Author Topic: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?  (Read 526008 times)

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #300 on: March 04, 2015, 01:24:03 PM »

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse (Wii U) - 9/10
The best game in the series is the first one I've played, and I'm glad for it. I never felt overwhelmed by the platforming or the gameplay. I did have an issue with the character depictions, but overall the writing and the comedy were some of the best in a game. Pretty fun to explore and try and 100%, with only a few items hidden in impossible locations requiring the use of an FAQ. Highly recommended.

Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) - 10/10
This is pretty much the best game that's on the Wii U right now. The combat system retains all the good things from the first game and implements some new things as well. Combat in general feels a lot more intuitive and there are fewer frustrating moments. Gone are the insta-death QTEs, but the over the top elements are still there and are still quite enjoyable. The boss battles are very enjoyable and while the final boss fight isn't as epic as the first one in terms of scale, there's still so much good in this game, and the experience is very rewarding.

The Starship Damrey (3DS) - 6/10
Meh. Really simple adventure game and not much else really.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #301 on: March 04, 2015, 04:17:16 PM »
Resident Evil Revelations 2 (PC):

Played through the first "episode" last night. It's kind of underwhelming. Revelations 1 wasn't particularly great, but I quite liked the atmosphere of the ship and sort-of melding of the old style locked door progression. The goo monsters were kind of dopey but at least they were distinctive. So far Revelations 2 takes place in bland environments with bland "zombies or whatever" enemies that fail to be intimidating, or are wildly derivative of other games (Outlast, Silent Hill). I also truly wonder at how this series became so obsessed with co-op partners and melee. Like, we've gotten to the point here we have a mandatory little girl character who can only use bricks. Sheesh. And you spend most of your time (if you are me) crouching around with the flashlight or magic little girl finger looking for shiny objects. Scanning in the first game was a much better version of this system.

Oddworld: New and Tasty (PC):

This was one of the few games I was jealous wasn't on a Nintendo system back in the day, so I was quite pleased to see this get remade and come out on PC. Unfortunately it's kind of awful so far. The controls are finicky and aggravating, combined with dexterity-based gameplay, making for a pretty lousy experience. I wasn't missing anything after all! It does look really good and the animations are charming, at least.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #302 on: March 06, 2015, 01:06:53 AM »
Teslagrad (Wii U) - 5/10
There's a good game hidden in here somewhere. But the combination of a steep difficulty curve and one hit kills really takes a toll on you. Add to that random hard locks and it's a miracle I manage to plow through this game like I did. I'm not going to bother with the secret ending. The storytelling was good but it's hard to care once you're going through a difficult magnet puzzle for the 150th time and you're praying the game doesn't freeze. No screenshot because apparently I can't post one? Ugh, what a disappointment.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #303 on: March 11, 2015, 03:49:41 PM »
Here's the recent one I've completed I believe. The game that I completed is "The Beatles: Rock Band" for the Xbox 360.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #304 on: March 11, 2015, 08:16:14 PM »
Chrono Trigger:

So, as some of you may or may not know, today happens to be the 20th anniversary of Chrono Trigger's Japanese release for the super famicom. so, I thought I'd give it a playthrough for old time's sake and give you guys some thoughts and impressions!

Chrono Trigger is an RPG where you play as a young man named Crono, a well intentioned young man who takes it onto himself to right the wrongs of time along with his friends. He's a silent protagonist who who wields glowing green bubbles of death and a mean Katana as he travels about time with his friends Trunks and Son Goku. I-

... what? you mean I haven't been playing Chrono Trigger? I mean...

This certainly LOOKS like Crono and this game has plenty of time travel in it! I'll admit, they really did a nice job making the models here in this PS4 version look good but...

Okay, enough with the ruse. this is actually my thoughts and impressions on Dragon Ball Zenoverse! (at least I think it should be spelled Zenoverse and not Xenoverse...)

So, for those of you not listening to Cha-la Head-Cha-la on your MP3 player this second, this is a DiMPS developed RPG Brawler that uses a license as trotted out in Japanese video game development as Star Wars is for western development (Hey! they even both have Kinect games!). Dragon Ball Z kinda represents the loud and over-the top shounen anime style, and so many tropes of the genre found their genesis and popularity in Akira Toriyama's 1989 Manga, which was a sequel to a much more lighthearted and comedic romp that found itself styled after Journey to the West.

THIS GAME HAS NOTHING FOR YOU IF YOU ARE NOT A FAN OF THIS SERIES. None of this crap is gonna make sense if you have no knowledge of these characters. the story will be gobbledy-gook, as it's all about repairing the timeline to a TV series as it gets corrupted. they do little to nothing to try and ease you in, and you aren't going to get why these events are important other than "oh, they changed history so the good guys get their asses stomped in. best I better go Time Squad my way into the past and fix it!"

The mechanics will be a bit milquetoast and even awkward to somebody who's just coming off of say... Bayonetta 2 or something, but I feel it's servicable, and fun enough, as there's a lot of content here in the form of side quests, the main story, playing online with friends or strangers, and going through the incredibly addictive process of trying to tweak and craft the right skills/gear for your custom DBZ OC that it's got a charm to it. there's an inexplicable joy that my inner teen cries for as I go about  through the major story events of Dragon Ball Z with my curvy Majin lady who's dressed as a sentai super hero and has an attack that hypnotically forces some of the most brutal gods of death and destruction the universe has ever known to dance the Parapara.

This game does feel like it has the DBZ Filler in a sort-of way too, what with how GRINDEY it gets. the story missions drastically JUMP in difficulty  between each one, and so you'll be repeating the quests to get EXP, money, and sometimes drops. there's also crafting. this game feels like it's made from parts of an MMORPG. The way this game skinner boxes you can be somewhat despicable.

Let's take the Dragon Balls for example... you know, the thing the whole franchise is named after? yeah. So... you get Dragon Balls for beating time patrollers... sometimes. how do you get time patrollers to show up? well, you do a quest and fuffil a certain condition, and then the time patroller shows up... sometimes. of course, you need to get 7 of the things to summon the eternal dragon, Shenron to grant your wish.

There's 11 wishes to choose from. some of these are things like re-creating the cosmetic looks of a character, getting a chance to Respec, asking for an instant level up, Rare crafting materials you could be spending your time farming instead of farming Dragon Balls, asking for a bunch of money that you probably got more of just farming for the damned balls than Shenron would actually give you... but let's say you're a completionist.

There's a clothes set you can wish for.
there's an accessory that you can wish for.
there's an option to wish for character unlocks to play as during side quests and other modes. he gives you one each time you wish and there are 3 to be unlocked only through wishing from Shenron.
There's 6 super moves to get from him. he gives you 3 at a time with each wish.
There are 2 ultimate moves you can get from wishes, one at a time.

that's 9 wishes you need to make for completion's sake. that's 63 dragon balls minimum. that you farm from a guy that might decide to drop one and might decide to show up should you fuffil the condition for him to show up.

besides the serious camera issues and some control problems, there's also the way this game is framed, in that EVERYTHING is done from the hub world. when you finish a quest, you are spit back at a spot in the hub world. even from multiplayer lobbies.  this means every time you want to quest with friends, you gotta hike your ass from the pre-determined point on the map all the way back to the quest desk, connect to the server, and invite your friends.

Speaking of the servers, I think they weren't prepared for how many people would buy this game. often times you get booted from single player because of connection issues with the server. it's not quite always online DRM, but it's damn close to it, and that makes it VERY frustrating.

In the end though, it's still fun. there's just enough complexity to the fighting such as perfect guards and such to where there's some technique to fighting other than mash square. the character customization is top notch, as not only do you choose how they look, but you also choose clothes for them and you combine skills from various fighters or a few they made just for the game to really make your character stand-out. the Mentor system is quite cool also, making you study under characters from the show to learn their techniques.

Overall, I like it, and i'm probably still going to try and get a lil' OCD completionist about it.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #305 on: March 11, 2015, 10:25:33 PM »
Wrapped up a couple of adventure games.

The big one is Grim Fandango Remastered. First off I'm glad I got the chance to finally play thing game, and to judge it on its gameplay and not on the insane hype that has been building up since the early 2000s. I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the story and the voice acting. There was a genuine interest to search every nook and cranny, and to hear every interaction Manny Calavera had with his surroundings. Ultimately though, what starts off as a joyous romp through the game's world goes tedious fairly quickly, as your constantly being forced to adapt to the adventure game logic the game throws at you. The progression made it seem like you were advancing, but miss one slight detail and the game grinds to halt. You're clicking away at the screen wondering what the hell you're missing. After too many moments like this, I just decided to experience the story a use a walkthrough when needed. Thankfully the last third of the story eases up these unique adventure game moments (just slightly). The story packs so much of a punch though, it's truly worth trying out. This is an adventure game-ass adventure game though, so be prepared.
I also played through Stick it to The Man. By contrast, this game is on the other end of the adventure game scale. It's very simple, and while there are a few puzzles that will make you think for a second, there's nothing that sent me searching for a walkthrough. The map on the GamePad made it easy to keep track of all my interactions, and the more linear levels offered a brief change of pace, letting the story breathe and take full center stage. It's not as good as Grim Fandango's, but the writing is still top notch, and the cast provides some good laughs. Unfortunately the game is way too short and there's really no replay value. Compared to Grim Fandango though, the short playtime made it a little bit more enjoyable, so it gets the slightly better score. Get in on sale for sure. I also played The Old Tree, a free 15 minute adventure game with some nice puzzles. It's a trippy game that can be finished by the time you finish your coffee break. And it's free. Can't beat free.

Grim Fandango Remastered (Steam) - 7/10
Stick it to The Man (Wii U) - 8/10
The Old Tree (Steam) - 7/10

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Offline ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #306 on: March 23, 2015, 06:47:11 PM »
I also just finished Stick it to the Man (Wii U).  Not quite sure what to say about the game. I love the style, and the humor is pretty decent throughout. Gameplay was interesting - it felt like a nice throwback to some classic adventure games, but still unique and distinct from those experiences. But it's very short, offers no good reason to play through more than once, has an underdeveloped story, and lacks any significant challenge.

There are some unique Wii features. Lifting your gamepad up to point at the TV provides a neat mind-reading experience, but it's not very convenient to use. I found that playing off-screen and using the touch screen was more convenient than playing on the big screen and using the control sticks to maneuver your psychic hand... but both methods play well enough to be enjoyable.

Overall, the game is easy to recommend despite my minor misgivings. Anyone with a soft spot for point-and-click adventures is likely to enjoy this title, and it's definitely worth trying. Buying while on sale is preferable though - if only because it's a limited experience.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2015, 09:14:25 PM by ejamer »
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Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #307 on: March 24, 2015, 12:20:43 AM »
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater:

Unquestionably the best MGS game yet. The story finally shed teenage pretentiousness of 1 and 2 and went back to basics -- pure (spy) action movie. It's bigger than 1 and 2,  it's longer and has better bosses.

A new third person camera is a huge improvement -- finally you can freaking see where you going without switching to dedicated first person mode. You almost can't tell that this was added later in a re-release. There is a one boss fight that is much easier to do in "top-down" mode but otherwise the game plays like a traditional third-person action game.

On the other hand you lose the radar screen. It was the most important UI element in both 1 and 2, mostly because neither top-down nor first person view allowed to see much. Much of the game you spent looking at the radar, almost like playing Pac-Man entire time. Radar also showed viewing cones for each enemy. Now you don't have a radar and can only rely on what you see with your own eyes. It kinda sucks sometimes, because as great as traditional third person camera is there will still be situations where you will miss an enemy and he will see you and raise an alert. There are motion detector and active sonar but both are kinda crappy and not an adequate replacement.

CQC controls make combat out of the stealth mode enjoyable for once, slamming dudes into the mud is very satisfying. In 1 and 2, combat was a clunky mess, one could say it was intentional -- to punish you when you lose stealth, but i would say it's just KojiPro can't design action gameplay for ****. Lying down, getting up and rolls are still clunky -- this was a problem in the final boss fight. Also sticking out from the grass while aiming with my sniper rifle requires you to press and hold both bumpers and both triggers at the same time -- come on, this is just bad design.

Start menu...  i can see why it was made that way, but it's just you spend WAY too much time in there. You cure yourself, you eat food, you change your outfits, you manage your inventory and do few other routines. Half of these things could have been done in the actual game without putting them dedicated menu. This menu loads 3d models for every entry so there is a bit of a lag on every input you do and overall UI in this game is pretty laggy and "waits" for something each time you press the button instead of just instantly switching to next screen.

Life/stamina bars system made it so most enemies and bosses don't really do too many damage (except for The Fury who is appropriately enraging because he can fly up to you and destroy your life bar you in a few seconds) and even if they do some damage, you can just go to menu and "cure" yourself, eliminating all damage to your lifebar.

MGS1 Twin Snakes and 2 had dog tags that you could take from guards after executing some stupidly complicated "hold up" procedure. Hold-up still exists in MGS3 but this time you take information from the enemy (could be because soviet soldiers never carried dog tags). This works pretty well -- when threatened mooks can tell plenty of interesting stuff: where are the secrets on this location, codes for special frequencies and other stuff. Also, it's MUCH easier to do than in Twin Snakes and 2.

MGS3 has green frog toys hidden in all locations, the problem is while dog tags were tracked from the main menu (btw why couldn't i check which tags i have without exiting the game? stupid), frogs are never tracked anywhere. Though i guess you can write down all location names on paper and check it if you found a frog in there. Also i noticed at least one frog during the chase sequence and that is just some evil BS. I was moving so fast i barely even noticed the frog was there, let alone shooting it.

I was going for no-kill playthrough and it went pretty smooth. When i completed the game my stats showed me that i have exactly one death on me. It took me some investigating and recollecting to figure out who it was (also why can't i see my stats anytime from the game to check if i killed anyone? why do i have to wait for the end? stupid).

Apparently it was KGB guard from literally the first mission of the game -- i tranq'd him on the rope bridge and when i was walking by, bridge started to wobble and his unconscious body slipped off to the river. My non-lethal playthrough was ruined in the beginning and i had no way of knowing that. Somewhere near the end there is a way to see if you killed anyone -- without spoiliing anything: it shows you "the souls of those whose lives you took" and you can see who exactly it was. A lot of enemies have unique designs depending on locations so you can figure out exactly when and where it happened.


As i said The End is one of the greatest bosses in history -- amazing one hour long boss fight. He is also very forgiving -- he shoots tranqs and thus only hurts your stamina bar not lifebar. Because his boss fight is so slow, somewhat clunkyness of controls doesn't matter.

The Pain and The Fury were annoying more than anything else. Pain was at least ridiculous by himself -- dude that can control the bees, but Fury was kinda boring.

The Fear is probably second best boss in the game after The End. Just like with The End there are dozens and dozens of way to defeat him both lethally and non-lethally and the use of in-game systems is very ingenious.

The Boss herself gameplay wise was kinda a rehash. We already seen quite a few bosses done by the same "shoot from the back and hide" template in 1 and 2 (Ocelot, Vulcan Raven). Aesthetically and emotionally it was still great though, see this field of flowers? Beautiful aint it?

The Sorrow was also very cool but he is just a gimmick. At least he's good for showing you souls of those you killed.

There are couple of bosses outside of Cobra Unit and they're generally pretty good (Volgin, Ocelot, Shagohod).

The ending sequence was pretty similar to the one in MGS1 but much longer, so long it even kinda got tiresome. Also they added escort mission to it. If you somehow figure out how to cure and more importantly -- FEED your partner it should go smooth so it shouldn't be as annoying after that.

The story:
The story is super straightforward for MGS game. . This game doesn't really go into parody and deconstruction like 1, doesn't mock and criticize the player and the society like 2 -- it's just a "simple", straight faced spy action flick. And it is so much better for it.

I can understand people who call it the best game ever, but personally the gameplay is still not there yet. And even emotionally it didn't really do much for me though The Boss was a great antagonist.

Cool game. If you want to check what MGS is about and want only to play one game -- check out this one.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 01:52:32 AM by azeke »
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #308 on: March 30, 2015, 12:50:32 AM »
Rayman Legends (360):

I finally got all teensies. I played and 100%-ed actual Legends part of the game way back in 2013 when i got the game.

Then it took me another two years to beat Origins copypasta levels -- because it was that much of a chore.

And even after that, i found out that i was missing Gold Cup on some levels. So i had to run around everywhere on level select area to find it. UI there was so confusing by the way:

I've played this game for two years already but up to this moment i haven't realized that gold, silver and bronze cups on the frame of the painting (under king and queen teensies icons) are SEPARATE from gold, silver and bronze cups that are floating above the painting. Floating cups refer to lum counts you get on the level, while cups on the frame... i honestly have no idea what they measure.

Usually you get lum count Gold cup automatically after you 100% a level. But there are a few pesky levels where it's impossible to get 600 lums unless you're absolutely perfect. You need to grab extra heart in level loading screen and then never get hit to get additional lums each time you find heart inside levels. Even bigger challenge are pink lum lines -- you can't allow to go out of sequence or else you will lose 40+ lums and can kiss your gold cup goodbye.

Mysterious Inflatable Island and Beware of the Mini Murray are like that -- lots of pink lines and a very tight lum count that makes getting Gold Cup on them much harder than on other levels.

I also friended several people to get achievement for beating friends scores in Challenges. That was a chore comparable to replaying Origins levels.

Last two achievements (getting final level of awesomeness and getting a million of lums) would require me to play Challenges for yet another year or so by my estimation, so i will say i am okay and say i am done.

Overall, Legends is quite a disappointment after Origins. Inexplicably for the game that has been delayed, it has less content than previous game and to make up for that they include nearly all Origins levels to pad it.

Online challenges are pretty cool and addicting, but i kinda burned on them after playing Wii U Challenges App (pretty sure i played Challenges App for longer than actual full game on 360).

Music levels were very cool, but they are like four of them.

Origins was a completely new thing (even if physics was too wonky). Legends is "less of the same" sequel.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #309 on: March 30, 2015, 09:56:31 AM »

Overall, Legends is quite a disappointment after Origins. Inexplicably for the game that has been delayed, it has less content than previous game and to make up for that they include nearly all Origins levels to pad it.

Online challenges are pretty cool and addicting, but i kinda burned on them after playing Wii U Challenges App (pretty sure i played Challenges App for longer than actual full game on 360).

Music levels were very cool, but they are like four of them.

Origins was a completely new thing (even if physics was too wonky). Legends is "less of the same" sequel.

It's a shame, too, as I felt like Legends actually nailed the physics/controls compared to Origins, and had some stand-out level design (quicksand level comes to mind). My god that final world was disappointing . . .

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #310 on: April 01, 2015, 11:43:53 PM »
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS):

I loved this game start to finish. Screenshots look shitty, but in motion and full 3D the game looks great and is super smooth. Overworld/Lorule design was very satisfying. Painting mechanic was great and jelled beautifully with both the game design and 3D presentation. I played it on Hero (cart I bought had already beat the game), and the difficulty was brisk, making every upgrade and heart piece meaningful. Money was the most useful its been in any Zelda game. The loose progression was awesome and I greatly enjoyed not intuiting the structure of the game (it took me to the last quarter to realize how I was supposed to get the Pegasus Boots). There was one or two underwhelming dungeons, but overall I thought they nailed the focused scope while allowing for shortcuts/alternate solutions if you had certain items. The smaller dungeons also allowed you to jump in and out, which I did a number of times, hitting a wall or dying, but having a new mid-dungeon enhancement or master ore piece that you can turn around on obstacles in the overworld. The story was so minimal as to be perversely distracting in its absence, but I still managed to be surprised by one thing. I thought Octoball was whack at first, but then I got into when going for the prize. Beats the **** out of bunny catching in Spirit Tracks.

Super Mario 3D Land (3DS):

Though the game initially offered no resistance, I enjoyed myself thoroughly for the first half or so, partially due to the to-me-novel 3D of the New 3DS. (I'd never touched a regular 3DS before, so had no conception of the effect, which apparently actually works well with the New 3DS.) But man, compared to 3D World's post-game, the Special worlds of 3D Land kind of blow. Way too much recycling, some levels more than once, with boring/frustrating time/shadow chasing modifiers. A cool moment or sequence here or there, but also some obnoxious remixes that added nothing other than irritation to the base stages. Overall level design feels a bit banal and restrictive (numerous times I tried to experiment with shortcuts only to get executed by invisible walls). I did like the idea of re-interpreting Super Mario Bros. Bowser fights as platforming boss obstacles, but in execution it only gets mildly interesting in the final level.

Having completed the final special level, I did a Google search to see if there's any point in getting all of the star coins and flags. It turns out that there's a special EX final level if you never die more than five times on any stage (on top of all of the coins and flags), and if you **** that up, no 8-Crown for you! This is really irritating. The penalty for dying more than five times is having the cheater-leaf boxes appear and beep at you. No way in hell I'm going to re-do the game with that in mind, and yet I am aggravated that I will never touch that last level. Bad design choice!

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #311 on: April 01, 2015, 11:54:19 PM »
It turns out that there's a special EX final level if you never die more than five times on any stage (on top of all of the coins and flags), and if you **** that up, no 8-Crown for you! This is really irritating. The penalty for dying more than five times is having the cheater-leaf boxes appear and beep at you. No way in hell I'm going to re-do the game with that in mind, and yet I am aggravated that I will never touch that last level. Bad design choice!
That's not how it works.

Beeping white leaf box does appear when you lose more than five lives. But it's mere appearance doesn't block anything. This rule was only effective in NSMB Wii and even then it didn't locked you out of anything except your final stars on save file weren't shiny anymore. 3D World has exactly the same rule about white leaf boxes.

It will lock you out if you TAKE white leaf power-up.

To unlock Crown-Crown you need to complete all levels with Mario and Luigi and get gold flag on each of them (with either Mario or Luigi -- no matter, as long as you get gold flag once -- it counts).

I agree about 3D Land post-word being weaker compared to 3D World. 3D World had like four post-words stringed one after another, all with original ideas and cool gimmicks. 3D Land just rehashed levels from the first half.

I still think 3D Land is the better game, overall
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #312 on: April 01, 2015, 11:57:40 PM »
Having completed the final special level, I did a Google search to see if there's any point in getting all of the star coins and flags. It turns out that there's a special EX final level if you never die more than five times on any stage (on top of all of the coins and flags), and if you **** that up, no 8-Crown for you! This is really irritating. The penalty for dying more than five times is having the cheater-leaf boxes appear and beep at you. No way in hell I'm going to re-do the game with that in mind, and yet I am aggravated that I will never touch that last level. Bad design choice!

That doesn't sound right to me. I think if there is a stage where you did die more than 5 times, you can just replay it and if you beat it in less than 5 tries, it will then count that new attempt as if it was the only time you played the level and not hold the first time with more than 5 deaths against you.

EDIT: There. Azeke confirms what I thought. Just replay any troublesome level.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #313 on: April 02, 2015, 12:18:14 AM »
Ha, yeah, you guys are right, I totally misread this:

I just read through it and somehow thought the shiny star requirement was part of the progression to getting the final level. Although playing through all levels with both Mario and Luigi is in itself a bit of barrier. But I'll probably do it.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #314 on: April 02, 2015, 12:37:37 AM »
Just make sure NOT to use power-ups in that bonus level and don't use yellow platform at the very end and you'll be granted happiness in life.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #315 on: April 03, 2015, 07:52:13 PM »
Just make sure NOT to use power-ups in that bonus level and don't use yellow platform at the very end and you'll be granted happiness in life.

 Thanks, I will try my best, though I could never make it more than 2/3s of the way through Champion's Road.

I'm also baffled as to why you rate 3D Land over World. Land is good and all, but I feel like World outclasses it in every way, even single player only.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #316 on: April 05, 2015, 11:41:29 AM »
3D World learns a lot from the example set by 3D Land and is a better overall game. 3D Land was the trailblazer. I can't speak for azeke, but I give 3D Land bonus points for being so original.

8-Crown without power-ups is insane. I couldn't do it. I just barely beat the stage with power-ups.

Offline Triforce Hermit

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #317 on: April 05, 2015, 01:22:47 PM »
System Shock 2: Usually I don't like the older PC only FPS games that are typically proclaimed to be the greatest thing ever. It mainly seems like nostalgia saying they are good. This is not the case with System Shock 2. It is a very, VERY good game! Especially if you like trial-and-error gameplay. I'll point out my only negatives.

- Beginning of the game drags. You are stuck mainly with melee weapons until you invest in skill some more
- End game is a pain in the ass. The replicators (think Circus of Value) don't carry a lot of ammunition, heath becomes scarce, the enemies with a lot health pop up frequently further depleting your ammo reserves, and energy weapons don't affect any of them either which is a pain in the ass too.
- The physics in this game are the worst I've ever seen. Jumping is awful, enemies can back up through walls sometimes, its basically a mess.

If you like Bioshock gameplay, its basically a more advanced version of it with stats, attributes, and the sort. Weapons jam, you can upgrade them anywhere, you can hack turrets and security systems, etc. I would rate it 9/10.

The middle part of the game is wonderful fun and the negatives are outweighed by the positive fun I had playing it.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2015, 01:24:28 PM by Triforce Hermit »
Sometimes, you just want to play a video game.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #318 on: April 06, 2015, 01:34:08 AM »
I'm also baffled as to why you rate 3D Land over World. Land is good and all, but I feel like World outclasses it in every way, even single player only.
It's this
but I give 3D Land bonus points for being so original.
plus minute differences in platforming between World and Land.

You wouldn't know it by playing the game casually but 3D Land is actually a lot about momentum. You can't beat special 8-Crown if you don't know how it works.
Game had three speeds and regular jumps and boost jumps have different arcs depending on which speed you're on.

3D Land allowed you to carry that momentum throughout entire level -- you could have long jumped and roll jumped through most levels.

3D World nerfs long jumps and roll jumps and overall makes everything it can to stop you from moving too fast.

Also i liked SMB1-style bosses of 3D Land a lot more. Final Bowser fight in Land was much better too.

I "beat" one game yesterday.

Bayonetta (360):
Three (?) years and more than 200+ hours later i can finally say i am done with it. With 360 version at least. I think...

I've completed Non Stop Infinite Climax. The skill gap between doing gud on Normal and Hard was huge. NSIC will require to master combat system in full and skill gap to get platinums is even higher. I am not there yet, so i just ran through it to beat with additional goal to make it in less than three hours for entire playthrough -- doing this unlocks Bangle of Time. Had to redo some of the level to get better time and finally made it in 2:57.

I collected all 101 crows on all three difficulties.

I defeated Rodin, who is one of the most unfair BS bosses ever (completely by design):
I used Climax Brace just like on the video and it felt a bit cheap. I plan to do it "properly" without overpowered Climax Brace on U version -- it definitely feels doable.

The weapon you get for beating Rodin is super cool - you can basically get the ability to conjure enemy weapons out of thin air.

From this point on i shall fully transfer to U version. I am currently now stuck Pure Platinuming Hard campaign there.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #319 on: April 06, 2015, 12:09:30 PM »
I have played many games and also finished them. I have finished GTA San Andreas, Delta Force, Freedom Fighter, IGI I,II, Spider Man, Commando Strike Force, Tomb Raider etc..

Offline broodwars

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #320 on: April 09, 2015, 05:04:43 AM »
I have finished Final Fantasy Type 0 HD. It is the most disappointing game I've played all year, without question. The combat's excellent and the mission design is varied & interesting, but good god...the story & characters...ugh...
There was a Signature here. It's gone now.

Offline GaziSalahuddin

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #321 on: April 10, 2015, 12:47:42 AM »
I have finished Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and Prince of Persia T2T.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #322 on: April 13, 2015, 02:19:15 PM »
Breath of Fire (GBA) - Although I've played through large portions of this game many times on both SNES and GBA, I've never finished it before... so actually completing this SNES-era RPG is a proud moment for me. 

The game design clearly has some weak points, including offering players poor direction at times and occasionally hiding important (or even necessary) items unnecessarily. But it also feels like a game that offers a lot of character and interesting game ideas to a genre that sometimes feels stale. On the whole, I really enjoyed the experience and look forward to playing other games in the series.
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Offline Triforce Hermit

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #323 on: April 14, 2015, 01:10:51 AM »
Borderlands 2: Spent $10, got at least 35 hours of content. It improved upon the first one in every single way, shape, and form.

And I like how I get all the references from the first one and how 90% of the online population has never played the first.
Sometimes, you just want to play a video game.
NNiD: Triforcehermit09

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #324 on: April 14, 2015, 02:51:27 AM »
I've been finishing a lot of games lately.

Kirby's Dream Land 3 (Wii U) - 7/10 - A third rate SNES platformer, outshined by the superior DKC and Mario World series, and released well over a year after the N64 had already launched. It's ok and not much else.

Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii) - 9/10 - 100% file. Yes, it's easy, but the world is so gorgeous and presented in such a way that it's hard not to want to explore it all. I loved it.

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (Wii U) - Neal Ronaghan/10 - Long levels and slightly repetitive design bog down a really pretty and clever game. Some ideas are criminally underused (including a double cherry-like designed course), other feel like they were beaten to the ground. Boss battles are recycled with mixed results and all the sense of exploration present in Epic Yarn is gone from this title. Somehow managed to complete 78% of the file on my first play through. But I don't think I'll be going back to it.

Fire Emblem (Wii U) - 10/10 - I freaking love this game. My 4th play through of Eliwood's story, first time I finish it without anyone dying.

Pokemon Shuffle (3DS) - 6.5/10 - I got 10 hours from it, and managed to capture a few legendary Pokemon. But I don't care for Pokemon games anyway so it don't mean much. It's competent as a match 3 puzzle game, and it's less obtrusive about its microtransactions than other similar games, so I guess that's a plus.

Liberation Maiden (3DS) - 6.5/10 - Got it on sale and I'm glad I did. Did not love the controls as a lefty, and even though it's a cool little game, the gameplay just didn't work for me.

NightSky (3DS) - 7/10 - I like it, but I still prefer Knytt Underground way more. The game is just too easy.

Trine Enchanted Edition (Steam) - 8/10 - I like the floaty as **** characters and the sometimes stupid puzzles the 2nd game threw at you, so this was right up my alley. I still think the second game is better though.

Super Mario 64 (Wii U) - 9.5/10 - This game is a goddamn masterpiece even with that shitty camera. Having never finished the game, I can now say I did it, and with 120 stars to boot. Thank you, Nintendosave states.

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