Author Topic: my Monster S-Video screenshots  (Read 1383 times)

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Offline Patrick Jack

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my Monster S-Video screenshots
« on: August 18, 2003, 08:34:35 PM »
i decided to drop the money for the monster s-video cable, being some sort of nut for pretty pictures, and i took some screenshots using DScaler 4.1.7. they are from Resident Evil.

if the pictures appear too dark then you may need to adjust the brightness setting of your monitor.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4

the following picture highlights a couple of improvements with monster's cable design over the generic s-video cable that i have. the left column is generic and the right column is monster. on the top left shot, you can see some rainbowing in the text, in monster the text is all white. the bottom left picture is supposed to be a solid tone of color, but it is distorted by noise introduced by the faulty cable. with monster's cable, though it isn't perfect, the color is more solid. try to guess which game the text is from (hint: it's a SNES game)

Comparision Graphic

my TV card is a Flyvideo 2000. this, coupled with Monster's S-Video cable provides probably some of the best looking S-Video possible with the Gamecube...

by the way, i'm not trying to plug Monster's cable like i work for the company, i just want to show a simple demonstration since i have the capture equipment and i can. i think the main benefit with monster's cable is the reduction of "checkerboard noise" (the artifact shown in the bottom left of the comparision graphic). i think that "checkerboard noise" is a pretty severe problem with s-video in general. it shows up all over the place and it's annoying as hell. this is not the case with monster.
