Author Topic: The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?  (Read 7476 times)

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Offline The Omen

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The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?
« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2003, 12:04:10 PM »
I think these are all fairly good ideas for the most part.  But i continue to say advertising is the main problem.  Adding a harddrive and bundling the GBP with it are nice, but if nobody knows about it , these features won't matter.

1.--Make some deals like M$ is doing for 6 month exclusives.  Get online, even if its not 'good business'.  Gamers don't want to hear 'Theres no money in being online.'  Do it, just so its another option.  People want to have everything available, even if they arent planning on using them.  

2--I think it'll come down to the launch lineup.  If you have RE,Metal Gear, Metroid, Mario, EA sports, a few FPS and Zelda available, people will buy it at launch and support it.  If not, they'll take a wait and see attitude .  If they become content with other systems, they may never consider buying the N5.  Get 'em from the jump.
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Offline GuiltyGamer

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The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?
« Reply #26 on: July 26, 2003, 06:55:32 AM »
Name: Destiny

Backward Compatability: They should have it, they should also make it where the Destiny playes GBA 2 games!

GB Player: Not needed if the Destiny plays GBA 2 games with out any attachments!

A Hard drive: Would be nice, but I would still like to have memory cards!

DVD Compatability: I think they should have it! But make it a choice. Like have a Destiny, then a Destiny Q (Made by Panasonic), but this time it SHOULD BE RELEASED EVERYWHERE!!!!

Games: Must launch M rated title(s) to show that Nintendo wants to get rid of its "kid" imige, but have kid titles too! Have a Metroid..Zelda, etc @ launch. And have a new game, a Perfect Dark killer! Made by Retro Studios! Also be nice to have Too Human @ Launch too. They should push back RE4 and MP 2 to the Destiny, this way it will be out by launch!

A new Handheld: They should have one..armed with a Mobile P4, and the same size as the GBA, but with a flip screen. So you will have a little wide-screen! Should use Mini-DVD's like the GCN does, but the memory card slot will be the same size as the GBA cartiges. So it will be backwords compatible!

Online Playability: Hmm, can u say Super Smash Bros. Online?

Controllers: All Wireless, but the controls CHARGE like the SP does. So you never have to change battiries. Also have a energy metter on the controller so u know when to recharge it.

The System: Nintendo will take care of this..i know they will! And with ATi backing them..all they need a ll help from intel NOT IBM!!! please come to GuiltyGming and visit our forums!

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Offline HiTmaN

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RE: The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2003, 08:00:20 PM »
Yes Guilty I agree, Nintendo should bring out the top titles first. Super Mario Bros 4, a new Zelda, Metroid:Evolution or somethin like that, and maybe Goldeneye 2? I don't think a DVD player is necessary, I mean its a gaming machine. A cool feature would be if you could upload music from cd's onto the system, and play them during the game your playing so it overrides whatever music playing, but you get the sound if you want. Onlime capabilities, hmm....I'd like it but it isn't necessary definetly a built in GBA Player though.
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Offline Chode2234

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RE:The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?
« Reply #28 on: July 29, 2003, 06:03:53 AM »
I think part of the problem might be that in this generation Nintendo seems to have relied to much on rehashes of franchises and not enough on the original innovation that they are known for.  people are turned off by nintendo because they see it as a "zelda box."  I really think the answer is not another metroid or another Mario (unless they give me something completely different) but something that will make casual game fans around the world stop for a minute and go WOW I WANT TO PLAY THAT.  

Seems to me that this generation has been characterized by the phrase "I just played that game on my 64"
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RE:The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?
« Reply #29 on: July 29, 2003, 10:41:39 AM »
But chode, look at GTA: Vice City. Another sequeal (or pequel) and it was the hottest game. Look at Final Fantasy, it seems Square is never gonna stop making them. Each Final Fantasy is blown off the charts. Devil May Cry, etc. etc. Sony's bigest hits have been sequals. X-Box can't really have sequals...because it's its first generation.

Nintendo on the other hand, has made ade sequels to its franchises, but they have failed to be as popular as Vice City, etc. It seems as Nintendo is doing something else wrong. I don't think sequals matter as much anymore. Of course, we do want new innovative stuff.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2003, 11:05:45 AM »
"look at GTA: Vice City. Another sequeal (or pequel) and it was the hottest game. Look at Final Fantasy, it seems Square is never gonna stop making them. Each Final Fantasy is blown off the charts. Devil May Cry, etc. etc. Sony's bigest hits have been sequals."

Devil May Cry isn't a sequel.  It's an original PS2 franchise so even though there are two games it's new for this generation.  The GTA series went though the same situation that Mario and Zelda went through with the N64 in that the series switched to 3D and thus was "new" again.  For all intents and purposes GTA3 was a brand new game.  Vice City sold well because it's a direct sequel to a "new" franchise.  GTA games won't be selling as great next generation.  Final Fantasy manages to overcome staleness by changing the characters and setting in every game which is an absolutely BRILLIANT idea because it maintains a popular brand name while giving the illusion of changing things up.

In reality the PS2 lineup isn't much more unique than the Gamecube's but the PS2 lineup LOOKS like it's new.  Same with the Xbox.  Halo isn't that much different than every other FPS but it's a new character and franchise so people think it's new.  Nintendo has the problem that, even though the competition isn't doing much different, they appear to be stale because every one of their games has the same characters and practically the same story.  That's not a big problem on it's own but when you don't have much else to freshen up the lineup everything can look stale.  The Gamecube needed that big ORIGINAL title right from the start and it didn't get anything new (like ED) until it was too late.  Well technically Luigi's Mansion was new but it wasn't a AAA title.  Sequels sell well but it takes that one "can't find anywhere else" title to really sell the consoles.  The sequels are the supporting players while the new content is the star.

Offline oompah

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RE:The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2003, 11:35:30 PM »

Originally posted by: Mario
If Nintendo want to be successful, they need a new advertising agency. That is all.q]

Took the words right out of my mouth Mario!  I'm a nintendo gamer from oz and i'd say that Nintendo of Australia has to wake up and smell the advertising.  The website is hardly updated with news and if it is its old!  Television ads arn't to be found anywhere and i dont think they know of radio.  Promotions are minimal and only seen at the back of stores (EB for instance). I dont know if you agree but i've been happy with all of nintendos systems (although i've never tried out a Virtual Boy :-P) great games only ever come from nintendo.  Its just ordinary people actually need to know what the great games are - not just for the people that go searching for them.

You can live in happiness too! Like the oompah-loompah doopity-do!

RE:The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2003, 05:20:35 AM »
If Nintendo wants to be sucessful in 2005, here's what points they need to consider:

1. Online play: for some reason, people like these laggy, glitchy, godmoddy pay-out-the-nose crapfests.

2. DVD/CD playback- While DVD's aren't as popular as they were at the PS2's release, i think Nintendo's going to be even more shunned as kiddy if they don't have that apperance of complexity. It sucks, I know, but it seems like Nintendo has to get their fingers into every little pie they possibly can.

3. MAture titles: Give a big pile of money to SK and Retro and wait a year or two. Let them handle the Mature stuff. Mature games with that classic Nintendo innovation. God, that's the good stuff right there.... *Loves Eternal Darkness*

4. Attract 3rd PArties: This is an absolute must if Nintendo wants to shed it's "Stuck in a koopa shell" image.

5. New franchies/rebirth of old ones- Put Zelda and MArio on hold for a bit, and why not bring back the oldskool (albeit hardly remembered) classics like Mach Rider or Kid Icarus for a new generation? *Would really really really like a nuskool Mach Rider game*

6. Advertising- And I mean lots of it. Go on, turn on your TV and watch it for half an hour. When was the last itme you saw a Nintendo comemrcial that DIDN;T advertise the free game/demo disc w/ a Gamecube deal? Answer: MArio Golf, and it's not helping Nintendo's hindering kiddy image either. If Nintendo wants to boost sales, then they've gotta' get up off their lazy hineys and PUSH SOME ****!!! Know what we could all use right now? An F-Zero commerical. Come on, we all want it....

*Whew* There, I'm done. Anyone want to comment?

Offline Zman

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RE: The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?
« Reply #33 on: August 24, 2003, 02:03:42 PM »
Well I think a hardrive could be really cool, i wouldnt mind paying an extra 100$ for one like in the xbox, i just dont know how much Nintendo might lose in the long run.  I remember Mother 3 for 64 DD was going to have it so all of your foot steps would be saved...Trees would gradually grow and other cool stuff. This might be able to be accomplished with it...Not only that, 100$ would just be spent on Memory cards most likely(though i only have bought 2, for GC.)

Also, putting pre order bonus disks for almost all the games would be smart. It would increase sales, and publicity.

Offline norebonomis

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RE: The Next Generation of Consoles - What should Nintendo do?
« Reply #34 on: August 26, 2003, 02:13:39 PM »
for people who are concerned about gameboy sales going down in the n5 included player functions out of the box, i say why not make a port on the n5 that you plug your gameboy into, with the hinge design on the gamecube memory card slots, then the gameboy itself acts as the player, maybe it gets a battery charge in the process? of course this idea would be pointless if the next gameboy is disc based.  
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