Author Topic: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii  (Read 13267 times)

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2006, 07:48:46 PM »
"Incidentally, I remember Requiem (Don'tHate) also wanting recognition afterwards"

Hahaha, yeah.  We mocked him too
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YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline wandering

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2006, 07:53:39 PM »
I wanted recognition too! Why doesn't anybody recognize me for my want for recognition?

Oh, anyway, nemo, requiem, your predictions were good, yes. You should spend less time predicting Nintendo-related developments and more time predicting major disasters or something.

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Offline nemo_83

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2006, 09:08:25 PM »
Unfortunately there are no profits in using my special gypsy prophet powers for the good of humanity.

No really, I only posted those quotes because I myself was suspicious of how close my ideas came to Nintendo's direction.  
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2006, 08:28:35 AM »
"And the Nintendoods, bless their zealous little souls, have Twistered their minds through the spaghetti logic necessary to explain why the name, in fact, rocks. Left lobe red, right lobe yellow, hey presto -- Wii is genius!"

I pretty much agree with this.  Maybe those of you who like the name really do but it's hard to believe that because of past occurances.  The problem is that EVERY TIME Nintendo does something questionable the same people rush to defend it.  It doesn't matter what Nintendo does, it's seen as genius.  When we all finally figured out that the Cube was offline their were people that defended it.  It wasn't even that they felt it wouldn't matter.  They thought it was a GOOD IDEA.  They quoted Nintendo's bullsh!t reasoning for it word for word.  There are people here who still defend cartridges for the N64.  There are fans that never EVER disagree with anything Nintendo does.  And they always use the same lame canned responses that Nintendo execs use, as if they work for the company or something.

If you appear to like everything your opinion just doesn't have any credibility.  I'm quite upset that this is the view people have of Nintendo fans.  We're not all like this but because of a few people that stereotype exists.

It doesn't help that in this case Nintendo fans are the ONLY people defending the name.  There is a range of opinion on how much the name matters but pretty much everyone else thinks it sucks.

Offline The Omen

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2006, 08:35:56 AM »

I pretty much agree with this. Maybe those of you who like the name really do but it's hard to believe that because of past occurances. The problem is that EVERY TIME Nintendo does something questionable the same people rush to defend it. It doesn't matter what Nintendo does, it's seen as genius. When we all finally figured out that the Cube was offline their were people that defended it. It wasn't even that they felt it wouldn't matter. They thought it was a GOOD IDEA. They quoted Nintendo's bullsh!t reasoning for it word for word. There are people here who still defend cartridges for the N64. There are fans that never EVER disagree with anything Nintendo does. And they always use the same lame canned responses that Nintendo execs use, as if they work for the company or something.

I...agree.   I used to be one of those people.   Now days, it depends on who I am talking with.  If I'm talking to a Sony knucklehead, then yeah, I am the defender of all things Nintendo, even if I know I may be wrong on some points.  That's just the fanboy in me.  Here on these boards, I feel I can 'safely' hit out at Nintendo and their fans with any concerns I have, because we all want the same end result.  
"If a man comes to the door of poetry untouched by the madness of the muses, believing that technique alone will make him a great poet, he and his sane compositions never reach perfection, but are utterly eclipsed by the inspired madman." Socrates

Offline eljefe

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2006, 09:14:53 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
There are fans that never EVER disagree with anything Nintendo does.  And they always use the same lame canned responses that Nintendo execs use, as if they work for the company or something.

If you appear to like everything your opinion just doesn't have any credibility.  I'm quite upset that this is the view people have of Nintendo fans.  We're not all like this but because of a few people that stereotype exists.

It doesn't help that in this case Nintendo fans are the ONLY people defending the name.  There is a range of opinion on how much the name matters but pretty much everyone else thinks it sucks.
If you appear to DISLIKE everything your opinion doesn't have any credibility either. Happily, few of us are really that extreme in our opinions.

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Offline PaLaDiN

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2006, 09:14:59 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
It doesn't help that in this case Nintendo fans are the ONLY people defending the name.  There is a range of opinion on how much the name matters but pretty much everyone else thinks it sucks.

I know it's easy to be dismissive of the other side, but come on. Pulling unsupported crap out of thin air is not the way to build an argument.

Nor does it help that you're basically the exact reverse of everybody you bashed in your post.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2006, 09:21:03 AM »
"If you appear to DISLIKE everything your opinion doesn't have any credibility either. Happily, few of us are really that extreme in our opinions."

I figured I'd get this response.  I don't dislike everything.  It's just an unfortunate coincedence that pretty much since Iwata took over I haven't been too keen on the direction Nintendo's been going in.

But there are Nintendo games I'm looking forward to.  I've praised what I do like about the Wii.  Recently I was incredibly positive about the news that the Wii would get it's own exclusive version of Madden.  Sadly that news was completely overshadowed by the this name stuff.

Offline eljefe

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2006, 09:33:57 AM »
To clarify...

I defend Nintendo's RIGHT to make those decisions, I don't always agree with specific things that they "leave out" of their products.

I do, however, agree that some of these features would put the product out of my price range. And some of the features that don't necessarily increase price (due to new tech) change the focus of the machine.

On top of that, I respect Nintendo as a group of artists. They still treat videogaming as an artform. Meaning: THEY decide   the medium, THEY decide the content, THEY decide how it will be displayed, and THEY decide the price.

If the Internet had existed during the Renaissance, people on the boards would be complaining about Michelangelo's "David"...Sheesh

("..He should've been clothed...." "Offensive, historically innacurate..." "Needs more detail on the hair..." "This will not appeal to the Non-christian market...")
..:    I just noticed WTF is FTW backwords. Sometimes when you think things are going bad, they suddenly turn around. Much like this thread. For the win.  :.   MJRx9000

RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2006, 09:34:51 AM »
I guess us comic book heroes have to stick together Ian : ), okay I doing something I thought I wouldn't be doing and backing up Ian's point of view. I used to be more of a stalwart Nintendo defender but I can't do it on this issues. This obviously an NCL decision because no one in NOA would name the system after slang for piss/penis. At least I hope not or things are more dire than I think. Nintendo seems to be repeating the same mistake as Sega. Ignoring their US office. That said even the Japanese are not on board with this name. There are bad names and there is Wii. The 360 was a stupid name but it was a easy target for perverted jokes. The Playstation sounded like a Fisher Price toy but it didn't sound like you need use the urinal. Nintendo using Wii would be like MS naming the 360 the X-box 69 or Sony calling the Playstation the Geystation. (Gey is in the original meaning of the word i.e. happy). Now they, like Nintendo does now, would have to spend unneccessary energy explaining their consoles name. Nintendo wants everyone to focus on the games but they have "unintentionally' shifted the focus away from the consoles innovative gamplay possibilities and on to the seeming perverted console name.
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Offline eljefe

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2006, 09:41:04 AM »
no, requiem

you have ALLOWED your focus to be shifted away from the recent games announcements and gameplay possibilites.

Everything Nintendo is doing is deliberate. Sony and MS are, generally speaking, over cautious.

There's a fine line between being overly cautious (which produces poor entertainment) and calculated, deliberate business decisions. Nintendo is planted firmly on the "right" side of that line.

..:    I just noticed WTF is FTW backwords. Sometimes when you think things are going bad, they suddenly turn around. Much like this thread. For the win.  :.   MJRx9000

Offline Kairon

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2006, 09:44:45 AM »
FYI, unless you love everybody, you can't sell anybody.

The best way to be a Nintendo Fanboy is to know exactly what a Sony or MS Fanboy believes, and believe in that just as much as they do. A Nintendo Fanboy wouldn't be afraid of opposing viewpoints and even being wrong on several points because time after time they've found that their intellectual truths and their emotional truths will always converge on the same company: Nintendo.

~Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2006, 10:40:31 AM »

Originally posted by: eljefe
no, requiem

you have ALLOWED your focus to be shifted away from the recent games announcements and gameplay possibilites.

Everything Nintendo is doing is deliberate. Sony and MS are, generally speaking, over cautious.

There's a fine line between being overly cautious (which produces poor entertainment) and calculated, deliberate business decisions. Nintendo is planted firmly on the "right" side of that line.

No I haven't Eljefe. Its called being the devil's advocate. Gameplay is paramount to me as gamer but most casual gamers are image conscious. My point is that most gamers won't be like the average Nintendo fan and harp on the name without giving the Wii a chance. We are Nintendo fans because we dont' care about image as much as gameplay. Nintendo's diminishing market share is a result of their failure to connect with the casual gamer. As for Nintendo's business decisions, they seem to ignorant of the differences between Eastern and Western society. This obvious in there inability to sell top notch console game titles outside of Japan. If I didn't know better I would swear that their are two Nintendo's. The one that masterfully maintains their hold on the portable market and the one that mismanages the console market.
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Offline eljefe

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2006, 10:43:19 AM »
I can respect that
..:    I just noticed WTF is FTW backwords. Sometimes when you think things are going bad, they suddenly turn around. Much like this thread. For the win.  :.   MJRx9000

Offline heinous_anus

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2006, 12:23:30 PM »

Originally posted by: PaLaDiN

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
It doesn't help that in this case Nintendo fans are the ONLY people defending the name.  There is a range of opinion on how much the name matters but pretty much everyone else thinks it sucks.

I know it's easy to be dismissive of the other side, but come on. Pulling unsupported crap out of thin air is not the way to build an argument.

Nor does it help that you're basically the exact reverse of everybody you bashed in your post.

No no, I'll back him up on this.  I've been off and on these boards, reading, mostly, for the last several years, and I remember back when...oh, what was his name... like "Mouse Clicker" or something was saying that "less 3rd party support is no big deal at all!" and "online is a stupid decision anyway;" there were, and are, others like him.

I'm pretty sure that Ian enjoys playing Nintendo games, in fact, I'm SURE of it, as I've seen him in posts say that "I like this and this GC game" etc. etc.

"I defend Nintendo's RIGHT to make those decisions, I don't always agree with specific things that they "leave out" of their products."

Problem solved on that one, Eljefe.  I don't think anyone is attacking Nintendo's right to do anything they damn well please with their systems.  We as consumers and fans of their entertainment products can also take issue with these decisions, and note our fears of what "bad" decisions might lead to.

Offline Artimus

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2006, 12:58:30 PM »
No 3rd party support IS a big deal for a console's success (quality of good games, less so). But I still don't think the GCN's lack of online was the wrong choice. It wasn't any different than the PS2. Nintendo just needed a different attitude.

Offline Smash_Brother

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #41 on: May 01, 2006, 01:03:24 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane It's just an unfortunate coincedence that pretty much since Iwata took over I haven't been too keen on the direction Nintendo's been going in.

How can you not like the DS and what it's doing for the market?

I call it like it is, personally. I weigh the consequences of an action through my eyes, Nintendo's eyes, and the eyes of the potential customers.

Fanbase, developer, hater. That's the trinity: the three views which I try to consider.

From Nintendo's view, they believe that "Wii" will go forth, enslave people with morbid curiosity and entice them into a purchase. Creating a buzz and a stir. I believe they're half right.

The hater is likely someone who once liked Nintendo as a kid but was swayed by Sony/MS into believing that Nintendo is for children. They want to be right in believing that Nintendo is the wrong choice, but the thing is, with enough evidence to the contrary, they will come back.

The fanbase is mixed. Some of us like the name, believing in Nintendo's vision. The rest of us are either put off or at least concerned. I fall into the concerned category.

Frankly, I don't want to buy another Gamecube: a system which will experience severe drought through the latter half of its lifespan. The reason for that drought was the fact that sales weren't up to par with those of other consoles AND the perception that Nintendo was aimed at children often turned away developers of mature franchises. It was a compounding problem which ultimately dropped the cube in last place.

I hope the word "wii" doesn't turn people away from the console, especially new people. Even so, I just can't see the need for the name in the first place. Was it necessary? I think Nintendo had MORE than enough going for their new console to take the lead without a bizarre and questionable name.

So that's what I'm looking at. Nintendo was doing great things up until this: backwards compatibility, downloads for retro/new games, any USB device for storage, Red Steel being the premier game...and then, naming the console "The Wee".

Ever hear of the Chevy Nova debacle? Apparently, the car sold VERY poorly in Spanish-speaking countries. Had Chevy done some research, they would have learned that, in Spanish, "No va" directly translates into "doesn't go". Who's going to buy the car that "doesn't go"?

Like it or not, product names have a REAL consequence on their sales. I'm afraid that "wee" might do the same thing for the Nintendo that Nova did for Chevy.
"OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

Offline MaryJane

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2006, 01:11:47 PM »
i see what you're saying but your example is a little extreme.

wii doesn't translate to piece of crap or doesn't play in any languages i can think of.

also what's in a name? one of my ex-gf's name was Daiva pronounced like Diver except with an a instead of the er. at first i was like wtf kind of name was that (her cousin, my best friend, told me her name before i saw her) then when i saw her i was just DAMN! woooo talk about hot (too bad she was bitchy) but once people see the Wii, which is undeniably the best looking console of all of them, and what it can do, the name will (hopefully i should say cuz people aren't always as intelligent as i give them credit for) take a back seat.  
Silly monkeys; give them thumbs they make a club and beat their brother down. How they survive so misguided is a mystery. Repugnant is a creature who would squander the ability to lift an a eye to heaven conscious of his fleeting time here.

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #43 on: May 01, 2006, 01:24:19 PM »

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother

Originally posted by: Ian Sane It's just an unfortunate coincedence that pretty much since Iwata took over I haven't been too keen on the direction Nintendo's been going in.

Ever hear of the Chevy Nova debacle? Apparently, the car sold VERY poorly in Spanish-speaking countries. Had Chevy done some research, they would have learned that, in Spanish, "No va" directly translates into "doesn't go". Who's going to buy the car that "doesn't go"?

Like it or not, product names have a REAL consequence on their sales. I'm afraid that "wee" might do the same thing for the Nintendo that Nova did for Chevy.

Its false.

That doesnt mean the name is not important, mind you, just that that particular name "nova" has no way to be confused with "no va" (and I should know), the pronounciation is completly different. Wii has only one way to be said, is a really annoying or silly sound around here.

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Offline eljefe

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2006, 02:27:41 PM »

a dude on infendo said the same thing
"'a stupid name wouldn't keep me from dating a hot girl... so why would it keep me from playing an awesome game system?..""
..:    I just noticed WTF is FTW backwords. Sometimes when you think things are going bad, they suddenly turn around. Much like this thread. For the win.  :.   MJRx9000

Offline Smash_Brother

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RE: 1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2006, 02:40:09 PM »
Read my sig (which I came up with myself).

Nothing wrong with dating her. It's introducing her to others which you'll likely avoid.
"OK, first we need someone to complain about something trivial. Golden or S_B should do. Then we get someone to defend the game, like Bill or Mashiro. Finally add some Unclebob or Pro666 randomness and the thread should go to hell right away." -Pap64

Offline wandering

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #46 on: May 01, 2006, 06:42:59 PM »

I pretty much agree with this. Maybe those of you who like the name really do but it's hard to believe that because of past occurances. The problem is that EVERY TIME Nintendo does something questionable the same people rush to defend it. It doesn't matter what Nintendo does, it's seen as genius. When we all finally figured out that the Cube was offline their were people that defended it. It wasn't even that they felt it wouldn't matter. They thought it was a GOOD IDEA. They quoted Nintendo's bullsh!t reasoning for it word for word. There are people here who still defend cartridges for the N64. There are fans that never EVER disagree with anything Nintendo does. And they always use the same lame canned responses that Nintendo execs use, as if they work for the company or something.

True. But then there's the flipside: Nintendo fans who love what Nintendo has done in the past but hate every single new whacky idea Nintendo announces.  People who scream, to quote Rumsfeld, henny-penny the sky is falling every time Nintendo announces something new. People who feel personally betrayed by each change in Nintendo's direction. From the N64 controller, to 3d Zelda, to 3d metroid, to the revolution controller, on and on. But then, when Nintendo shows something like Twilight Princess for the first time, people get emotional: finally, Nitnendo is doing something safe and expected! This is the happiest day of my life!

Really, the only time it's worth talking about Nintendo is when we have a finished Nintendo product in our hands, and are relating how we feel about it. But then, there's really nothing to say except to note how amazing it is, and what minor nit-picks we have.

It'd probably be better if we just stopped talking about Nintendo altogether.  
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline ruby_onix

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #47 on: May 01, 2006, 08:37:34 PM »

Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
Read my sig (which I came up with myself).

Nothing wrong with dating her. It's introducing her to others which you'll likely avoid.

You should also bear in mind that she named herself, like a porn star.

Would you date a porn star named "Doug", especially if they keep saying that they have a great "surprise" that they need to reveal to you, when they think you're ready to accept it?
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Offline The Omen

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #48 on: May 01, 2006, 08:49:41 PM »

If you appear to DISLIKE everything your opinion doesn't have any credibility either. Happily, few of us are really that extreme in our opinions.

Apparently, you haven't read anything.  Everyone here likes the system, so obviously they only dislike the name.  So disliking everything is a blatant overstatement on your part...of course.
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Offline IceCold

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RE:1up Speaking Up: Us vs Wii
« Reply #49 on: May 01, 2006, 09:16:49 PM »
He was referring to Ian in a joking manner..
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