How about some old school RPGs and Mighty Switch Force with your Band Brothers?
That’s absolutely right ladies and gentlemen. Daigasso! Band Brothers P, the third entry in Nintendo’s rhythm game series, is heading to the Nintendo 3DS this week. Not only that, but the eShop is full of more games and demos that will likely take more time than you probably already have being in the midst of the holiday buying season. Two Shin Megami Tensei Game Boy Color games on the 3DS, the original Final Fantasy on the Wii U, and even the 3DS version of Mighty Switch Force make it to the eShop this week in Japan. There are also a handful of other digital releases and demos that you could, but probably shouldn’t!, try out! For a complete look, check out all of this week’s releases below!
Downloadable Titles
Mighty Switch Force - 500 yen
Daigasso! Band Brothers P (retail title) - 4,800 yen (from 11/14)
Jewel Pet Cafe de Mahō no Cooking (retail title) - 4,700 yen (from 11/14)
Medalot Dual Kabuto Ver. (retail title) - 6,090 yen (from 11/14)
Medalot Dual Kuwagata Ver. (retail title) - 6,090 yen (from 11/14)
World Soccer Winning Eleven 2014 (retail title) - 3,980 yen (from 11/14)
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live - Kira Kira My Design DEMO - FREE
Toriko Ultimate Survival DEMO - FREE
Wan-nyan Pet Shop DEMO - FREE
Virtual Console
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children Aka no Sho (Game Boy Color) - 600 yen
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children Kuro no Sho (Game Boy Color) - 600 yen
Wii U
Downloadable Titles
Virtual Console
Golf (Famicom) - 500 yen
Final Fantasy (Famicom) - 500 yen