Author Topic: Rate the last TV show you've seen  (Read 1213280 times)

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3000 on: October 10, 2014, 07:54:13 PM »
Arrow is back and geez! Bye Bye Sara -at least until the Lazarus pit

Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3001 on: October 10, 2014, 09:29:45 PM »
I know it's only a local show but I want to plug the morning show I am working for, it's called The Good Life, it airs on KHGI NTV Nebraska Television. You can watch the show online, I started on cameras this week I also work as an Assistant Producer in the evenings. It's your typical morning show, local food, entertainment, quests, travel destinations, pets, doctors, and interviews. I have been having a lot of fun working on this show and I like it so much better than just the news. I also do Good Morning Nebraska the local show that runs adjacent to Good Morning America, its still a fun show too but its at 5Am so most people aren't even awake yet to see that.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 09:31:23 PM by marvel_moviefan_2012 »
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Offline azeke

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3002 on: October 14, 2014, 12:52:24 AM »
Boardwalk Empire 5x06

The show was already kinda boring from the very start, but in the last few seasons it also became pointless. There were some cool characters and sometimes they fight and sometimes they die, but you don't find yourself caring that much.

The feeling of aimlessness got worse in the beginning of this season where they had like seven characters living their own lives in seven different places completely independently from each other.

The only good thing the show had going for it was cool visuals and deliberate contrast of old timey values with modern times (not as harsh as in Rome though where characters might as well be aliens because of extreme values dissonance).

The last episode salvaged a lot of swamp feeling of the last seasons. They closed a few characters' arcs and showed one of the key moment of entire series: the moment where Nucky gives up 13 year old Gillian to Commodore, which starts his criminal carrier and how this still haunts him.

Even if they offed one of my favourite characters in show, i am content with they way Van Alden and Omar Little went out.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3003 on: October 14, 2014, 08:47:01 PM »
I was really hoping Episode 1 of The Walking Dead Season 5 would get me back interested in the show but it had the opposite effect. I am thinking this show is so far gone there is not much chance of it coming back its going to be a repeat of last season and I think its just losing my interest.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3004 on: October 14, 2014, 08:48:52 PM »
You are a weirdo, that's basically the exact opposite of what every other person said about the show (though most people don't need anything to get them interested in the show "again" because it's a great show and it maintains their interest). Highest ratings for the show ever, doubled Sunday Night Football.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3005 on: October 14, 2014, 09:15:29 PM »
I like the show, its entertaining its well written but damn it its too fucking predictable now I can't stand that.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3006 on: October 19, 2014, 05:08:50 PM »
Black Dynamite S02E01

LOL. Roots (the movie) during Black History Month leads to White Slavery. what could go wrong?

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3007 on: October 19, 2014, 07:43:44 PM »
I tried to watch Arrow Season 3 premiere but I was so bored, I wanted to skip through half the episode...and then half way through stopped watching.  That episode was bad.  It felt like it was all catch up and perhaps some world building but it was boring. 

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3008 on: October 22, 2014, 03:35:05 AM »
Is anybody watching Agents of SHIELD this season?

Believe me when I say that Season 2 is everything you wanted out of Season 1 but they failed to even approach up until near the end (Post-TWS)

This season has been on a role, moving things along at a brisk pace and putting it's other (internet rivaled) comic shows on notice.

and I'm not too in-depth with comic knowledge, but reddit has an interesting theory as to who Skye's father is. Mr. Hide - A medical research doctor who transforms (like Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde) when angry and gains super strength.

oh, and first trailer for Age of Ultron airs sometime during next weeks episode.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3009 on: October 22, 2014, 04:59:13 AM »
Agents of SHIELD has significantly improved. Everything has just been fixed properly.

Also, Person of Interest. That hotel scene with Martine and Root? All serious kinds of badassery going on. And the single most powerful line of the episode; "You don't trust the god you made?"

I have never heard a TV show, before today, use the line "she's in god mode" and ACTUALLY mean it.

Offline shingi_70

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3010 on: October 22, 2014, 05:11:38 AM »
Find it weird that next week will probably get a decent bump due to the avengers trailer and they're going to follow it up with the pulp to pop special.

Best episoide of the series so far, and I can see Mockingbird getting a spin off show.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3011 on: October 22, 2014, 05:27:17 AM »
The second episode of the Arrow was much better.  The drama felt good...and putting the emotional stuff inside the investigation part of the show makes it faster and better paced. 

Third episode of The Flash is good.  I like that the show feels different, but it is obviously following the same style as The Arrow.  I hope for a Buffy stule cross over event during the sweeps.   

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3012 on: October 22, 2014, 11:49:26 AM »
The second episode of the Arrow was much better.  The drama felt good...and putting the emotional stuff inside the investigation part of the show makes it faster and better paced. 

Third episode of The Flash is good.  I like that the show feels different, but it is obviously following the same style as The Arrow.  I hope for a Buffy stule cross over event during the sweeps.   

I think there's a big crossover happening on next weeks episodes of The Flash and Arrow.

edit: Not sure if this is the "Big" crossover event... doesn't sound like it, maybe that was for episode 9...
But it's still a crossover :)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 05:04:55 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3013 on: October 28, 2014, 10:32:13 PM »
Person of Interest Check-In.

So, I'm now up to Season 3 episode 4. Yay me. And now some quick thoughts.

Do I like the show? Yes. I would recommend it to others as well.

I do like how it has a bit of a minority report to it. Like pre-crime. Investigating and trying to figure out what will happen before it happens. That's a nice twist from the usual crime mystery set-up on T.V. Of course, some mysteries/episodes are better than others but that will happen with most broadcast shows.

Is it what I thought it would be? Yes and no. Yes, in that I always took the concept of the show to be a criminal/ex-con who is told to investigate people and save them from the information given through a system designed by a computer genius. As fellow watchers know, that isn't too far from the episode by episode premise with just a couple incorrect points there. The idea that they don't know if a person will be a victim or the villain is an interesting set-up that sadly doesn't get used to often. It is usually more on the saving side. Plus, there's a whole other arcing story and various forces at play that is going on beyond the episodic missions that I didn't expect.

That said, there are certain things that bug me. Maybe it comes from watching a lot of this stuff in a shorter span of time then when it airs but here are my current thoughts:

It bugged me that in the early episodes there often seemed to be a death involved despite the fact they are doing this work to save lives. Save a life and lose a life. What? Of course, I later get that it is only pre-meditated murder crimes that they are out to stop or that the machine can track. However, even then, some of the missions start because of the death of someone else and that death seems as though it should have fallen under the pre-meditated murder side of things. I guess the machine only figures out some of the plots after it has gone into motion from someone else's death?

Does Reese's quiet low talking slow-paced speaking voice ever get to you? Sometimes it's like he's doing a bad Clint Eastwood imitation. Everyone else speaks normally and so I wish that Reese would too.

Of course, I could tell as the first episode began that it was going to introduce many questions and mysteries about the past of the two main characters but I did not think they would drag it out so long. The first season we basically see what happened in Reese's past to lead him to his meet-up with Harold and partial glimpses of Harold's past in building the machine and season 2 finally gives us the rest of the secret origin of Harold. I'm not sure if season 3 has much more of the past backstories to provide now but they've got Shaw and Root now so I suppose they could do some with them or Fusco and Carter. It also bugged me how in one episode in Season 1, Harold is drugged and tells John to ask him anything and he will tell him but he doesn't. However, he'll just keep on trying to spy on Harold and figure him out that way because it's more... chivalrous, honorable? To me, it was one of those TV moments of stretching out a plot.

Elias. Where to begin? I like the actor who portrays him because of his work in another series and he gets your interest everytime he's on screen. However, I hate the way they finally introduce him. He's a growing threat from the second episode on yet his first onscreen appearance has always undercut him to me. Here's a guy that's supposedly feared by the mobs and Russians and could control the underworld. He's supposed to be extremely smart, cunning and dangerous. Yet, in his first appearance, he is nearly killed by the Russian mafia. The Russians kill one of his men and he knows they are after him, yet he goes and hangs out in his apartment with plenty of time passing between the shooting of his partner to the Russians coming to his building including time for the machine to give Finch his number and Reese to start spying on him. Then when Reese goes to save him, he gets shot and is bleeding away. Reese fixes him up and saves him thereby creating this bond and antagonistic relationship between him and Finch/Reese. I just don't see how if Elias is supposed to be such a great threat, he allowed himself to be in that situation in the first place. Couple this with him later getting arrested and then nearly dying in prison only to be saved by Carter who he clearly wasn't expecting or counting on just keeps me from ever seeing the guy as a credible threat. I'd like to. There are times where he does seem to have some power or can make a play on the heroes but he just is to inconsistent to me between powerful and weak. It's a love/hate thing I got going on there.

HR. I'm sick of this plot point. I thought it was over at the end of Season 1 but then it kept going a bit into season 2 and then it further kept going with the few left trying to resurrect it. It's still going into season 3. Part of me was hoping that by having a second operative in Shaw, maybe now Reese could take some time to tear down and destroy that organization but instead it is two people working together on the weekly cases.

For that matter, why are they still letting it exist? Reese wanted Fusco to stay undercover in it but there has been very little plot or development with that to make it seem like there is much benefit to it. For that matter, I don't know why HR cares about Fusco or want to use him. It always seems like there is a new member popping up so that there numbers are never that low and there has only been one time where Fusco has ever seemed to be of use to HR in an episode where he got his name and Simmons ripped out of an accounting book listing various HR members. Other than that, when has he ever actually been seen helping out or doing something successful for them? I'm surprised they haven't dropped him a long time ago. Why are Reese and Finch being such dicks about HR? They have the means to easily expose and take down the organization. It's been a problem throughout the entire run of the show with them constantly fighting elements of it. It's caused problems for both Fusco and Carter with Carter now being demoted to patrolwoman (like Officer Lance from Arrow). When Fusco and Carter need help because of HR, they're always are too busy with the current case but they still want Fusco and Carter to drop everything and help them. What jerks.

Anyways, that is the big complaints. I'll probably be posting more stuff in the days ahead as I keep catching up but here's a starting point as I keep processing this show.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3014 on: October 29, 2014, 12:20:28 AM »
S3 is the best season yet.

I will say nothing more on it.
S4 is pretty good so far too. Keep watching.

Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3015 on: October 29, 2014, 12:34:26 AM »
I stopped watching New Girl middle of Season 3, just lost steam and now the show feels like it is dragging on its not even funny anymore, its not even fun anymore.

I also watched newest episodes of The Walking Dead and Gotham. Gotham is kicking ass I can't wait for each new episode. I am glad I work for a Fox affiliate station for once, I hate how our news is tainted by that other network that uses Fox in the name.

I am still losing interest in The Walking Dead, I can't explain it I just think the show has lost its soul and I just think maybe its more me than the show but I am not liking how dark its become. It's making the first two seasons look like Sesame Street.

Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline azeke

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3016 on: October 29, 2014, 07:32:30 AM »
Finished "Over the garden wall":

Great mini-series. Very Ghibli-ish.
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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3017 on: October 29, 2014, 04:15:07 PM »
S3 is the best season yet.

I will say nothing more on it.
S4 is pretty good so far too. Keep watching.

Agreed. You're at the point when the teatable gets upended repeatedly for a string of episodes. Season 3 as a whole was fantastic.

And i agree with BNM, i won't be spoiling anything.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 06:22:02 PM by Plugabugz »

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3018 on: October 31, 2014, 07:37:53 PM »
I finished American Horror Story: Asylum. That was a mess. The plot felt like it ended several episodes before the finale. Also, it seemed like the writers didn't know what they wanted the season to be about so it was just a mishmash of horror tropes that mostly didn't work together. I feel like I'm trying to convince myself that I like the show more than I actually do. I kept watching because I got too far in and I just wanted to know what happens. Jessica Lange repeatedly kills it though her performance in Asylum was decidedly worse than in Murder House. I blame the writing more than her.

I also recently finished The Walking Dead Season Four. It's another show that I feel like I'm trying to convince myself I like more than I actually do. Similar to Seasons Two and Three, the first half of the season is generally pretty terrible before picking up in the middle. It sure was nice of the writers to give Beth something to do because it seemed like she was only alive because someone has to take care of Judith. Besides the abundance of Coral Grimes and his terrible acting as well as recurring logistical quibbles, I found the second half of the season to be great. However, unlike say Game of Thrones that could use an extra episode or two to expand on certain things, The Walking Dead feels bloated and could stand to have fewer episodes to tighten the pacing.

I also don't really like how inconsistent the zombie threat is. Sometimes they're merely a mild inconvenience. "Ugh, I stepped in a puddle this morning AND I was surrounded by walkers. Can this day get any worse?!" Other times, being flanked by walkers supposed to be the absolute worst situation to be in. Zombies can't think yet they'll inexplicably follow the characters just so there's a tension. First, no zombies to be seen at all anywhere. Then, suddenly, zombies everywhere. I understand the need for conflict, but that isn't good writing. And how do the zombies sneak up on anyone ever? They're loud and they shamble about. Yet this keeps happening. For rotting flesh, they really shouldn't be that strong either.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3019 on: October 31, 2014, 11:47:21 PM »
I've started watching Arrow on BluRay. I'm about halfway through the first season and...yeah, it's really good, though I wish the show didn't keep concocting reasons to use Batman villains (and then not use them very well. *cough* Count Vertigo *cough*).
« Last Edit: October 31, 2014, 11:49:08 PM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3020 on: November 01, 2014, 12:03:44 AM »
The Flash - This show has been on a roll upping the quality after each episode. Felicity sort of showed how lame of a love interest Iris is for Barry, and I wasn't fan of Cold killing people but what ev's. Just like they got the dad drama out the way its good to see the friction of how to stop the flash was dealt with early on instead of making it a season wide plot line. The train scene was pretty awesome and I loved Barry holding that L to Cold.

Arrow - This was a good episode Roy Flip aside. Honestly I don;t really know what to say about this show other than I find the Hong Kong Flashbacks to be really boring.

Agents of Shield - My favorite show and the most improved show this season. This episoide was really great and Mockingbird could easily hold her own show. The Ward plotline was really well done and giving him a heel turn was the best thing for him.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3021 on: November 01, 2014, 02:33:18 AM »
I've started watching Arrow on BluRay. I'm about halfway through the first season and...yeah, it's really good, though I wish the show didn't keep concocting reasons to use Batman villains (and then not use them very well. *cough* Count Vertigo *cough*).

Errr... No.  Vertigo was originally a Black Canary/Green Arrow villain.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3022 on: November 01, 2014, 09:02:15 AM »
The Hong Kong flash backs are boring now, because there is no focal point to them.  The first season was about HOW he learned to be the Arrow.  The second season was about his relationship with Deathstroke…very important for season 2. 

They are kinda trying to show Amanda Waller as a big evil…and show that history.  This will probably be used for 2 seasons building it up.  This season is all League of Assassins/The Dark Arrow/ and The Demon. 

Next season will definitely be A.G.N.U.S  (I think that is the spelling.) 

And I can see season 5 being Young Justice and more super human villains.  They are definitely building Arrow to be a Batman like character.  Not as smart though.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3023 on: November 01, 2014, 02:41:46 PM »
It looks like they also reused the set where Barry Allen appeared for the first time and was investigating the stolen containers for Q Consolidated.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #3024 on: November 01, 2014, 07:18:38 PM »

So I finally have a way to watch more current shows than what is on Netflix/Amazon so I have been cranking out on a lot of current shows.

Finished Season 2 of Arrow and plan to start S3 soon. I liked the build up to the season climax and the action but there was just too much dialogue and unnecessary drama. I liked the first half better than the second half of the season. A little worried about S3 from the comments I have been reading but I will stick with it for now.

Watched the first episode of Agents of Shield. I like the potential but it seemed to drag a lot. I know S1 is a bit of a drag but I plan to knuckle through it all for the later pay-off. (BnM- I'd like to see that watch list you mentioned, might do that with my wife and watch it all on my own).

Plan to get watching Flash and Gotham soon as well. My wife is completely getting into the super hero shows thanks to Arrow and the Marvel/Avengers films so I might be getting through it all more slowly as we have to watch them together. I might pick out one to watch on my own and then re-watch later (thinking Gotham solo and watch Flash together since it is closely tied to Arrow).

I am enjoying S5 of Walking Dead, but I feel there is a bit too much exposition (felt the same about the second half of S4). Maybe it is just me, but I'm growing tired of exposition in TV shows. I understand it in a pilot or season opener to a point but we are getting a bit too much for my likings in a lot of shows these days. Why does everything have to make a "deep" statement on life? Just let a show be a fun ride. I have a theory that Darryl will be forced to choose between Beth and Carol and Carol will sacrifice herself so that Darryl won't be forced to choose.
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