Author Topic: Wrath of Rome #4: Mourning Sky  (Read 1065 times)

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Offline Sir_Stabbalot

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Wrath of Rome #4: Mourning Sky
« on: May 04, 2007, 06:37:42 AM »
It was hard to tell the tears of the people from the tears of the sky.

The casket was nothing to Gaius while in his power armor, especially with five others sharing the burden, but it felt like it weighed as much as Terra itself. He grieved the loss of his friend. In some ways, the idea that a man like Trebonius Cinna could be struck down like that seemed unreal. Gaius could be a hard man to like, and Trebonius was one of his few true friends. How long had they known each other? As children they were playmates, running around the city of Rome pretending to be soldiers or some other childhood fantasy.

He would normally give anything to be in the Eternal City, but today there was no joy in the streets. All were wearing black mourning garments. Men, women and children lined the street to bid farewell to their hero. It was as if the sky mourned with them.

Gaius looked to the other side of the casket where Camilla was. Her face was set as hard as a stone, but he knew not all of the water rolling on her cheeks was rain. He knew the pain he felt must be nothing compared to hers. In the Senate, Gaius had been asked simple questions about the mission. Camilla had been grilled about her relationship with Trebonius. At first several Senators seemed to think she was merely a hanger-on, but when she had finished speaking every heart in Rome felt for her loss. Some started calling her the “Lost Matron”.

Rome had lost more then one hero. How many great generals, admirals, inventors, poets and statesmen could have come from such a grand union? Gaius did not want to think about it. It made the rage inside him build up even more. After the funeral, Gaius promised himself he would sacrifice to Pluto, to Mars and to Jupiter the Avenger.

And after the seven days of public mourning for Trebonius, he would need to talk to Camilla. He could not let her lose herself in her grief.
"I am going away, but the State will always remain" - Louis XIV, on his deathbed.

"Chimps are like fine wine: I drink them both." - A friend of a friend of mine.