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Rayman Origins

by Scott Thompson - March 4, 2012, 2:28 pm EST
Total comments: 19

Last year's platformer beauty finally comes to 3DS.

I’ve spoken at length about Rayman Origins in the past, but to paraphrase my feelings about the game: it’s awesome. Bright and detailed levels that look incredible in HD (and still sharp on the Wii), an impeccable soundtrack, and perfect co-op multiplayer pushed Origins to the top of my list of favorite games from 2011. So, naturally, the announcement of a 3DS port had me all kinds of excited.

Released late last year, Origins felt like New Super Mario Bros. Wii without the constraint of accessibility that comes with making a mainstream Mario game. Where NSMBW eased players in gradually and left the greater challenges relegated to the unlockable secret worlds, Origins ramps up the difficulty almost immediately. Perfect button presses and trained platforming skills are, if not already possessed by the player, expected to be learned quickly. Fortunately, there are no lives to punish the player for failing an arbitrary amount of times and checkpoints generally drop you right where you died, so you are free to fail as often and quickly as it takes before you land the perfect jump. How kind.

Having the game on the go should complement the rapid try-die-retry-succeed gameplay. There were times, playing the console version, where I would jump in just to play a level or two before needing to head to work. Having the game in your pocket at all times should be great for perfecting your Rayman skills at your convenience. However, whether due to technical limitations or lack of interest, the fantastic four-player co-op has been dropped completely from the handheld version.

This omission is troubling for me, as I thought the console game was best when played with a friend. Challenges were made easier with concerted teamwork, and the experience was rewarding. Hell, slapping your friends and running away idiotically during loading screens was worth the price of admission alone. Hopefully the pick-up-and-play nature of having the game on your 3DS can balance out the loss of sitting on the couch with some friends.

I’m also interested to see how the 3D effect plays with the vivid and layered backdrops the game runs you through. Much like Donkey Kong Country Returns, Origins features lush environments and heavily detailed fore, mid, and backgrounds. The 3D should create an impressive depth that accentuates the hand-drawn style artwork.

Fortunately, I don’t have to speculate for long; Rayman Origins releases in America on March 20 and in Europe on March 16 (Note: There are a few reports saying that the game has been mysteriously delayed. We're currently waiting for word from Ubisoft to see what is up.). You can find our review for the slap-happy 3DS port soon. In the meantime, feel free to check out the review for the Wii version.


monoxzideMarch 04, 2012

theres one thing incorrect about this preview..the release dates,they arent coming in march..theres no release date yet..i suggest you try being fully informed before giving false hope to those awaiting this.
the previous release dates were announced in january..which have since changed to TBA

TJ SpykeMarch 04, 2012

Quote from: monoxzide

the previous release dates were announced in january..which have since changed to TBA

What is your source for this? I have not seen anything to indicate it's not coming out on March 20.

monoxzideMarch 05, 2012

not to be rude..but if you need a source,its called LOOKING,and staying up to date...gamestop doesnt show it at all,nor does walmart....so ya...i dont know about europe..but as far as amercia..there is no definate release date  and some like gamestop doesnt even show that it was even made for its not even there!!!
not to mention..we have yet to even see actual gameplay footage of it..little odd when some think it will be released in a lil over a week..no?
sorry if your disappointed..i am to not knowing whats going on with this

abujafferMarch 05, 2012

Quote from: monoxzide

not to be rude..but if you need a source,its called LOOKING,and staying up to date...

How ironic... if you'd gone to Nintendo's freaking website you would have seen just how wrong you are... serious, that's the first place you should look. Not GameStop or Walmart... retailers? Really?

Try http://bit.ly/yCuF05. Next time research well before pointing out others' "mistakes."

oksodaScott Thompson, Associate EditorMarch 05, 2012

Ubisoft's website also has the game listed, though somewhat nebulously so, as Spring 2012. Until I hear otherwise, I believe the game is still coming on March 20th. We'll see if that moves at all. I will say, however, that the fact that several people are searching high and low for concrete information about this game with very little to be found suggests that Ubisoft might not be so hot on this port.

When last we heard from Ubisoft PR (roughly two-three weeks ago), we were told March 20.

We do our job. It's not our fault some game companies randomly delay games without telling anyone. I mean, I think several places had Rhythm Thief listed as February 28 up until February 28.

monoxzideMarch 05, 2012

btw..nintendos webite doesnt mean anything..thats like saying the eshop date for heroes of ruin is solid..facepalm*...so ya..retailers..for the are the ones that sell the games,learn the diffrence between placeholder dates..and confirmed recently
dont get mad bcuz your not gonna be playing it when you assume you will >.>

monoxzideMarch 05, 2012

it maybe on nintendo page saying the 20th..but click on buy me now..and watch it say no retailers available!!

I repeat: The representatives of Ubisoft that we talk to, aka the people who do Public Relations/Marketing for the game, told us that the release date is March 20.

We are currently waiting for confirmation about the game's release from the Ubisoft reps. We'll update stuff when we do.

I'm always a believer in retailers being correct, but also look at Crush 3D's release. Amazon has it listed for tomorrow. GameStop has it listed for next week. Sometimes they are right. Sometimes they are wrong.

monoxzideMarch 05, 2012

im not saying all retailers are right..what im saying is that your claiming the game is coming out on a date that was announced in jan..and since changed to tba.writing a preview for a game and telling ppl it will be out on the 20th ( 15 days from now,when there are no signs of that being true at this time) is FALSE.this was not intended to become a bickering war over who you have talked to..the fact remains there are several sites included major retailers not even showing the game is existing..lil less coming out on the 20th..nintendos own site has a place holder..same as heroes of ruin.
regardless who you talked to..obviosly things have changed and that has been common knowledge to almost everyone anticipating this game including myself.. but this site.. who wants to firmly stand on a pedestal built from old news and fight on faulty ground of the info they have.
try to drink this all in,
its not even on the forecast of games coming out in nintendo power,
nintendos own site says there are no retailers to preorder from at this time,
gamestop has no record of its existence at this time,aswell as most major retailers in all of the NA.

your trying to tell me..nintendo..doesnt have a way for you to order a game coming out in 15days?

gamestop for the 1st time in history wont know a date to a game till a few days before it ships and better yet..fails to act like it even sees it coming?

this isnt rocket science

its like your waiting 3 hours after someone is suppose to pick you up..so you can have confirmation that they will be late............>.>

I'll continue to repeat: We're waiting from word from Ubisoft to confirm this.

Until then, we have nothing further to discuss.

Keep in mind that Ubisoft routinely releases 3DS games with no fanfare or prior knowledge. We only care right now because it's a game that isn't Petz or Imagine related.

I appreciate your concern, but we're going off of the information that is confirmed from the company. Is it looking like its delayed? Yea, probably, but until we hear 100%, we're going off of the information we were told.

TJ SpykeMarch 05, 2012

monoxzide seems stubborn. Officially the release date is March 20. But he is saying he knows better than the people actually making the game, and his only evidence is that some retailers don't have a release date listed.

monoxzideMarch 05, 2012

Quote from: TJ

monoxzide seems stubborn. Officially the release date is March 20. But he is saying he knows better than the people actually making the game, and his only evidence is that some retailers don't have a release date listed.

lol..eitherway..enjoy the wait guys..think next time i see a site that fails to stay current..ill just skip worrying about it :)

TJ SpykeMarch 05, 2012

They are staying current based on the most RELIABLE data available. Ubisoft's official release date vs. your speculation. Which would most rationale people go by? Unless there is some evidence that the release date is changed (and a few retailers having "TBA" is not reliable, as pointed out above), I agree with not changing it.

Could it be delayed? Sure, there just isn't anything official. I hope not though.

We go by what the publisher says. Retailer dates are fine for rumors, but at the end of the day the only one that matters is the one UbiSoft gives us.

EJtheKMarch 06, 2012

Neal, do you know if it's definitely true that the 3DS version will NOT include multiplayer?  I was really hoping for this (especially with PAX East right around the corner)!

oksodaScott Thompson, Associate EditorMarch 07, 2012

There is definitely no multiplayer. Such a drag.

TJ SpykeMarch 07, 2012

Not too surprising since the PlayStation Vita version also lacks multiplayer.

EJtheKMarch 21, 2012

Bummer on the multiplayer!  Thanks for the confirmation.

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Rayman Origins Box Art

Genre Adventure
Developer Ubisoft

Worldwide Releases

na: Rayman Origins
Release Nov 06, 2012
RatingEveryone 10+
jpn: Rayman Origins
Release Jul 19, 2012
RatingAll Ages
eu: Rayman Origins
Release Jun 08, 2012
aus: Rayman Origins
Release Jun 14, 2012

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