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Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney Reaching Final Stages of Development

by Neal Ronaghan - August 20, 2012, 11:33 am EDT
Total comments: 6 Source: http://www.famitsu.com/news/201208/20018857.html, (Famitsu)

Capcom's Shu Takumi gives a status report on the game that is consuming all of his time.

Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, which is listed as a 2012 release in Japan, is nearing the end of development, according to Capcom Producer Shu Takumi.

"It feels like everything in my life is now concenterated in Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney. I can't talk too much about it, but development is going smoothly, so please wait just a little more," Takumi said. "We are developing this together with Level-5, but this game envelops all I do."

Capcom and Level-5 have not confirmed the localization of Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, but Capcom's North American branch has teased it in the past. Judging from the past history of both series, it is likely that the game will come over, though, as Ace Attorney Investigations proved, the localization is not a sure thing.


I'm more worried about the game getting cancelled entirely than the localization not happening. The Layton name is still a draw in Western territories.

ROiDSAugust 21, 2012

Quote from: Shaymin

I'm more worried about the game getting cancelled entirely than the localization not happening. The Layton name is still a draw in Western territories.

They better not, or else they'll see hell coming towards them.

SundoulosAugust 22, 2012

I just wish that Capcom (or Nintendo) would start releasing the original Ace Attorney series on the eshop in some form.  After years of avoiding the series, I finally gave the iOS demo version a try a few months ago.  I loved it!  (See Nintendo, this is what game demos can do for you!)

I know that the sequels are available on WiiWare, but I would prefer to have them in a portable format, honestly.  Trials and Tribulations is still affordable, but the going rates for Justice For All are fairly astronomical.

When this was originally announced, I was interested in it mainly for the Layton name.  Now I want to play it even more.  I'll keep my fingers crossed for a localization.

S-U-P-E-RTy Shughart, Staff AlumnusAugust 22, 2012

I think I'll buy a 3DS for this game. I can't wait to post untagged spoilers for you other guys that can't read Japanese

SheckyAugust 23, 2012

Quote from: S-U-P-E-R

I think I'll buy a 3DS for this game. I can't wait to post untagged spoilers for you other guys that can't read Japanese

Ah good to see SUPER hasn't changed much...

This game would also get me to finally pick up a 3DS.  It would also end the drought of Ace Attorney games here in the states.  An Advance Wars title would also do the trick.

S-U-P-E-RTy Shughart, Staff AlumnusAugust 23, 2012

Haha yeah, it's gonna be just like old times!

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