Well, well, well. This sure went according to plan....

To make a long story short, I was unable to launch the game last month because my rolodex finally failed me and I just couldn't seem to get the player count up to 16 as various people I reached out to declined to play. As it turns out, launching it then might have been a headache anyways.
Hope no one was too worried about my well-being. I'm pretty much fine. Just taking care of a bunch of things I'd been putting off but needed to finally get done now like automobile maintenance, technology upgrades, and other life decisions and responsibilities combined with a busy time at work. With no clear ETA for when this game could happen, I didn't really know what to say or post about whether this game could happen or not. Combined with the stuff I was trying to also get done keeping me pretty busy from checking in too often, I just found it easier to say nothing and ignore the whole situation.
But now that I've had a well-deserved vacation, I'm ready to see if we can't get this game happening yet. And maybe with a month's time passed, those that couldn't make it before can make it now. I guess I'll check in with everyone again and see what the ultimate situation will be for this game.