Author Topic: Episode 35: Neal Is Going To Kill Us  (Read 6583 times)

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Offline NWR_Neal

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Re: Episode 35: Neal Is Going To Kill Us
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2011, 06:03:25 PM »
First, kudos to insanolord for buttering me up. We're tight, yo.

I have to completely disagree with all the Zelda hate at this point. It's just rampant speculation, partially due to the fact that Nintendo hasn't shown much. That E3 demo was really solid, and the controls are fun. Personally, I dug the visual style, but I can see why people wouldn't like (much like how I can see why people won't like Kirby). Regardless, that demo was rather awesome. It was simple, and didn't really contain any puzzles, but it totally worked as a showcase for the controls.

And that's exactly what it was: a showcase for the controls. It wasn't representative of the entire game. That section was for the E3 demo. I believe it was said that segments are from areas of the game, but the overall composition, art style, etc. was for a controls-focused demo.

Outside of the retroactive hate for Twilight Princess (which I wholeheartedly agree with, though I adored the game the first time I played it), when has a home console Zelda game been disappointing? What evidence/reasoning/what have you do you guys have to think this is going to be a failure? General malaise towards the franchise? A "feeling?"

Bottom line is that if Spirit Tracks wasn't a commercial failure, then no Zelda game has a shot at being a commercial failure. I could see some cynical critics (probably someone from Game Informer) **** on the game, but I don't think this will be anywhere near Other M levels of critical/commercial failure.

Consider that more of my predictions, which are totally tame because I wrote that while feeling like total crap. It was fun listening to this episode because I forgot what I wrote.

Other than that, I don't want to kill any of you guys, except maybe Zach, but that's because he likes it when Shantae's boobs jiggle.

Also, Inazuma Eleven is a European release.
Neal Ronaghan
Director, NWR

"Fungah! Foiled again!"

Offline NWR_DrewMG

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Re: Episode 35: Neal Is Going To Kill Us
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2011, 06:17:41 PM »
I think it's important to realize that the word "failure", as it applies to any Zelda game, is very different than it is in any other context.  No Zelda game will ever be a complete failure, and I think we all realize that.  That said, I think it's totally fair to think that it's possible that Skyward Sword runs the risk of disappointing us, and my concerns stem actually from them staying too close to the established formula.  If they really mix up the overworld/dungeon gameplay, then I will be happy.

That said, sorry to hear you're done, vudu.  I will agree that we've been letting the episodes get too long lately, and part of that has to do with the subject matter (year end/predictions are meaty topics) which should be scaling back pretty dramatically starting this week.

I really do appreciate the feedback.  No harm, no foul. 
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 06:37:03 PM by NWR_DrewMG »
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Offline Kytim89

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Re: Episode 35: Neal Is Going To Kill Us
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2011, 08:00:52 PM »
I consider twilight Princess to be my favoirte Zelda so far, but after you beat the game there is really no reason to go back to it and play it again. This is why I hope Nintendo puts DLC for Zelda in their future consoles. Also, there will most likely be a super guide for either the bosses or the puzzle, but not both. Actually, I have a feeling that Skyward Sword's bosses might be a little more difficult this time around.
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