Author Topic: Hey! DC's got stuff too... (Official Thread for the DCU of Movies and TV)  (Read 279442 times)

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Offline UncleBob

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A quick look-see, you left Zsasz out of your count from the Nolan movies.
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Offline nickmitch

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You missed Solomon Grundy, but he may fall into "DC" than "Batman".

Mr. Freeze would be pretty good as a star.  Make him a scientist who desperately turns his research into a weapon, possibly to get funding, gets mocked for it, gets it to work, starts using it for crimes as his funds run low, desperately experiments on himself, all the while he knows Batman is on his trail.

Hush would be tough to have a movie, since his part of his whole thing is his identity being a mystery.

Red Hood Could work.  His ID only needs to be a mystery to Batman, so once it's out it's fine.
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Offline ShyGuy

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I'm not too terribly familiar with Hush, Blackmask, or Firefly.

Hush is pretty new, he is skilled surgeon Tommy Elliot, a childhood friend of Bruce Wayne. He secretly hated Bruce because his parents died and Tommy wanted his parents dead. He's done various schemes to mess with Bruce and Batman. He made it seem like Jason Todd came back to life, he framed Alfred for murder, he removed Catwoman's heart and kept her alive on a machine. He had plastic surgery to make himself look like Bruce Wayne and try to take over his life. He's not my favorite.

Black Mask is a crime boss who also hated his parents, he inherited Janus cosmetics company (I think this ties in to Clay Face?) when they died under suspicious circumstances. He carved a black mask out his father's coffin and required his gang to wear masks chosen from his collection. He got more sadistic and Catwoman shot him in the head. After that, Jeremiah Arkham went nuts and secretly became the new Black Mask.

Firefly is a sociopathic former Hollywood pyro stunt man who was blacklisted after a bad accident on set. He became a gun for hire that carries a flame thrower and glides on wings carried by the updraft of the flames like Link's Paraglider in BOTW.

Hush and Black Mask are kinda convoluted, but Firefly is a straight forward classic.

Offline ThePerm

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I also left out Max Cort(Night Scourge)

I read Prey 10 or so years ago trying to learn more about Hugo Strange.

I'd see a Hugo Strange movie.
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Offline UncleBob

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I was really hoping Hugo Strange would be the main antagonist of the third Nolan movie.  I think that kind of character would do well in the Nolanverse.

I know you mentioned giving up on Gotham, but if you ever do give it a second chance (it gets way better, if you don't mind the liberties it takes with the Batman lore), Strange is amazing in the show.  He's like if George Takei were an insane mad scientist.
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Offline UncleBob

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Wait.  All of your villian counts are omitting the best Batman movie of all.  Adam West is ashamed!
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Offline ThePerm

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I did that on purpose. It was only on a technicality. If Batman 66' and Batman: The Movie weren't in the same continuity I'd have counted them.

I also didn't count the serials. I have the serials but have never been able to finish watching them.
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Offline UncleBob

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The Batman set of serials wasn't terrible, if you can set aside the overt racism and other aspects of the time frame in which they were recorded.

The second set, Batman and Robin, were just flat terrible.

I would recommend the first to a hardcore Batman fan as a historical timepiece, but cannot say the same for the second.

Luckily, these two both featured original villains (I don't *think* either one has ever crossed over into comics.  Considering the main villain in the first was such a terrible racist characture, I doubt we'd ever see it now), so I don't think they'd mess your counts up.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline ThePerm

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The Narrator is racist too. It's hard to watch bunches of stuff during that era.

Like I was watching this silent western about a train robbery and that **** really takes you out of the movie.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 03:49:51 AM by ThePerm »
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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James Gunn tossing fresh fish to old friends

Offline ShyGuy

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how does that even work? Does he transform?

Offline nickmitch

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It’ll be interesting to see how they work it into their “realistic” movie-verse. Maybe they’ll roboticize him like Rhyno.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Have you seen Aquaman?
they had giant Lobster people iirc, so this shouldn't be far a stretch.

gotta embrace the comicbookiness of it all.
its the only way you'll make it all work together

Offline nickmitch

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Have you seen Aquaman?
they had giant Lobster people iirc, so this shouldn't be far a stretch.

gotta embrace the comicbookiness of it all.
its the only way you'll make it all work together

You know what? I have seen Aquaman, and I totally forgot about that. :P
But I agree that more films should embrace it.  Especially now that the technology is caught up to where it doesn't have to campy.
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Offline Stratos

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Flash did some solid takes on King Shark and Gorilla Grod, so it can be pulled off.
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Offline ThePerm

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Offline Plugabugz

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I'd have chosen Daniel Kaluuya. After Widows (in which he was mostly silent but completely terrifying) i'd have picked him in a heartbeat.

Offline ThePerm

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I could see that. Since it's out of the way though I could see him as The Riddler. He should play it with a British accent though.
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Offline ShyGuy

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I meant, how do you put a shark face on Michael Rooker and not make it look silly? If he's just doing the voicework for a CGI creature that's another thing.

Offline broodwars

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They could always do what Batman: TAS did with the 1st design of Killer Croc:

I could easily see a similar design adopted for King Shark in live action.
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Offline ThePerm

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Groot exists. They could just do a Grey version of Yondu.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2019, 10:13:36 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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Batwoman Trailer

I was considering watching this, I liked her in the last crossover.  But it seems that CW have gone straight for the political point making.  I have no issue at all that she's a woman, I have an issue with producers shoving it in my face. I can see she's a girl, and it's in the title.  I don't need to have lines like:

"... perfection"
"It will be, when it fits a woman"

thrown at me.  I don't see any decent reason that line in its current form needs to exist.  If they insist on including such a line they could have change it slightly to something like:

"It will be, when it fits me!"

Far less on the nose.    If Supergirl is anything to go by (which it likely will be since it's run by the same team) then they are going to be pushing hard on the whole woman thing.  I want to sit and enjoy a silly show, not be preached at by some random person in a studio with an agenda.

Offline broodwars

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Batwoman Trailer

I was considering watching this, I liked her in the last crossover.  But it seems that CW have gone straight for the political point making.  I have no issue at all that she's a woman, I have an issue with producers shoving it in my face. I can see she's a girl, and it's in the title.  I don't need to have lines like:

"... perfection"
"It will be, when it fits a woman"

thrown at me.  I don't see any decent reason that line in its current form needs to exist.  If they insist on including such a line they could have change it slightly to something like:

"It will be, when it fits me!"

Far less on the nose.    If Supergirl is anything to go by (which it likely will be since it's run by the same team) then they are going to be pushing hard on the whole woman thing.  I want to sit and enjoy a silly show, not be preached at by some random person in a studio with an agenda.

I really hate to defend this creative team, but do you remember the original Supergirl trailer they put out?

This team doesn't make good trailers, and this trailer was HEAVY on the "girl power", too. Yet the 1st season really wasn't as obnoxiously anti-men as the trailer made it out to be. In fact, several lines got edited out of context to MAKE them that way.

I don't want to defend the Supergirl team any further because Season 2 DID go heavily political (and that's why I stopped watching it), but this could also just be a case of a trailer cutting footage out of context to "make a statement."

I'm not going to watch it either way because I'm really behind on the Arrowverse shows and am kind of done with that universe in general for a while, but just sayin'.
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Offline ThePerm

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It's so cheesey. All these lines are as about as smooth as Stiffler.

I miss Xena.
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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Batwoman Trailer

I was considering watching this, I liked her in the last crossover.  But it seems that CW have gone straight for the political point making.  I have no issue at all that she's a woman, I have an issue with producers shoving it in my face. I can see she's a girl, and it's in the title.  I don't need to have lines like:

"... perfection"
"It will be, when it fits a woman"

thrown at me.  I don't see any decent reason that line in its current form needs to exist.  If they insist on including such a line they could have change it slightly to something like:

"It will be, when it fits me!"

Far less on the nose.    If Supergirl is anything to go by (which it likely will be since it's run by the same team) then they are going to be pushing hard on the whole woman thing.  I want to sit and enjoy a silly show, not be preached at by some random person in a studio with an agenda.

I really hate to defend this creative team, but do you remember the original Supergirl trailer they put out?

This team doesn't make good trailers, and this trailer was HEAVY on the "girl power", too. Yet the 1st season really wasn't as obnoxiously anti-men as the trailer made it out to be. In fact, several lines got edited out of context to MAKE them that way.

I don't want to defend the Supergirl team any further because Season 2 DID go heavily political (and that's why I stopped watching it), but this could also just be a case of a trailer cutting footage out of context to "make a statement."

I'm not going to watch it either way because I'm really behind on the Arrowverse shows and am kind of done with that universe in general for a while, but just sayin'.

You could be quite right.  It is just a trailer after all.  Could be cranking up the girl power to get that audience in early.  But I'll be expecting politics pushed hard until shown otherwise.