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April 26, 2001

Survivor on Nintendo

by Max Lake - 11:05 am EDT
Source: Infogrames

Infogrames is releasing a game based on the hit reality-TV show Survior that will end up on NGC & GBA.

With reality-driven TV all the rage these days it’s no wonder that someone has decided to make a game based on one of the shows that capped off the current fad. Leave it to Infogrames to sign on to make a game based on Survivor. Here’s the press release:

Further strengthening its...

New Japanese GBA Info! GBA

by Jonathan Metts - 11:03 am EDT
Source: NCL Official Website

We've got new info and/or screens for four upcoming Japanese GBA games. Importers, check this stuff out!

You gotta see our updated profiles for these four Japanese-only GBA games:

Leiji Matsumoto's Space Hexcite Metal Legend EX

Doraemon: Green Planet's Doki Doki Big Rescue!

Tanbi Musou Meine Liebe

Get Backers Dakkanya Jigoku No Skirmish



April 25, 2001

Zelda and Earthbound headed to GBA! GBA

by Andres Rojas - 12:25 pm EDT
Source: Mips36

Conversions of the original NES classic Legend of Zelda, and SNES RPG Earthbound are heading to GBA! Updated! Story FALSE?!

After further review, Planet GameCube has decided to pull the pics, and post a retraction.

The pictures that we have posted from Mips are not real. As far as the games are concerned, I'm sure someday we will be seeing a Zelda title on GBA. As for an Earthbound title, there's possibilities for that as well. As of right now, there are no concrete pics, or news of development of Earthbound or Zelda titles for GBA.


More Bogus X-Box Shots? UPDATED

by Justin Nation - 8:02 am EDT
Source: The Adrenaline Vault

After the Amped fake screen shot debacle you'd think Microsoft would look a little more carefully over what companies release as screen shots... apparently they missed these

Strolling around some of my usual haunts I happened upon a headline for new X-Box game shots. In order to get a feel for what the competition would bring (I swear I wasn't looking for trouble) I decided to check out these screens for Simon & Schuster's Outlaw Golf.

At first glance I really didn't...

April 24, 2001

Camelot On GBA GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 11:06 pm EDT
Source: Core Magazine

The talented deveopers who brought us the brilliant Mario Golf and Mario Tennis talk about all things GBA

Camelot is quickly becoming a developer to keep your eye on as each game they produce exceeds their previous efforts in terms of excellence. With the promising Golden Sun RPG in development for GBA and word of a GameCube RPG on the horizon, the duo behind Camelot, the Takahashi brothers speak up about working with the GBA.


Sony and Microsoft Going Toe-to-Toe with GBA?! GBA

by Andres Rojas - 7:30 pm EDT
Source: EAGB Advance

Do Sony and Microsoft actually have the guts to take on Nintendo's little behemoth?

According to EAGB, a Japanese research report confirms that Sony and Microsoft are working on their own handheld gaming systems to compete with Nintendo's Game Boy Advance.

According to the report, Sony's handheld will incorporate the Palm OS, while Microsoft's handheld will use the Pocket PC OS. Interestingly enough, the report also speculated that Nintendo might be delving into the PDA market themselves with the Game Boy Advance.


Alienbrains Grow Prolifically

by Michael Cole - 6:50 pm EDT
Source: IGNCube

Prolific Productions is using NxN Software's product for the GameCube.

Thanks to NxN Software's Alienbrain development tool, Prolific is quickly under way on an undisclosed GCN game. Russell Mix, CEO of Prolific, commented:

"We have been creating games for years, and every year the development environment gets more complex and competitive. By providing a comprehensive... Read more...

Spyro on NGC! New Crash Details! GC

by Max Lake - 1:51 am EDT
Source: GameSpot

You probably knew that Spyro the Dragon & Crash Bandicoot were coming to Nintendo systems. Now here’s more good (yet still insanely unbelievable) news!

Last year, in a surprising announcement, a Spyro the Dragon game would be produced for GBA. Shortly thereafter came an even bigger shocker: it was confirmed that Crash Bandicoot would come to other systems, including GameCube. These events weren’t good news to Sony, who lost two of its biggest... Read more...

April 23, 2001

Meet Planet GameCube at E3!

by Billy Berghammer - 8:44 pm EDT
Source: Planet GameCube E3 Forums

Are you going to E3? Want to meet up with the staff of Planet GameCube? So you say you can school Ty in anything!?! Ha! Fools! Come drool with us!

Planet GameCube at E3. Someone give us Ritalin. Talk about little Timmy in a candy store. So are you going to the big bad show? Wanna hang? Let us know!

Step on over to the Forums feller and let us know you're going to be there! A couple of the staffers that we have now did last year, and... Read more...

Delay due to price GC

by Billy Berghammer - 6:59 am EDT
Source: FGN

GameCube could be a little more expensive than we thought? Semiconductor issues?

FGN reported that the September launch was forced due to expensive semiconductor prices. According to Yamauchi, "The price for the Japanese market will be announced next month. Due to the state of the semiconductor industry, production has become more expensive. One of the options we're exploring is an open pricing system."


April 22, 2001

Nintendo Hogs E3 Floorspace

by Jonathan Metts - 8:59 pm EDT
Source: Official E3 Site

Nintendo has a massive section of E3 set aside...perhaps the largest piece of floor of any exhibitor.

I'm not sure how long this has been available, but check out this revealing map of E3's south and west halls:


(You may need to scroll right to see Nintendo's area.)

Although the Big 'N' does have probably the largest chunk of... Read more...

April 21, 2001

TUROK!!! RumorGC

by - 3:40 pm EDT

Acclaim has announced GameCube games but nothing has been said about Turok. Does anyone know what's up with the Dino Hunter? Louie to the rescue!

No one knows what will happen with the Turok franchise in the next generation. There were four Turok games released on N64 (Turok, T2, Rage Wars and Turok 3) which featured numerous creative & destructive twists as a FPS w/platforming elements. No new Turok games have been confirmed or announced,... Read more...

Acclaim has 5 for GameCube GC

by Max Lake - 2:53 pm EDT
Source: IGNCube

Acclaim has announced its first five titles for GameCube – they won’t be at E3 but this is some great news! Get the list & our comments!

Last night, IGNCube reported back after some recon with Acclaim, who report that they (like many other third-party developers) will not have any GameCube on display at the show. However, Acclaim was all to happy to confirm it will release five titles for GameCube, all (tentatively) slated for release in November 2001.


April 20, 2001

Nintendo Power ADVANCE Details GBA

by Jonathan Metts - 1:05 pm EDT
Source: Nintendo Power Magazine

The newest issue of NP has new info on the GBA-only version of the legendary magazine...and how it will affect subscribers.

The latest issue of Nintendo Power magazine has a notice regarding the upcoming sister publication, Nintendo Power Advance:

THE PROBLEM: Game Boy Advance titles are bigger and more complex than anything you've ever experienced in a handheld game.



Broken Saints rumblings

by Mike Sklens - 12:00 pm EDT
Source: TendoGamers

Here's some important information on the coolest thing to hit the net ever.

TendoGamers(one word), broke a story today about the state of Broken Saints. If you haven't heard yet, Broken Saints is a killer web based graphic novel. It follows the story of 4 totally different people from all across the globe. They story hasn't progressed much yet so there are no real plot details.


Da Invitation Is Here! GC

by Jonathan Metts - 9:27 am EDT
Source: Nintendo of America

Take a look at NOA's invitation to the biggest gaming press conference of the year!

Check dis, yo!

(In case you're wondering, Billy edited out the contact and address info. You have to get on the invitation list anyway to get in, so ce n'est pas d'importance.)

This is, of course, announcing the turning point in our favorite company's life. Nintendo's pre-E3 press... Read more...

Stick Figure Fighting!

by Max Lake - 5:16 am EDT
Source: zhu_zhq@sohu.com

Not Nintendo related but still cool enough for your attention - check out this excellent animation!

Here it is Friday, 4/20/2001 and I have a bunch of projects to work on and E3 stuff to organize before I can have weekend fun. Then Ty comes along and shows me a “l33t animation” and after I see it and show Justin, we decided it was SO COOL that we had to share it with all. I also feel I owe it to PGC’s “Music Editor” Ryan Cox to share this amusing stick figure animation this fine day, as he’s quite a fan of the “genre.”


April 19, 2001

Blitz on GameCube in 2001! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 6:05 pm EDT

You knew it was coming, now you know when! But there's more, straight from Midway...

Last year at E3, we were the first to bring the news that Midway

had Dolphin Development Kits. Today Mark Turmell Game Designer for Midway, and resident of the Midway Sports Asylum, not only confirmed to Planet GameCube that Blitz was already in development for GameCube, but that we would see this... Read more...

Sega titles for GameCube at E3!!! GC

by Mike Sklens - 1:47 pm EDT
Source: Tendo Box

I think the headline speaks for this one.

At an official meeting this morning, Sega discussed their financial plan, and software development, among other things.

Mentioned was that Sonic Team (Phantasy Star Online, Sonic) and Amusement Vision (Daytona) are both currently working on GameCube titles. Also, other development groups, including Smilebit (Jet Grind Radio) and Hitmaker (Crazy Taxi) will probably be making GameCube games.


Yes, Tony Hawk 3 will be on NGC! GC

by Jon Lindemann - 1:13 pm EDT

If you were worried that we wouldn't see Tony Hawk 3 for GameCube, rest easy. PGC is here to confirm the game for you!

I got an e-mail today from NPD asking me to fill out an online survey on behalf of Activision. A question posed in the survey confirms that Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 is being released for Gamecube:

"Please read the description about a new Tony Hawk's Pro Skater game.

Tony Hawk's Pro...


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