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Happy 12th Birthday, Nintendo World Report!

by Karlie Yeung - March 7, 2011, 6:00 am EST
Total comments: 40

That's us! With pictures to celebrate.

Today, Nintendo World Report celebrates 12 happy years alive on the Internet. Whether you look at it in terms of Nintendo sites, games sites, or even news sites, 12 years is not an achievement to be taken lightly. The journey has taken us through PlanetN2000, Planet GameCube, and finally, Nintendo World Report, a name that is here to stay.

With such a long tenure, it is undoubted that the effort, time, and passion of many people are a leading factor in the site still standing today. With that, we will celebrate this momentous occasion with a look at who they are, and where they are now. Each page will have the full photos as featured in the "12" montage below. So please scroll down to begin the journey of our 13th year!

Should you be in this montage? Contact us!



Nin10do-FanMarch 07, 2011

Happy 12th anniversary / birthday Nintendo World Report. Keep up the good work!

StrawHousePigMarch 07, 2011

Good to see a quality site stick around this long.

Also glad to see The_Dan_x straighten up and fly right. :p j/k, he's always been aces in my book.

Keep up the good work! :)

ToruresuMarch 07, 2011

Wow. 12 years already? Congratulations!

ThomasOMarch 07, 2011


TurdFurgyMarch 07, 2011

Here's to another... another 120 more years!   

This is really cool. It turned out wonderfully.

Thanks so much to Karlie for putting it together.
Thanks to all the former staff who took the time to remember where they came from.

CalibanMarch 07, 2011

Kairon works for Namco Bandai? Cooool.

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterMarch 07, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NWR! I've actually been following the site since way back 1999 when the GameCube was still the dolphin if you can believe that.

Recently, I've been going through a lot of personal anxiety due to my current economical status as well as how people perceive me and my efforts. I realized, though, that a lot of people actually appreciate not just my work but everyone's efforts as well.

I want to thank everyone who have supported me throughout my years as a staff writer, and I am looking forward to many more.

BTW, guys, yes, my legs really ARE that hairy :p

PGC-Agent CooperBilly Berghammer, FounderMarch 07, 2011

HAPPY 12th BIRTHDAY to the best damn Nintendo site on the interwebs! Very proud of you all, and keep kicking ass. My apologies to Karlie on the complete picture fail. GDC ran me over like a truck, and somehow the message didn't get to me. I'll blame it on TEH CAT.

EnnerMarch 07, 2011

It's like a collage of cool.

Also, yay for kitty pictures.

TJ SpykeMarch 07, 2011

I was a little surprised not to see Billy mentioned. Other than that, really cool feature. I actually forgot or didn't know some of them (mainly the earlier staff members).

Happy birthday NWR, and I'm so sorry for boycotting the site in the early part of the aughts back when I gave a crap about GameFAQs character contests.

My only complaint is that I know what 3/4 of the RFN crew looks like, but no Greg.

CaterkillerMatthew Osborne, Contributing WriterMarch 07, 2011

Happy Birthday! 12 years!

Kytim89March 07, 2011

What would have been nice is if each picture featured a number with a list for everyone's name (where is TYP?). Overall, keep up the good work and I hope for another twelve years of awesomeness from this site.  ;)

Mop it upMarch 07, 2011

It's pretty crazy that it's been twelve years already. I've been around for about ten of them, and it really doesn't feel like it's been that long.

Quote from: PGC-Agent

GDC ran me over like a truck, and somehow the message didn't get to me. I'll blame it on TEH CAT.

I messaged you way before GDC ever began! I was tempted to write the whole bonus page in "TEH CAT" speech, but then I remembered that we taught him English at one point.

Quote from: Kytim89

What would have been nice is if each picture featured a number with a list for everyone's name (where is TYP?).

If you want names, check out the rest of the pages of the article. TYP's the first name on the "Current Staff" page (Michael Cole).

ThePermMarch 07, 2011

6 more years and NWR will turn 18

NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterMarch 07, 2011

I just realized something... I think NWR may have been the pioneer in internet cat shenanigans with Louie! Forget Fred the cat, Louie is where its at!

StogiMarch 07, 2011

So PGC has been dead for over a decade? Craziness.

Oh and congrats.

EasyCureMarch 07, 2011

So much valuable time.. wasted..


ThePermMarch 07, 2011

if i had never discovered PGC/NWR...who knows where I would be...probably rich and successful.

Kytim89March 07, 2011

Quote from: ThePerm

6 more years and NWR will turn 18

Keep it away from Roman Poloanski.  ;)

SupaKirbMarch 07, 2011

To the best Nintendo news site, and most entertaining podcast crew on the net, I wish you a happy 12 years of life! Please continue to do what you guys are doing!

Also heck yeh... 6 years till 18.... hehehe  ;)

jrlibrarianJeffrey Trewin, Associate EditorMarch 07, 2011

Happy Birthday NWR! Congrats on being the best Nintendo site out there for 12 years, and I look forward to many more years to come!

GoldenPhoenixMarch 07, 2011

Happy birthday to NWR and more importantly thank you to the staff past and present that sustained this site and made it one of the best on the internet. I've only been here since 2004, so just a little half of its life so far. While I don't post nearly as much this place keeps me coming back.

Kytim89March 07, 2011

Is that TYP with the Wiimote?

happyastoriaMarch 08, 2011

Where is Greg? I demand to know how that man looks like! It's killing me.

ShyGuyMarch 08, 2011

I don't know which picture is more disturbing, James or Jonny.

PlugabugzMarch 08, 2011

IF Greg looks like anything he sounds then he's probably a supermix of everything scattered around the UK.

YoshidiousGreg Leahy, Staff AlumnusMarch 08, 2011

Quote from: Plugabugz

IF Greg looks like anything he sounds then he's probably a supermix of everything scattered around the UK.

I don't use my true voice for RFN, so there's very little to be inferred from this I'm afraid. However, I did actually submit a picture of myself for this lovely commemoration of NWR history, but it wasn't included for some reason. I guess I can just post it here though:


NWR_pap64Pedro Hernandez, Contributing WriterMarch 08, 2011

Quote from: Yoshidious

Quote from: Plugabugz

IF Greg looks like anything he sounds then he's probably a supermix of everything scattered around the UK.

I don't use my true voice for RFN, so there's very little to be inferred from this I'm afraid. However, I did actually submit a picture of myself for this lovely commemoration of NWR history, but it wasn't included for some reason. I guess I can just post it here though:


Yeah, I wonder what was wrong with it. Looks perfectly fine to me :p

happyastoriaMarch 08, 2011

Greg, you're so damn hard on yourself! Every episode you put yourself down. By the way, judging by that pic I think you can use some Proactive. :Q

mustbeburtMarch 09, 2011

i agree with several others, where's greg?!

Kytim89March 09, 2011

Greg, you want to keep your image concealed while at the same time satisfying the people on this forum who want to see your picture just get one of those scream masks and black cloak and then put the picture on this site. Problem solved.

YoshidiousGreg Leahy, Staff AlumnusMarch 09, 2011

Quote from: Kytim89

Greg, you want to keep your image concealed while at the same time satisfying the people on this forum who want to see your picture just get one of those scream masks and black cloak and then put the picture on this site. Problem solved.

Wear a Scream mask, really? If I just wanted to troll people who (inexplicably) want to know what I look like, I'd just take the poster art for one of Peter Jackson's early career gorefests and very crudely repurpose it to fit into this thread.

Kytim89March 10, 2011

Quote from: Yoshidious

Quote from: Kytim89

Greg, you want to keep your image concealed while at the same time satisfying the people on this forum who want to see your picture just get one of those scream masks and black cloak and then put the picture on this site. Problem solved.

Wear a Scream mask, really? If I just wanted to troll people who (inexplicably) want to know what I look like, I'd just take the poster art for one of Peter Jackson's early career gorefests and very crudely repurpose it to fit into this thread.

We would get to see you ant see you at the same time. It is a genius idea, Greg.

ShyGuyMarch 10, 2011

Someday I will hire a British private investigator to track down and take pictures of Greg. Then I will sell these pictures on eBay and retire with all the money.

GoldenPhoenixMarch 10, 2011

Greg is a handsome guy and I mean the real Greg not alien Greg

YoshidiousGreg Leahy, Staff AlumnusMarch 10, 2011

Quote from: GoldenPhoenix

Greg is a handsome guy and I mean the real Greg not alien Greg

Unfortunately I (Alien Greg) have assumed the place of "real Greg" after banishing him to a life of service to The REAL Jon Lindemann as his personal biographer/hair stylist. It's a tough (some would say impossible) job involving a lot of seemingly unnecessary travel through geopolitical hotspots, but someone has to do it.

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