWS?!

The first half of the movie thoroughly bored me, which reminded me of a Michael Bay Transformers film. The presumed main character is a completely unlikable ass, and honestly his transformation into his more noble form doesn't really feel earned. Hell, it doesn't really make a lot of sense why he was an unlikable ass to begin with. The movie doesn't really explain why he chose to become a selfish drifter when he had all the opportunities in the world. The fight scenes are uninspired and lacking weight in their animation, and there is some of the worst green screen I've seen since the Star Wars prequels. Mako might as well have not even been in the movie, considering she does practically nothing and is summarily dismissed from the film in a frankly insulting way. The music also feels completely absent, which probably considerably contributed to me feeling absolutely nothing watching the film's 1st half. They don't even do anything interesting with The Drift, an aspect of this universe tailor made for character development!

All that said, when the movie FINALLY kicks into gear in its 2nd half and finds SOME kind of focus, it gets a lot better. The movie remembers some of the sincerity of the original Pacific Rim, and the fights scenes suddenly regain the weight in movement similar to the 1st film. The music isn't great, but it at least exists (including a somewhat half-assed rendition of the original movie's theme). Whoever helmed the second half of the movie actually gave a damn, including some really cute easter eggs (hi, giant Gundam statue sitting in front of an Anaheim Electronics building!). There's actual human emotion on display.

On a side note, I don't understand how this movie can lead into The Black, as all the new breaches were sealed at the end of the film.

This movie would have been better if it had been reworked to focus entirely on the team of young recruits. By the time stuff starts happening to them in the final battle, it's just too late to care. They needed more screen time. Keep the Pentecost character and his emotional baggage, but have him already a Ranger and open him up through bonding with the New Recruit. There could have been a good movie in here and a worthy follow-up to the 1st film, but it feels like it was worked over by the suits to try to be a Marvel movie.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 09:09:16 PM by broodwars »
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6413 on: March 24, 2021, 04:55:29 PM »
Yeah that pretty well summed up my thoughts on Uprising too broodwars.

Not having the proper theme song was just sacrilege. I think the opening to the original movie was one of the best movie openings I've ever seen - the theme song cranking whilst loading up a Jaeger. Yeah it was a dumb movie, but it knew it was dumb and embraced it and consequently we were given one of the best scenes ever depicted in cinema - that being a ship used as a bludgeoning weapon. I don't know who thought of that but they need to be knighted immediately.

Anyway - speaking of monster movies

Saw Godzilla vs Kong last night. Holy hell it was just magnificent. They have finally listened to the viewers and realised that viewers watch these movies for monster battles, not human family drama. Not only is there plenty of monster fighting but it doesn't cut away every two seconds, you can see what's happening and there is some really creative combat. Godzilla can move now. I assume the previous two movies kept him a slow, lumbering tank for CGI or technical reasons or something but they've completely changed that. He moves damn quick and is far more agile.

I also found it unexpectedly emotional in some portions. Not sure if that was just me but an element to Kong is revealed in this one that hit very close to home. Won't reveal it here.

There is also some jaw dropping cinematography. Go and watch it on the biggest screen you find.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6414 on: March 28, 2021, 12:10:11 PM »
I haven't finished either of these movies I'm about to mention, but here goes.

Tom & Jerry

Why is Jerry such a fucking asshole? I remember the cartoon taking a slightly more opposite position.
Except here Jerry will actively antagonize Tom for absolutely no reason. The cat was literally running his own hustle and Jerry comes up, out of the blue, and tries to co-opt it and steal all his hard earned profits.... fucking up the whole setup in the process. And then this just continues throughout the rest that I've seen so far. I can only imagine how they try to redeem Jerry after all this tom-foolery.

edit: I know I missed a part of the movie somewhere, but Jerry a was petty dick even in the end.

Bad Trip

An Eric Andre hidden camera movie.
I'm probably about halfway through this one and OMG this **** is HILARIOUS.
I had to shut it off because my daughter came in the room, and almost none of this is kid appropriate.
They set up real people in the scenes for this movie and capture their actual reactions. Some of it is WTF and some of it is LMAO but either way, I think I woke the house this morning trying to watch it.
So next time you in the mood to laugh, and don't have anyone around that is offended by "nudity" and adult humor, put this one on. I'm curious if they stick the 2nd half, but the first half has been funny so far.

edit: Good watch funny from beginning to end. It's hilarious to see how some people act, react or don't react in these random ass fucked up situations. LMAO
« Last Edit: March 28, 2021, 05:46:29 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6415 on: March 28, 2021, 04:00:06 PM »
I suspect modern culture misinterprets Tom and Jerry. Look at how a lot of people stretch the term 'prank' into the realm of abusive or harassing behavior.

Avatar the Last Air Bender

I decided to check this out since I've heard good things about it and knew Star Wars lore master Dave Filoni was involved. It was very creative and clever. Humor was on point and the characters were all interesting, engaging, and likeable. Its one of those 'kids shows' that really transcends into more of an all-ages universal appeal and I highly recommend it for fans of animation and fans of adventure and fantasy stories, especially those fond of more Asian themed fantasy settings.

Dove right into the sequel show Korra and I'm loving that as well, it really does a good job upping the emotional ante an new high stakes instead of repeating the same old story points.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6416 on: March 28, 2021, 05:48:56 PM »
ATLA and Korra are both great.
I prefer the first series over the second, but they were both great.
I would love to see a 3rd series that carries on the story.

I know they are doing a new animated project in the Avatar space, and I think also another Live Action version on Netflix, but who knows what that will look like or when it will come to be.

oh, and this is the Movie thread. I think you may have been looking for the TV thread.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6417 on: March 28, 2021, 07:18:26 PM »
Tom and Jerry - If you've seen the trailer then you don't need to see the movie. If you watch the movie there isn't anything more you're going to get out of it.  Find an old clip on some 1940s Tom and Jerry. It will be better.

Terminator: Dark Fate - I enjoyed this. I'm sure people hate the introduction situation, but in Time Travel movies canon is irrelevant. The movie that followed after the intro was pretty descent. It had action, tough characters, good villains. Is it as good as Terminator 2? No, but we're at diminishing returns at this point. I think the best thing Terminator can do as a franchise though: ditch the old cast. Make it take place somewhere else. How about one that takes place in Europe? Surly there is some savior skynet is after over there. They can't be only after John Connor. They were halfway there. I wouldn't mind a comedy version. Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Vinnie Jones, Jason Statham  put it together.

My new rankings for Terminator Movies are as follows:
S Tier
Terminator 1 & 2
A Tier
Terminator: Dark Fate
B Tier
Terminator:Salvation, Terminator 3
D Tier
Terminator Genysis
« Last Edit: March 28, 2021, 07:22:11 PM by ThePerm »
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6418 on: March 28, 2021, 09:06:14 PM »
I don't get the hate that Dark Fate gets and I don't get the hate Genysis gets.  No, neither one stands up to 1/2, but short of reviving Sarah Connor Chronicles, I just don't see it happening.  Those two movies are lighting in a bottle.  Hell, I don't even think 2 captured what 1 was (and I like 2 better).

As to your point, though,  you might check out  (there's a comic-on-DVD version) where they explore the Russian version of Skynet (which plays into how Judgement Day started).  It's a slightly entertaining read.  Although the T2 Trilogy of novels is my go-to recommendation for off-screen Terminator goodness.

It will be interesting to see what Netflix thinks they're gonna do with their animated Terminator series.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6419 on: March 28, 2021, 09:38:44 PM »
Tom and Jerry - If you've seen the trailer then you don't need to see the movie. If you watch the movie there isn't anything more you're going to get out of it.  Find an old clip on some 1940s Tom and Jerry. It will be better.

It's been a very very long time since I've watched a Tom & Jerry cartoon, but I always kinda remembered it as Jerry living his life, and Tom, being the cat of the house, had a job to do to get rid of him. Occasionally Jerry would stray outside and hide behind Spike, who being a dog, just naturally hated cats, and would therefore come after Tom.

Maybe I remember it wrong...
Movie just makes Jerry an unapologetic asshole for no good reason, and Tom is more or less responding to being constantly triggered by Jerry. Except that in the movie (and this covers the majority of the movie that I missed, and have not intention of going back to watch) Tom does get hired to get rid of Jerry but Jerry was still just being a dick for dick's sake.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6420 on: March 28, 2021, 10:41:11 PM »
The Tom and Jerry movie had pretty good animation.  But it's just one of those stupid movies where the try to combine cartoons and humans. You don't need the humans.  If Tom and Jerry kept it simple cat vs mouse we'd be good.

One thing I'd like to see: Tom and Jerry are owned by Warner Bros. I'd like to see a series of shorts where Tom gets put at Granny's house from the Sylvester and Tweety cartoons. Sylvester and Tom can work together and Tweety and Jerry can work together.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6421 on: March 29, 2021, 01:31:08 AM »
ATLA and Korra are both great.
I prefer the first series over the second, but they were both great.
I would love to see a 3rd series that carries on the story.

I know they are doing a new animated project in the Avatar space, and I think also another Live Action version on Netflix, but who knows what that will look like or when it will come to be.

oh, and this is the Movie thread. I think you may have been looking for the TV thread.

Sounds like they want to do multiple film and TV projects, and the lore already established leaves plenty of room for expanded adventures from the current show's casts and new ones.

And my bad, I was planning to also post in the TV thread but Tom & Jerry made me think TV and my brain just spewed it all out together.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6422 on: March 29, 2021, 01:38:39 AM »
It's all good.

Also I believe Netflix or Nickelodeon, whoever is in charge of the Airbender series, has set up a special studio to handle those specific projects if I remember correctly. So I'm hoping they expand on the world of ATLA

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6423 on: March 29, 2021, 08:03:40 PM »
Last Airbender is a classic, but Korra was just a disappointment. Beyond the show just being a narrative & thematic mess, it's also oddly mean-spirited in regards to the Last Airbender characters and the world of the original show. It feels like Korra was part of that same misguided "subversion" movement that a lot of Hollywood, etc. was going through at the time (and to some extent, still is), which makes it very hard to like when it spends half its time shitting over the 1st show's beloved characters.

Korra gets a lot better in its 3rd season, but man that show has a lot of wasted potential.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6424 on: March 31, 2021, 12:52:37 AM »
Last Airbender is a classic, but Korra was just a disappointment. Beyond the show just being a narrative & thematic mess, it's also oddly mean-spirited in regards to the Last Airbender characters and the world of the original show. It feels like Korra was part of that same misguided "subversion" movement that a lot of Hollywood, etc. was going through at the time (and to some extent, still is), which makes it very hard to like when it spends half its time shitting over the 1st show's beloved characters.

Korra gets a lot better in its 3rd season, but man that show has a lot of wasted potential.

I dunno I think Korra season 1 is easily some of the best Avatar in the series.  Season 3 is also very brilliant, and the world building is great.  Where Avatar the Last Air Bender is about characters.  Korra is about the world and bigger themes.  I like how the villains all explore the world of benders and the need or really lack of a need of an Avatar when a world has working governments...or when chaos is needed because order is broken and just an illusion.