Author Topic: M. Night should make a videogame  (Read 12843 times)

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Offline Jollus

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M. Night should help make a videogame (For GAMECUBE)
« Reply #25 on: February 27, 2003, 08:49:57 PM »
Ok.  Just because I don't like a movie, doesn't mean I don't understand it.  Not all movies will click with all people.  It really boils down to whether you are religious person for this movie to click.  I am a very non religious person.  The idea of organized religion is stupid to me.  My intelect is just fine.  Without the religious elements to grab me, all I got was a crappy alien movie.  I can look at all my friends, and most of the religious ones like the movie.  Me and all of my non-god type friends make fun of them for it, and they say we are going to burn in hell(joking).  It didn't inspire anything in me other than a feeling that I wasted a few hours of my time.

Yes it is just a movie.  I am also a huge movie dweeb and pick apart everything I see, be it good or bad.  Most true, hardcore super geeks most likely do not like the movie for the same reasons I do.

This thread has gotten so far off of topic it is crazy.  Considering that the topic didn't belong in a Gamecube forum to begin with I feel that we should all just let it drop down the list tell it gets lost in the dark pit which lies beyone page two of most forums.

Offline RahXephon

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« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2003, 05:40:26 AM »
you are missinterpeting it again jollus.  I mean understand as in you don't RELATE to the movie PROPERLY.  I said it has nothing to do with intellect.  You lack the ability to connect to the movie in they way you were ment to.  I didn't like XXX or Fast and Furious.  But the reason was I could not properly view them for whtever reason.  It is not that i didn't understand the plot, it is that I could not relate myself to the movie properly.  every movie is supposed to make you feel something, just like boing water is supposed to make you feel hot.  If you put your hand in the boiling water, and it came out not hot, that was a connectivity problem.  Movies work the same way.  The problem is in the viewer.  The movie is not bad or any of those things, because it has no... anything, it just sits there.  The baddness is reflected to it by you because your mind failed to watch it properly.  And it is not somehting you canhelp, you just lack the ability.  Everyone lacks the ability in some movies.  A movie is never bad, it is that the viewer does not prpoerly view it.

"Yes it is just a movie. I am also a huge movie dweeb and pick apart everything I see, be it good or bad."
Good or bad is only a human property.  Just human, not game or movie or anyting else.  Bad games aren't bad, we just fail to see in it what we are supposed to see, by that i mean the feeling it is supposed to give.  There are games no one can do this with, but the game is still not bad, it is aninimate, it can't be either.
Fry's Grandma in the past-"Killed., In an atomic Blast.... No sir I don't take much comfort in the fact the trigger function worked perfectly."
Fry-"There there, if it makes you feel any better, his body was vaporized, so there's no chance of him coming back as a zombie."
Fry's Grandma-"I'm no

Offline ThePerm

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« Reply #27 on: February 28, 2003, 06:12:04 AM »
In war of the worlds the aliens died off when they were exposed to our germs. If you payed attention to signs you would realise the aliens were desperate. They could have traveled a billion more years and found a planet mroe suitable to them but they would die, the alins chose oen with water dispite it beign oen of thier poisons. If you live in L.A. you are cosntantly exposed to carbon monoxide. Its not enough to kill you but its in the air, water in the air would have little effect on the aliens, but if it rained....ooooh...dead aliens.

i liekd the plotline, i myself wonder about whats right. Religion, science. aout last night i was wonderign if anyoen should ever claim they  know. Because there is no way to know, besides devine intervention. That aspect of the movie was very good.
The other thing i  noticed about the was extremely cheap(maybe not the actors), this movie didnt havre much in it. small sets, farmland, this movie realyl worked with the actors ability to act. If the actors were really bad actors this movie would have really sucked. Gibson and his raspy patriarchal voice and Phoenix who made probably the perfect uncle and brother really made the movie good. The acting and sound was great. The special effects were nto the focus. There are alot of movies that rely on special effects(star wars) and realyl have terrible acting and many claim they are awesome movies.

I liked Fast and the Furious, but disliked XXX, or the the latest bond movie. I dotn like movies that have no actign and are set up to place catch phrases. Im smarter then that, the movies are just to unrealistc. I liek older bond movies....but the last one really sucked.

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Offline Demonhunter

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« Reply #28 on: February 28, 2003, 06:48:48 AM »
*** SPOILERS IN THIS POST *** incase you havn't seen this movie. I dont suggest you do so.

Just because a movie has a good "message" doesn't mean it should have a sucky plot like Signs did. There is NO excuse to say "well its a good movie but you have to ignore the implausible plot". Movies revolve around plot and to have stupid things in them is just dumb. Signs makes no sense for the following reasons:

1. I find it hard to believe that on 1 city across the ENTIRE planet, its not raining. Yeah, right.
2. You could thwart these aliens by burning your crops. Didn't anyone think of that?
3. The protagonist NEVER told anyone but one small town cop. If you chopped off ALIEN HANDS I think i'd be over at SETI or the FBI.
4. The end of the story stole from Night of the Living Dead, where the characters board themselves in a house. Just thought that was weird.
5. They can travel across galaxies and cloak themselves but they cant make a simple crowbar to dislodge a few tacked on boards or a pantry door. Uh huh.
6. Sorry, there just cant be a lifeform that would die from water. VERY few elements react with water, except for a few acids and potassium/sodium. Life cant be made from that. While it is possible, the moisture in the air WOULD KILL THEM IF THIS WAS THE CASE.
7. No guns. I would have been bustin caps in those aliens. Do you honestly think that the armies of the world combined with their nuclear bombs, m-16s, grenades, flamethrows, and water pistols (heh) couldn't defeat scrawny aliens who wore NO body armor and could only kill you by squirty a few puffs of gas in your face? YOU COULD JUST HOLD YOUR BREATH if you didn't want to breathe it in! COME ON!

I cannot bring myself to think that everything is meant to be like the movie suggests. If everything is set in stone, why do people pray? Will God make an exception for them? The movie was completly a let down for me, I thought it was going to be a mystery about who was making the crop circles than a cheesy "message" movie with a sucky plot. Bah  

Offline Chris1228

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« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2003, 08:31:10 AM »
Demonhunter, this whole post is what RahXephon was talking about when he said we are thinking in human terms.  I will be devil's advocate for each of your points and think outside the human box:

1. I find it hard to believe that on 1 city across the ENTIRE planet, its not raining. Yeah, right.
- The invasion/raid took place in ONE night...and they never mentioned HOW they discovered water hurt the aliens. Maybe it did rain somewhere and thats how they discovered it.

2. You could thwart these aliens by burning your crops. Didn't anyone think of that?
- NO ONE thinks this way during unexplained events. By the time people realized what the crop circles were it was too late. As humans we have a need to understand things. We wouldn't burn the crops because we want to understand why the aliens where here.

3. The protagonist NEVER told anyone but one small town cop. If you chopped off ALIEN HANDS I think i'd be over at SETI or the FBI.
-Once again, things happened so quick (and in a small town). That the news didn't have time to get out.

4. The end of the story stole from Night of the Living Dead, where the characters board themselves in a house. Just thought that was weird.
-Its not weird at all. Home is where we seek shelter. The boarding up of the house is symbolic of seeking shelter where we feel comfortable. When there is a hurricaine, people don't go to a bomb shelter...they board up their house and ride out the storm. During a crisis nothing feels safer.

5. They can travel across galaxies and cloak themselves but they cant make a simple crowbar to dislodge a few tacked on boards or a pantry door. Uh huh.
- Do you carry a crow-bar with you wherever you go? Just in case?

6. Sorry, there just cant be a lifeform that would die from water. VERY few elements react with water, except for a few acids and potassium/sodium. Life cant be made from that. While it is possible, the moisture in the air WOULD KILL THEM IF THIS WAS THE CASE.
- This is an EXTREMELY HUMAN-CENTRIC thought. What is physics and chemistry?  Its the way elements, forces, and nature work ON EARTH. Just because something works well here doesn't mean that it would work well on another planet. Now the more symbolic side to water, especially to Christians, is that water represents a clensing, a washing away of something. This alien invasion was a plauge, wouldn't it be nice just to WASH something like that away?

7. No guns. I would have been bustin caps in those aliens. Do you honestly think that the armies of the world combined with their nuclear bombs, m-16s, grenades, flamethrows, and water pistols (heh) couldn't defeat scrawny aliens who wore NO body armor and could only kill you by squirty a few puffs of gas in your face? YOU COULD JUST HOLD YOUR BREATH if you didn't want to breathe it in! COME ON!
-How do you know they had no armour...just because water was a weakness didn't mean their skin couldn't naturally repel foriegn objects.

This is what people of this movie love. You have to able to think outside the box. The other thing about this movie is... IT"S NOT ABOUT ALIENS!!!!!!!! It was about a man who failed to see why things happen, that something bad can happen for a reason. The aliens where only a back-drop to the main story. I think thats why a lot of people didn't like it.

To keep this on topic: I think M. Knight because of his use of symbolism and subtlty would make a GREAT game.  

Offline Stimutacs Addict

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« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2003, 01:55:26 PM »

Originally posted by: Demonhunter<br4. The end of the story stole from Night of the Living Dead, where the characters board themselves in a house. Just thought that was weird.

The book "The Birds" had people boarded up in a house.. it can happen in almost any movie/book

anyway, what could a game of his be about? a detective game?
I'll shut up now...

Offline ThePerm

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M. Night should help make a videogame (For GAMECUBE)
« Reply #31 on: February 28, 2003, 02:51:10 PM »
baptise the aliens!

think aobut this...whn you put salt on snails....what happens...they die.
feed a bird an alkaseltser they blow up.
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Offline StRaNgE

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« Reply #32 on: February 28, 2003, 10:52:56 PM »
Not to mention that poor little girl in Europe who if she gets hit by rain , takes a a bath or drinks a glass of "water" she breaks out and  has to be hospitalized...

Even on earth water can make some extremely sick if not fatal.

Seems your forgetting it is a movie and those who have an imagination will fill in the gaps and create more and those who do not will  be stumped and say no way, it would never happen.

Up to you if you want enjoyment and entertainment or if your just not at that stage of your life yet. Having a family and kids does change ones perspective as well.

Offline oohhboy

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« Reply #33 on: March 01, 2003, 12:50:08 AM »
The water thing has to be the dumbest way to kill an alien ever. Water being two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen has to be one of the most adbundant molecule in existance. Unless thier world or part of thier galaxy is totally devode of oxygen or hydrogen, which in either case I find hard to believe, you are going to find water.

Of coruse you could argue the theory that the aliens came from another dimemsion which has a different set of rules. But unless there was some kind of effect protecting them from being affected by our rules (Therefore breaking or rules and making sure they are not dead on arrival), then it should have protected them from water. Or they got thier enviromental suits from some discount store or something.

Or maybe these are just a bunch of aliens teens from some local college out for a good time by scaring the natives.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Offline Hemmorrhoid

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« Reply #34 on: March 01, 2003, 01:06:31 AM »
what a topic
this is soooo no related to GCN
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Offline oohhboy

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« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2003, 02:59:22 AM »
Personally, I reckon that the discussing has gone down this path because it may or may not help us deterrmind whether to place any intrest is this unamed game.  
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

Offline Picceelo

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« Reply #36 on: March 01, 2003, 07:39:56 AM »
There are problems on both sides of the argument here. For one thing, RahXephon's main argument is one of a never-ending philosophical cycle that we can all continue on. Example: "The problem does not lie in the movie, but in the viewer's ability to relate to the movie. It is not possible to say the movie was bad, because it was just a bunch of events, it is how we relate and react to those events." Well, since human thought in the first place has no set absolutes, we as humans cannot judge anything in the first place. So although people who say they didn't like the movie cannot be truly correct about the movie sucking (since there is no absolute definition for what makes something good or bad) People who like the movie also cannot be sure about their argument, just take the opposite of the statement.  What I'm trying to say is that when arguing about whether a movie is good or bad, it's pretty assinine and irrelevant to say that the reason that the person didn't like the movie was that they lack the ability to understand the movie. A few more things:

1: As of yet, since we have not come across alien life we cannot say how they would react or what their chemical composition may be. If a life form were made of potassium, liquid water would cause them to combust, but there would not necessarily be enough water in the atmosphere to immediately kill them (it would probably be pretty painful though).  Why aliens would want to conquer a planet that is 75% water, I have no idea (enslavement of humans doesn't seem very logical since they were killing everyone).

2. The movie was not a movie about aliens, it was a movie about faith. These are two things that both threw me off, in the first place, the movie can only appeal to about one half of the population. We don't lack the ability to understand the movie, we lack the inability to like movies about ideas that are opposite to ours. Movies about Satan would attract some people, and put others off, it has nothing to do with understanding of the movie.

3. About the doors, we have absolutely no idea what sort of barriers the aliens might have in their world, so therefore it isn't very implausable to say that they would have trouble with doors. About the powerful legs thing, isn't it possible that their legs only work vertically? So they can't swivel upwards like ours? Doesn't seem all that improbable.

I could go on and on, but this topic really has nothing to do with Gamecube anymore, so maybe people should start getting more on the subject.

Offline manunited4eva22

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« Reply #37 on: March 01, 2003, 01:59:54 PM »
I say get the guy who wrote 'Requiem for a Dream' and get him to write a game. Any person capable of writing something that deep deserves some kind of game.