Author Topic: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?  (Read 16324 times)

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2003, 03:46:28 AM »

Also, when we had a pool, I used to clean the filter. One day I reached in to pull it out, and had a freakin' red back spider leap onto my arm. They're only one of the most deadly spiders in the world. I screamed like a little girl and leaped into the pool, which was pretty stupid. Hopefully it drowned or something...

Im shit scared of bees, if i see one outside i SPRINT inside, ive been stung once, and had to be taken to hospital. If i get stung again i could die, so at least i have a reason to be scared of them, heh. Anyway, i have a pool, and i have to take that filter thingy out too, and one time i did it about 10 BEES FLEW OUT! So yeah i just dived in the pool and stayed under water for as long as i could.

Ghost type thingies are pretty scary too, i had a wierd thing happen to me once. I had a little cut on my hand, nothing huge, but noticable, and it hurt a bit. I was just walking around the house, towards the fridge to be exact and something kind of nudged me, BUT THERE WAS NOTHING THERE, so i went all like " whos that?", then i looked at my hand about a minute later and the cut was gone. Not a trace of it ever being there.

And theres another thing that im scared of but im too embarrased to say it...

Offline nitsu niflheim

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #51 on: October 23, 2003, 03:57:28 AM »
I've seen a ghost, the same on more that once.  I'm walking up my driveway, or driving up it and I see a sort of whitish blur move across the end, I'm not sure, but for some reason I think it is a person on a horse.
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Offline Shift Key

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #52 on: October 23, 2003, 04:18:27 AM »
Weird dreams? There was one I can remember very clearly, and it was bizarre.

I woke up after hearing a knock at the window. Then a scary hobo came in, pointed at me, and I was tackled by a dozen Oompah-loompahs (I know they were because they were singing the annoying song) and I was tied up.
Then I was attached to a pole, carried to a jetty of some sort and thrown in. As I hit the water and started to lose air, I woke up.

Very weird.

Offline Hostile Creation

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #53 on: October 23, 2003, 10:34:59 AM »
Come on, Mario.  You can tell us.

Besides, embarassment is just another phobia you have to get over
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2003, 11:29:29 AM »
Alright, I'll describe some of my strange dreams...

1)  This happened at least twice...I'm in a biodome-like area, with trees lining the outer part of the sphere, a flat plain-like area in the middle, and a pond in the center...However, I wasn't alone...There was a buck(male white-tailed deer) and a fawn running around.  In my dream I was trying to catch them.  The second night I had the dream the fawn ran into the pond and I swam in after it.  Once I caught it, the dream ended and I've never had it since...

2)  Videogame related(around when the Dolphin was said to be in the making):  My family is driving through the desert when I see a game store on the side of the road, and the only thing in sight.  Inside they had games for a dollar each, and systems for two dollars.  I saw the Dolphin system, Super Mario 64- 2, and Mario Kart 128.  I was so pissed when I woke up

3)  Ever had a dream where you could actually feel something?  The last dream I'm going to describe involved me walking down my street in the pouring rain with a girl I didn't know.  What was weird was that I could feel the coolness of the rain.  The dream fast-forward'd a bit till we were almost a mile away from where my house would be in real-life.  I heard a honk, and I turned around to see a friend in his car waiting about 20 yards behind me.  I turn back to look at the girl, and she's gone.  A really soothing dream...something I rarely get  
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Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2003, 01:55:12 PM »
I feel stuff in dreams all the time.  Like this one time.... brother and I were trying to catch a big ol' dinosaur (sp?).  We both ran out of the jungle in to a large white room, where we proceded to create a trap for this big meanie.  The trap consisted of a giant race car, a parachute, a pool, some train tracks, and other stuffs I can't remember.  Anyway, the trap made the dino fall on his tush, but he got back up and picked me up in his jaws.  IT HURT.  That was mean!  

Well after that he, like, put me down and ate my brother....but who cares about him?  IT HURT ME!
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Offline Jdub03

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2003, 06:47:45 PM »
I have a fear of phobia's.  Is that even possible?   You know I think the worst phobia would have to be claustrophobia.  You get all sweaty and your breathing starts to get really fast.  The only thing your worried about is getting out of that tiny tiny space... It's horrible.  I hope there isnt anybody reading this that has claustrophobia.
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Offline aoi tsuki

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #57 on: October 23, 2003, 06:51:43 PM »
i have a phobia of babies. i don't know if "phobia" is the right word though. i'm not afraid of them in the sense that they may hurt me, but in the sense that i might hurt them. Fathers of newborn babies sometimes have this fear, that they might "break it". Not sure why i have it.

Most of my dreams (at least the few i remember) are related to sex, and so, i can't discuss them here. But it leads me to wonder: If sex dreams aren't strictly about sex, why am i having them? i'm not complaining about having them, nor am i complaining about my lucidity, but it just bugs me. i want to know why things happen and dreams are still an enigma to me.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #58 on: October 23, 2003, 07:06:17 PM »
Sex-related dreams are pretty common, so it's nothing to get worried about


Originally posted by: Jdub03
I have a fear of phobia's.  Is that even possible?

That would be Phobophobia, and no I'm not joking...
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Offline Ocarina Blue

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #59 on: October 23, 2003, 07:15:21 PM »
Well, you dreams are related to thoughts that you were thinking of during the day when you were awake, so, for humans collectively, I guess dreaming about sex is normal. People dream about 4-6 dreams over an 8 hour sleep (I think), but only a few can be remembered. So it could just be a coincidence that you remember certain dreams inserted of others.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #60 on: October 23, 2003, 07:28:13 PM »
Dreams can be generated from things you saw during the day, but most come from your brain filing through your memory...

That's why you can dream about things you have never seen...You're brain basically plays around with different things that you've seen and melds it all into one thing...Which is actually pretty creepy if you ask me, not to mention that you are "seeing" things with your eyes closed...

Perhaps one day there will be a way to actually record what you dream...Wouldn't that be something? ^_^

(edit: Oh, and about the multiple dream thing...Do you realize that dreams you remember are never really finished?  It's been said that you only remember dreams that were interrupted in some way(such as waking up)...This would explain why you remember some dreams and not others...Once you finish a dream, your brain resets itself and creates a new one...)
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Offline Termin8Anakin

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #61 on: October 24, 2003, 12:36:53 AM »
You know what? I would so love to be able to record my dreams.
Has any of you seen Final Fantasy? Something like that!
Although it prolly won't be like one set scene in one place. I reckon dreams are like a really psycho montage of images racing past your eyes.
I mean, have aby of you ever dreamed of something really nice (like that chick you've had your eye on or that really cool game you been dreaming about) and just had something melt into that dream and take over, like huge demonic monsters or just a huge blob of human-killing essence, etc? Then all of a sudden, Braknamais comes along and saves you from your doom! He beckons you to come and follow him to become a hero, and when you follow him to his ship, you trip over then wake up.

You know, it's weird cause i remember being jolted awake by something like falling or being hit in dreams, but don't really recall that i actually woke up. It's like I go back to sleep right away.

True Story:
There was one night just a few weeks ago when i was playing Zelda at around 3am, then all of a sudden, I hear my mum screaming in terror. I just got so freaked. I thought she was being hurt. I ran into my parents bedroom, and she just said she had a bad dream. I mean, i had never though that dreams could be so scary that you would actually scream out loud.
I know there's stuff sleep talking too. That is even freakier.
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Offline Ocarina Blue

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #62 on: October 24, 2003, 12:59:13 AM »
Recording dreams will be possible when reading someone's mind is possible... I don't look foward to that day. Reviewing what you dreamed would be cool though. The idea of dreams being what you have been thinking of during the day makes me wonder if dreams have an effect similar to meditation at all. Bill: Your new avatar scares me.
Om mani padme hum.

Offline Hostile Creation

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #63 on: October 24, 2003, 02:43:46 AM »
I have never, ever had a sex dream. . . never. . . in fact, I'm sort of worried about that

Recording dreams would be cool, but I like trying to remember mine.  That sort of seems to spoil the dream.  Besides, it'd probably be all surreal and confusing. . . or, in some cases, a new, cheaper way to make porn.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline aoi tsuki

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #64 on: October 24, 2003, 03:03:19 AM »
Not to mention that you are "seeing" things with your eyes closed...

i just liken it to rendering an image to hard drive as opposed to screen. Different output device, that's all.

i used to have my webcam recording me while sleeping. i think i'll start doing that again to see if i say/do anything in my sleep, and try and tie that in with any dreams i might have. i'd love to have an infrared cam, because i really can't see much until morning.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #65 on: October 24, 2003, 03:08:26 AM »

Originally posted by: Ocarina Blue
Bill: Your new avatar scares me.

Haha...*points at sig*
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Offline Berto2K

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #66 on: October 24, 2003, 03:15:00 AM »
I don't think I have any phobias.  Well maybe one, fear of rejection.

I don't remember the last dream that I remembered.  That must mean I sleep pretty well to get through them all.  Also, I don't usually go to bed until I am tired, makes it easier to sleep.  Kinda like this morning, it is 5:20 in the morning PST.  And just going to bed soon and getting a lovely 5.5 hours of sleep before working for 8 hours.
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Offline Termin8Anakin

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #67 on: October 24, 2003, 05:33:24 AM »
you know, sometimes i dream that something in real life happens.
And then some time in the future, it happens! I'm not talking about what might happen in the next few days, but some things i've dreamt then experienced have been a couple of years apart!

Is it simply deja vu?

i reckon one of the coolest things to do would be to acually wright down the dream that you do remember. I dunno. maybe they will be useful for future reference when something happens?
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Offline Termin8Anakin

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #68 on: October 24, 2003, 05:35:22 AM »
hmmm, this isn't a double post. i just pressed the post button for some reason.......

has anyone experienced what I've been talking about?
and has anyone written what happens in their dreams? I mean, that is like the first step to actually 'recording' toy dreams.
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #69 on: October 24, 2003, 06:34:37 AM »
It's a glitch in the system...Some type of psychic ability that hasn't been harnessed by man yet...I don't know
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #70 on: October 24, 2003, 07:29:56 AM »
"I know there's stuff sleep talking too. That is even freakier."

My brother sleep talks and it's pretty freaky.  He's usually either angry or panicky when he sleep talks and is totally irrational.  There aren't too many things as scary as a sleeping man yelling at you.  My other brother takes bizarre sleeping problems to an even greater high as he actually sleep walks.  Usually this results in him just doing something simple like sitting up while sleeping but sometimes we'll catch him actually walking around.  When he does this he has this vacant stare on his face and he moves really slowly.  It's like he's a ghost.  Freaky sh!t.

Offline The Omen

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #71 on: October 24, 2003, 07:55:29 AM »

you know, sometimes i dream that something in real life happens.
And then some time in the future, it happens! I'm not talking about what might happen in the next few days, but some things i've dreamt then experienced have been a couple of years apart!

Is it simply deja vu?

I've had that happen on a number of occasions.  Of course, nobody believes me, and i start thinking, 'maybe their right' and forget about it.  One day, we'll figure it all out.

I have a phobia of going to the same liquor store multiple days in a row.  Can't do it.  And the way i live, it makes it very inconveniant.

I have a dream that a person is talking to me.  But he's just a shadow.  And while i'm listening to him, i understand it all, and its shocking, and very frightening.  After all night with this, some sort of guard comes and pulls him away, and i see its Edgar Allen Poe.  I wake up and never remember what hes told me.  I've had this dream for over 10 years now, and its come to the point where i can almost control myself in the dream.  I try to listen extra carefully, thinking i'll remember, but alas, it never works.  But Poe looks scared when they take him away.  If only he could see my face when i wake up!
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Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #72 on: October 24, 2003, 09:30:46 AM »
Once dreamt that I was in a rainy parking lot plaza thing.  Doing nothing, just kinda, standing there.

Two years later we went to new hampshire and we were in the same exact plaza.  I swear.  It was raining too.

I sleep talk, grind my teeth in my sleep, wake up with my covers on the other side of the room, and wake up facing the other direction (the last two only happened once).  

But the freakiest thing is sleep-walking.  I think I've told you guys this before, but I once slept walk into my mom's van and woke up there.  It was scarier than any dream I've ever had.  I didn't know what the hell happened.  I go to my front door and it ws locked and I had to use the spare key.  It was weird.
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Offline Berto2K

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #73 on: October 25, 2003, 04:15:20 AM »
Oh yes, I forgot about my sleeping habits.  

I have slept walked before, at home and in a ummm, hotel.  Yes thats right, I know, I was young though, probably about 14 yrs old.  I walked out of our hotel room, down the hall and and the security guard stopped me who was chaperoning our class floor.  She took me to our co-ordinator and she asked me where I was going.  I said I was trying to find my room.  She looked up which was mine, and walked me back and let me in.  All this time I was asleep, never remembered a thing the next morning either.  

Another time at home I walked into my parents room, and knelt by my moms side.  I woke her up and we talked for a couple minutes, then I stood back up and went back to my room.  Again, never remembered a thing.

Some times I will also remember being heavily active in my dreams.  Like this one time, for some reason I was dreaming that I was in a little contest with my friends as to who could kick closest to a table without kicking it.  Well I lost and woke myself up.  I had actually kicked my bedroom wall while sleeping on my side and slammed my big toe really bad.

I have been known to talk in my sleep quite often too.  Sometimes I think I yell, not sure.  It's hardly understandable though.
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Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:Okay, so what is your PHOBIA?
« Reply #74 on: October 25, 2003, 08:30:53 AM »
I once slept in a bunk bed with another guy, and both of us talk in our sleep, and we told the other people sleeping around us that we might end up doing it. The next morning they told us we were talking to eachother in our sleep, having a conversation. I also sleptwalk for a while, nothing too dangerous, though.

Man, I've got some sadistic friends- whenever I'm with them somewhere one of them pulls out a rubberband and starts aiming it at me, then laugh when I freak out.
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