Author Topic: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)  (Read 1187796 times)

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Taika was my first thought, since Thor Fhor is probably not on the schedule for a few more years.

Real talk though, this has to be the worst day of James Gunn's professional career.
He was about to finish his Trilogy of Big Budget Blockbusters
He was in line to be in charge of EVERYTHING Marvel Cosmic... and Disney just expanded the playset w/ X-Men and F4 properties

He had finally made it BIG TIME, and professionally was in cruise control.

all taken down because of some low brow poorly chosen humor tweets from who knows how many years ago.

so once again... be wary of what you say on Social Media people.
There's only 1 person out there that seems to be immune to public/online word vomit at the moment, but even that might come to an end soon. It all comes back to haunt you at some point.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 12:42:07 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Shorty McNostril

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I personally think the whole thing's been over blown since it was so long ago, and he's kept his nose clean since.  But alas, Disney didn't feel that way.  So credit to them for being willing to let go one of their biggest names considering everything he was doing as BnM mentioned above.  Their values come up trumps over their desire to keep their plans in tact.

Offline oohhboy

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It is a literal alt-right hit job because he said means things at Trump. Disney has known about the jokes for years even before hiring Gunn. Gunn had apologised and moved on from those off colour jokes making none since. Those jokes are sort of half the reason you would hire someone like that if you want to inject humour into your movie as it is far easier to dial back.

Firing Gunn is really stupid. The people who pushed this are literal rapists who also pushed pizzagate, yeah, that's right, we rewarded a rapist and people who incited real violence using completely fabricated nonsense.

I personally think the whole thing's been over blown since it was so long ago, and he's kept his nose clean since.  But alas, Disney didn't feel that way.  So credit to them for being willing to let go one of their biggest names considering everything he was doing as BnM mentioned above.  Their values come up trumps over their desire to keep their plans in tact.

Disney got played by bad faith politics. They fucked up. Your values mean nothing if they get used for unjust actions.
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Offline ThePerm

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I'm not a fan of some of my old social media posts. Sometimes people grow and become more sophisticated as time goes on.  Anything before 2009 for me is pretty questionable. I was still learning the landscape of social media at the time. A lot of this stuff was still pretty new. Some things I posted between 1998 and 2006 were pretty fucking wacky.  I've never been into twitter though. I never thought you could say anything terribly effective with a limit of 140 characters. They doubled it to 280, but that is still abysmally low. Not everyone is a Haiku Masters. I wrote an unproduced screenplay, I don't think it would fair well now since it is a 2000s college comedy. It would be considered misogynistic today. I might dust it off in 20 years though when people are nostalgic for the naughties though.

As far as James Gunn goes. They knew they hired the Tromeo and Juliet guy when they hired him. Disney will slit the throat and stab the back of anyone who effects their image even for a brief second. Peter Jackson was once the Bad Taste guy. Sometimes these people take time to develop into the people writing the stories that make us tear up. You need to struggle for that.
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Offline Adrock

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The tweets were in very, very poor taste, but firing the man for them seems extreme. Make him put out a statement. Maybe this is an overreaction to the fall of Rosanne Barr or Harvey Weinstein? The difference being Barr has a history of contextually problematic behavior often passed off as jokes and Weinstein is an actual rapist. James Gunn hasn’t been accused of harming another person. Perhaps Disney is trying to get in front of anything else that may be uncovered about Gunn.

Still, this is extremely hypocritical of Disney. Gunn got fired for some admittedly bad tweets from a decade ago. This is the same Disney that hired a former drug addict as Iron Man and continues to cast a domestic abuser as Jack Sparrow. Robert Downey Jr. at least turned his life around. Johnny Depp’s abuse wasn’t that long ago.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Yeah they made a huge mistake. He made jokes - and they were funny, if you aren't completely full of yourself. Hopefully they correct this.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Maybe they rehire him under a pseudonym, and let him ghost write/direct uncredited.
then give him a wig and fake mustache to attend the premier. Then he can carry on as a consultant from the shadows for the next decade.

Everyone can learn from their past and hopefully change for the better in the future.
Take note of Luke Cage learning from the errors of his recent past...

Offline Adrock

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Depends on the person I guess. Some of the tweets were funny; others were just weird. For example, Gunn joked about a shower feeling like a kid peeing on him. I’m not easily offended, but I see how people would be offended. While I’m personally not offended, I don’t find that one in particular funny either. It’s a strange comment.

I don’t think he should have gotten fired for the tweets. Disney’s own track record for continuing to hire far more questionable folk without reprisal makes this hard to get behind.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Hopefully Disney just let's the dust settle, and and unsnap's their fingers on this one.

Apparently Disney already knew about the tweets, and Gunn already came out and formally apologized for them looong ago. So maybe much like Infinity Way, Marvel will find a way to Avenge Gunn and undo this wrong, like they will in A4.

At least Bautista's got Gunn's back...

I wish Disney had not reacted so quickly and instead just released a statement that they were reviewing the mater, and then addressed the concerns and how Gunn had publicly apologized for all this many years ago.

Then sit back, and wait for everyone to forget. I guarantee you some much worse **** is about to take everyone's mind off this in the next week or so thru the next few months, and will literally be all over the news.

Offline broodwars

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Assuming that Gunn is not brought back later, I can only see this as a good thing for Guardians 3 considering how profoundly disappointing I found Guardians 2. Guardians 2 was a film that had no idea what it was. It wanted to be a "day in the life of" story of the guardians...AND a story about a god trying to remake the universe, so the Guardians had to stop him...AND a story about estranged family relationships.

Perhaps if Guardians 2 had focused on 2 of those, it would have been fine, but it went for the kitchen sink approach and came off rather mediocre (especially since it seemed to outright ignore major plot points of the previous film, such as Drax's dead family). Maybe some new blood can bring back the fun of the 1st fun. Maybe not. I gave up on Marvel after Guardians 2, Civil War, & Dr. Strange.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 12:52:46 PM by broodwars »
There was a Signature here. It's gone now.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Welp. James Gunn's career is officially derailed, at least temporarily
He had teased a surprise announcement a week ago.
it was a Sony movie, that for now will not be announced.

looks like the movie was "Nameless"
« Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 01:11:20 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline broodwars

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Welp. James Gunn's career is officially derailed, at least temporarily
He had teased a surprise announcement a week ago.
it was a Sony movie, that for now will not be announced.

looks like the movie was "Nameless"
A Bloodborne movie? Really? I could see that turned into another terrible Milla Jovavich Resident Evil schlock-fest, but I can't see how that could work & still retain the spirit of the game.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I don't know anything about what "Nameless" is or what bloodborne is either. unless it was that female vampire game from the Playstation 1/2 days.
This suggest it's actually something original, and James Gunn is only the producer. That first pic may only be a coincidence in symbolism.
Benjamin Breyer (2 "B's" back to back)

And after reading a little more into the Gunn situation, there may have been a pretty bad blog post that was also part of the reason an immediate firing may have happened. The Blog post has been deleted, so I don't know what it said, i've only seen it mentioned, assuming it existed. It was some pretty dark twisted humor, can only imagine how bad it would get on some unheard of blog where can rant and not think anyone was actually reading it.

I can only imagine why he never went back and deleted his entire internet history prior to GotG once GotG made it big.

My current theory though (assuming that blog post is not legit) is that Disney fires him now to get out from under the bad press up until after the Fox buyout vote happens next week, and then they may start to back peddle once the dust settles and people forget. Hopefully Gunn has already went and deleted EVERYTHING he can find pre-dating 2013, although I 'm sure it's already waaaaay too late.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 01:15:59 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline broodwars

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I don't know anything about what "Nameless" is or what bloodborne is either. unless it was that female vampire game from the Playstation 1/2 days.

That's Bloodreign. Bloodborne is a PS4 horror action game from the Dark Souls team that can be thought of as thematically similar to Castlevania: gothic architecture, killing beasts with swords & whips, etc.
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Offline oohhboy

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And after reading a little more into the Gunn situation, there may have been a pretty bad blog post that was also part of the reason an immediate firing may have happened. The Blog post has been deleted, so I don't know what it said, i've only seen it mentioned, assuming it existed. It was some pretty dark twisted humor, can only imagine how bad it would get on some unheard of blog where can rant and not think anyone was actually reading it.

I can only imagine why he never went back and deleted his entire internet history prior to GotG once GotG made it big.

He did delete it. They went through the internet archives to dig them up to make the hit. It's why he said what he said, he had made amends, changed his behaviour, moved on and forgotten about it as did everyone else. If you had made 10K messages you would forget 99.99% of them.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Here is the petition to Re-Hire James Gunn

not sure how much good it will do, but wouldn't hurt to show support.

Offline oohhboy

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Adding more context to Gunn's jokes, they were directed at other comedians and are intentionally extreme to gross each other out, push the limits especially while with Troma films. This wasn't a secret and was dealt with a long time ago. The key thing here is that this isn't a scandal, it's a hit job with nothing behind it.

None of the news outlets including the BBC had vetted this story, taking it at face value from a source that isn't far from the likes of Glenn Beck.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline BranDonk Kong

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It's amazing how the side that Gunn is on will cannibalize themselves.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline oohhboy

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It's amazing how the side that Gunn is on will cannibalize themselves.
Everyone on that side constantly is too busy trying to get on the highest horse to realise that isn't their horse, it isn't a horse, they don't have the reins, don't know why they are getting on or what they will do once they are on it and they shouldn't have gotten on any horse in the first place. It doesn't make you a better person, it makes you a sucker.

It's a blindingly obvious problem with an equally obvious solution. Stop taking things at face value, stop trying to take the imaginary high road, stop tone policing your own side, stop playing by their rules by telling them to **** off and stop hitting that share button thinking you done your bit for the day.

So stupid.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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It's amazing how the side that Gunn is on will cannibalize themselves.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this comment, but I do know that just like the "would/wouldn't" controversy, context is important.

If you never bother to put the comments in context, and only take it for what it's presented to be, it can mean whatever you frame it to mean. "Would/wouldn't" in context makes absolutely no sense. Roseanne's comments in context are exactly as they appear to be. James Gunn's comments (the tweets at least, I never saw the blog post) in context are clearly extremely perverse humor directed at a very specific audience, that was in line with humor of the crowd he was associated with. Nothing said was meant to be literal, from my understanding at least.

and the fact that it was directly addressed, apologized for, and apparently left on display as a reminder of who he used to be vs who is he is today, makes it kinda shitty that Disney would go all shock and awe when it was pasted as front page news instead of making a formal statement kicking the can down the road to let the dust settle.

I'm not upset that they did it, as I assume it's for a reason (no drama for shareholder vote is my theory).
This is really on Gunn for not erasing it all after formally apologizing for it years ago.

Offline oohhboy

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They did get erased years ago, 10K out of 30K messages. They had to go to the internet archives, scouring the net. Being forced to delete your past is sad in itself. It's who you were, part of who you are now and a measure of how far you have come. Killing the past is stupid.

My frustration isn't about Gunn but what he represents, another victim who got taken down by his own side over nothing despite years of actions that are as far from the jokes as you can get. The self censorship on behalf of bad faith hypocrites thinking it will turn them around and make you a more righteous person. Instead you help perpetuate injustice.

The pattern keeps repeating, your star quarterback makes a fumble or got 9 yards instead of 10 you demanded so lets shoot him in the head.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I thought it was "Alt-right" that went deep diving, and JG is a very progressive type... or so I thought.

I'm kind of indifferent at this point, although I do wish Disney didn't make an immediate on the spot reaction, just more left a statement and see where it all settles in a few weeks. If ultimately they let him go, then so be it, but to react as if they didn't know JG's past, is kinda shitty.
"We are ok with him.... for now. but if it ever comes to light how sick his humor used to be... we'll burn him and pretend like we never really knew him anyway."

I'll give it a few weeks. It sucks atm he's not in control of finishing his trilogy.
and he won't get to work on the Thunderbolts after that.
and he also won't be the guiding force behind Marvel Cosmic

but life moves on. Disney will hopefully work it out, and I pray this won't be a thread that starts to unravel the curtain by which the wizard stands behind.
Feige has a contract renewal coming up next year. I'm sure if he gets on board, maybe Disney will reconsider.

Offline oohhboy

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The "Alt right" did the initial work but it was his side that spread the muck hook, line and sinker.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline Adrock

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Feige has a contract renewal coming up next year. I'm sure if he gets on board, maybe Disney will reconsider
Isn’t Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 supposed to start filming this fall? Unless Disney postpones the release, that may be too late to save Gunn’s involvement with the movie though I suppose it could save his position of leading the cosmic side of the MCU.

At this point, it may have to fall on the actors depending on how their contracts are written. If, say, Chris Pratt has an opt-out and he says he won’t do the movie without Gunn, Disney probably wouldn’t recast.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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I don't want to get into politics because it got that other thread locked - but the side I'm referring to is the opposite of the side doing the hit job. The side that I believe you (BnM) and I are on...based on past comments I've seen. What I'm saying is, Disney made a mistake. They'd be called hypocrites if they didn't fire him, because of Roseanne, but this is an apples and oranges situation, and they fucked up.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA