Author Topic: No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...  (Read 9570 times)

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Offline Mario

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2003, 01:03:36 AM »
Sonic Mega Collection should have sold more than Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. They're both good games, but SMC is just one of the best games in my collection and i love it. Anyway, i hope we see more Fzero type things happening with sega, nintendo should work with sega more often.

Offline nitsu niflheim

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2003, 03:59:22 AM »

Crap does seem to sell well on the PS2, I don't know why.

Haven: CoK, didn't sell well on the PS2 and was cancelled by Midway for GCN and Xbox.  Now another company is bringing it over.

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Offline controllerport1

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RE: No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2003, 12:48:59 AM »
crap sells well on PS2 because as my good friend josh puts it "The're mostly consumers, not gamers." Does it get hype? let's buy it!  Is it on sale? let's buy it!  Does it look like it has the faintest hope of being something-like cool? BUY!  Let's face it, we play the gamecube because were demanding GAMERS. We expect too much from games because we're used to Nintendo's quality. Hell, give most of us a PS2 and we'll find creative uses for it, like a coffee table, or for batting practice.

Offline boggy b

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RE: No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2003, 01:04:25 AM »
....or for playing good games on that you can't get on other platforms. You seem to have overlooked that particular use of a PS2.

While it's a shame that GCN wont be automatically getting Sonic Team games as exclusives, I don't see that it still wont be getting exclusives. I can hardly see SMB3 going to PS2, because SMB's fanbase is on the GCN. In fact, I'd rather play SMB3 on a GCN than a PS2.

Sonic Heroes will be great on all three platforms, from what little I've seen.
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Offline Ymeegod

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2003, 03:23:30 AM »
Actually if you consider what sells vrs games that don't you can almost see why Sega is dropping the GC.

If you look at the begining (nov-feb) they had their best months with SMB being a launch title and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle following in the spring.  But what have sold since then?  Sega Soccer Slam?  Nope.  What about SoA?  Nope.  What about PSO?  Nope.  What about SMB2?  Nope.

And that's excluding the sports titles which we all know by now didn't sell.


And Nintendo is getting two exclusives though, Billy Hatcher is one to look forward to.  

Offline Bartman3010

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2003, 03:55:28 AM »
I think Sega wants Sonic on all platforms because of 1 of these things:

A. Sonic is now Sega's bitch to milk off of. The merchandise, TV show, slew of spin-off games comming out. (Pinball Party, Battle etc.)
B. Sega still hates Nintendo and wants to pee on their grave for destroying the Dreamcast (Well..PS2 did it anyway)
C. Sega's crack team of marketing stradegists thinks its cool to screw people over.
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Offline boggy b

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RE: No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2003, 04:25:05 AM »
Sega wants to put Sonic on multiple platforms because it's a well-known franchise and they can make more money if it's multiplatform.
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To St. Peter he will tell:
One more soldier reporting Sir,
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Offline Round Eye

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2003, 05:30:12 AM »
The reason that crappy 3rd party games sell better on the PS2 is that the PS2 has a bigger piece of the uninformed gamer pie.  A lot of lemmings bought the PS2 simply because all of the other lemmings bought the PS2.  And now those same lemmings are buying the crappy 3rd party games.

I'm not saying that Sony does not have any quality games, or that Sega makes crappy games.  I'm just saying that there are a lot of people who could care less if they are playing good games.  And that most of those people hang out with the PS2.

Now people who buy the Xbox... *sigh*  *slow patranizing rotating of head side to side*

There are two types of people in the world.  Those who finish what they started, and so on...

Offline thecubedcanuck

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #33 on: June 13, 2003, 06:02:59 AM »

The reason that crappy 3rd party games sell better on the PS2 is that the PS2 has a bigger piece of the uninformed gamer pie.

LMAO, I would bet top doller that there as MORE hard core gamers who own PS2's than any other system.


A lot of lemmings bought the PS2 simply because all of the other lemmings bought the PS2. And now those same lemmings are buying the crappy 3rd party games.

Again LMAO, or maybe the PS2 sells the best because it has the largest base of good games that appeal to the largest base of gamers?
This is the kink of thinking that has put Nintendo behind the 8 ball.


I'm not saying that Sony does not have any quality games, or that Sega makes crappy games. I'm just saying that there are a lot of people who could care less if they are playing good games. And that most of those people hang out with the PS2.

Yep, 50 million users all lemmings, none care about good games. What a freaking riot.


Now people who buy the Xbox... *sigh* *slow patranizing rotating of head side to side*

Now people who buy the X-box = the number of people who buy the cube. Its called taste, they both have an equal number of good games.
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Offline Round Eye

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2003, 07:06:57 AM »

I did'nt say that all of PS2 gamers don't care about quality games.  I said that the people who are not that concerned about playing the best games are most likely on the PS2.

I am sure that the PS2 has a ton of good games, since its library is very big.  Just like it has a ton of not so good games.

Its because its such a popular system you are more likely to get the casual gamer picking up the system.

I am not trying to bash PS2.  I am just trying to make a point about why the crappy 3rd party games sell better on the PS2.  There has to be a reason right?

Why do you think the crappy 3rd party games sell better?
There are two types of people in the world.  Those who finish what they started, and so on...

Offline Round Eye

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2003, 07:13:05 AM »
Xbox is a good system, I just don't trust Microsoft.  I think they just want to crash the console industry.  Just like they do in the computer industry.  They go in and try to undercut the competition.

The first hit is free then they jack up the price.
There are two types of people in the world.  Those who finish what they started, and so on...

Offline Darc Requiem

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2003, 08:00:16 AM »

Originally posted by: Round Eye

I did'nt say that all of PS2 gamers don't care about quality games.  I said that the people who are not that concerned about playing the best games are most likely on the PS2.

I am sure that the PS2 has a ton of good games, since its library is very big.  Just like it has a ton of not so good games.

Its because its such a popular system you are more likely to get the casual gamer picking up the system.

I am not trying to bash PS2.  I am just trying to make a point about why the crappy 3rd party games sell better on the PS2.  There has to be a reason right?

Why do you think the crappy 3rd party games sell better?

Cubed, Round Eye is absolutely right. The Gamecube's userbase is almost entirely hardcore gamers. The PS2 probably does have more hardcore gamers as owners than the Gamecube but the majority of PS2 owners are casual gamers by far. Thats why shovelware sells best on PS2. Their are more PS2 gamers that will look at a game like Batman Dark Tomorrow automatically think its cool because it Batman and buy it. The Gamecube and even the X-box has a more hard core fan base thats more likely to check reviews or the internet before making their purchases. Seriously talk to the the average PS2 owner, they aren't the most game savvy bunch out there. They own like 3 or 4 games and all those game have big name recognition. Its kind of like the GBA it has the exact same problem as the PS2, there is tons of shovelware on it and most GBA owners are casual gamers and buy shovelware. They look at which title has the most recognizable name, usually a craptactular movie licensed title and pick it up without a thought. Ps2 owners are the same way Cubed, and if you think otherwise you need to open your eyes.

Darc Requiem  
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Offline Ymeegod

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #37 on: June 13, 2003, 10:06:02 AM »
Actually if GC fans where hardcore then why are the passing up games like ED & TS2?  Yeah, that doesn't make any sense at all.  Or why was Enter the Matrix the top seller ;0.

Reality is most gamers are casual, regardless of system.  Just because it seems like most people here actually know about games doesn't mean 99% of the rest of GC owners do.  Think about it, how many people actually post here vrs the userbase.  

Why do Nintendo games sell, because that's what retailers tell you to buy.  Just walk into any shop and have them suggest games to you.  

Offline Darc Requiem

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #38 on: June 13, 2003, 04:39:47 PM »

Originally posted by: Ymeegod
Actually if GC fans where hardcore then why are the passing up games like ED & TS2?  Yeah, that doesn't make any sense at all.  Or why was Enter the Matrix the top seller ;0.

Reality is most gamers are casual, regardless of system.  Just because it seems like most people here actually know about games doesn't mean 99% of the rest of GC owners do.  Think about it, how many people actually post here vrs the userbase.  

Why do Nintendo games sell, because that's what retailers tell you to buy.  Just walk into any shop and have them suggest games to you.

ED should have sold more, I have several others have stated so many times. That stated Nintendo didn't exactly have the best ad campaign for ED and I think that had a lot to do with. TS2 is actually one of the better selling third party titles on Cube, but like all multiplatform games its going to sell more on PS2. As I stated above most GC and X-box owners are hardcore gamers and most PS2 owners are casual gamers but, the number of hardcore gamers that own a PS2 still out number the number of gamers that own a Gamecube or X-box. Oh and Enter the Matrix was not the top seller for Gamecube, it was for PS2 and X-box but not GC.

Darc Requiem
"Fiery words fuel debate and debate yields understanding."

Offline Darc Requiem

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No more GC exclusives from Sega due to poor sales...
« Reply #39 on: June 13, 2003, 04:40:47 PM »
Delete this....I don't know why its here twice. Sorry everyone
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