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Episode 11: Two Tone Blues

by Zachary Miller, Neal Ronaghan, Mike Sklens, and Scott Thompson - December 3, 2011, 8:27 am EST
Total comments: 3

The sad reality of having to wait one more week to send friends 3D pictures of your penis.

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Let's start with a disclaimer: We had already recorded the entire podcast before NoA decided to so casually reveal that Xenoblade Chronicles is coming to North America next year. So don't attribute the omission of the big news from this week's episode to our general ignorance; it wasn't our fault this time!

Instead, we start things off by reading some listener mail from Kytim89, or, as we will now forever refer to him, Kentucky Tim. There's plenty of good Wii U speculation to be had here. Later, we offer news about Resident Evil: Revelations AGAIN, as it appears the game is striving to oust Zelda as the most talked about subject on the podcast. A lofty goal indeed. Also, the 3DS system update got pushed back a week, so if you were itching to send out some 3D pictures and videos of your Fortified Zone to friends, you'll have to wait just a little bit longer.

In the second half of the show, Neal joins Scott to talk about his review for Mario Kart 7 and answer some excellent (and not so excellent) questions submitted by several wonderful listeners. 

If you'd like to send in some mail and have us make up a nickname for you, a la Kentucky Tim, you can click here to do so. If you have a minute, why not review us on iTunes, too? We'd be forever grateful. Thanks for listening, we'll see you next week!

This episode was edited by Scott Thompson


Kytim89December 04, 2011

As for my wishlist of Wii first party launch titles:

I have a strong feeling that Retro Studios is working on the next Star Fox and that a Mario American football game would be made to appeal to western harcore gamers in some manner.

I'm like peeing my pants reading the write-up for this. Bravo!

oksodaScott Thompson, Associate EditorDecember 05, 2011

Ha ha thanks Neal. I always try to have some fun with these! :)

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