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Nintendo's Stock Price Reaches Two Year High

by Zack Kaplan - July 24, 2013, 8:01 am EDT
Total comments: 37 Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-07-22/nintendo-..., Bloomberg

Western sales spur increase in share prices.

Nintendo Co. stock price increased four percent hitting 14,050 yen, the highest price since June of 2011.

North American sales of the 3DS, and titles including Animal Crossing: New Leaf, led to the increase. Other factors play into the rise of share prices include reports indicating China may get rid of its ban on game systems.


KhushrenadaJuly 24, 2013

Yes! Nintendo has returned to profitability in a short time. Hopefully this means that they can finally move onto other projects like F-Zero without having to worry about making shareholders happy anymore.

And don't anyone else dare tell me otherwise!

TrueNerdJuly 24, 2013

So wait you're telling me that all those articles I read that said Nintendo should go 3rd party or make phone games were short sighted and stupid and ignorant of the past?

RPG_FAN128July 24, 2013

Yes.  Plus consider it was for this VERY reason that Nintendo decided they should make a zillion Mario games. I wonder what the stocks will be like when they start to see the light of day (and also see the wallets of the consumers).  Personally I'd rather play a game like Radiant Historia or Etrian Odyssey IV...but alas those games never sell as many copies as the lowliest of Mario games.

broodwarsJuly 24, 2013

Quote from: Khushrenada

Yes! Nintendo has returned to profitability in a short time.

That's not what this means. A company's stock price != profitability, merely that stockholders believe they will be profitable...or at least prosperous enough to raise the stock price to an acceptable level to Sell their shares.

TJ SpykeJuly 24, 2013

Quote from: broodwars

Quote from: Khushrenada

Yes! Nintendo has returned to profitability in a short time.

That's not what this means. A company's stock price != profitability

Precisely, look at Apple and how they reported their profits went UP but their stock price dropped because investors expected profits to be even higher.

KhushrenadaJuly 24, 2013

Quote from: Khushrenada

And don't anyone else dare tell me otherwise!

What part of don't anyone else dare tell me otherwise did you not understand?! :@
But yes, thank you all for coming in to clear this up. I would have had no idea that I was wrong had you not so bravely stepped in to tell me otherwise.  ::)

Mop it upJuly 24, 2013

I'd guess they also probably expect Nintendo's upcoming lineup to be big sellers, considering how well previous entries have done.

Kytim89July 25, 2013

I would not doubt that Nintendo's stock prices have grow is because of digital sales. Remember that every time someone buys a Nintendo game off of the eShop that is all money into Nintendo's purse. There is no retail cut in the sale. This is why I hope Nintendo embraces more deals and purchase incentives for their eShop games. If I buy Steel Diver for $4.99 then they give me $9.99 in credit for purchase of something else.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJuly 25, 2013

Wait - you want to buy a game for $5 and be given $10 as well?

That's a good deal. :D

smallsharkbigbiteJuly 25, 2013

Yes, I would buy all games digital if I received double the amount spent in credit.  That would sure usher in the digital era. 

I don't want to tell anyone otherwise, but this isn't because the Wii U is becoming successful.  The last 2 years were marred by poor Wii sales and an atrocious 3DS launch.  Now the 3DS is becoming a machine and Nintendo has had plentiful 1st party software to support it.  I'm also wondering how much of a speculator bump the share price got because of China looking to remove their console restrictions.  People may think that it could bump Wii U sales and help them turn this into quick flip stock. 

The 3DS has been killing it for a while now, so I don't know why that would cause a sudden jump in the stock price. The China thing could be a factor, but I'd wager the recent uptick in Wii U sales combined with the relatively strong software lineup it has for the rest of the year played a part.

CericJuly 25, 2013

I think I heard something about Japan encouraging regular people to invest in one of the Nintendo Stock Holder briefings.  That could be a factor.

Playing Earthbound on my Wii U has reminded just how much I like playing games on the system.  I can be with my family and still game.  Shame its going to be $250+ for that ability on PS4.

Luigi DudeJuly 25, 2013

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

The 3DS has been killing it for a while now, so I don't know why that would cause a sudden jump in the stock price. The China thing could be a factor, but I'd wager the recent uptick in Wii U sales combined with the relatively strong software lineup it has for the rest of the year played a part.

Even though the 3DS has been doing good for awhile now, Animal Crossing gave the system a huge boast in America and Europe for the month of June.  I'd imagine this is sending the message to investors that if Animal Crossing could do that in the Summer, then Pokemon having a worldwide release in October with the holiday season starting a month later is going to make sales go crazy this holiday.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJuly 25, 2013

I wonder if any of this has to do with investors getting a better idea of what Microsoft and Sony are offering combined with early feedback from the market via pre-sells.

broodwarsJuly 25, 2013

Quote from: UncleBob

I wonder if any of this has to do with investors getting a better idea of what Microsoft and Sony are offering combined with early feedback from the market via pre-sells.

If that were the case, wouldn't the stock be dropping?  The pre-orders for both consoles are stronger than their predecessors', 3rd party support on the Wii U has almost dissipated altogether, and there's no question that the PS4 & Xbone are on a completely different tier than the Wii U.

No, this feels like a speculator bump resulting from the 3DS' success this year and what are likely to be completely unfounded projections of the Wii U's Fall lineup sales.

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJuly 25, 2013

Have any official numbers on pre-orders be released?  I know there's rumors and such, but those rumors don't seem to match up with much in reality.

broodwarsJuly 25, 2013

Quote from: UncleBob

Have any official numbers on pre-orders be released?  I know there's rumors and such, but those rumors don't seem to match up with much in reality.

I can't find any concrete numbers, just frequent mentions of percentages.  That said, reportedly the pre-orders on both consoles are sold-out nationwide in NA.  I think Pachter speculated that number around 600,000 consoles in one story I read.  Meanwhile, I walked into a local GameStop on Black Friday afternoon last year and bought a Wii U Deluxe model, and the thing sat on store shelves throughout the Christmas holiday.  That should give investors some idea where the wind is blowing.

broodwarsJuly 25, 2013

And because we can't edit Talkback posts, here's the link to the article with Pachter's projections: link

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJuly 25, 2013

"Selling out" doesn't mean much when they don't release numbers.  I recall on the PS3, we had two systems shipped to our store at launch.

And quoting Pachter is like quoting VGChartz.  ;)

I think both systems will do just *fine*, but I think they'll both see a similar slow start to adoption, similar to the Wii U.  I just get the vibe that regular joes aren't ready to upgrade their PS3/360s just yet.  The fact that so many of the big titles are being released on PS3/360 *and* PS4/XBO isn't helping them get encouraged either.

CericJuly 25, 2013

PS3 is going to lose support first due to sell.  The 360 will probably suffer the MS Curse of users who don't upgrade.

I'm pretty sure there were a lot of reports that the Wii U was selling out preorders a year ago. That alone doesn't mean much.

Luigi DudeJuly 25, 2013

Quote from: NWR_insanolord

I'm pretty sure there were a lot of reports that the Wii U was selling out preorders a year ago. That alone doesn't mean much.



Pretty much shows why people shouldn't put too much faith in pre-order sales since they don't represent what the actual general public is going to do.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterJuly 25, 2013

perhaps they know something we don't (pricedrop)

Quote from: pokepal148

perhaps they know something we don't (pricedrop)

If they somehow knew about an incoming price drop that the general public didn't, it would be illegal for them to buy or sell the stock because of that information.

pokepal148Spencer Johnson, Contributing WriterJuly 25, 2013

its wall street, they'll do whatever the heck they want :D

i actually didn't know that

Obviously the WiiU is going to tank SO HARD this fall that they'll start putting everything on iOS.

No, seriously, this is what analysts actually believe.

nickmitchJuly 25, 2013

Quote from: pokepal148

its wall street, they'll do whatever the heck they want :D

i actually didn't know that

Nintendo's stock trades on the Tokyo (and Osaka?) stock exchange. You can buy ADRs of it in the US though.

azekeJuly 25, 2013

First of all speculation based on stock prices is only slightly more accurate than tea-leaf readings.

Secondly, MS and Sony's new consoles are irrelevant to japanese stockholders because they are irrelevant to all of Japan. Even if PS4 will launch this year in Japan it has really nothing tailored for this market.

broodwarsJuly 25, 2013

Quote from: azeke

First of all speculation based on stock prices is only slightly more accurate than tea-leaf readings.

Secondly, MS and Sony's new consoles are irrelevant to japanese stockholders because they are irrelevant to all of Japan. Even if PS4 will launch this year in Japan it has really nothing tailored for this market.

Well, Knack is made in Japan and I think it could surprise some folks (and hey, Japan has certainly embraced lamer platformers. *cough*NSMB*cough*), but we'll see at TGS if any more otaku-focused games get announced for the Japanese launch.  As for Microsoft, I don't think them labeling Japan a "Tier 2 Country" did them any favors with what little a fanbase they have in that country.

smallsharkbigbiteJuly 26, 2013


Japanese market is up 40% this year driven by a favorable exchange rate and an influx of foreign capital.  Nintendo is still a ways off their 2011 highs. 

I think it's important to note that this is the time to buy video game stock.  I'm skeptical of Nintendo's long term formula for success, but they should sell bunches of consoles (handheld and home) this fourth quarter, possibly giving a distribution in the spring before they fall back to their normal sales level. 

Ian SaneJuly 26, 2013

I think the stock increase is as simple as the fact that the Wii U is about to actually have some games come out.  The whole reason the sales are weak is because the Wii U has jack squat for games.  But a little over a week from now the Wii U will get at least one first party title per month for the rest of the year.  It is incredibly likely that Wii U sales will pick up to some extent during that time so the traders are picking up Nintendo stock assuming it will increase in value as the Wii U sells better.

CericJuly 26, 2013

The Stock market is nothing more than a Formalized Opinion Poll you pay money to be part of.  Facts have very little to do with it.  Hence Netflix having a solid quarter and its stock dropping.

Mop it upJuly 26, 2013

Let us not forget about scalpers either. A lot of the people who have pre-ordered the PS4 and XBONE probably intend to try selling it for profit. Heck, do an eBay search for "PlayStation 4" and there are already people trying to sell the pre-orders.

smallsharkbigbiteJuly 26, 2013

Scalpers always are there when a console launches.  They are another middle man.  They don't factor into the market unless their is not enough demand for the product.  The Wii U demand was small enough to not stabilize the market initially.  You can speculate that the PS4/Xbox One won't have enough demand to stabilize the scalpers as well, but it's not proof that they can't stabilize.  I think the PS3 had a rough start because of it's launch price, but I still remember it being somewhat difficult to obtain during it's first couple of months. 

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJuly 26, 2013

Quote from: smallsharkbigbite

I think the PS3 had a rough start because of it's launch price, but I still remember it being somewhat difficult to obtain during it's first couple of months. 

I don't remember that at all.


smallsharkbigbiteJuly 27, 2013

I said moderately difficult, I don't believe the system was available online.  They go around town and for an hour and find at most 3 systems at any one store.  I don't live in a large town and my local Toys R Us had 42 Wii Us on Dec 28th.  For comparison purposes there were 2 360s and one PS3. 

UncleBobRichard Cook, Guest ContributorJuly 27, 2013

A part of that was due to a lack of shipping from Sony's part.

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