Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 714067 times)

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Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #400 on: April 22, 2014, 04:12:22 PM »
I am obsessed, obsessed, with Disney Magical World.
It is sad, really.
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline shingi_70

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #401 on: April 22, 2014, 04:12:36 PM »
Assissan's Creed Freedom Cry.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #402 on: April 26, 2014, 08:39:55 PM »
Knytt Underground (WiiU):

I didn't really know what to expect from this game, and was hesitant given the indie burnings I've received in the past, but I kind of love it. The first two chapters came off like a pretentious flash game, and I was pissed, but once the actual game kicks in it's kind of awe-inspiring. I don't even really know how to describe it. And I still don't really understand what's going on and I've gotten through half the map. Surprising **** is still popping up. So far I'd put this in a similar league as Toki Tori 2, way above Trine 2 and Mutant Mudds.

Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #403 on: April 26, 2014, 09:00:43 PM »
I've been playing Final Fantasy X HD on my Vita...a LOT of Final Fantasy X HD, actually. How much? Here's a hint: I've fully powered-up all 7 Celestial Weapons (as well as captured 10 of every monster in the game for the Monster Arena). I've never done that before, nor will I ever do it again. If you're at all familiar with Final Fantasy X's post-game content, you know how ridiculous that gets.
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Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #404 on: April 26, 2014, 10:14:55 PM »
So playing Super Mario World 3D (Wii U) with my kids has been the only gaming I'm into lately. My 3 year old daughter is getting surprisingly good, but we've around world 3 or 4 the stages have gotten tough enough that she's not going to make it much further without a good deal of bubble/carrying through some of the tougher parts of each stage. Still, I'm pretty proud of her.

Since the kids aren't getting much further, decided it was time to start my own save file and push through some levels. Since I was already familiar with most of the early content, got to about 79 green stars this afternoon. Will start pushing into new content soon, and am looking forward to whatever crazy ideas are shown off next.

Oh, and in case there was any doubt: this is a fantastic game.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #405 on: April 26, 2014, 11:15:47 PM »
I've been playing Final Fantasy X HD on my Vita...a LOT of Final Fantasy X HD, actually. How much? Here's a hint: I've fully powered-up all 7 Celestial Weapons (as well as captured 10 of every monster in the game for the Monster Arena). I've never done that before, nor will I ever do it again. If you're at all familiar with Final Fantasy X's post-game content, you know how ridiculous that gets.

Dude. Holy fucking ****.

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #406 on: April 28, 2014, 01:00:59 AM »
La Mulana: HELL TEMPLE (Steam):
I've basically spent my entire weekend playing in one excruciatingly hard sequence and the worst part is rooms after that are not as hard but if you mess up and fall down you will be sent back and will have to redo the hard part again.

It took me most of my saturday to learn how to get to where i stand here:

The other half i spent trying to learn how not fall off it because of charging monsters in the next room.

Then i spent my Sunday trying to learn the right jumps here:

Progress is extremely slow because one little slip up and i am redoing previous spike room again and that requires from 3 to 15 retakes (STILL, after basically spending a entire day in there).

This is unbelievably hard and grueling, dark souls my ass.

Caesar III:
It's 216 BC, i am governor of Miletus and Caesar seriously hates me. I've stupidly imported too much marble and overspent. Took two loans from him and couldn't return the debt (was a bit too busy trying to, you know, feed my people and repel barbarians).

So Caesar's all like: "okay, i'm through with you" and sent an army to arrest me. I am still deeply in debt but thankfully i have built an efficient weapon infrastructure and organized trade with other cities so that will give me some money (too bad traders come too infrequent).

But the most of my weapons goes to building an army. Two infantry legions and one unit of skirmishers.

Despite hating my guts and sending punitive detachment after me, Caesar still sends requests to me to deliver certain goods in time. Fish, weapons, furniture, whatever i got. Had to built and entire new industrial district for furniture alone. And i can't even use it myself, because people start demanding furniture only after they get enough pottery and i can't get that because i have no clay around me and should import it. Which i am not going to do because i am trying to make money, not spend it.

I raised taxes a bit and decreased monthly pay and also started to turn off industries more often. After i sent furniture to Caesar i turned that industry off completely to save on wages and that also freed me more men for building weapons.

So roman legionaries finally came. I knew where they will be coming from and placed my guys there. At first i wanted to cut down all shrubbery around me but then i noticed soldiers can't go through it, so i decided to use it. I placed my infantry legions in the bottleneck between two trees and put skirmishers behind them.

And it worked, it was like Thermopylae in miniature. Three heavy legions one after another trying to come through and dying under the rain of javelins.

Caesar instead of getting more angry at me, started to respect me more and my favour with him gone up, kinda funny but makes sense from gameplay side.

So now i've largely fixed my economy, amassed a good army and now all i have to do is to do all Caesar's deliveries and shower him with gifts to get in his good graces and i should be set.

Rayman Legends (Xbox 360):
Whoever called these levels "8 bit" has obviously no idea what 8 bit is. Filters are very disorienting, sometimes i even started to feel physically ill a bit. Last "8 bit" level is very cruel because filters become so intense in the very last second you can't see a thing and don't know what to do. I had to redo regular filterless version of this level to see what i need to do there after failing three times on the last meter.

Apart from that timed invasion are also pretty tough, i got lucky on few and got golds on first tries but most of them require many playthroughs. Infiltration Station invasion is the last level where i STILL can't get gold on, despite trying for a few hours. Apart from that, i got diamond cups on all worlds.

Though, i didn't touched Origins levels at all and will have to do those to get all 700 lums. Doing every other level nets you around 400 lums, leaving 300, almost half for playing rehashed levels (no, i am never letting this go, Ubisoft).

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS):
Seriously loving this game. It moves swiftly, constantly throwing new mechanics at me. Everything in it is based on drawing scribbles on maps which is inherently fun.

Romanos shooting range min game is super fun.

And now i know where Ridiculous Fishing stole it's gameplay idea from.

Ghost and Goblins Arcade (MAME):
My strategy to make enemies disappear with a screen border is just as successful here as with Ninja Gaiden. The best strategy to beat red devils is not to fight them but to wake them up and then jump off of descend to somewhere making as much vertical space between you and the devil as possible and that will make the devil disappear.

Using this strategy and after finding the best routes i can safely get to level 5 on one life.

Level 5 is probably the hardest, especially that one place where you need to climb up but golem is standing right on top of the ladder so you wait until he moves to the right all the while enemies keep respawning. Even the music changes in that spot to be more dramatic.

The worst part is when you climb the ladder and because of controls you sometimes get stuck at the end and can't move out away from the ladder for a second leaving yourself with literally your pants down against the monsters.

Level 6 is funny at how seemingly impossible it is, it's filled with level bosses now turned mooks. Still i figured some robust strategies.

I looked up NES game playthroughs and it seems to somewhat different from arcade game and seems to be even harder with more troll items spread around.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 01:18:59 AM by azeke »
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Offline Fatty The Hutt

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #407 on: April 30, 2014, 07:10:36 PM »
My youngest and I pulled out Let's Tap last night for a few rounds. That game is so dumb it's fun.

And that theme song. Who wouldn't smile?
Oui, Mon Gars!

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #408 on: May 01, 2014, 12:53:11 AM »
Super Hexagon (Steam):
Got 60 seconds on Hexagoner. I did it earlier on work pc, but it turned out to be much harder on my home setup due to rather significant lag (around .1 or .2 of a second).

I am guessing it's a combination of wireless keyboard and plasma tv... I tried to play it with xbox controller and has a bit less lag and feels like workable but i still don't feel as comfortable with it as with regular arrow keys on a keyboard.

The game is all about those milliseconds, you already have to waste some time on trying to recognize the next pattern and do it in less than a second. Adding any more lag on top of it makes so much harder.

Now doing Hexagonest -- i had 29 seconds on work pc, but at home i can only muster 12.

Can't even think about doing Hyper versions yet, ugh.

Smash Bros Melee:
Still have hard time with controls. Doing target practice kinda helps but i still have numerous troubles trying to adapt. They seriously need to an option to remove jumping with a stick. I also can't reliably turn around on the ground and seemingly can't turn around in the air at all (maybe yet another dedicated button?). Still can't smash reliably.

Caesar III:
Finally beat Miletus. The final stretch to get 5000 people was pretty tough because expansion in this game without ruining your already working infrastructure is tough.

Stupid market lady stubbornly kept going for the fruits from across the city despite having a granary full of fish round the corner and a district with starving citizens.

To get enough points for culture to beating this level i built some theaters and academies in the middle of nowhere, few miles from any living districts. Apparently this culture meter doesn't care if anyone actually attends these buildings just as long as they're here.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #409 on: May 02, 2014, 03:01:31 AM »
I Platinum-ed South Park: The Stick of Truth the other day (#89, btw), and it's...incredibly "meh". I love how the game plays, but it would have been a much better game without the South Park license IMO. Much like the show it's based on, it often mistakes "crude & disgusting" with "clever & edgy". I can't hate the game for being true to the terrible show it's based on, but for a comedy game I found it surprisingly lacking in actual humor.

Still playing Final Fantasy X HD. Closing in on that Platinum, though it's all grinding spheres from here on out. Also playing Child of Light, a game I'm really trying not to say "meh" to but it's kind of hard not to. The game is gorgeous and I love the musical score, but there's kind of...nothing to the game.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #410 on: May 04, 2014, 12:58:13 AM »
 King's Bounty: The Legend: (Steam)
After watching my friend playing Armoured Princess and beating it, i decided to come back to first game that i never finished way back when it came out.

Already put around 30 hours into it and feel like i'm maybe half way in.

It plays like Heroes Of Might and Magic only with one character. HoMM is my kind of RPGs and i honestly had no idea any other kinds of RPGs even exist (jRPGs? Eh, don't get them... WRPGS? Nope). Played some of HoMM III, a LOT of IV (still don't understand the hate it gets) and a LOT of V. It helps that HoMM IV was my first game i ever bought with my own money.

My friend says that one of main differences between KB and HoMM is that it's less intense: HoMM has several enemy AI players taking turns and they roam around and can capture our bases and castles at any time, so you always have to manage garrisons and resources.

KB doesn't have that so all you have is just enemy troops walking around the map. Still, it's is pretty engaging. And you get enough management with your character, his upgrade trees, spell book, rage spirits with his loot and even his family (wife and kids add to different stats).

The main constraint you're gonna have through entire game is "Leadership". It limits the amount of units of one type you can have. So you can't raise a huge army even if you have 100k gold.

Another reason you can't have huge army is because everything is finite. Including units. If your Inquisitors will keep dying and you will keep restocking them at one location soon enough they will simply run out there and you will have to either find another place which sells Inquisitors or switch to another unit type.

Your stack is rather limited, so as you burn though units you will keep rotating through many, many types of units depending on where you are and how easy it is to restock them.

I am playing as mage and he is appropriately very weak. So even regular wandering mooks are too strong. Lots of avoiding and running away until i find one enemy that shows up as "weak" compared to me and crushing him. One by one you keep leveling up until you clear the entire location.

At first you want to keep your losses to minimum (ideally noone should die in your battles) because first ten or so hours money will be so scarce you could simply end up with no money to restock your army sufficiently for the next challenges.

After a while you will start to do a lot of quests with mad loot and visit other areas where money is literally lying around on the ground and cash will stop being a problem.

At that point i change my strategy and instead of running away from everyone stronger than me i start to attack them. Sure, i lose significant part of my army, but with 100k of gold i can restock all of them anew ten times over. And of course targeting harder enemies gives much more experience.

Rage mechanic is interesting, it's basically magic but instead of mana it takes rage, which you get only when you inflict lots of damage or receive it. And it naturally subsides as you roam the map, so i guess it's meant to force me to NOT to come back to closest friendly castle and replenish my 1 archer i lost and instead rush to another battle right away while i still have enough Rage left.

This time i am playing in english (game originally made in russian) and had to smile at translation errors, like children calling me "uncle". Another thing lost in translation is russian/soviet culture references, so if you see a pirate swearing by his cocked hat while he's not wearing any -- blame translators.

While the story and setting aren't super original, some of the dialogues and quests are kinda funny. Texts in dialogues seems to be forte of this developer -- my pal (guy who i watched playing Armoured Princes) LOVES text quests in Space Rangers series by the same studio. Lots of weird and funny stuff there.

Unfortunately the game doesn't have controller support and has other problems like black bars on widescreen displays. Probably the first game in two years where i was forced to actually sit by my home PC to play it. Because i am so close to my big monitor i even get some motion sickness when i rotate camera and rather intense rotation speed doesn't help. Still, ultimately it's worth it.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #411 on: May 05, 2014, 01:51:27 AM »
Finished Child of Light the other night. To say it was a disappointment would be an understatement. That game just drags in its 2nd half, as the enemies just get increasingly annoying & the game just stretches on with no end in sight and all for a story that makes no goddamn sense. Bleh. Nice music & visuals, though.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #412 on: May 09, 2014, 10:22:12 PM »
Way too much review stuff:

Mega Man 2 (GB Virtual Console): It's terrible.

Mega Man 3 (GB Virtual Console): It's great.

Moon Chronicles Episode 1: It's awesome.

Amazing Spider-Man 2: It's a shocking downgrade after ASM1.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #413 on: May 11, 2014, 01:22:01 AM »
Controlling seemingly uncontrollable and mastering the impossible is a much better power fantasy than buff dude killing dudes. Think operator from The Matrix -- at first you only see incomprehensible stream of green letters but as you spend more time with it you start to see it and control it.

This is the reason i started to gravitate towards games where at first you go "WTF is going on?" but then as you play more it clicks and you start to master it. Things like bullet hell or intense hack'n'slash games.

Super Hexagon (Steam):
Super Hexagon is like that -- at first it seems completely impossible, but as you spend more time with it, it becomes bery doable. My friend asked what is my record on regular Hexagon mode, and when i said it's 100 something he couldn't believe it (he's still in the early phase so it seems impossible to him).

I play Super Hexagon as a rhrythm game because i just not that fast (my brain is the biggest lag here) to react as i go, so i memorize patterns and then try to execute motions without much of a visual feedback because it goes way too fast for me to actually analyze the situation i am in.

It works out for me in 70% percents of situations.

King's Bounty: The Legend (Steam):
Spent yet another 30 hours. Largely cleared out most of the areas, now working on Elven forest and Land of the dead. Still have Demonis which i haven't even visited yet.

Some of the story stuff in quests gets kinda funny (pirate asking me to send dowry decades late after he wed other pirate's daughter, me carrying flags between three toads) and kinda sad (elven dude mourning over his beloved's grave and asking me to take revenge on bandit who killed her and i do that, come back and see two graves).

Pikmin 2 (Wii):
Playing Wii games on Wii U has one cool feature: you can output your sound through gamepad, mute the sound on TV completely and play with headphones. Very nice if you want to spend a night playing games and don't want to wake anyone up sleeping in the house.

On the game itself. Diving into dungeons is kinda scary, because you're going deeper and deeper and monsters get stronger and stronger and there is no way to replenish your pikmin, so you have rapidly dwindling party. This is even more stressful than timer. Same challenge as roguelikes, even dungeons are randomly generated too. At least from time to time you encounter direct exits to surface where you can bail out and still keep your loot.

Last time i left the game i was in a situation like that where i was in a very deep dungeon, seven or eight floors in, and had only about 30 pikmins left against that walking fish that spits out bombs. I've amassed a lot of stuff and was afraid i am going to lose it all.

In the end it wasn't as bad as i thought. Fish with legs died pretty quickly and the floor directly below had an exit to the surface so i gladly jumped there. I think that loot i saved from this one run alone (and that dungeon yet isn't exhausted yet, it goes way deeper that that) easily amounted for 50% of the debt at least.

DMC HD Collection (360):
When Ninja Theory said they want to make DMC game for 21 century they got comments that DMC1 IS from 21st century, but i am guessing these smart alecks haven't actually played DMC1 recently. Today, DMC1 plays archaic, and feels like game from 94 not from 2001.

Platforming, horrendous fixed camera, controls (HD collection fixes them somewhat compared to original PS2 release, but they're still wonky), graphics, "maze exploration" level design, generic trash music -- all of this feels like "mammoth's ****" old playing today.

Ninja Gaiden Black is a rather shameless ripoff of DMC1 -- but it can be picked up today and it will play and look just as great as the day it came out, everything, every single thing DMC1 did that made it feel so dinosaurically archaic today NGB fixed or did better.

As i get more abilities game starts to open up as par the course, but still it feels barebones in terms of combos -- there are basically two -- one where you mash the only sword button and the one with pause after two slashes. Of course i don't need hundreds of combos, as any hack'n'slash player you just play and pick three-four of your faviouties and keep using them, but here i don't have any choice. Mainly i am missing combos with area effects, like roundhouse leg sweeps.

The worst thing of the combat is that there almost no tools of defense, the best defense is always just jumping away. Roll is kinda useless -- it can be used against specific types of attacks but even for that attacks regular jump is unquestionably better.

Oh and underwater sequences are just criminally bad. No option to fix inverted by default controls and half baked attack method with underwater gun that just doesn't feel any good.
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Offline ejamer

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #414 on: May 11, 2014, 08:12:45 AM »
Finally starting The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GC). The game is still beautiful and plays well most of the time. Just got Din's Pearl and moved to the next island before calling it quits for the moment.

One complaint: is it my imagination or is the camera quite bad? Seems to require lots of "babysitting" if you want a good view of what's going on.
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Offline shingi_70

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #415 on: May 11, 2014, 03:07:15 PM »
MLB The Show 14: 25th first round draft pick to the tigers.

Child of Light
Stick it to the Man.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #416 on: May 11, 2014, 05:32:30 PM »
Playing Child of Light on Wii U alongside my still ongoing FFXIV journey to farm tomes for Atma books.

Child of Light...initial impressions after just a few hours of play? Battle mechanics are great. I love using Mr. Firefly to slow down one mob to advance my party members' "turn" to allow an attack that then counters the mob being slowed - knocks them back, causing them to have to restart their attack. It feels great when done correctly. Game oozes charm, and I actually like and appreciate the rhyming in all of the conversations. Different is good. Look on the outside of things to appreciate them.

Might pick up Kirby: Spicy Chicken Sandwich next week!
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #417 on: May 11, 2014, 06:19:03 PM »
Child of Light

I think I'm enjoying this a game a little more than some people appear to be.

While the first few hours were appealing simply because of the art, in the last 5 hours or so the mechanics have revealed themselves and I'm getting a real kick out of the battle system. At first the tactics seemed limited by only having two active party members, but as the cast of playable characters grew I realised that you can swap out party members without wasting a 'turn' meaning that your full roster is available to you at all times. Switching between characters who can hinder enemies, gather aggro, deal elemental damage etc is nothing new, but the system in Child of Light for jugging these dynamics two characters at a time is immensely satisfying.

The two active party member system, combined with the action bar mechanic for 'casting', can sometimes lead to odd situations such as casting a heal spell on a party member that then dies before the spell can be completed, only to have all 3 enemies take aim at the remaining party member and wipe them out. With better planning and orchestration, however, scenarios like this are uncommon.

I'm really not a fan of the writing, which feels stilted and forced, and the story is what it is, but the music, art and mechanics are all superb.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #418 on: May 18, 2014, 11:14:34 PM »
I'm playing two games primarily now, with some Mario Golf: World Tour sprinkled in occasionally.

Disney Magical World (3DS)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Wii U)
- Checked it out from the library. Was surprised to see it available and just hanging out on the game table!
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #419 on: May 20, 2014, 06:50:08 AM »
Earthbound (Wii U):
I finally got the second party member. Took me 8 hours to get there. 8 hours of just roaming around and pressing A button aimlessly.

At least now the main constraint of ridiculously cluttered inventory is eased somewhat.

I would have liked the beginning with just one character if i started as Jeff, his solo segment was way more interesting and funnier too.

Zombie dogs in Threed are no joke. They poison you, deal lots of damage and i think they also cast a few other negative effects (?). And these effects stack too. What is this, Dark Souls? I got poisoned, possessed and got homesick all at the same time.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #420 on: May 21, 2014, 01:06:47 AM »
Super Street Fighter 4 (3DS):
Tried again to progress with Trials mode. Combos after level 7-8 start to demand frame perfect accuracy and that's just something i am completely incapable of doing it seems (so far).

I remember i barely finished tutorial in King of Fighter XIII demo (13 hits long combos by the end, very accurate timing required), Skullgirls demo (same) and Injustice (same, it took me almost an hour to beat because of one extremely long and demanding combo in the end).

I looked up videos of how i am supposed to do that and it was very amusing to see how he uses controllers (both PS3 and Xbox360) as arcade fight sticks:

Still not much help, because in the end regardless how you hold your controller/system and how you set your button layout, it still bottlenecks at my subpar reaction time. Accuracy of 1/60 a second seems unreachable.

Zack and Wiki (Wii):
That voice acting, ugh. Everyone going ~uguuu and utter other disgusting anime sounds.

Puzzle stuff is pretty good, but everything around it seems to be designed badly. A lot of stuff is timed: torches that light the dark cave where you need to solve the puzzle in go out after some time. Savage that you have to knock out with a bomb to use his fishing rod will eventually come into his senses and attack you. So you have a very limited time to figure out motion controlled mini-game and keep track if dude is going to wake up so you can run away. And then you need to redo bomb and worm routine all over again.

I think it took me 6-8 retries to finally catch that damned fish, very tedious and annoying.

The other issue is insta-deaths. So you trial and error through the puzzle and something unexpectedly kills you. Then you're presented with choice: either spend some coins to revive yourself and continue from the same spot or redo the entire level again which might take up to five minutes and is just not very fun because you're repeating the same stuff.

Why even give the choice? Are they implying i will be rewarded somehow if i never spend a single coin on hints and continues? So i should never continue and always redo all levels each time i die, which is super tedious? And if there IS a reward for not spending a single coin what exactly they are rewarding me for? My stubborness and OCD? Certainly not my intelligence because you can just trail and error my way through everything granted if i always redo the levels.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 01:11:04 AM by azeke »
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #421 on: May 21, 2014, 01:20:33 AM »
I liked the graphics in Zack and Wiki. Not all the character designs, but artistically it reminded me a bit of Wind Waker. The final level though, sheesh!

Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #422 on: May 21, 2014, 01:02:55 PM »
Zack and Wiki is one of the games of the Wii in my book, y'all must not have played much in the way of old-school PC adventure games.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #423 on: May 21, 2014, 03:44:12 PM »
Zack and Wiki is one of the games of the Wii in my book, y'all must not have played much in the way of old-school PC adventure games.

The motion controls at the end are awful, imo.
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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #424 on: May 25, 2014, 02:18:13 PM »
Was having a great time with Bravely Default until I got to chapter 5--man talk about killing the game.  Not only do you have to repeat dungeons and bosses but they amped the enemies too much==requiring to grind quite a bit.

Grinding wouldn't be much of an issue but there's no "smart" AI autobattle system in place, you can only mimic your last moves which is nice enough for the first 1/2 of the game but at this point in chapter 5 enemies can easily knock out your entire party if your not careful. 

Think I'm going take a break from it and play some Injustice since I just bought that for the PC during Amazon's sale.