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Offline oohhboy

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RE: war in iraq
« Reply #200 on: May 22, 2003, 08:35:15 AM »
Yes agree they need to get out ASAP, but not before filling in the current power vacume with a stable Peaceful/Pro-Western friendly Leader/Goverment. If they leave only after installing Civil services, the resulting power vacume would pull in the leaders that currently has the loudest voice, ie. the clerics. If that were to happen, the invasion would have been in vain for all parties involed.
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Offline ThePerm

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war in iraq
« Reply #201 on: May 22, 2003, 01:33:55 PM »
cleric "get america we can take over...."
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Offline kennyb27

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war in iraq
« Reply #202 on: May 22, 2003, 02:18:48 PM »

Instead, we get this manufactored threat of "weapons of mass destruction." Have they even found any of these weapons yet?
Not to get a whole "blind-follower" thing going here, but I believe this should have at least been mentioned: A couple days before the military presence began in Baghdad, Israeli intelligence, (set up by US and it has been acknowledged by most governments as being the premier intelligence agency of Middle-Eastern affairs, confirmed that they saw several caravans leaving Iraq and heading into Syria.  The trucks in this caravan just happened to be the correct size for carrying missiles and such.  

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Offline The Omen

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war in iraq
« Reply #203 on: May 22, 2003, 04:14:46 PM »
  I think anyone with half a brain would realize that the WMD, while not officially found, are or were there.  Why would we expect the WMD to be sitting there waiting to be found?  If you were Saddam, what would you instruct your minions to do?  Get the WMD the hell out of there, so the coalition doesn't find them.  He wasn't going to use them, knowing that would justify the attack.  When we find them, or find where they dumped them, there will be new excuses by 'the far left ', on why we shouldn't have gone.  What you have to realize is, even if we already had the WMD, it still wouldn't be good enough for some.  There are some people who trust no one, some who trust everyone, and some , like myself, who use common sense.  
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Offline kennyb27

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war in iraq
« Reply #204 on: May 22, 2003, 05:26:27 PM »
I'm with you on the whole common sense thing, Omen.  But, common sense is lacking more and more in today's society.  Have you read the warning label on a kitchen knife set?  I've never felt the desire to try to impale myself on a knife or to run around with the blade facing me...although, I guess some people have.  Or how about the $10 million a court awarded to the person who claimed that McDonald's coffee cup needed the word "hot" on it.  I mean how thick-headed can one get?  But I digress.

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Offline Hostile Creation

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war in iraq
« Reply #205 on: May 23, 2003, 11:46:14 AM »
Hold on. . . isn't this war over?  Yeah, so why not let this thread die.  It's lived too long anyway.
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Offline nolimit19

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war in iraq
« Reply #206 on: May 23, 2003, 04:52:16 PM »
the war is a sense that the major fighting is over....but all the polotics surrounding the war are still here. i think its important to talk about these kinds of things.

to me there is no doubt that womd exsisted in iraq before the war.....iraq was not being cooperative before the war! i dont know how many people think that bush attacked despite weapons inspections "working". they were not being fully cooperative. look at blinx reports on the un web page. the reports are in plain english and he specifically states that he was upset that iraq was not fully cooperating. and stop saying the war is aobut oil! if anything(assuming u are trying to find fault in america invading) america went in to flex its muscles, or to turn the attention away from domestic problems. although i firmly believe that bush is not directly reponsible for this world wide economic situation, i dont think he is doing much to fix it. he is cutting taxes for the rich(i do understand why) but the whole principle behind it is wrong. i just hope we get through bush alive. i hope the democrats can find someone better, cuz i really, REALLY do not want him in office again. and i am the biggest flamming republican ever...anyways back to the original topic....i dont think that oil was a real reason for going in there. it makes no logical sense.....i dont remember the us stealing iraqs or kuwaits oil in the 1st war....bush has made so many enimies after this war(and he had to of known that he would)....i cant help but think that his intentions were probably better then a lot would like to think.
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Offline Dr.Mario

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war in iraq
« Reply #207 on: May 23, 2003, 05:21:32 PM »
Well with this war with Iraq . . if you would like to call it The Gulf War II or Operation: Iraqi Freedom it’s happend.

“War what is it good for?”
Well I guess that plays in my mind. War of course is horrible and if you watch the news too much (with this tons of coverage and much of it LIVE) then it can be scary at times. War is a last resort in many cases and should be, but what about war and Iraq?

I have done some research on the man Saddam Hussein. I have also watched lots of special coverage on the man (not only now, but years ago). On a special coverage it is estimated that he ordered killings on his own people of 500,000 to 1,000,000. This man has killed half a million or even (and probably) more then a half.

After watching a show on TV some women that were from Iraq said that a girl wrote in her notebook and said something bad about the government. The teacher saw this and then reported it. After that the girl was put in jail they then the officers put electrical shocks attached to her lips and other parts of her body. The parents were brought to this prison and then had to watch them give her electrical shocks and rape her. When they were there they also saw meat grinding machines that the government placed living people in to grind them up. I can’t imagine what it was like for that mother & farther to have been there and saw things like this. This government has done tons and tons of acts of killings. They use chemical weapons on there own people like the Kurdish people. Killings thousands of them . . . people that saw this said that they could see people coughing up blood everywhere . . . a very horrible sight and way to die.

If this by it self does not justify action against him and the government, then I don’t know . . .what does. Should we let another half a million die? How about waiting longer and another half million and another?

Should we wait until he has killed even more people and has tons & tons of more weapons? Weapons of mass destruction (or how it is also called “weapons of mass murder”) building up? Letting him build a nuclear bomb? And then we decide to take action and have to confront a much more powerful enemy?
Let me do the math here. First off he would have killed thousands of more people in his own country. With a nuclear bomb (or even more biological weapons - which I consider more dangerous) would again could be used to kill more people in a future conflict. More people would die in a future war that would happen sooner or later.

This math is real. This is reality. The world is not a perfect place and I wish it was peaceful and I wish there were more people in the world like me & you, but the world has people unlike me & you who are evil.

I guess the questions that are out there are “is he an threat to us now - right now”?.
Well first I can definitely say off bat he is a threat right now to his own people.

What about us in the United States and other places?
Well first off a question like “is he a threat to us” places a higher value on our lives then the people of Iraq. It does! And that is not right in the first place. All life if it is here or in Iraq is important. That kind of argument is not right! Saying that we are more valuable then the hundreds and hundreds that Saddam kills is not right.

But is he a threat to United States and others? When I turn on my TV they said in the north of Iraq there is a group who are very deeply connected with Al-Qaeda. This group in fact is supported by the government of Iraq. In the first Gulf War they helped bring down the Kurdish. So is there a connection with Al-Qaeda? There is! And I don’t know why there is doubt of that. And if Hussein had an opportunity would he not do something like Sep 11th? Of course he would. This is a man who has his government teaching kids in schools to hate America. Some are and some are not brainwashed, but the ones that are hate America very much. Just imagine that and imagine them through official or unofficial channels take or get some weapons like biological or chemical. Imagine now them using something like biological weapons or even shipping them to the leaders of Al-Qaeda.

Is something like this a real possibility?
Of course it is and to think other wise is pretty dumb.
People are taught to hate America and some believe it. They would not give it a second thought to use there country’s weapons of mass destruction against us or someone else.

And we even know that there are connections. I have stated that the news has said that there are deep connections in the north and that the government supports them. Hey, the government was having larger parties after Sep 11th. And is a very possible connection for funding from Iraq to the Al-Qaeda networks. And a good possible connection to Sep 11.

I remember a week or two after Sep 11th that CNN was doing its own private investigations of the matter and they actually traced back funding from Iraq. Well now someone might ask “why has this not been an issue?”. Well if you look at the facts I believe that Iraq destroyed them. Iraq has even killed some of the deep rooted connections, then there will be no evidence tracing back. On the news during that time they have said that Iraq has killed some Al-Qaeda connections. These people had parties . . . they were just cleaning off some of the finger prints on the manner.

Some of the interesting things that I see when watching TV is that Russia has sold (and has done even a few days before the war) weapons to the Iraqis. They have economic investments in Iraq. France made a major deal with management of the oil. They have major economic investments. Germany also another economic investment . . . .

These countries are loosing thousands because of this war.
While I’m not saying this is the primary reason why they don’t favor it, but this is definitely a big one.

But I must ask myself “Why do people from Europe oppose this war as they do?”
I think this is because they don’t feel as vulnerable as we do here in the U.S.
First off we are really target #1 and Europe is really an after thought. This is the real reason to why that a majority of them don’t support it. If they lived in the U.S. they would have a different picture . . . a different window. They did not have a Sep 11 so they don’t feel the grand and problem that Iraq brings. This is the reason I think. And if a Sep 11th happened in Europe, then I could most definitely say a majority would support the war.

But now there has allready been evidence . . . . .


Papers found Saturday by journalists working for the Sunday Telegraph reveal that an al Qaeda envoy met with officials in Baghdad in March 1998, the newspaper reported.

(Thats from CNN)

Both Iraq and al Qaeda have shared objectives and I think it would be foolish for someone to think that a dialog was not opened between them and this proves that there was. Just imagine if Iraq gave some of its weapons (like biological / chemical) to al Qadea. If we never acted to bring down Saddam Hussein's regime, then we could have faced a much bigger problem in the future which could of cost thousands of more lives by them using biological (or chemical) weapons.

But of course now the war is over, but this war was completly right (IMHO) and this link between Al Qaeda helps prove that

Offline The Omen

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war in iraq
« Reply #208 on: May 24, 2003, 07:34:40 AM »
well said...and i agree.
"If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the muses, believing that technique alone will make him a great poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the inspired madman." Socrates