Author Topic: An Ode to Fire Emblem  (Read 1564 times)

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Offline NWR_Josh

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An Ode to Fire Emblem
« on: January 16, 2013, 12:38:09 PM »

An ode may actually be appropriate this time.

I don’t believe I actually need to justify loving the Fire Emblem series. 

Well? That’s it. Column over. Click on another link. Go check out Neal’s Kid Icarus article... you’re still here? Fine. 

They are masterfully crafted RPGs that have withstood the test of time, and I have no doubt they will continue to do so as long as they are playable. That fact alone should make them ode-worthy. But since people have differing opinions (or so I’m told), I suppose I should continue. 

I have been playing the Fire Emblem games since they first came to America. Every single one is still in my possession. I’ve played and replayed them all, unlocking every support conversation, character, and secret level in the process. I feel it’s safe to say I’m a fan. 

The gameplay isn’t good—it’s great. The battle system is easy to control and gets steadily more complicated as you progress. Yes, the final levels are always hard. Yes, it’s totally possible to lose one of your favorite characters along the way. Yes, this makes every battle better and more intense. And that’s why I love you, Fire Emblem. 

I hope I’m not being too forward here, but you’re so goddamn beautiful. From the pixelated figures that hack and slash their way through bandits, to the portraits of each character, you are just a pleasure to look at. Your tone is consistent and true to itself. You don’t try to be anyone else; you are Fire Emblem. 

Oof. Right in the pegasus.

You’ve stayed true to yourself from system to system. Even when you made your jump from handhelds to consoles, you were still the same old Fire Emblem I came to know and love. You just looked different. (No, not in a bad way. You look fine, darling.) Your jump to console was actually very welcome to fans all over the world. (I love you more than they do, though.) And you pulled it off: you were a great game RPG lovers had to have. (I had total confidence in you the whole time.) 

But, there is one part of you I love a little bit more than the rest. And I might be alone in this, but I need to get it off my chest... the support conversations. You’re already such a great game, but the support conversations add a whole extra level of depth. Having characters interact presents their backstories, their histories, the forming of new love and new friendships, and the growing of rivalries—all on the battlefield. I always really liked this part of the games, and it’s one of the reasons I always finished the games time and time again. I wanted to unlock 100 percent of the support conversations. 

Not only does he have an awesome name, but he has an awesome back story.

So there you are, Fire Emblem, you beautiful so-and-so. I love you. You have never let me down (well, this one time you kind of did... but that’s not important) and I appreciate that. Each of your games had a solid story and brought something new. You have always been a joy to be around and spend time with. You are just a great game. Need I go on? OK, OK, just a little more. 

“Fire Emblem, my love for you burns eternal, 

No matter what the others say. 

In my heart you’re the colonel

And you face the sayers of nay. 

Your classes grow with each passing game

With generals and pegasi. 

Your newest installment will fan the flame

of my devotion as a fan-guy. 

The thought of you bringing some DLC

To the states isn’t scary like lightning. 

I mean, honestly... to me? 

This is all kind of exciting!”

Offline TeaHee

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Re: An Ode to Fire Emblem
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2013, 07:51:00 PM »
Anybody that says Nintendo isn't hardcore needs to play this series and shut up!

Offline matx88

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Re: An Ode to Fire Emblem
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2013, 02:39:02 AM »
This series is so dear to me because it was my introductory to the strategy RPG genre, ahh so many great memories and a lot of grey hairs on my head  :rolleyes:
***Sir Miguel II***

Offline Ailingforale

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Re: An Ode to Fire Emblem
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2013, 07:49:23 AM »
I remember the first time I played a Fire Emblem game.

It was a regular fight, just like any other day in any other game.  Then some punk killed my chick on a horse.  "No worries" I said. "I'll just get her back at the end of the fight and move on."  No one had told me about the permadeath bit of this game.  I was so confused on where this character had gone.  "I beat the level didn't I?  NOOOOOOO!"

I had to put it down for a month, but I came back to it.  Fire Emblem is an awesome series in my mind too.