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Offline AV

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Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« on: July 08, 2008, 12:41:40 AM »
So I was at Toys R Us and just fooling around with a friend. I was punching him with the Hulk fists and he was throwing $1.99 big plastic balls at me and I wondered into the electronics section to buy Ghost Squad for $20.

Anyway this 8 year old, what appears to be his mom and dad were at Toys R us to buy a new handheld. I wasn't really paying attention but when I went to grab Ghost Squad and looking for other good deals they might have I couldn't help but listen and over hear the conversation.  The kid was getting a handheld , and he was like I want a DS Lite. I know what system I want and I want a DS Lite. He was totally respectful and nice about it, but his Mom told him to look at this PSP it has better graphics and can do more stuff. The kid was like no I want a DS lite (not screaming but obviously getting frustrated). The mom was like I want you to see the options and to consider this carefully, he was like I know about PSP but I want good games I want a DS Lite. She kept nagging him and the dad was on the kids side and saying lets just get him what he wants and telling her to back down.

I was looking at the DS and GBA clearance bin. ( Jam Sessions for $9.99).
I went to buy my copy of Ghost Squad and this mother was ahead of me in line and asked the girl at register what was better for her son PSP or DS. Girl said DS is better for children and PSP has more features like movies, and mp3 support but has very few games.

Finally I interrupted since she was in front of me and being clueless fool.

"look ma'am I am 24 years old and I own a DS Lite and I love it. It has so many games to play on it and if I was 8 I would so love the DS Lite. He is still young so he might break the PSP so just get him the DS."

She was ok, and than let me go ahead in the line. Her son looked relieved that I stood up for him and was looking for accessories and what Color he wanted. She didn't know what game to get him and I told her a new Guitar Hero DS console was out and it came with the game. SHe was like "I don't allow my son to play those types of games."

She walked off and I bought my Ghost Squad in Peace.

It seemed like a good kid, I mean good enough for his parents to go out and buy him a handheld for, but the mom refused to allow him to pick what he wanted. I sort of understand her perspective but when the kid knows exactly what he wants and the mom clearly is ignorant and the kid doesn't waver and its not a bad thing to buy why keep nagging? If the kid was not sure what he wanted than it would be ok to talk to him about the options, but he seriously wanted a DS Lite and was totally being a good son in the store so why not reward the kid with what he wants.
It wasn't any of my business so I didn't interrupt her or say anything until she was holding up the line because of her ignorance.

Would you guys have done the same thing? 

Offline DAaaMan64

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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2008, 12:46:44 AM »
Some times I've done stuff like that.  But seriously, she sounds just as stupid as they always are.   

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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2008, 01:09:10 AM »
I have helped several people out in stores about video games...specially helping pick systems for younger gamers.  It is like they get swept up in the what system is cool, and has the crazy awesome graphics and features and the Mature games that they will want to play or they believe their kids want to play.

After I break down the systems and benefits being fair to all the systems, they usually make an educated decision and leave happy.  I was actually offered a job on the spot after my customer service display at Best Buy.  (couldn't take it though)

Offline Kairon

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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2008, 01:22:09 AM »
My brother and I got a GameGear one Christmas from a family member instead of the GameBoy we specifically asked for. We were... well... we survived.

Actually, our mom has a surprising knack for picking out good games that we'd never think of. She got us a Shining Sword game (can't remember it's exact name) and Ristar for the GameGear over the next couple months!

And if not for my mom ignoring me crying in store, I would never have discovered the joys of Lemmings for the SNES. I'm lucky that my mom was the complete opposite of the types you're complaining about.
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2008, 05:35:42 AM »
Yikes! That woman doesn't want her kid to play Guitar Hero, but she wants him to have a handheld system that can play any sort of objectionable movies or mp3s or pornography?

Everyone there seemed to think the DS was the better choice for the boy, but the Mom was adamant that he get a PSP and it didn't matter to her that the boy, his father, the employee, and yourself all agreed the DS was better. WTF?

If I had to guess, I would say she probably wanted the PSP for herself, and that the boy wouldn't be able to get any real use out of it because she would be using it as a portable media player or something. Why else would she care so strongly for the media capabilities unless she wanted it?

I hate to see what that kid will be like when he grows up, with a mom like that...
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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2008, 02:13:48 PM »
I would have tried to get her to buy him a Leapfrog.  I'm a dick.
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Offline DAaaMan64

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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2008, 02:16:27 PM »
So wait the kid ended up getting NOTHING? lol

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Offline Chozo Ghost

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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2008, 02:21:43 PM »
So wait the kid ended up getting NOTHING? lol

It sure sounds that way. One side (the Mom) insisted on the PSP; whereas the other side (the rest of the frickin store) was in favor of the DS. And those two sides couldn't reach an agreement, apparently, so basically the kid is forced to go home empty handed and play with his pet rock instead.
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Offline DAaaMan64

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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2008, 02:30:02 PM »


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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2008, 02:45:32 AM »
I would have tried to get her to buy him a Leapfrog.

Heh heh.  I had an aunt buy me a Tiger LCD game when I was a kid and say "Mebbe you can play this on one of them Gameboys."  God bless her!
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Offline AV

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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2008, 02:46:27 PM »
So wait the kid ended up getting NOTHING? lol

when i walking out i overheard she say "ok fine what ds color do you want". I thought I mentioned that in the story oh well.

Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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Re: Damn some mothers can be annoying when buying electronics
« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2008, 03:07:09 PM »
When I was at Toys R Us, I would play the Rogue Squadron II demo.  And people would buy GameCubes.
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