Author Topic: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.  (Read 6792 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« on: November 22, 2021, 01:21:03 AM »
Crimm's story death to come.

That autumn, the residents of Shady Village gathered together for the event of the season. The marriage of Jamie. Jamie had sent a letter to their longtime crush and it turns out the crush had also long been harboring feelings for Jamie but thought Jamie was uninterested in them.

Of course, Mayor Khushrenada had to make a big fuss over it all and insisted on officiating the wedding. However, he was not alone in make much ado about the occasion as many of the villagers had much respect and love for Jamie and wanted to help make it a very special day. The wedding of was held at BeautifulShy ranch which is the home of Jamie. As the bride Jamie looked stunning and the groom was also a picture of perfection in their elegant tuxedo. Many people were crying in happiness and joy and even Mayor Khushrenada had to stop a couple times and be comforted by the couple as he blubbered through the ceremony. The couple were married, kissed, and turned to face the crowd and walk back down the aisle to the car waiting to take them on their honeymoon.

But that's when a mysterious masked figure suddenly walked on to the middle of the aisle from the back of the seating and stood there to face the couple. They stopped walking in surprise of this person standing there and trying to figure out who it was. All in attendance also turned from their seats to look behind them and see what had surprised the couple. A sharp cold wind suddenly seemed to blow through the room.

"Miss Autumn sends her regards," the figure shouted out. Then he pulled out a gun from the pocket of the trenchcoat he was wearing and fired at Jamie. "You should have joined the family. Or at least kept your mouth shut!" the man yelled as he turned around and ran down the aisle carpet to the car waiting at the end. He hopped in and it sped away.

Meanwhile, people were screaming and running in panic afraid of more gunshots and reeling at what had just happened. Jamie's crush was in a panic himself at seeing her white wedding dress slowly becoming more and more crimson. "Is there a doctor?!" he cried out frantically, "We need help! We need to get her to a hospital!"

"I'll try to get some supplies," Mayor Khushrenada hollered out and began running as fast as his little legs could move. He ran over to the Joja Mart that was just a short distance away but when he got there he found it still closed after the death of pokepal148. There were big signs up all over about the upcoming remodeling and expansion of the store in an effort to try and dissociate this branch from the memory of pokepal148's death last year. Mayor Khushrenada decided to use his mayoral privilege to declare this an emergency and smash some glass windows to get in. He ran down to the medical supply aisles but there was nothing there. That section hadn't been restocked yet in the expansion work the store was going through. The only thing he could find was some horse dewormer in the Veterinarian section and he wasn't going to look like an idiot coming back with that for aid.

Then he decided to keep running on down to the Community Center in the hopes of getting medical aid from them. Regrettably, they weren't in the business of carry medical supplies since too many people had broken in before to steal them or use them for their own illicit purposes. All they had was a first aid kit and they ended up having to use most of it on Mayor Khushrenada. He had run through all kinds of forests and fields falling over and scratching himself as he tried to get their in the shortest distance possible. Now, he was breathing so hard and heavily, that he thought he might be having a heart attack.

He ended up being taken to the Hospital to get checked out. While there, he learned that Jamie had also been brought in but her injuries had been to severe that help was unable to be given her in time. She had already died from the attack when paramedics arrived at the scene. Mayor Khushrenada had badly sprained an ankle but after a day or so of observation he was allowed to go him. He thought he'd stop by BeautifulShy ranch to check on Jamie's crush, Stratos. But when he got there, he found some of the farmhands distraught. It turns out that Stratos was in such despair and grief over losing Jamie that he left a suicide note and then went and drowned himself in the ocean and was now dead also.

Feeling more miserable than at any other point in his life, Mayor Khushrenada went home in a dazed state. As he walked up the garden path to his front door, he looked up at his house and fell to his knees. There in front of him, painted in bright red paint across the front of his home, was a message: This is Mafia Town!
« Last Edit: November 22, 2021, 01:49:45 AM by Khushrenada »
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2021, 01:35:41 AM »
Announcement Post

Previous Year’s Results:


Crimm – Mafia Goon 3 aka Miss Autumn (Killed by Vote)
BeautifulShy – Jamie the Bachelor/ette (Killed by Mafia)
Stratos - Regular Townie/Jamie's partner (Killed by Mafia)

Welp. That whole Bachelor/ette role had a strange outcome. Good thing everyone's been selecting items so that this could be the result. For your personal information, Crimm was bachelor #2. BeautifulShy/Jamie sent the letter to Stratos late on Saturday but it was accepted today. However, that matchup ended in disaster as the Mafia put a hit on BeautifulShy during the Night Action period as well.

Voting Time: For Year 3, the Year Thread will be open for a maximum of a bit over 46 hours. Voting will end and the thread will close at Midnight EST Nov. 24 aka 9:00 PM PST Nov. 23 aka Noon Perth Time Nov. 24. However, the thread and Year could end earlier if a Majority Vote is reached.

Majority Vote: There are currently 11 players still alive in this game meaning 6 votes would be needed to achieve a Majority Vote.

Today's Harvest Moon Musical Selection: Jamie's Theme - Harvest Moon: Magical Melody and Meeting Jamie - Harvest Moon: Magical Melody.

With the end of the Jamie character in our game, I suppose I might as well reference this song in memoriam. Both versions of this theme are pretty good. I like the bombastic nature of Jamie's Theme but the softer version of Meeting Jamie feels a bit more wistful.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2021, 01:53:22 AM by Khushrenada »
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2021, 01:46:56 AM »
Goods For Your Farm List

With the Jamie role matched (and dispatched) there is no longer any need to select items for your farms. I'm just posting the final edition of the list and where things were at for posterity/matter of public record. If you still want stuff for your farms then take what you want. Take whatever and all that you want. Mayor Khushrenada is too distraught to stop you now.

With that, the game is back on.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2021, 10:16:05 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline TOPHATANT123

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2021, 07:52:43 AM »
This is Shakespeare.

One mafia goon down, so good job on that BeautifulShy, I hope we can carry on your memory and take down the rest of the mafia.

Had a look over yesterday, for now I'm going to say vote stevey

Offline Luigi Dude

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2021, 09:46:53 AM »
I'll buy some Sweet Potato's.  Lots of food I can make with those.  I'll also buy some Blue Rose flowers.  Those will look nice outside my house.
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Offline Stratos

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2021, 11:55:19 AM »
"Come death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so!"
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2021, 01:53:52 PM »
I still want some Hibiscus.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2021, 02:02:55 PM »
I'll take an Orange Bell Pepper.

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2021, 02:12:14 PM »
 ;D Turns out Sprites don't like Snapper  :P Will trade for some Moondrop flower  ;D

Offline Order.RSS

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2021, 06:11:12 PM »
Think I'm mostly caught up, admittedly skimmed some of the more granular details, but I did catch Pokepal trying to make Lettuce Cats lol.

This is admittedly quite flimsy reasoning for joining a bandwagon, but this post from yesterday feels eerily prophetic in retrospect. Almost like the author had a hunch of what was coming?
(That said, I see no obvious link between Jamie/BeautifulShy's final message mentioning Blue, Green, Red, Red, and the items Stevey picked, but do get the impression BShy knew the jig was up.)

It does feel like collecting a lot of items somewhat correlates with being a non-townie faction: both BeautifulShy (Jamie) and Crimm (Mafia) collected a lot of them. This has me suspicious of a few players, again including Stevey, who collected at least 7 of them, and keeps voting for people who die the same night by the Mafia's hand.

So I Vote Stevey for now.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2021, 08:22:59 PM by Order.RSS »

Offline stevey

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #10 on: November 22, 2021, 07:51:56 PM »
I'll take a Maple Flounder so I can max out her defense and have the ultimate tool. And Carrots to go faster.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2021, 08:05:21 PM by stevey »
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nVidia is CRAP!!!
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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2021, 11:16:39 PM »
I see sweet potatos are open. I'll take those too.

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2021, 09:04:05 AM »
My father was a wise man.  He always told me "you reap what you sow".  He also used to say "one good turn deserves another".  Which is why I'll Vote MKBundle.

Offline MASB

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2021, 09:44:30 AM »
I'll take a white sheep, brown cow, and white goat.

Furthermore, the reports that I'm making animal girl hybrids are completely false. They arose naturally in the farmers market down the road that I had nothing to do with. Also my farm stockpiling muskets after the allegations begun is just a coincidence. AND NO TRESPASSING!

Hmmm. We may have found the farm Val Kilmer retired to!

For my next pick from the Mayor's seemingly endless bounty, I'll pick some blue roses. Kinda matches my nose, you know! And some Crucian Carp. Sounds lie something my ancient Greek flea ancestors snacked on!

As for voting, the shock of the ruination of Jaime and BeautifulShy's happiness and the Mayor's sprained ankle shook me. I have no inside info, but I'm wavering between stevey and MKBungle. I hate to suspect a little sprite, but BeautifulShy's message from last year made me wonder who the mole was in that townie allaince. Was it just MKBungle?

For now, I'll Vote MKBungle, but I'm open to hearing persuasion to vote for them or someone else.

« Last Edit: November 23, 2021, 11:44:22 PM by MASB »

Offline M.K.Ultra

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2021, 12:39:52 PM »
My father was a wise man.  He always told me "you reap what you sow".  He also used to say "one good turn deserves another".  Which is why I'll Vote MKBundle.

 ;D We remember father, his name was father john, ;) first name seemed strange at the time since he was not father, but made sense later, like your vote last year  ;D At time of vote, Crimm had not been judged, but all know now that he was guilty. >:( We may had too much tea that day.  :-[ After communing with Harvest Goddess we feel all should cast a shadow of doubt elsewhere  ;D
vote NWR_Insanolord  Band of wagons on innocent Grandma Mop day 1 and laying low ever since.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2021, 02:53:42 PM »
This year will be over in about 9 hours from now. Current vote tally:

MKBungle - 2
stevey - 2
Insanolord - 1

5 out of 11 votes.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2021, 06:53:03 PM »
Going to Vote Stevey for now
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2021, 07:15:03 PM »
Lolmanade has a pretty good voting record. As best as it can be in two days. I'm going to go with the MKbungle vote and un-vote  MKBungle for now. I could change my mind. I'm not tied to this.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2021, 10:16:30 PM by ThePerm »
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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2021, 07:48:00 PM »
Let's keep the tie train rollling! vote NWR_Insanolord
Made you look ****.

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2021, 08:59:49 PM »
I suppose I'll Vote MKBungle out of self defense. I know I haven't been that active, this game just came at a lousy time for me when I've been busy. I probably wouldn't even have signed up for it normally, but I wanted to help get Khush to the player number he needed.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2021, 09:08:51 PM »
Holy samole, the votes are flying fast and furious now!

MKBungle - 4
stevey - 3
Insanolord - 2

9 out of a possible 11 votes cast with just under three hours left in the Year. How's it going to end?
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2021, 10:16:14 PM »
Ok, So, a supposed Townie Detective told me that they investigated MKBungle and that MKBungle is a townie. I'm not sure if I trust the supposed detective or not. They could just be mafia. They've fished a lot out of me in the last day.

I'm removing my MKBungle vote for now, unless someone convinces me otherwise.

I don't think Stevey is mafia. Here is why: Why would Stevey vote for people that were just going to be killed by the mafia in the first place? It makes no sense. I don't see Stevey telegraphing mafia kills.

Insanolord is not likely to be mafia either because Insanolord has not voted. It's a mafias goal to get out two players a day. Insanolord could be laying low, but so could a few other players.
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Offline stevey

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #22 on: November 24, 2021, 12:02:23 AM »
Vote MKBungle
My Demands and Declarations:
nVidia is CRAP!!!
BOYCOTT Digest mode and LEGEND OF OO!

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Wii want WaveBirds

Stevey Duff
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #23 on: November 24, 2021, 12:02:38 AM »
Announcement Post

Voting Time: For Year 3, the Year Thread will be open for a maximum of a bit over 46 hours. Voting will end and the thread will close at Midnight EST Nov. 24 aka 9:00 PM PST Nov. 23 aka Noon Perth Time Nov. 24. However, the thread and Year could end earlier if a Majority Vote is reached.

Time is up. Let's see where we are at!
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia 87: Harvest Moon - Seasons of Mafia Town. Year 3.
« Reply #24 on: November 24, 2021, 12:19:58 AM »
For a moment there, I thought I might be invoking the tie rule but we have a slight majority. Even with a couple changes we ended up back at the same number as the earlier tally:

MKBungle - 4
stevey - 3
Insanolord - 2

Couple things. Perhaps some might point to the Announcement Post and that voting ends 2 minutes and 23 seconds before stevey's vote. Yes, it could be counted that way but it has been a long standing position and decision to just let things keep playing out until the thread is actually locked. The stated deadline is a warning to get your business done before then because a host could very well lock things up on the dot and thus not a good idea to still be working things out. I don't why player's wanted a tie because it could have very well been someone else randomly tossed instead so in the end someone will probably be unhappy with either decision. Therefore I'll stick with the tradition of letting a last minute vote before the thread is closed stand. Maybe next time I'll lock the thread first before posting that time is up instead of the other way around.

As well, it has been asked if lolmonade's vote counts because MKBungle is misspelled. My ruling there is that there have plenty of times where a misspelled name was still counted because it was still obvious as to who was being targeted. On Survivor, players sometimes misspell another castaway's name various reasons but the votes are still counted the same against that player. I myself have had players misspell my name when voting for me and those votes still counted. Now if it was something like Vote Jmandu then that won't count because no one will know who that is or can figure out what username that would be close to. (Although I can clearly tell that is a vote for pokepal148).

Night actions are due 12 hours from this post if you have an action available to you.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.