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Wii U's Launch Window Line-Ups

by Neal Ronaghan - September 14, 2012, 4:23 pm EDT
Total comments: 22

We compiled a bunch of information to let you know when you should be playing all the announced Wii U games.

A lot of the release dates for Wii U are still up in the air, despite the system's release date being locked down in every region. Using our well-developed recon and guessing skills, we came up with a list of when the Wii U games will be available.

Go and check out what is confirmed for launch, what might be at launch, and what is coming later in every region. So, select a region and start planning your budget.


TJ SpykeSeptember 14, 2012

Some of that info is not quite right. For example, Mass Effect 3 HAS been confirmed as a launch game in North America. And some of the games you have listed as confirmed launch games are ones I can only find listed as launch window.

JPGPO 3000September 14, 2012

Wheres Donkey Kong Country Returns Part 2 ??? Pleeeeez help me with this. This game alone was the ONLY reason I was going to purchase this $300 machine. Alrighty then- Breaker 1 Niner. Out.

Quote from: TJ

Some of that info is not quite right. For example, Mass Effect 3 HAS been confirmed as a launch game in North America. And some of the games you have listed as confirmed launch games are ones I can only find listed as launch window.

I'm pretty sure I said in this that some of the info is based on asking people at the event yesterday, so that's why my info might not line up with Nintendo's press release.

Mass Effect 3 is one of those ones, like Batman, that was a launch game, and then wasn't, then might be, then who knows (if you're following the press releases and stuff). But I do believe you're right on that. I've been waiting for an official word from EA regarding it.

KikoriMinoru Yamaizumi, Japan CorrespondentSeptember 15, 2012

No COD: BO2. WTF. :Q

Quote from: Kikori

No COD: BO2. WTF. :Q

It's just not confirmed. I'd expect it on day one, but I have no other insight into it other than "it better be there or else, like, what the hell?"

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterSeptember 16, 2012

Tekken Tag day one baby!

Mop it upSeptember 16, 2012

It's a decent launch, but it isn't really for me. There are some games I"m interested in, but not for full price, so I look forward to finding these games in bargain bins when I get a system late next year or early 2014.

AutomatonSeptember 18, 2012

Pokémon Snap U ...

PodingsSeptember 18, 2012

From this list, it's primarily Rayman Legends and Scribblenauts that has my interest.

But who am I kidding, I'll be too poor this Christmas to afford a Wii U, and if I have to be honest, I think they're charging to much for it anyway.

SarailSeptember 18, 2012

I honestly believe you can make it 28 by adding Ninja Gaiden 3 and FIFA '13 to the launch day list. Along with the other "1/1/13" dates listed (those for launch day) on GameStop's release calendar, those two games were listed. Of course, Darksiders II wasn't even ON the list, and Aliens: Colonial Marines was listed as "1/1/13", too... so yeah. :P

99.9% sure NG3 and FIFA will be launch day, though.

Quote from: Racht

I honestly believe you can make it 28 by adding Ninja Gaiden 3 and FIFA '13 to the launch day list. Along with the other "1/1/13" dates listed (those for launch day) on GameStop's release calendar, those two games were listed. Of course, Darksiders II wasn't even ON the list, and Aliens: Colonial Marines was listed as "1/1/13", too... so yeah. :P

99.9% sure NG3 and FIFA will be launch day, though.

FIFA 13 is on the cusp of me moving it over. I agree with you, but I still feel there might be a "launch in Europe, December in NA" kind of thing.

Ninja Gaiden 3, though, kind of disappeared from Nintendo's talking points. I thought that was a lock for launch day up until last week. Now, I'm not so sure.

My skepticism aside, they will probably be launch day games.

thedefalcosSeptember 18, 2012

I am so confused about Avengers: Battle for Earth.  The alpha footage they showed awhile back made it look like it was going to be a first person action-adventure game. But, this new footage makes it seem like they completely changed the artistic direction from semi-realistic to cell-shaded cartoon.  I also can't make out what genre this game is. Is it a fighter? Is it still an adventure game? Third person or first person?  They didn't show any footage from a campaign mode if there is one.

This went from a must-have day one purchase to seriously doubtful if I will ever pick this up. If they changed their direction that drastically in that short amount of time, then I am dubious of its quality. I was really digging the First person perspective. I mean, how often do you get a superhero game like that?

As far as I know (and this is E3 info, so it could be super dated), the Wii U version is the Kinect version, but instead of the camera stuff, it is all motion controls. They didn't even say with what (GamePad, Wii Remote/Nunchuk, Wii Remote only, MotionPlus).

I've heard the Kinect game is actually kind of fun. So maybe the Wii U version will....be....too?

MrPhishfoodSeptember 18, 2012

I generally think its a really bad idea to have too many day 1 games for any console launch. Its not bad for the gamers like us, its just really bad for the developers if no one buys their games. With all the studio closures that have been going on its better launch on a date with significant rivals.

thedefalcosSeptember 18, 2012

Neal, from the looks of it, they are two completely different games. I mean, look at them. One is cell-shaded, one is not. This is one of the few games I feel like Ubisoft is dropping the ball on. I've been following the news, looking forward to this game, and I don't even know what it is. What chances does dad have when he's looking to buy his son a cool Christmas gift?

thedefalcosSeptember 18, 2012

Oh, and I do have a question: You said Activision will have 007 Legends out before Christmas. How firm do you think that is?  And is anyone else pumped about this game? It looks like it's an amped up version of Goldeneye for the Wii. When you want to play a multiplayer FPS and you don't want to buy Call of Honor: Black Warfighter 2 then Bond should be the go-to guy, right?

@thedefalcos - I guess I need to see the new trailer...

I think 007 Legends will be out before Christmas. It might even make launch day. It seems to be, just from the video at the event, a safe port of the October-dated 360/PS3 game. It better not slip.

Quote from: thedefalcos

And is anyone else pumped about this game? It looks like it's an amped up version of Goldeneye for the Wii.

I am. This was one of my yearned for game announcements and I'm SO happy I got it!

... I'm getting CoD:BOPS2 also though...

spitmanSeptember 19, 2012

What about Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013?  2011 was actually a great game on the Wii, elements similar to Resident Evil 4...

LithiumSeptember 23, 2012

oh man p-100 out at around the same time as Pikmin? i hope it doesn't get ignored.

Luigi DudeSeptember 24, 2012

Quote from: Lithium

oh man p-100 out at around the same time as Pikmin? i hope it doesn't get ignored.

P-100 (it's The Wonderful 101 now) is a linear pure action game though, while Pikmin is a more open world, exploration based real-time strategy game.  Even though some parts might look similar, the gameplay is so vastly different Pikmin shouldn't take away any attention from the other.

VickiLSeptember 26, 2012

I think I'll keep my pre-order, but reading the "March 2013 or Later" section is basically the same as reading my Most Wanted list (minus Wii Fit U).  I guess I'll have time for that Xenoblade New Game Plus after all!

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