Author Topic: Mafia LXXXVI: Luigi's Mafia Mansion. Rules and Roles Thread.  (Read 2235 times)

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Online Khushrenada

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Mafia LXXXVI: Luigi's Mafia Mansion. Rules and Roles Thread.
« on: October 04, 2021, 11:42:33 PM »
The Rules


-   Every player is allowed to post a vote against whomever they would like to eliminate that day.
-   Every player is only allowed one vote that will count in the daily tally unless there is a specific role or ability that allows them multiple votes.
-   You can change your vote multiple times throughout a Game Day.
-   If you want your vote to count then it must show the words Vote and the player’s name in bold. Example: Vote Bill Aurion
-   If you want to change your vote then add the “un” prefix to the front of the word Vote and unbold the text. Example: un-vote Bill Aurion
-   If a player has not correctly followed the un-vote procedure then their new vote will not be vaild until it is corrected. Example: a player unbolded their previous vote of “Vote Khushrenada” and then posted Vote Bill Aurion. Even though it was unbolded, the un was not added to the word vote so neither the old vote nor the new vote are valid.
-   Once the deadline for the Game Day is reached and the thread is locked then all the player’s votes are locked in and cannot be changed.

Win Conditions

Townies: Must remove all the Boo Mafia members as well as Luigi and Gooigi from the game.

Mafia:Must have the Dark Moon crystal in their possession and Luigi and Gooigi must be eliminated from the game. They do not need to eliminate all the townies but can win by equaling or exceeding the amount of townies left in the game provided they meet the above win conditions. 

Luigi/Gooigi: They must eliminate all the other players including their opposite half and be in possession of the Dark Moon crystal. However, Luigi or Gooigi can fast track themselves to a quicker victory by gaining possession of the Dark Moon crystal at any point in the game and then being able to hold onto it through one Day and Night cycle.

Majority Vote Rule

Each game day can last a maximum of 36 - 48 hours depending on what the host selects for that day.

The maximum day length period will be mentioned each day in the Announcements post for that Day’s Thread.

Game Days can end sooner if the player’s reach a majority vote and it stays unchanged for 90 minutes. Example: Let's imagine there are 16 players and 9 players vote Player A, 3 vote for Player B and 1 votes for Player C. In this case, Player A would be voted out provided there's no change in Player A's vote total in the 90 minutes starting from when the 9th vote was cast making the vote a majority vote. The day would end after the 90 minutes wait even if there was still hours to go in the maximum day period.

In the case of 16 players, 9 votes is the majority. Even if other players hadn't voted yet, it doesn't matter since all the remaining votes combined could only equal 7 which is a minority vote. I will post a reminder of the number of votes needed to reach a majority each day in the Announcements post for that Game Day.

If the Majority Vote Changes After The Countdown Begins

Let's say that the 9th vote was cast for Player A but an hour later, the 7th person to vote Player A decides to change their vote from Player A to Player B. However, 20 minutes after that change, another player logs on and votes for Player A restoring the 9 votes against Player A. In this example, Player A would not be eliminated in 10 minutes from the new 9th vote. The majority vote was lost in between that 90 minute wait period. Even though the majority was restored within that first initial 90 minute wait period, a new 90 minute wait period starts from when the new 9th vote cast.

Likewise, let’s say in the above scenario that the 7th player to vote Player A changes their vote an hour into the Majority Vote countdown to Player B. But then 15 minutes later decides to change their vote back to Player A. Player A would not be eliminated in 15 minutes with the restored majority. The Majority Vote had been broken and the countdown must start anew even though it had been restored to its original form in this example.

If a Majority Vote Is Not Achieved

If a majority vote isn't reached before 48 hours is up then whoever has the most votes at the end of the Game Day voting period is the one voted out. So, if the votes are 6 for Player A, 5 for Player B, and 3 for Player C, then Player A is voted out because of having the highest vote total even though 2 players didn't vote and could have put Player B in a higher vote total but did not do so before the voting time had ended.

The "No Vote" Option

In this game, players can choose to make their vote to not eliminate anyone. Simply type No Vote in bold like you would as if you were selecting a player to vote out. Players can choose to achieve a majority with the No Vote option if they want to. In this case, no player would be eliminated from the vote that day. However, players with roles would still be able to use their abilities. In addition, if a majority vote for No Vote is not reached but No Vote has the highest number of votes at the end of the voting period then no player would be eliminated. In an odd twist, if the day ends in a tie between one player and a No Vote option then the No Vote will not count and there would not be a tiebreaker. The player who tied with the No Vote tally will be eliminated. If two or more players tie the No Vote total at the end of the day then there would be a tiebreaker.

Voting Tiebreaker

If, at the end of the voting period, the result is a tie then the player with the Hellen Gravely role controls the outcome. I suggest you read up on all roles but to briefly outline it here.

Hellen Gravely can choose to either:
 - Option 1: Eliminate one of the tied players
 - Option 2: Choose to not eliminate anyone.
 - Option 3: Consider the whole day's vote as null and void for not selecting a single choice and eliminate any remaining player they choose instead.

It is entirely their decision how they wish to resolve it and which option they'd like to choose. This tiebreaking ability/role can also be captured by Luigi or Gooigi during the game making the player who then controls it the new tiebreaker. If Hellen Gravely is eliminated and neither Luigi or Gooigi gain control of it then the tiebreak will be handled by the host. In that situation, all players will be up for a possible elimination along with the option that no one gets eliminated and it will be a random draw as to the result.

Resolving Orders

I see the game as divided by its Day and Night sections. If a player with an ability is voted out during the day portion then they should not be able to use their ability at night since they were unable to reach that portion by being eliminated in the day. For example, if Luigi is voted out during the day then that player could not make a hit that night if it had been available to them.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2021, 12:07:54 AM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Online Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia LXXXVI: Luigi's Mafia Mansion. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2021, 12:06:09 AM »

The Evershade Valley Ghosts (aka Townies)

The Brain (Townie Detective)
  • Can investigate any player they choose to learn that player’s role. The only role that is hidden to The Brain is the King Boo role.
  • Can submit their choice of investigation at any time during the day or night period
  • Can change their choice of investigation up to an hour after submitting it. But once an hour has gone by, the choice is locked in and I will send that info to them. Even if the host was absent, if the original investigation time stamp shows an hour or more has passed when compared to the time stamp of the new submission then the original choice is locked in.
  • Can stack their investigations by sending in the order to Save Investigation.
  • Can change their mind from saving an investigation to using it that day at any time even if an hour has passed when they sent in the Save Investigation order.
  • If the detective does not investigate a player during the same day and night cycle and does not send in the order to save the investigation for another day then the investigation opportunity is lost. It does not carry over automatically.

How Does Stacking Or Saving Investigations Work?

To illustrate, on Day 1, The Brain could submit the choice of Save Investigation. Then on Day 2, The Brain can now make two investigations instead of the normal one allotted. If The Brain then uses both investigations on Day 2, that does not mean they get two investigations again on Day 3. They are back to the one per day allotted investigation. Theoretically, a player could stack up their one per day investigation for days and then unleash a whole bunch at once. Thus the possibility exists that they could save their investigations through the first 5 days allowing them to have 6 investigations on Day 6 that they could then use all up on that day. There will be no announcement by the host if The Brain chooses to stack or save an investigation. That knowledge is kept secret between The Brain and the host.

But beware! if Luigi or Gooigi successfully eliminates The Brain then they could end up with The Brain’s investigation ability. And if The Brain had some investigations stacked up then all those saved investigations are inherited by Luigi or Gooigi to use. Otherwise, if there are no saved investigations, Luigi or Gooigi would start off like The Brain on Day 1 with one allotted investigation per day and the choice of whether they’d like to stack or save the investigation for the day.

Vincent Van Gore (Townie Doctor)
  • Can protect any player they want from either the day vote or the night actions but not both.
  • Can save someone from the vote even after voting has ended that day.
  • Can choose to protect themselves up to two times during the game.
  • Cannot choose one player to survive the day and one player to survive the night. They are only allowed to select one player during the same Day and Night cycle to protect.
  • Cannot stack protections. The ability cannot be carried over to another day. If it isn’t used during that same Day and Night cycle then the opportunity is gone.

Grouchy Possessor (Vote Manipulator)
  • Can change another player’s vote to whatever they'd like it to be for that day even if the selected player hasn't voted that day.
  • The vote change happens in secret via a pm to the host.
  • The Possessor can change their selection of targeted player and or vote choice up until the vote ends for the day. Once voting has ended then whatever their last choice was will locked in applied to the final tally of the Day’s vote.
  • The Possessor’s vote change will not be made known publicly until the final tally. Thus, a tally of votes done during the day maybe slightly inaccurate.
  • The Possessor is allowed to change one player’s vote per day. However, the Possessor is allowed to stack or save their ability by sending in the order to Save Vote Manipulation to the host. (See the section “How Does Stacking or Saving Investigations Work?” featured in The Brain’s role section. Replace The Brain with Grouchy Possessor and Investigation with Vote Manipulation.)
  • If the Possessor does not change a player’s vote during a Day’s voting period and does not send in the order to save the vote manipulation for another day then the manipulation opportunity is lost. It does not carry over automatically.

How The Grouchy Possessor Could Secretly Activate Or Unactivate A Majority Vote.

To illustrate, let’s say there are eight players left in the game. Four players vote for Player A and four players vote for Player B establishing a tie. The Possessor could send in an order to change the vote of one of the player’s voting for Player A to now be voting for Player B thus creating a 5 – 3 vote and a majority vote. While the players may be posting and talking to each other in the thread about what to do with the tie vote, the day could suddenly end 90 minutes after the Possessor created the Majority Vote with the host locking the thread and posting that final tally. There would be no warning from the host beforehand that the Majority Vote countdown had begun.

On the other hand, let’s say in that scenario of 8 players left that 5 voted for Player A and 3 voted for Player B. When the fifth vote happens, the host would announce the countdown had begun for the Majority Vote to take effect. The Possessor could then change the vote of a player voting for Player A to now vote Player B and create a tie. The host would not announce the Majority Vote was lost. Rather, when the countdown to the Majority Vote ended and the day was not locked then that is how players would have to figure out that the Possessor has affected and nullified that current Majority Vote.

Hellen Gravely (Tiebreaker)
  • If there is a tie at the end of a day’s vote then this player gets control of the vote.
  • The player can choose to break the tie by voting out one of the tied players. There is no limit to being able to break a tie this way.
  • Hellen can also choose not eliminate anyone for the day but they can only select this non-lethal option once through the whole game.
  • Hellen can choose to toss out the day’s vote completely and cast a vote for any player still in the game. That player would then be voted out instead. This option can only be selected twice through the whole game.
  • The tie-break choice can be sent at any point during the night action period but once sent it is locked in and cannot be changed.
  • If Luigi or Gooigi gain the Tiebreaker ability then they only get the options still left. For example, let’s say there had been two ties early in the game and the Hellen players had chosen to eliminate no one for one of the ties and choose their own target and not one of the tied players to resolve the other. Then if they were eliminated by Gooigi, Gooigi cannot choose to let everyone live if a tie occurs later because that option has already been used up earlier by Hellen. Likewise,  Gooigi could only select the option to target and eliminate a player who wasn’t tied once since Hellen had already used the option once before earlier.

Ug (Townie Vigilante)
  • Can eliminate any one player they want each game night period but there’s a catch. The player they eliminate must be a Boo Mafia member or one of the Luigi or Gooigi Killer roles.
  • If Ug eliminates a player on the Ghosts (Townie) side then both Ug and the Ghost member they targeted will be eliminated.
  • This ability cannot be stacked or saved. There is only one opportunity to use it per day and night cycle. If it is not used then the opportunity is lost for that cycle.
  • Ug can send in the order at any time during the Day and Night cycle.
  • Ug can choose to cancel the order or select a different target up to an hour after sending in their order. After an hour has passed then the order is locked in.

Ghosts (Regular Townies)
  • Have no special abilities aside from their power to cast a vote for each Game Day's vote.
  • Use your wits and wiles to survive

The King Boo Mafia

King Boo (Mafia Godfather)
  • King Boo is the only player whose identity cannot be accurately discovered by The Brain. Normally the identity of the godfather will be given as a regular townie if investigated. In this game, the player who is King Boo will let me know what role they’d like to be revealed as if investigated. That means King Boo could be listed as Polterpup or Luigi or a regular ghost if they wanted. It all depends on what King Boo decides to hide as for this game.
  • King Boo can choose one of two options for each game Night period. Option 1 is to target any player of their choosing to eliminate them from the game. Option 2 is to send the other Boos in the Mafia on a recon mission.
  • These options cannot be stacked or saved. If King Boo does not send in an order to either eliminate a player or send the Boo Mafia on a recon mission then the opportunity for that night is lost and does not carry over to the next night.
  • King Boo can send in the decision to eliminate a player or send the Mafia on recon at any time during the same Day and Night cycle.
  • If King Boo has submitted an order then he has an hour to change their mind or cancel the order before that choice is locked in. After the hour is up then the Mafia is stuck with that choice.
  • If King Boo sends the Boo Mafia on a recon mission then that activates the ability each Boo Mafia member has for that night. But there is no ability for King Boo to use. He just kicks back and relaxes while the Boo Buddies do all the work that night and then report back to him.

Kung Boo (Mafia Goon 1)
  • Is first in line to inherit the Mafia hit if the Godfather is eliminated
  • If sent on recon, they can investigate any player of their choosing and learn that player’s role.
  • Kung Boo would submit their choice directly to me and not through King Boo
  • Kung Boo cannot stack or save their recon investigations. If Kung Boo does not send in an investigation then the opportunity for that recon mission is lost and considered a failed mission. It does not carry over to the next night they are eligible to make an investigation.
  • Kung Boo can send in the decision to investigate a player at any time during the same Day and Night cycle they are eligible to make a recon investigation.
  • If Kung Boo has submitted an order then he has an hour to change his mind or cancel the order before that choice is locked in. After the hour is up then the player is stuck with that choice.

Boogie Woogie (Mafia Goon 2)
  • Is second in line to inherit the Mafia hit if King Boo and Kung Boo are eliminated
  • If sent on recon, they can investigate any player of their choosing and learn which treasure is assigned to that player
  • All the same rules for Kung Boo’s investigation ability apply to Boogie Woogie’s investigation ability

Boo B. Trap (Mafia Goon 3)
  • Is last in line to inherit the Mafia hit and only will get it if all other Mafia members have been eliminated.
  • If sent on recon, this Boo Buddy will just get shy and invisible thus making them unable to be hit by any attack. They automatically survive through night and advance to the start of the next day. There are no orders to send in. The ability automatically happens.

If The Boo Mafia Acquires The Dark Moon Crystal

If King Boo successfully eliminates the player in possession of the Dark Moon crystal by his hit order or if King Boo or one of the Boo Mafia members win it by voting out the player with the crystal then the Godfather has to make a choice of who will hold onto it in the Mafia. If a Boo Buddy is assigned to guard the Dark Moon crystal then they can no longer go out on recon missions. However, King Boo can hold on to the crystal and still make the Mafia hit or send the members on recon. The question is whether they want to keep all that power concentrated to them in case they are eliminated or spread it around. Once a Mafia member is assigned to hold on to the crystal then they are stuck with it until the end of the game or they are eliminated.

If King Boo is eliminated when the Boo Mafia acquires the Dark Moon crystal then whichever Boo Buddy is assigned as the Godfather will make the choice of which member will guard the crystal. If a Boo Buddy is guarding the Dark Moon crystal and becomes the Godfather then they can still perform the hit for the Mafia if that is the option the Boo Buddy chooses just like King Boo can still make the hit if he is guarding the Dark Moon crystal. However, they are still unable to use their recon ability if they decide to use the recon option.

Mafia Succession and Absentee Godfather Rule

If King Boo is eliminated and one of the other Boo Buddies becomes godfather then their role will not be hidden if investigated by The Brain (or Luigi or Gooigi if they gain investigative abilities). Only King Boo has the privilege of false identity.

If a Boo Buddy becomes the Godfather then that Boo Buddy can choose to make a hit or send the Mafia on a recon mission. 

If the Godfather of the Mafia does not show up for the whole day voting period and one hour into the night period then the player next in line to inherit the Godfather role can submit the Mafia’s choice of hit or recon for that night. Let’s say the player who is King Boo does not log on through all of Day 1 and into the first hour of Night 1. In that case, Kung Boo can choose to make the hit or send the mafia on recon. However, if the King Boo player does show up after the first hour and sends in their choice of hit or recon before the night deadline then King Boo’s choice is what will be used for the Mafia’s orders that night even if Kung Boo had submitted something earlier.

As well, I will be checking the profile of the absentee godfather. If it shows they were last logged on at any point during the Day Vote and first hour of Night Actions then I will not accept the orders from the next in line player. At some point, the actual Godfather had been around and should have taken care of business.

Let’s say King Boo hasn’t shown up for most of a Game Day so far with the vote soon to end. Kung Boo is worried because he doesn’t know if King Boo will show but he also knows he will be unable to check in on the forums and game before the night period ends. In that case, Kung Boo can submit the Mafia’s orders early just to be safe. If King Boo shows up later and overrides those orders then that’s how it plays out. But if he doesn’t show up then at least you’ve given the team a safety net in that situation.

Just to be clear, let’s say both King Boo and Kung Boo were absent during this period. Then Boogie Woogie could send in the Mafia’s Orders to be safe. If King Boo, Kung Boo and Boogie Woogie are all absent then Boo B. Trap can send in the orders. And if all the Mafia members are absent, well, then this mafia really sucks.  :P

Finally, this absentee rule only applies on days where a Majority Vote did not happen and the Game Day went the full maximum time allotted. Players may want to use a strategy of catching the Mafia unawares or unable to act in time by ending a Day vote early or quickly. In that case, allowing other mafia members to step up and take on the role of Godfather to counter that strategy is different from the reason this rule exists which is to prevent the Mafia from being held back and ineffective for possible days into the game.

The Ghost Busters aka Killers

Luigi (Killer)
  • Can select any one player they would like to eliminate from the game every other night (unless the player has an ability allowing for more).
  • Can only make a hit on the odd game nights (Night 1, Night 3, etc).
  • This pattern will continue unless Gooigi is eliminated. Then Luigi has the ability to make a hit every night.
  • Luigi cannot stack or save their night hits. If Luigi does not send in an order to eliminate a player then the opportunity for that night is lost and does not carry over to the next night they are eligible to make a hit.
  • Luigi can send in the decision to eliminate a player at any time during the same Day and Night cycle they are eligible to make a hit.
  • If Luigi has submitted an order then he has an hour to change his mind or cancel the order before that choice is locked in. After the hour is up then the player is stuck with that choice.

Gooigi (Killer)
  • Same as Luigi just a bit greener. ;)
  • Can select any one player they would like to eliminate from the game every other night (unless the player has an ability allowing for more).
  • Can only make a hit on the even game nights (Night 2, Night 4, etc).
  • This pattern will continue unless Luigi is eliminated. Then Gooigi has the ability to make a hit every night.
  • Gooigi cannot stack or save their night hits. If Gooigi does not send in an order to eliminate a player then the opportunity for that night is lost and does not carry over to the next night they are eligible to make a hit.
  • Gooigi can send in the decision to eliminate a player at any time during the same Day and Night cycle they are eligible to make a hit.
  • If Gooigi has submitted an order then he has an hour to change his mind or cancel the order before that choice is locked in. After the hour is up then the player is stuck with that choice.

Every player in the game will be host to a treasure of some type. Whenever Luigi or Gooigi successfully eliminates a player by their hit order, then the player who made the hit order will acquire the treasure that was assigned to their victim. These treasures give them power-ups which can make the killers more powerful as they hunt for the Dark Moon crystal.

In addition, if Luigi and/or Gooigi successfully votes out a player in the day, they will have a chance at acquiring the treasure assigned to the person who was voted out depending on the amount of votes cast for that player. So, if a person was voted out by six votes and Luigi had made one of those votes then he has a 1-in-6 chance of getting the power-up in that case.

However, Luigi and Gooigi do not share treasures or power-ups with each other. If Luigi eliminates a player from the game and acquires the treasure assigned to that person then Gooigi is not also given that treasure. That treasure only goes to Luigi. The same applies if Gooigi makes a hit. They are both working on their own to become more powerful and win the game for themselves.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2021, 12:43:01 AM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Online Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia LXXXVI: Luigi's Mafia Mansion. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2021, 12:41:47 AM »
List of Treasures/Power-Ups

The One Item That Affects All Players

The Dark Moon Crystal - The most important power-up/item of the game is the Dark Moon crystal. At the start of the game, one of the players on the Ghost (Townie) side who does not have a role (aka a regular townie) will be assigned the Dark Moon crystal. For any side to win this game, they must be in possession of the crystal. For instance, if the mafia side has achieved a tie but they do not have the Crystal in their possession then the game goes on until they do.

If Luigi or Gooigi acquires the crystal then the game enters a Sudden Death period for the next day. Luigi or Gooigi (whichever one has current control of the Dark Moon) must be eliminated by the end of that day/night cycle. If not, then that player will escape the mansion with the Dark Moon to give the crystal to E. Gadd causing ight to shine forth and destroy the mansion eliminating the rest of the players and Luigi or Gooigi would win. It will only be announced if Luigi or Gooigi acquire the Dark Moon crystal. If, during the game, another townie or a a Mafia member ends up with the Dark Moon crystal then it will not be announced.

The Dark Moon crystal is the only item that can be swapped among players. If the player with the Dark Moon is voted out then it will randomly go into the possession of one of the players who were responsible for that vote-out. When a player gains possession of the Dark Moon, whatever Treasure or Power-Up they had before becomes inactive and the Dark Moon then becomes the treasure associated with them which they have until their demise or win. However, if they are eliminated then the power-up/treasure they had before will become active again. This is a key point since the Suction Shot power-up will allow a Killer to get treasure from deceased players. Luigi and Gooigi are the only players who can have or hold on to multiple power-ups/treasures and use them.

The rest of the items below are mainly for the benefit of the Ghost Busters Luigi and Gooigi as they will be the only ones who can use the Power-ups. (Although not every Treasure is of benefit to them.) That said, there are some treasures tied to specific roles. Knowing what roles have which treasures could be of benefit to the players and perhaps players would want to eliminate a specific player to ensure the killers are unable to acquire a certain power-up.

Role Specific Items/Power-ups

Virtual Boo (The Brain) - If The Brain is eliminated by a killer then all of the detectives previous investigations and results up to the time of their elimination will be given to the killer that eliminated them. If The Brain has been stacking investigations then all those stacked investigations are given to the killer who eliminates The Brain. The same rules for the The Brain’s role would apply to the killer’s use of investigations with one exception. They cannot stack vote investigations unless they have the Strobulb. If they get the Virtual Boo and The Brain had stacked up some of their investigations but the killer does not possess the Strobulb then they must use up all those saved investigations on the day they get the Virtual Boo or lose the opportunity to use them.

Golden Bone (Vincent Van Gore) - If Vincent is eliminated by a killer then that killer will be given a Golden Bone which allows them to automatically survive a hit or vote, whichever life-threatening emergency happens first. It is a one-time automatic use and cannot be replenished after being used.

Water Elemental Medal (Grouchy Possessor) - If the Possessor is eliminated by a killer then that killer will gain the Fire Elemental Medal allowing them to wash away a player’s vote and write in a new one for them. If the Possessor had been stacking their ability then the killer would inherit those saved vote changes. The same rules for the Grouchy Possessor’s role would apply to the killer’s use of vote changes with one exception. They cannot stack vote changes unless they have the Strobulb. If they get the Water Elemental Medal and the Grouchy Possessor had stacked up some of their manipulations but the killer does not possess the Strobulb then they must use up all those saved manipulations on the day they get the Medal or lose the opportunity to use them.

Hyper Strobulb (Hellen Gravely) – If Hellen is eliminated by a killer then that killer will now control the tiebreak in place of Hellen. By having the Hyper Strobulb, it is like they can stun every player for a moment to then make their choice of elimination. The same tiebreak rules apply to the killer who may get this ability.

Super Poltergust (Ug/King Boo) - Both Ug (the townie vigilante) and King Boo have the same power-up available and assigned to them. If a killer eliminates either Ug or King Boo then they will gain the Super Poltergust power. If a killer eliminates both Ug and King Boo then they would get the Super Poltergust each time. The Super Poltergust is an extra hit that the killer can make. A killer can hold on to the Super Poltergust ability and save it for use whenever they’d like to activate it but once it is used then it is gone forever. The reason it is the Super Poltergust is because the hit can even be done during the day period to eliminate someone. However, the killer will not gain that player's treasure/power-up if they eliminate them during the Day period with Super Poltergust. The Super Poltergust can even nullify Vincent Van Gore's (townie doctor's) protection and still eliminate its target. It is the only item/ability that can do this.

5 Gold Bars (Kung Boo) - If a killer eliminates Kung Boo then the player gets Kung Boo’s treasure of 5 Gold Bars. That amount of money will automatically allow the killer to buy the Gem Finder which they can use to find out which player currently has possession of the Dark Moon crystal. (I could have just made the item the Gem Finder but then why would the Boo Mafia have it and not use it? So, we’ll just jump through extra story steps to make it all seem sort of logical). The killer with the Gem Finder can then use it once each day and night cycle to see who has the crystal at the time they use that ability.

Dark Light Device (Boogie Woogie) - If a killer eliminates Boogie Woogie then that Ghost Buster will get the Dark Light Device. It allows that killer to make an investigation of any player (dead or alive) of their choosing in a Day and Night cycle to learn what item/power-up that player has. This could be considered more powerful than the Virtual Boo since King Boo cannot hide what type of power-up is assigned to them. A killer cannot save up or stack item these Dark Light investigations unless that killer has the Strobulb ability.

Key (Boo B. Trap) - If a killer eliminates Boo B. Trap then they will get a Key. The killer that obtains it will be able to escape the day vote and any actions preformed against them during the day except investigations. It as though they entered the next room of the game and out of the room the rest of the players are gathered in during the day. The killer who has the Key can only use it once and then it is gone for the rest of the game. As well, they would still be susceptible to night actions after the Day period is over.

Poltergust 5000 (Luigi) - If Gooigi successfully eliminates Luigi then Gooigi gains the Poltergust 5000. Basically, it just means that Gooigi will inherit all of the abilities the Luigi player has gained up until their death. Of course, the biggest gain for Gooigi eliminating Luigi is likely being able to now make a hit every night.

Poltergust G-00 (Gooigi) - If Luigi successfully eliminates Gooigi then Luigi gains the Poltergust G-00. Basically, it just means that Luigi will inherit all of the abilities the Gooigi player has gained up until their death. Of course, the biggest gain for Luigi eliminating Gooigi is likely being able to now make a hit every night.

Evershade Ghosts (Regular Townies) Specific Items/Power-ups

Fire Elemental Medal - With this ability, a Luigi can nullify (burn away) someone's vote for the day. However, they do not get to change the vote. They just keep the targeted player from being able to vote. The player who is targeted will not know their vote doesn't count although it may be figured out if players are trying to achieve a Majority Vote and it doesn’t happen. If the player who is targeted with the Fire Medal has a role then they can still perform the actions of that role. It is only their vote which is lost for the day. The killer with this ability can only use it once per Day cycle unless they have the Strobulb in order to stack up and save this ability to unleash multiple nullifications all at once at a future time. As well, it has to be used before the Day Vote is locked in. It cannot be used to erase a vote after the Day Vote has been locked in.

Ice Elemental Medal - With this ability, a killer can nullify someone's role for the day. The player who is targeted will be informed that they've been "frozen" and cannot perform their action that day. However, this player can still vote in the day thread. It is only their role ability that has been frozen. If the current Godfather is frozen then they cannot send out the squad on a recon mission nor make a hit. The killer with this ability can only use it once per Day and Night cycle unless they have the Strobulb in order to stack up and save this ability to multiple nullifications at once at a future time. There are times when this ability may have no effect. For instance, if the townie detective sent in and received their investigation for that Day and Night cycle and then is targeted by the Ice Medal four hours later then it is too late to stop that investigation and the attack has no effect. It does not carry over to the next day.

Strobulb - If a killer gains this ability then that killer can start saving and stacking up abilities that allow stacking and saving. Items/Power-Ups that can be stacked are: Missiles, Super Missiles, Ice Beam, Visor Scans, and Grapple Beam Shots. Without the Strobulb, a Luigi or Gooigi with any of those items/power-ups can only use them once each day and night cycle for however long they may have them. If they do not use an ability that day such as an investigation then that killer misses out on the opportunity for it to be used and it does not carry over to the next day's opportunity. The normal rules and requirements for saving and stacking an ability apply with the Stobulb power-up.

Suction Shot - With this ability, a killer can steal the power-up/treasure from any player whether dead or alive. The player with this ability can only use it once each night cycle unless they have the Stobulb which would allow them to stack up and save this ability and then gather more power-ups at once at a future time. Note: it is possible for a player to have no item/power-up after being eliminated from the game. For instance, if they were in possession of the Dark Moon crystal at the start of the game and were eliminated, someone else will then have the Dark Moon and therefore there would be no other item/power-up on that eliminated player for the killer to steal if targeted with the Suction Shot.

Polterpup - If a killer finds this ghost then instead of gaining an ability they will lose an ability chosen at random. They cannot gain this ability back unless they have the Suction Shot ability so the killer affected by Polterpup better hope that is not the power-up that gets stolen from them. The power-up that gets stolen will now be the power-up that is attached to the townie that had the Polterpup. In the extremely rare case the killer was in possession of the Dark Moon crystal when they made the hit on the townie with Polterpup and the Dark Moon crystal is the item that gets selected to be taken away then the Dark Moon is removed from the game and the game continues on as a normal game without the Dark Moon being needed for a side to claim victory. However, if Luigi or Gooigi has possession of the Suction Shot item and uses it to take the Dark Moon crystal from this eliminated player then the crystal is back in play with that killer having a chance to win with it and putting the game into a sudden death scenario.

Thieving Slinker - If the killer finds the Thieving Slinker then the Slinker will steal their Poltergust thus causing that killer to lose all gathered abilities up to that point and have to start over in gathering power-ups and treasures. Unlike the Polterpup, the player with the Thieving Slinker does not have all those abilities then assigned to them as their new item. Thus, a killer could not regain what was lost if they acquired the Suction Shot later and then targeted the townie who has the Slinker, for example. The Slinker steals the Poltergust and is never seen from again….
« Last Edit: October 13, 2021, 10:41:36 AM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Online Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia LXXXVI: Luigi's Mafia Mansion. Rules and Roles Thread.
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2021, 12:46:44 AM »
Alright. That should cover must everything for this game. If I note anything else that I think needs a bit more clarification or adjusting then I'll post it in here as well as in the Day thread.

One minor superficial change I made is changing the name of the Townie Vigilante from Polterpup to Ug. I realized there was an item that worked better as being Polterpup based on the Luigi Mansion games so I decided to make that name swap. Nothing else about the Townie Vigilante role has changed.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.