My only hope is that by the time these console verisons hit, Nigoro doesn't have as many game-breaking bugs with La Mulana 2. I really loved that game, but it suffered from patch to patch from some very real issues that would render the game in unwinnable states in ways that were very clearly NOT intended (Things like Ankh Jewels disappearing from inventories, doors meant to let you leave areas that disable the holy grail just randomly getting removed from the game for a patch, Mini-bosses permanently despawning without their death trigger opening up vital treasures, major incompatibility between game versions rendering specific saves unplayable, etc.)
Take it from me, the person who forced La Mulana Retroactive upon this community; La Mulana 2 is every bit as brilliant and ball-busting as the original, but I could not reccomend it to anyone because of the game-breaking issues that forced me to use the steam console to revert to previous patch versions of the game to finish it.