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Toki Tori 2 Coming to Wii U?

by Pedro Hernandez - January 5, 2012, 9:08 am EST
Total comments: 1 Source: (Two Tribes Games Twitter), https://twitter.com/#!/TwoTribesGames/status/15467...

A Twitter tease hints at the possibility of a future Wii U release.

Toki Tori 2 may be coming to Wii U according to a Twitter post by developer Two Tribes Games that seeks to gauge interest in such a port.

The full Twitter post is as follows: "Just throwing this out there: who would like to see Toki Tori 2 on their Wii U?"

The original Toki Tori was released on WiiWare, so there is a possibility that its sequel will land on Nintendo's upcoming next gen console. Currently, the game is in pre-alpha state on Steam.


HawkeyeJanuary 05, 2012

This might be a system seller.  ;)

The WiiWare release captivated me for a good while. I just might go back and finish it.

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