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June 15, 2000

Racin' Dolphins

by Steven Thomas - 1:22 am EDT
Source: IGN64

We're not talking Wave Race, or even an aquatic racer but we do have another racer coming to Dolphin though!

No, it's not Jacques Cousteau ... although that would be more fitting for a Dolphin game, but rather Jacques Villeneuve, 1997 F1 World Champion, will be assisting and lending his name to UBI soft who is slated to develop a next-generation racing title set in the future.

The title is currently called "Villenueve: Virtual Velocity", and is currently planed to be produced for multiple platforms ... including PC, and next-gen consoles.


June 9, 2000

Dolphin Delay in Japan GC

by Billy Berghammer - 11:14 am EDT
Source: GameFan

NCL President Hiroshi Yamauchi talks about the Dolphin delay and other things we can expect from Nintendo...

It really wouldn't have taken a rocket scientist to figure out that the Dolphin will be delayed until 2001 in Japan. Yamaguchi has just confirmed this to be true. I was so ready to import one of these this year. Hopefully the GBA won't be delayed until next year (in Japan).

Also other confirmations...The...

Because People are Dumb GC

by Billy Berghammer - 10:35 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

Are we the only people who are excited about Dolphin?

There is definitely something to be said about Marketing and Promotion. It's a sad world when most average people out there don't even know that there are 2 new Nintendo systems coming out next year. "Dolphin what?" is an answer you'll get from a lot of gamers. Why is this you ask?

Well outside...

June 8, 2000

Nintendo Sues SongBoy

by Steven Thomas - 9:29 pm EDT
Source: Bloomberg.com

And the epic story of Nintendo's lawyers repeats itself yet again...

Bloomberg reported earlier this evening that Nintendo of America, Inc has filed a lawsuit on June 1st, 2000 in Seattle's federal court against SongBoy.com

SongBoy sells a device on the Internet that is designed to plug into the cartridge slot of a Nintendo Game Boy, that will allow the storage and playback of MP3 audio files, along with other music formats.


June 7, 2000

The Force is with Dolphin GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 7:37 am EDT
Source: TheForce.net

And may the schwartz be with you

Interesting news over at TheForce.net links LucasArts with both Dolphin and the Game Boy Advance. According to a very reliable source of theirs, LucasArts have been in the process of evaluating the Dolphin these past weeks. Not to see if they want to develop any games for the system, but to evaluate... Read more...

Capcom 2000

by Kosta Andreadis - 5:57 am EDT
Source: The Magic Box

Capcom announces their multi-platform strategy: online games are in the cards...

Yesterday in Japan, Capcom revealed their business plans for the coming year. Okamoto, president of Capcom, stated that the future will be networking, and that Capcom will support this by shifting their focus onto developing games with network capabilities. What was made clear from the beginning is... Read more...

June 6, 2000

Advanced information GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 10:09 pm EDT
Source: MSNBC

GBA Shoulder Buttons! Huzzah!

A little while ago Pocket IGN reported with a hands-on look at the development kits for the GameBoy Advance. Now over at MSNBC, reporter Steven Kent has given his report on the GBA development kits with some new insight to the handheld. The big news from the article is that the GBA (or AGB as some... Read more...

Epic plans for Dolphin GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:13 am EDT
Source: FGNonline

Unreal may be coming to all next-gen consoles...including the "Dolphin."

According to the publication Next Gen Magazine, Epic Games (the creators of Unreal Tournament), are currently underway with a brand new license for next-generation platforms. The license at the moment is still unknown as is the platforms that Epic Games are intending to bring the game to. The title... Read more...

Rumors of the week past GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:02 am EDT

Rumors surround Capcom and Konami...

Well last week some rumors as to possible games coming to the Dolphin have surfaced on a lot of web-sites. Please note that these are only rumors and are in no way definite plans. First up on the list is Capcom and Resident Evil Zero (still currently slated for N64 release). Word on the street is... Read more...

Who are NDCUBE ?

by Kosta Andreadis - 5:26 am EDT
Source: IGN64

Everyone wants to know: Who-or what-is NDCUBE?!

Does anybody remember a little while ago when Nintendo said they would release information about the Dolphin in "10-15 days"? Well I'm pretty sure you would, and were equally angry when nothing materialised from this announcement. Well not nothing exactly as there was a brief revelation by Nintendo... Read more...

Welcome to GameBoy.com GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 5:15 am EDT
Source: gameboy.com

Whoop de doo.... Gameboy.com....

Well Nintendo have finally come around to launching a fully dedicated web-site to the worlds most popular videogame system, the GameBoy. Nothing really new about the GBA is revealed on the site, but the FAQ that Nintendo released a little while ago on the upcoming handheld is there to read in the lovely new format


Miyamoto speaks yet again

by Kosta Andreadis - 1:12 am EDT
Source: IGN64

Shiggy and Mr. Aonuma get down with IGN.

Well can we ever get tired of hearing the main man talk (well vaguely) about everything Nintendo? Probably not, and at our parent site IGN64, Matt and the gang sat down with Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Aonuma (lead director for Majora's Mask) and discussed all things Nintendo. Did any startling Dolphin... Read more...

June 4, 2000

Nintendo wants your Mom!

by Billy Berghammer - 9:31 pm EDT
Source: Newsweek

The press react to the Perfect Dark commercials.

Well, and your Dad too! Newsweek has a new story about an old subject. No pun intended. Nintendo is definitly not just interested in the kiddies anymore. With games like PD and Conker's BFD, Nintendo is looking to tackle the adults as well. Thank god! I think this concept will help attract the older gaming demographic back to Nintendo.


June 3, 2000

Blue Light Special!

by Billy Berghammer - 3:33 pm EDT

Shop 'til you drop! Nintendo goods galore!

Nintendo is having a HUGE sale on all of their Nintendo merchandise in the latest issue of Nintendo Power! It's mostly collectables and clothes, but the deals you can get on these items are amazing. Want to finish your collection of Nintendo Plush toys? Need the Official 1080 snowboard? Gotta have all of the soundtrack CD's? It's all there and on sale.


June 2, 2000

Koei's GBA plans GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 10:56 pm EDT
Source: Gamespot

Koei confirms that they are working on the GBA, but what about the "Dolphin?"

Japanese developer, Koei, the makers of such titles as Winback (N64) and Kessen (PS2) have affirmed their plans to develop "unspecified games" for the Game Boy Advance platfrom. Wether or not the company has any plans for the Dolphin console are currently unannounced, yet they have received an early... Read more...

Nintendo re-shuffling

by Kosta Andreadis - 10:28 pm EDT
Source: Gamefan

The board of directors play musical chairs.

President of Nintendo of America, Minoru Arakawa, has stepped down from his position amongst the board of directors at NCL. Arakawa is to remain head of NOA where he will now continue to base all of his operations. Yet who will fill his shoes amongst the borad of directors at NCL? Well non-other than... Read more...

June 1, 2000

Wave Race Dolphin? GC

by Steven Thomas - 8:52 am EDT
Source: Coach@E3

Will Wave Race show up at "Dolphin"'s launch? Perhaps, according to the Coach...

From the Big N themselves, rumblings of a Wave Race game being considered as a launch title for Dolphin! In the latest article by "Coach" at Nintendo Sports, the following is stated:

Coach sez: A guy from Acclaim made the same observation to me last month. "Wave Race 64 had the greatest water graphics ever, and it was only a first-generation N64 game. Why didn't you guys ever make a sequel?"



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