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Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike

by Chris Martino - May 6, 2003, 9:49 am EDT

Star Wars fans rejoice! Take a look at the next installment of the Rogue Squadron series.

Factor 5 has made quite a name for itself by producing two of the best Star Wars flight simulators ever made. Although Rogue Leader relied heavily on the original formula and lacked significant features, it was one of the best launch titles for the GameCube, sporting stunning graphics and an incredible attention to detail. Most impressively, Factor 5 developed it at breakneck pace in only 8 months. They’ve had more than twice that to work on the third installment of the Rogue Squadron series, and it looks like the extra time has been well spent.

Factor 5 has decided to take a different tack with Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike, incorporating third-person action and “oddball” vehicles along with the flight simulation the series is known for. The driving force behind the new direction is to allow the player to experience every significant action scene from the first three movies. This includes the rescuing of Princess Leia from the Death Star prison block and follows all the way through to commanding Ewoks on the forest moon of Endor while Chewie blasts the Empire from his stolen AT-ST. Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear to include any saber dueling with Darth Vader.

Players will have a choice after the first mission to play as either Luke or Wedge, changing the path through the game. Choosing Luke will focus the game on third-person action, with the player taking control of Luke, Han, Leia and Chewie. The character models look very good so far and hopefully the control will be just as tight. The developers have integrated the control scheme from the flying sequences with the ground sections, so players should have no difficulty adjusting. Gamers will not only get a chance to rescue the Princess (hey, it’s a video game staple), but also to train with Yoda on Dagobah and perform death-defying leaps over the Sarlaac pit, among others.

Wedge’s missions will focus on the traditional flight simulation gameplay. From the early screen shots of this portion, the graphics look nearly identical to Rogue Squadron 2, though they still look fantastic. Some of the textures (especially the on the ground) have been noticeably cleaned up and there will once again be an insane amount of fighters onscreen simultaneously, up to 120. All of your favorite ships will return, plus an experimental TIE Fighter and possibly more new craft. The Super Star Destroyer, the Empire’s bad boy, will make also an appearance. Since none of the missions from Rogue Leader will be repeated, most of these flying levels will cover areas of the story alluded to but not directly shown in the movies.

The only returning level is (you guessed it) Hoth, but the experience will be much different this time around. The mission involves Luke crashing his speeder and taking down AT-ATs on foot with his grappling hook, lightsaber, and thermal detonators. A bonus mission on Hoth involves Han Solo escorting the Princess to the Millennium Falcon, blasting Stormtroopers with his trusty blaster and eventually the guns on the Falcon itself. So far, it looks like a side of Hoth we’ve never seen.

The new vehicle portions include the classic speeder bike chase on Endor’s forest moon. Players will be able to bump-and-grind with enemy speeders to push them into trees, as well as blast them to oblivion with the lasers on the front of the bike. You’ll also be able to get off the bike and wield your lightsaber. Another famed speeder from Star Wars comes into play, with gamers racing across the Tatooine desert. As mentioned above, you’ll also be able to play as Chewie inside the stolen AT-ST, and who hasn’t dreamed of doing that?

If all these changes don’t already have your blood pumping, the nice fellows at Factor 5 have included some multiplayer options, including the entire Rogue Squadron 2 game as a two-player co-op mode. There will also be versus and capture-the-base options, which include command of wingmen and ground troops, possibly for up to four players.

All in all, the game looks to be shaping up nicely. There will be more bonus missions this time around, and they will be much easier to unlock than in previous Rogue Squadron games. Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike is slated to be released in fall 2003, and we’ll have more info on it at E3.

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Genre Shooter
Developer Factor 5
Players1 - 2

Worldwide Releases

na: Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
Release Oct 15, 2003
jpn: Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike
Release Nov 21, 2003
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