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Possible Wii Price Cut Next Month

by James Jones - April 13, 2011, 8:37 pm EDT
Total comments: 15 Source: http://www.engadget.com/2011/04/12/nintendo-cuttin..., Engadget

Rumors are swirling of a $50 price cut for Nintendo's little console. 

Technology blog Engaget is reporting that Wii may receive a $50 price cut on May 15. Their sources indicate that the Wii will retail for the new price of $150. 

The rumor does not include any information about what might be bundled with the console. The current primary bundle includes both Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort.

Nintendo has seen sales of the Wii slip in the last couple of years. Nintendo derives a significant portion of their profit from hardware sales, and the lower sales have been mentioned as of concern by analysts and Nintendo executives.


I hope this happens.  Mine has been on the fritz, and makes a loud whirring sound as if it's about to takeoff like a helicopter.  Not only that, but it has disc read errors pretty consistently when playing Brawl & Kirby's Epic Yarn. 

Not only that, but I've been jonesing getting a Black Wii.  Will look really nice with the rest of my entertainment center.

Anyone know what kind of policy Nintendo has of transferring Virtual Console games between systems if you're purchasing a 2nd console?

EnnerApril 14, 2011

Curious times. I wonder how much of a sales spike such a drop will produce.

If this price cut comes true, will we get 45 million US Wiis sold and much anticipated Super Wii news?

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorApril 14, 2011

Quote from: lolmonade

Anyone know what kind of policy Nintendo has of transferring Virtual Console games between systems if you're purchasing a 2nd console?

If you're really lucky, you *might* be able to talk them into letting you have the privilege of physically mailing them both systems (at your cost) and getting them to transfer the information for you.

BlackNMild2k1April 14, 2011

Quote from: UncleBob

Quote from: lolmonade

Anyone know what kind of policy Nintendo has of transferring Virtual Console games between systems if you're purchasing a 2nd console?

If you're really lucky, you *might* be able to talk them into letting you have the privilege of physically mailing them both systems (at your cost) and getting them to transfer the information for you.

White Wii to Black Wii Transfer..... Place Your Bets!

and didn't cost me a cent.

JasonMaiviaApril 14, 2011

I wonder how data tranfers will go when the Wii 2 is out.  Will Nintendo still bother to assist you?

EnnerApril 14, 2011

Quote from: JasonMaivia

I wonder how data tranfers will go when the Wii 2 is out.  Will Nintendo still bother to assist you?

Have the Wii and the Super Wii on the same internet network. The Wiis are also connected by a USB cable. While connected to the internet, you can preform a one-time transfer of WiiWare and Virtual Console software to the Super Wii.

I hope that the Club Nintendo account will account for something when the Super Wii comes.
At the least, I want Tetris Party to carry over.

MiyamotoApril 14, 2011

I think Nintendo have done very well to hold out this long without reaching the $150 mark yet. I'd expect it to be £99.99 here in the UK at christmas. It could have a great resurgance if Nintendo can risk going very low. Clear out all those old Wiis before the Super Wii hits in september 2012.

You can already find it for $179 at some places. I don't think this will make a huge difference in monthly sales without a big new game release, although Nintendo can always run ads for old games.

Chozo GhostApril 14, 2011

While this is a good and (probably) necessary measure, it is certainly no substitute for the lack of games.

BlackNMild2k1April 14, 2011

Quote from: Jonnyboy117

You can already find it for $179 at some places. I don't think this will make a huge difference in monthly sales without a big new game release, although Nintendo can always run ads for old games.

Maybe they are finally bringing that Players Choice line-up to the U.S. along with that price drop to dru up some more sales for some over looked games.

The U.S. Players Choice could look something like this:
No More Heroes 1/2 combo
Dead Space
HotD: Overkill
The Conduit
Silent Hill: SM
Final Fantasy: CC - TCB

I just going through my list of games on my shelf that I don't think sold all that well but were liked by most that played them

Chozo GhostApril 14, 2011

Last time I checked you could buy Madworld on Amazon for about $7. How would it benefit from getting the Player's Choice treatment? What really needs to be made Player's Choice are the 1st party games which Nintendo NEVER marks down like Twilight Princess and so on. Having them relaunched at say $29.99 or something would revitalize sales of those games and somewhat help alleviate the games drought.

At this point Nintendo needs to face the fact that anyone who was going to buy these games at $49.99 likely already has. Now its time to cater to the customers who wait for discounts.

BlackNMild2k1April 14, 2011

Maybe, but like I said, I was just reading off games sitting on my shelf that could've used more sales.
How about a MadWorld: In Living Color - Players Choice Limited Edition version?

But OTOH, a game like Mario Kart Wii still places in NPD so I don't think that would be a 1st round pick for Players Choice treatment like TP would be.

But your right, a 1st party line up of
WiiFit Plus w/ BB
MP3 (Trilogy should stay limited for now)

would all be nice as all those games (save WiiFit+) have pretty much run their course at this point. They could all use a second wind and a PC lineup discount along with a $50 cheaper Wii could be a good combination to make that happen.

xcwarriorApril 15, 2011

All 3 systems need a price cut. They are all 4.5 or in the 360's case, 5.5 years old. No one wants to pay more than $150 for 5-year old tech, so all 3 should see a hefty price drop.

MiyamotoApril 15, 2011

Quote from: xcwarrior

All 3 systems need a price cut. They are all 4.5 or in the 360's case, 5.5 years old. No one wants to pay more than $150 for 5-year old tech, so all 3 should see a hefty price drop.

Or in the Wii's case 10 years old. Snarf, snarf.

CericApril 15, 2011

Quote from: xcwarrior

All 3 systems need a price cut. They are all 4.5 or in the 360's case, 5.5 years old. No one wants to pay more than $150 for 5-year old tech, so all 3 should see a hefty price drop.

The 360 gave itself some legs on price by including the Kinect and make iteration style upgrades.  PS3 to a lesser extent as well.  The Wii is really the only one that is essentially the same as it was when launched.

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