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January 29, 2004

Pokemon Colosseum Teleconference Notes GC

by Jonathan Metts - 3:59 pm EST
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The development team at Genius Sonority talks about the upcoming Pokemon battle/RPG title for GameCube.

Today Nintendo hosted a teleconference with members of Genius Sonority, the developer of Pokemon Colosseum. Below are rough notes of the proceedings. Please note that this is NOT a true transcript; most quotes have been paraphrased. However, the very lengthy call would have taken a very long time to transcribe, and we thought our readers would rather have the gist of the information in a more timely manner.


Latest DS Details DS

by Steven Rodriguez - 3:21 pm EST
Discuss in talkback! Source: Famitsu

E3 secrets, GBA interchangeabilty, LCDs, and Miyamoto!

The cloud of mystery surrounding the new Nintendo DS product won't be fully lifted until E3, so every scrap of information that comes out about it before then will be jumped on in a hurry. This time is no exception.

The LCD displays on the DS, though reported to be similar in appearance and size... Read more...

Popular Internet Games Hit the GBA GBA

by Steven Rodriguez - 2:18 pm EST
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Now you can pay for the games you were playing for free over the internet!

Widely Popular Internet Web-Games Set out to 'Puzzle' Handheld Gamers Everywhere; Majesco Announces 'Bookworm' and 'Bejeweled' For Nintendo's Game Boy Advance System

EDISON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 29, 2004--Majesco Sales Inc., the sole operating subsidiary of ConnectivCorp, today announced... Read more...

Killer7 No Longer GameCube Exclusive GC

by Steven Rodriguez - 1:48 pm EST
Total comments: 1 Source: Capcom

That's basically all there is to it.

When Capcom basically stunned the gaming media and announced Viewtiful Joe, Dead Phoenix, PN03, Killer7 and Resident Evil 4 exclusively for the GameCube a while back, questions began to rise about just how exclusive these titles would be. Well, after the (supposed) cancellation of Dead Phoenix, Vanessa Z. Schneider's not-so-hot game, and the successful but low-flying Viewtiful Joe, a lot more questions about Capcom's decision arose.


Nintendo Lowers Expectations

by Steven Rodriguez - 9:29 am EST
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Even after words of encouragement, Nintendo will likely fall short of their sales goals.

Nintendo has announced today that it will cut its year-end profit estimate by 10%, will fall about one million units short of its six million yearly GameCube sales goal, and will be two million shy of its twenty million Game Boy Advance sales target.

Because of the stronger Yen in the exchange...

January 27, 2004

Latest Nintendo Performance Numbers

by Steven Rodriguez - 8:51 am EST
Discuss in talkback! Source: Nintendo

Nintendo sure likes to tell everyone how great they are.

As the NPD Group released its 2003 industry figures, Nintendo decided to tell the world the rest of the story, namely, how well Nintendo has been doing in relation to the competition. Here's the official word from the company:


NPD Data Reveals Nintendo #1 in Several Categories


National Video Game Tournament Announced

by Steven Rodriguez - 8:37 am EST
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Major sponsors are participating, and $150,000 is up for grabs.

Let the V Games Begin: First National Video Game Tournament Announced

NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 2004 -- Who says video games are a waste of time? Certainly not those who will be competing for thousands of dollars in this year's V Games (www.thevgames.com), sponsored by Ziff Davis Media Group and EB Games.... Read more...

Sega Picks up Samurai Jack GC GC

by Steven Rodriguez - 8:27 am EST
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Meet the real Last Samurai.

SEGA Partners with Cartoon Network and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to Publish Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Aku for PlayStation 2, Xbox and Nintendo GameCube

Amaze Entertainment Studio to Develop Console Game Based on Emmy-winning Cartoon Network Series


Astro Boy for the GBA GBA

by Steven Rodriguez - 8:11 am EST
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How can you pass up the chance to play a game based on a wacky Japanese comic book?

SEGA Propels ''Astro Boy'' to U.S. on Playstation 2 & GBA; Partners with Sony Pictures Consumer Products and Tezuka Productions; Yuji Naka to Supervise PS2 Development at Sonic Team

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 27, 2004--SEGA(R) of America, Inc. today announced a partnership with Sony... Read more...

January 26, 2004

Consoles Drive Game Sales

by Steven Rodriguez - 1:49 pm EST
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PC gaming is slowing down a bit, but consoles are picking up the slack.

The NPD Group Reports Annual 2003 U.S. Video Game Industry Driven by Console Software Sales

PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 26, 2004--According to leading marketing information provider, The NPD Group, retail sales of U.S. video games, which includes portable and console hardware,... Read more...

January 24, 2004

Third Parties Start Pledging DS Support DS

by Steven Rodriguez - 8:55 am EST
Discuss in talkback! Source: Polygon

A couple of Japanese giants are already jumping on the bandwagon.

After Nintendo let the cat out of the bag, announcing the Nintendo DS, people started to wonder if anyone other than Nintendo would develop games for it. According to Japan's Nikkei Keizai Shimbun, we now know that there will be at least two more companies making games for the mystery system.


January 22, 2004

Mad Catz Ships Out SharkBoard GC

by Steven Rodriguez - 4:44 pm EST
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Need a keyboard for your GameCube? Probably not, but here you go anyway.


Fully Functional USB Keyboard Compatible with PlayStation�GameCube(tm) and PC

San Diego, California, January 22, 2004 -- Mad Catz Interactive, Inc., the world's leading third party video game enhancement and accessories... Read more...

New Metroid: Zero Mission Info GBA

by Lasse Pallesen - 7:27 am EST
Discuss in talkback! Source: Nintendo News Letter

Samus will relive her first adventure this February. Find out what the improvements are.

Nintendo has just released some new info about their upcoming GBA title Metroid Zero. Scheduled to release this February, the game will be an updated remake of the original Metroid for the NES. Apart from improved graphics and sound, the game will have an expanded plot. While the basic story elements... Read more...

January 21, 2004

Nintendo DS Interview DS

by Michael Cole - 4:07 pm EST
Discuss in talkback! Source: Game Informer Online

Game Informer Online discusses Nintendo’s recent announcement with Beth Llewelyn.

Following yesterday’s intriguing revelation of the Nintendo DS, the Nintendo's rumored “third pillar” platform, Billy Berghammer of Game Informer Online talked with Beth Llewelyn, NOA’s Director of Public Relations. The interview reveals a handful of new tidbits along with clarification on what the system is and why it exists. Below are a few highlights:


EA Snags Timesplitters 3 GC

by Mike Sklens - 9:32 am EST
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Free Radical jumps publishers.


REDWOOD CITY, Calif., January 21, 2004 – Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS), the world’s leading interactive entertainment software company and UK-based developer Free Radical... Read more...

January 20, 2004

Burnout 3 Coming from EA GC

by Mike Sklens - 5:57 pm EST
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The speedy racer grabs a new publisher.

According to a story over at IGNcube, Criterion has switched publishers for its Burnout franchise. Electronic Arts, known for their own arcade style racer Need for Speed, will be publishing the next in the Burnout series. The game, in which players are encouraged to dodge traffic and perform other... Read more...

Nintendo Reveals "Third Pillar"! DS

by Jonathan Metts - 4:53 pm EST
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New handheld system employs two LCD screens for new display possibilities.

Update: Nintendo NCL has revealed more information on the dual processors and screens in its Japanese press release.

The primary processor is based on the ARM9 architecture, and the secondary processor is based on the ARM7 architecture. Which screens the two processors are coupled with... Read more...

Linux on GameCube?

by Steven Rodriguez - 9:20 am EST
Discuss in talkback! Source: http://www.gc-linux.org/

Not even Nintendo is safe from Linux geeks.

Do you remember that big fuss about Microsoft not liking the fact that some homebrewers managed to get the open-source Linux operating system up and running on the Xbox? Apparently, since that job is done, a bunch of people involved in the Xbox Linux project have moved on to greener pastures, or more specifically, they're trying to run the OS on a GameCube.


January 19, 2004

Ocarina of Time in 2D GC

by Steven Rodriguez - 5:33 pm EST
Discuss in talkback! Source: http://www.oot2d.com/

Like Zelda? Think that third dimension is one too many? We've found something interesting for you.

Daniel Barras, like many others, loves his Zelda games to death. However, after Ocarina of Time, he felt that something was missing, namely, the 2D overhead view gameplay that the original games used. Rather than accept this, he decided to do something about it.

Daniel is in the process of taking...

F-Zero GameCube Up for Bids GC

by Steven Rodriguez - 4:31 pm EST
Discuss in talkback! Source: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&it...

If you're in the UK, you can get your mitts on this one-of-a-kind GameCube.

If you like F-Zero, have we got an eBay auction for you! Nintendo of Europe has gotten a graphic artist by the name of Ron Jonzo to make them up a spiffy GameCube, decked with F-Zero designs all over. On top of that, the winning bid will be donated by Nintendo to the Starlight Children's Foundation. You can see what the GameCube is like and how the bidding is going by clicking here.



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