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Star Fox 64 3D to Be Released September 11

by Josh Max - June 21, 2011, 6:40 am EDT
Total comments: 31 Source: htttp://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-06-20-star..., Eurogamer

Fans finally have a release date for the favorite space-fox.

Star Fox 64 3D will be released in the United States on September 11, and Europe on September 9, Nintendo has announced. 

Japan's July 14 release date had already been announced.

Star Fox 64 3D is a new and updated version of the classic 1997 Nintendo 64 game for 3DS.


oohhboyHong Hang Ho, Staff AlumnusJune 21, 2011

Fox has just slammed into the second tower! Do a barrel roll!

Too soon?

Quote from: oohhboy

Fox has just slammed into the second tower! Do a barrel roll!

Too soon?


I find it extremely short-sighted and messed up that Star Fox 64 3D is coming out on the 10th anniversary of September 11. What the hell were they thinking? It is an air combat game where you can crash into/shoot down tall buildings.

AdrockJune 21, 2011

Yeah, this is a terrible idea. Seriously, Nintendo, release it on just about any other day and avoid the bad press. You don't have to be a patriot to see this is in pretty bad taste. Maybe they want the publicity.

DrizztJune 21, 2011

This is totally messed up, Of all the days to sell it. Plus it's a flight game!

StrawHousePigJune 21, 2011

You'd think somebody at NOA would realize this. Seriously, this is just plain dumb. I'm not sure I could bring myself to splurge on something so frivolous that day. In fact I'm a bit insulted they don't think it would matter to people.

Then again, wallowing in tragedy and death is not a way to move forward. Enjoying life is.

NWR_JoshJosh Max, Associate EditorJune 21, 2011

I can't say I understand why they're releasing Star Fox on the 11th either. . . Maybe they're going to give a statement about it? Or at least mention it? I'm just hoping there's some valid reason for this.

CericJune 21, 2011

Honestly what gets me more then that is how long it is going to take from the Japan launch.  I personally would have launched Japan last.  I doubt the game has the cult it does here or Europe.

I mean this isn't a Rumor.  They announced the date.  Maybe NWR should try to get ahold of them for Comment and the date choice.

Reached out for comment shortly after this article went up.

What bothers me even more is that its not like this is the only slot this game could've released in. Maybe they should have released it in July/August so it could make up for the two-three month gap where the only Nintendo-published game is made by Square Enix! For DS! Although, if you ask Nintendo PR folks, they'll tell you that "there's a great line-up in July/August with a many DS games." As far as we know, DQMonsters Joker 2 is the only game hitting in that window, and it's coming out in the last week of August.

Seriously, Square Enix has made almost as many Nintendo games as Nintendo this year.

CericJune 21, 2011

Quote from: NWR_Neal

Seriously, Square Enix has made almost as many Nintendo games as Nintendo this year.

Doesn't that just sound odd to say.  Especially since Nintendo doesn't get the Square Mother Ship though the did get their Cash Cow.

This is honestly the one time I would have foregone a Sunday release.

ThePermJune 21, 2011

Nintendo Japan runs things, NOA has been a puppet company since Arakawa and Lincoln left.

BranDonk KongJune 21, 2011

Still though...game looks awesome.

Quote from: ThePerm

Nintendo Japan runs things, NOA has been a puppet company since Arakawa and Lincoln left.

NOA is far more independent than it was under Arakawa or Lincoln. I mean, Howard Lincoln is an attorney. He knows nothing about the industry. Minoru Arakawa was Yamauchi's son in law!

Honestly, I'm not bothered by the release date, but that's just me. It's just a game. There is no message in play here. I'm far more offended by the trappings of faux-patriotism that are sold just for economic gain (eg: the infamous crying eagle, the black Pentagon Redskins cap).

Mop it upJune 21, 2011

So what, should no one release games on this date? People are just too sensitive about these things. I'm not saying the event should be forgotten, but it isn't like everything needs to come to a halt on the day.

AdrockJune 22, 2011

I'm not personally offended by the release date but I'm not beyond recognizing the insensitivity of releasing a game where, despite not being the point, it's possible to shoot down/crash into buildings on the 10 year anniversary of when terrorists circumvented all kinds of security and crashed planes into 2 of the largest buildings in one of the most densely-populated cities in the world instantly killing/injuring thousands of people. What sense does that make? Release just about any other game and it'd be fine. Release this very specific game knowing its content and you're bound to raise a few eyebrows.

ShyGuyJune 22, 2011

Maybe we can get a Disaster: Day of Crisis 3DS port on the anniversary of the Japan earthquake.

Maybe I "feel" it more because of my relative proximity to NYC, but even still, releasing an air combat game on 9/11 any year is dumb, especially when it's the 10th anniversary of the tragedy.

Unless this is part of the marketing, and Andross' head is actually Osama bin Laden's.

GoldenPhoenixJune 22, 2011

Quote from: Adrock

I'm not personally offended by the release date but I'm not beyond recognizing the insensitivity of releasing a game where, despite not being the point, it's possible to shoot down/crash into buildings on the 10 year anniversary of when terrorists circumvented all kinds of security and crashed planes into 2 of the largest buildings in one of the most densely-populated cities in the world instantly killing/injuring thousands of people. What sense does that make? Release just about any other game and it'd be fine. Release this very specific game knowing its content and you're bound to raise a few eyebrows.

I agree 100%. While I think people would be overly sensitive responding negatively to the release date, the fact is that they will respond negatively, so why take the chance on hurting their image? It seems unnecessary.

ThePermJune 22, 2011

i know but Arakawa adapted to the American lifestyle and was very very fluent in English, he didn't have much of an accent. Not only that he was son in law to the prez, his word was to be trusted, so i can imagine he had a feel for the American sensibility.

SundoulosJune 22, 2011

I find little about Starfox that evokes any imagery that has anything in common with 9/11.  When I see parts of Starfox, I basically think Star Wars or Independence Day (the movie.) I'm not sure why people are making the assertion that you can destroy buildings by flying into them in the game; I don't recall anything of that nature.  The only two ground-based facilities you can really attack in the game are Andross' base and a weapons factory, and you attack the latter of those by driving a tanks and causing a supply train to crash into the building.

If Nintendo really wanted to troll the U.S., they should release it on December 7th (though it's not a Sunday.)  If they did that, it would be far more offensive, but it's far enough removed from the cultural awareness of most citizens that I doubt most would really noticed.

martyJune 22, 2011

9/11 has way better marketing than Nintendo.  They should change the release date.

CericJune 22, 2011

Honestly if September 11 had never happened I still be going why September 11...  Its just so very very long from the Japanese release date and this game is desperately needed in the post OoT gap.

Quote from: Ceric

Honestly if September 11 had never happened I still be going why September 11...  Its just so very very long from the Japanese release date and this game is desperately needed in the post OoT gap.

Can't they throw us a summer bone? I know most people's reactions will be "Oh, I have a backlog," but I have a nice shiny new system. I don't want to play DS games. I want to play 3DS games! ...or N64 games posing as 3DS games.

Mop it upJune 22, 2011

Quote from: Sundoulos

I find little about Starfox that evokes any imagery that has anything in common with 9/11.  When I see parts of Starfox, I basically think Star Wars or Independence Day (the movie.) I'm not sure why people are making the assertion that you can destroy buildings by flying into them in the game; I don't recall anything of that nature.

If Nintendo really wanted to troll the U.S., they should release it on December 7th (though it's not a Sunday.)  If they did that, it would be far more offensive, but it's far enough removed from the cultural awareness of most citizens that I doubt most would really noticed.

Exactly. Plus, it isn't like Nintendo are using the date as a way to advertise the game in some way, so I don't understand the issue. Everything these days is potentially offensive.

ShyGuyJune 22, 2011

Birdo offends me.

Quote from: Mop

So what, should no one release games on this date? People are just too sensitive about these things. I'm not saying the event should be forgotten, but it isn't like everything needs to come to a halt on the day.

Even the appearance of wahjah is wahjah. Then again, I had similar feelings when Call of Duty: World at War came out on Veteran's/Remembrance Day.

Mop it upJune 22, 2011

What's wahjah?

oohhboyHong Hang Ho, Staff AlumnusJune 22, 2011


This is a storm in a teacup if I ever saw one.


Aside from it being an unfortunate release date, it's also in freaking September. Is this currently Nintendo's next 3DS release? How about August? It's not like they're going to record new voices.

Quote from: Jonnyboy117

Aside from it being an unfortunate release date, it's also in freaking September. Is this currently Nintendo's next 3DS release? How about August? It's not like they're going to record new voices.

At the end of the day, that's my biggest problem with the release date. The 9/11 thing is silly, and in my eyes, easily avoidable, but the fact that this isn't coming out in July/August is ridiculous. Outside of a nice two week window of bigger games (Zelda, RE Mercs), there ain't much coming out until Star Fox.

Mop it upJune 23, 2011

Quote from: oohhboy


Huh, that's a new one on me. It's bizarre how there is no apparent origin for it.

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