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April 13, 2000

A Non-Dolphin E3 this year

by Kosta Andreadis - 10:10 pm EDT
Source: IGN64

And the peasants wept, like they had never wept before.

Nintendo today told IGN64 that there would absolutely be no Dolphin or Game Boy Advance presence at this years E3 in May. They also ruled out any software, hardware or technical demos that might be shown behind closed doors. This may come as a surprise to some people out there, but for those of us... Read more...

Perfect Dark 2 for Dolphin

by Steven Thomas - 10:08 pm EDT
Source: Game Online

Perhaps? Maybe? A foregone Conclusion?

Patrick Garrett of game-online.com reported that, "Solid word has reached us from reliable sources that Rare is staffing up for Perfect Dark 2 on Dolphin."

Of course, they also stated that "As expected, Rare was evasive on the subject this morning." No kidding?

"Rare cannot confirm or deny that," said the developer's PR stalwart Simon Farmer.


Miyamoto Kidnapped!

by Ty Shughart - 9:55 pm EDT
Source: Penny Arcade

Dear God NO!!!!!!!!

One of our favorite sites here at PlanetN2000, Penny Arcade, is running a Miyamoto storyline currently. Dig the first strip, and the next... stay tuned for the "thrilling flash-animated conclusion" on Friday!

You dig gaming-related strips? Check out Player Vs Player while you're at it.


April 12, 2000

Hardware T&L set for Dolphin

by Kosta Andreadis - 10:03 pm EDT
Source: IGN64

It's a good thing.

Several developers have assured IGN64 that the Dolphin graphics hardware will have on board T&L, otherwise known as transformation and lighting effects. This may be a serious advantage for Nintendo as Sony's Playstaion 2 does not have this feature on hardware but has to calculate these effects via... Read more...

Ramps, Twists, Corkscrews, Loo

by Kosta Andreadis - 9:54 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online

Rawk da Stunt Hawse!

...why its Stunt Racing of course! Climax Studios whom we reported not so long ago as confirmed Dolphin developers have added another game to their list of titles that will be released on the system. Joining the ranks of Title Defence, the other Climax title Dolphin bound, comes Stunt Driver a game... Read more...

April 11, 2000

Nintendo unveils the GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 9:45 pm EDT
Source: IGN Pocket


Nintendo called it the Game Boy Advance Game Developers Conference, the place where developers were finally able to see the ins and outs of the GBA. With little real concrete information available about the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo finally lifted the lid on their upcoming handheld, well at least... Read more...

Sega calls Nintendo slackers

by Billy Berghammer - 9:38 pm EDT
Source: MCV

Nintendo's middle name has always been "tardy".

The creative head of Sega's AM Annex group, Tetsuya Mizuguchi discussed his impressions of Sega's competitors. He obviously thinks the DC will be fine, and says he thinks Nintendo takes too long to come out with new consoles. Interesting, but Nintendo seems to have this problem that their consoles seem to have a LONGER life span than Sega's systems. They don't just give up on a system and make a new one. Interesting read anyway ;)


April 10, 2000

GBA Delay: Why?

by Billy Berghammer - 9:21 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online

LCD screens are no longer hard to find.

Last week we reported that the GBA would be delayed in Japan until spring of 2001 due to a shortage of LCD screens for the new unit. Well, this problem seems to be resolved. Magically Sharp ups there production levels. So why the delay? As we have been speculating for months...money talks. There is no reason to release the GBA if the GBC is still selling well. Here's the chunks of fun from FGN.


K-Talk Fixed

by Kosta Andreadis - 9:18 pm EDT

Let your voice be heard.

After the little cosmetic changes to the site made the other day, the talkback page screwed up. It has been fixed and should be working properly, and please feel free to comment on any additions or problems you may have with the site design. Thanks!


April 9, 2000

A few little changes here...

by Billy Berghammer - 9:17 pm EDT


Don't freak out, your browser isn't messing up. We've made a few small cosmetic changes to PlanetN2000. If something looks totally out of place...Let us know!


April 8, 2000

Planet Tetrinet?

by Billy Berghammer - 9:14 pm EDT
Source: http://tetrinet.emugaming.com/gamefiles.htm

Tetrinet of the Gods.

Wow great name! Well most of the staff here at PlanetN2000 are seriously hooked on this game. I will personally admit, I hope Nintendo releases Tetris, or Tetrisphere as an online game for the Dolphin. Well, while we are dreaming, and news is slow as hell...try out Tetrinet! There's more news about... Read more...

April 7, 2000

The Commodore 64 died

by Billy Berghammer - 9:12 pm EDT


Yes, we apologize for our downtime. The server was going through some fix it issues. They have replaced out Commodore 64 with a new and improved Commodore 128! Everything should be all good to go again. That is, until we fire up Epyx's Summer Games I. :)


April 5, 2000

Launch: Lots of games!

by Billy Berghammer - 9:08 pm EDT
Source: Daily Radar

More fun but less money.

And lots of them! Nintendo promises, the "largest and strongest library of hit games for any system introduction in Nintendo history when it launches in North America in the first half of 2001." That is a rather bold statement from Nintendo, as well as something very nice to hear. So how many games... Read more...

GBA Delay official?

by Billy Berghammer - 9:04 pm EDT
Source: Daily Radar


According to Daily Radar, the GBA will be delayed in Japan until April 2001. With the mass success the GBC is having (as well as the tons of games coming to the system) not a lot of us staffers are all that surprised. Dissapointed, but not surprised. Let's just hope the Dolphin sticks to it's Winter 2000 release in Japan. (please gawwwwd please!) Here's the juice.


April 4, 2000

Get your "Saber On!"

by Billy Berghammer - 8:53 pm EDT
Source: http://www.starwars.com/

Star Wars for all!

Due to today's release of Star Wars: Episode One on video, I will be out most of the night. I would highly recommend the purchase of this fine video. Get the widescreen! The extra money is worth it, and you get a cool art book and movie cell as well. The box is even nice. ;)

What does this have...

Nintendo not impressed

by Kosta Andreadis - 3:07 pm EDT
Source: MCV

*PETERMAIN gives the peons the "Royal Wave" from his ship, the PETERMAINCO. DESTINY.

During the recent Tokyo Game Show in Japan various Nintendo executives were unimpressed by the PlayStation 2, reports MCV. Ken Lobb, an executive producer at Nintendo, stated his general low view of the PS2 and its software, "From what I have seen and played here today for the PlayStation 2, we don’t... Read more...

Free Dreamcasts?

by Kosta Andreadis - 2:57 pm EDT
Source: Daily Radar

I want one, do you?

In a rather startling manner Sega have decided to take a very bold move starting this August by making their Dreamcast console unit free. That's not a typo, come August you'll be able to get a Dreamcast for free. The catch? (there's always a catch) You have to sign up with their ISP, Sega.com and... Read more...

GBA Delay?

by Kosta Andreadis - 2:54 pm EDT
Source: Gamespot

Delays are a Nintendo fan's only constant.

Yomiuri Online reported recently that Nintendo may have trouble realising the Gameboy Advance's proposed August release in Japan. They reported that shortages in semiconductor parts in the manufacturing process of the next-generation handheld could be the prime reason. Other factors that may contribute... Read more...

Trivia Results!

by Ty Shughart - 2:52 pm EDT
Source: http://www.planetn2000.com/chat.html

Das Trivia!

13 is Deguello's lucky number, and WindyMan0 gets his groove back in Trivia 14. Are you a Nintendo maniac? Y'think you know it all? Tune in Friday for your chance to win!


April 3, 2000

Uh...it was a joke

by Billy Berghammer - 2:21 pm EDT


Yes, our stories on Saturday we're in fact April Fools jokes. I figured most of you out there would have realized it. Unfortunately, a couple of you didn't find our jokes funny. So from now on, we are going to be completely serious, and not poke fun at anything anymore. We are going to be stale, boring, and not a whole lot of fun. :)



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