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Shantae and the Pirate's Curse Gets Release Date for Wii U

by Alex Osborn - December 17, 2014, 10:58 am EST
Total comments: 3 Source: WayForward

In just over a week you'll be able to play WayForward's 2D platformer on your GamePad.

Developer WayForward has announced that its 2D platformer Shantae and the Pirate's Curse will be releasing for Wii U on December 25.

The game is currently available on 3DS but will be making the leap to console next week, complete with off-TV play, an unlockable Pirate mode, and multiple endings. Additionally, the Wii U version will support the Classic Controller Pro and the Wii U Pro Controller.

You'll be able to purchase the title via the Wii U eShop for $20.

Be sure to read our review of the 3DS version here.


TrueNerdDecember 17, 2014

Have yet to pick this up on 3DS, much more likely to do so on Wii U due to that system having a much more functional D-Pad than the original 3DS.

SorenDecember 17, 2014

The more I think of it, the more this sounds like a terrible idea. Last year the eShop had a major meltdown on Christmas that lasted close to a week. I'd be wary of releasing anything new on those days.

I think Nintendo's shown that they're very capable of quickly learning from their mistakes in online implementation.

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