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Louie loves turkey!

by Billy Berghammer - November 22, 2001, 12:09 am EST

Turkey, GameCube, Golden Sun, turkey, watch the Packers dismantle the Detroit Lions on TV, turkey, destroy the Lions as the Packers in Madden 2002, turkey. Burp. The gaming is just delicious.

Ah yes, it’s Turkey Day once again here at Planet GameCube. Most of you out there are on vacation, hanging out with the family, and feasting on delicious GameCube games right now. Admit it, you’re playing monkey fight and pounding the living daylights out of your little sister.

It’s a beautiful thing.

Here at the offices of Planet GameCube we’re working non-stop. We’re playing the heck out of these games 24-7, making sure we give you the reviews that you demand. Sure, we’re eating like pigs, and making strange man noises once in a while, (Dragona just breathes fire) but we’re working long hours for you this holiday. This is hard work! Sucking down ghosts, taking out Tie Bombers, and nose grinding on rails hour after hour for the benefit of you the readers. Playing GBA and GCN is hard, strenuous work ladies and gentlemen. But just because we’re getting fat and happy this holiday doesn’t mean we’re not going to work.

Seriously though, we do have lot to be thankful for. On behalf of the staff here at Planet GameCube, I’d like to thank all the readers who donated money before we had real advertising to support the site. To put it lightly, we were in some serious trouble. Not that we’re perfect now. But you all came through, and so far we’ve been able to survive lovely Internet economy. There were a lot of people out there who told me that Internet donations would never work, but if weren’t for those donations we never would have been able to cover our server costs today, as well as stay free for you the reader. All I know is we’ve been very fortunate.

I’d also say that I’m very thankful for our staff here at Planet GameCube. No one pays them. They bust their asses 24-7. No reason really, just a sick dedication to a system or something. I couldn’t ask for a better staff to work on this project we call Planet GameCube. You guys all rule.

Okay no more sappy crap. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Now go eat, play, and be well….

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