Author Topic: FINALLY  (Read 32959 times)

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Offline mantidor

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« Reply #50 on: December 26, 2005, 11:54:47 AM »
"NOTHING is "lost in translation". That is a myth..."

ok, this is just absurd, theres no such thing as the "perfect" translation from any language to any other. Specially from dead languages to current ones. Now you are just sounding nuts, really.
"You borrow style elements from 20yr old scifi flicks and 10 yr old PC scifi flight shooters, and you add bump mapping and TAKE AWAY character, and you got Halo." -Pro

Offline ShawnSt3r

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« Reply #51 on: December 26, 2005, 12:01:43 PM »
   Im sorry, I was trying to not go into too much detail. Read my post if you have not. When the Western and Latin family of manuscripts (the vast majority of the 15,000 manuscripts are combined they have 99.9% authenticity with our current Bibles.)

OBVIOUSLY there are differences in languages, so it cannot be word for word.

Some words exist in the Greek and Hebrew that simply have no English equivelant. However the English is used the best it can be to give us an accurate represntation. No fundamental doctorines or teachings are changed in the translation from Greek to English.  or the Hebrew to English.

You miss the point though, which was..we have the original texts to compare our translations with!  If I ever think some verse might be more accurate in the Greek all I have to do is open my concordance and compare the Greek and English.


Offline TMW

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« Reply #52 on: December 26, 2005, 12:03:05 PM »
Erm...I see you didn't respond to the subservient women remark.

I ask you again Shawn.  Why should non christians be forced to follow christian law?  I happen to think masturbation is healthy and required for any kind of normal sexual development during adolescence.  I also think my children (should I have any) would benefit from playing a puzzle game that teaches them about adaptability, multitasking, and the fact that there is often more than one solution to a problem.

As for the Bibles "truth", any book thats been in the hands of power hungry men who preach ignorance and violence against others is circumspect, no matter how much "truth" is involved.  
Jesus saves! Everyone else, roll for damage.<BR><BR>Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there's not an invisible monster about to eat your face off.

Offline ShawnSt3r

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« Reply #53 on: December 26, 2005, 12:38:28 PM »
    I don't have time right now to respond to your full post and I wasnt ignoring your remark regarding women.
The Bible clearly states that:

"But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ," (1 Cor. 11:3).

Men and women are equals, but are fundamentally different.  They were made with different rolls. Men are naturally better leaders, and provider... women are nurturers and supporters.  It is just the way things are.

I have to go.

Offline kirby_killer_dedede

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« Reply #54 on: December 26, 2005, 02:05:28 PM »
Shawn...calm down buddy.  You have kids?  They're gonna have to learn about sex some day.  All this "game" does is offer a way to teach them other than sitting them down and giving them an intimidating talk or showing them a goofy video (I remember the puberty video I saw in elementary school, I even remember the stupid jingle, "Just around the corner, just around the corner, just around the corner, it can be fun!").

As it is, parents really underestimate their kids.  I knew about sex at least four or five years before my parents gave me "the talk."  Welcome to the corrupt and immoral wasteland known as America Shawn.

EDIT: Woah guys.  I'm not Muslim or Christian (Hindu pride, representin' yo), but yeah, it does seem like you can't be a hardcore Christian without downplaying other religions.  This thread was a mistake.  If a moderater could please lock this up and just report it as a news story and create a talkback thread, it would be appreciated.

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Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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« Reply #55 on: December 26, 2005, 02:48:43 PM »
Rusty the Badger says:  "Only YOU can prevent TRAIN WRECKS!"
:: Six Sided Video .com ~ ::

Offline Rellik

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« Reply #56 on: December 26, 2005, 03:17:53 PM »

I haven't really been following this, but I just wanted to assert to everyone to remain calm.  Don't start generalizing about Christianity just from this ShawnSt3r quack - I'm not a Christian, but no Christian I know acts like this guy.

It's not really worth trying to dialog with this guy - if you want serious religious discussion, turn elsewhere.  And please, keep the psuedo-religious discussion off the boards - at least keep it in General Chat or something.

Any person who tells you that anything is perfect and true and unquestionable is, to put it mildy, not on the level.

Offline Rellik

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« Reply #57 on: December 26, 2005, 03:20:25 PM »

Originally posted by: ShawnSt3r

Men and women are equals

Take a closer look at your infallible Bible.

And I guess slavery is ok too?

Offline mantidor

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« Reply #58 on: December 26, 2005, 03:42:28 PM »
"Any person who tells you that anything is perfect and true and unquestionable is, to put it mildy, not on the level."

Majora's Mask is perfect  
"You borrow style elements from 20yr old scifi flicks and 10 yr old PC scifi flight shooters, and you add bump mapping and TAKE AWAY character, and you got Halo." -Pro

Offline ShawnSt3r

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« Reply #59 on: December 27, 2005, 01:37:34 AM »
I made a simple post stating how such a game is wrong and then every further post was simply me answering the critisicm of others.  Im very calm.  Don't fear controversy, it sharpens the wits.

"Don't start generalizing about Christianity just from this ShawnSt3r quack"

I quote scripture for every Biblical principle I touch on,, if you have a problem with me concerning these principles you have a problem with God and The Bible because that is where I am drawing them.

Also, I provide support for the things I say... I don't just make broad swooping statements and expect them to stand based only on the merit that I decided to say them... you ought to practice this as well.  Instead, you seem to me a great fool.  Please tell me what I said that is in disagreement with any single verse in the Bible.

This is the last post I will make defending my posts.

If anyone would like to continue these matters that do not re-late to this disgraceful game you are welcome to e-mail me.

Back to the issue at hand....  such a game should not even be allowed to be produced.... if t is, it should be only sold at Adult novelty shops.  

Some who are now trying to make the point that its just a puzzle game were the ones swooning over how it simulates female masterbation in the beginning of this thread - did I miss something?  

If it goes on the market, kids will be allowed to buy it, parents not knowing.... and the kids WILL find out eventually what the game is about.  Infact I endeavor to say  that most kids that want it will do so based on the sexual connotations involved.  Its a disgrace.

Romans 1:24 "Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves."


Offline wandering

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« Reply #60 on: December 27, 2005, 03:27:48 AM »
Ah, I'm going to have to pop my head in here.

First off, after looking at this game more closely, I see that KDR is right, the metaphor is pretty opaque, and my creeped-out-o-meter has gone down some. The question remains, though, WHY would we want to teach pre-pubescent kids about masturbation? Seriously, that seems like the kind of thing kids find out about on their own, and, if not, something they can find out about when they're old enough to learn about how it works in a literal sense.

Second off, Shawnstar. I had a big response written up about the various misconceptions you have about our founding fathers/church and state/the constitution written up, but, eh, you’re right, that’s probably a discussion best left private. In any case, for better or worse, this is not a country where morals are not handed down from on high, it’s a country where individual liberty is valued, and dictating what individuals (who aren’t harming anybody) can or can’t do is not. (which is leading us down a path towards ever-more-ridiculous self indulgence, but, in my mind, that’s an inevitable consequence of the kind of government we have.) Anyway, tying that back into the game - by suggesting that the game “should not even be allowed to be produced”, you are arguing against free speech, our most fundamental right.

Lastly Shawnstar, as I’m sure you know, the bible never specifically condemns masturbation, just lust (though it does mention that after spilling seed, you should bathe and that you’ll be unclean for the rest of the day.)
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline ShawnSt3r

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« Reply #61 on: December 27, 2005, 03:47:37 AM »
Hey wandering, I appreciate the friendly and informative attitude of your post.  

I know I said I wouldnt respond, but since your post isnt flame or semi-flame id like to explain myself a bit and respond to what you said.

At one point in our nations history (i'll endeavor up until the 60's, though the exact turning point of the U.S. away from God and into corruption is another thread all in and of itself.)) , local governments, state governments, local communities would have been in such an uproar about such a concept as this game that some sort of legislation surely would have been passed against it.  Plenty of legislation has been passed restricting what some might call individual liberty.  

It is illegal to go screw your goat.  It illegal to have multiple wives.  To murder. To rape... etc  What you have to understand is that there is plenty of individual liberty, but it is all bound within a basic moral framework that is rooted inside of Biblical truths, instilled by our founding fathers.  Could not someone argue (and infact have) that the previously things I mentioned being illegal, violate their 'individual liberty'?  Too much individual freedom promotes lawlessness, sexual immorality, and all forms of evil. I believe this game is just that, an is an example individual freedoms run amuck.

Everything must be bound inside of a moral framework or a nation will eventually rot and collapse from the inside. I believe this is what you were referring to when you said:

"(which is leading us down a path towards ever-more-ridiculous self indulgence, but, in my mind, that’s an inevitable consequence of the kind of government we have.) "

Anyways, that framework I speak of is the Holy Scriptures.  The further we pull away from that framework the closer to destruction we will come.


Offline mantidor

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« Reply #62 on: December 27, 2005, 04:38:51 AM »

Originally posted by: wandering
Ah, I'm going to have to pop my head in here.

First off, after looking at this game more closely, I see that KDR is right, the metaphor is pretty opaque, and my creeped-out-o-meter has gone down some. The question remains, though, WHY would we want to teach pre-pubescent kids about masturbation? Seriously, that seems like the kind of thing kids find out about on their own, and, if not, something they can find out about when they're old enough to learn about how it works in a literal sense.

Kids who play it wont be learning about self pleasure methods, unless you explicitly say to them what the game is about (and even then they wouldnt understand at all anyway), the only thing I think could posibly happen related to sexuality is that they subconsciously learn how to give pleasure to their own wives when they get older in their adult life, which is not bad in my eyes. Besides, women arent as simple to satisfy sexually as men, the creator is a woman, she should know. And, of course, this is no pokemon, its a niche obscure title that will be played by very, very few pre-pubescent kids if any at all.
"You borrow style elements from 20yr old scifi flicks and 10 yr old PC scifi flight shooters, and you add bump mapping and TAKE AWAY character, and you got Halo." -Pro

Offline ShawnSt3r

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« Reply #63 on: December 27, 2005, 04:46:40 AM »
It will be NO secret what this game is actually about.  If it goes on the market, kids will be allowed to buy it, parents not knowing.... and the kids WILL find out eventually what the game is about if they didnt already know. Infact I endeavor to say that most kids that want it will do so based on the sexual connotations involved.

"its a niche obscure title that will be played by very, very few pre-pubescent kids if any at all. "

It features a cute little character that one uses the stylus to simulate (reminds me of Nintendogs in a very mild sense)  .... what makes you think this wouldn't appeal to little girls.  LITTLE GIRLS are part of the freaking aim of this game, the developer basically said so in the opening link of this thread.

Offline mantidor

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« Reply #64 on: December 27, 2005, 04:51:08 AM »
Still, is impossible that a little girl starts touching herself because she played the game, if she indeed touches herself it would be for another reason entirely, the game isnt going to pop up messages "touch yourself here!!!" or is it? you shouldnt worry though, this will be giving the AO rating without a doubt if it ever pass the preproduction stage.

"You borrow style elements from 20yr old scifi flicks and 10 yr old PC scifi flight shooters, and you add bump mapping and TAKE AWAY character, and you got Halo." -Pro

Offline 31 Flavas

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« Reply #65 on: December 27, 2005, 05:06:45 AM »

Originally posted by: ShawnSt3r

Everything must be bound inside of a moral framework or a nation will eventually rot and collapse from the inside.  That framework is the Holy Scriptures.
Honestly, its easy to blame all of the worlds problems on lack of faith in the Bible. But, what about all the other countries of the world who's governments are not based in Christianity. You'd blame any of their problems on lack of faith in scripture? What about the ones that, in fact, are doing fine on their own, Japan, China, India, etc.  
"Once 6 A.M roles around on Friday it's like a human tsunami and everything will be taken within minutes." -- Luigi Dude

Offline ShawnSt3r

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« Reply #66 on: December 27, 2005, 05:24:27 AM »
Thats alot of things to answer in detail.  I do not claim to know the mind of God in the sense that I know exactly how he will punish a nation that is openly persecuting Him and His people.  Here is what I know about God and his dealings with un-just nations throughout history.  They all fall eventually... when God decided their times comes, they fall. Rome, Greece, Germany, France, Spain.

But seriously, that is too hugh of a topic to get into here.  It could be catalogued how each one of my previously listed nations came severly at odds with the will of God and paid the price.  Im speaking of wanton murder of Christians and Jews (Rome, Germany, Spain, France), Abortion, Sodomy (Greece).

Currently Christianity though surpressed and out-lawed (when I say supressed I mean churches are bull-dozed and believers are murders consistantly) in China, it is currently thriving there underground.

Like I said, I do not claim to know what God will do in a situation like this with 100% certainty.  Though, I believe a nation like China is being spared because of the Christian movement that is thriving there under supression.

Indonesia, Muslim stronghold, men, women, and children who are believers are murdered there on a consistant basis if they do not convert to Islam (Estimated 180,000 Christians were murdered last year alone worldwide!).  My point is, do you remember the Storm that killed tens of thousands  Indonesians?  I can say with 100% ceratainty that was God's justice upon those people.

Anyways, like I said...hugh topic... many, many intricasies to discuss them all in detail.


Offline odifiend

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« Reply #67 on: December 27, 2005, 05:33:23 AM »

Originally posted by: mantidor
Still, is impossible that a little girl starts touching herself because she played the game, if she indeed touches herself it would be for another reason entirely, the game isnt going to pop up messages "touch yourself here!!!" or is it? you shouldnt worry though, this will be giving the AO rating without a doubt if it ever pass the preproduction stage.

Why would this get an AO rating?  What IF Super Mario Bros. was inspired by 'shrooms (The links are there and everybody jokes about it )?  Drugs are the most kosher of things, but when playing the game you wouldn't even make that connection.  It is the same with Lapis.  Unless you are looking at the developer's initial inspirations for the game, you'd never make the connection.  "Puff the magic dragon" is a kid's song - chew on that one.  If it get released (there doesn't seem to be a lot of content), it will get an E rating.

EDIT: Wow, wow... WOW
Kiss the Cynic!

Offline Rellik

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« Reply #68 on: December 27, 2005, 05:50:10 AM »

the constitution doesn't say anything about masterbation or pornography because these are things that were just ASSUMED to be understood

Nothing is assumed to be understood under the Constitution.  That's why we have a Supreme Court of the Land - it's for them to decide what the constitution means and doesn't mean, not for some bible-thumper who thinks he knows these things.  Go become a Supreme Court Justice, then when you try to make your case you'll be up against people who actually have the TIME to look things up and prove you wrong.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to comic book the Government for a redress of gr

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion - your case that God should not be completely divorced from government is absolutely false because of this.  If Congress signs into law something that is religiously-motivated or religious-oriented, that is unconstitutional, and should be (and will be) struck down.  This is what "separation of Church and State" means.  This is one of the fundamental protections Americans have under our system, and it would sure as hell be a shame to throw it away because "The founding fathers ASSUMED the government would be Christianity-oriented".

Offline mantidor

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« Reply #69 on: December 27, 2005, 05:59:50 AM »

Originally posted by: odifiend
Why would this get an AO rating?  

If its being released in the country that almost had a heart attack because of Janet's breast on TV, it will indeed get an AO rating, thats kind of what I tried to say. I personally dont see why it would need an AO rating at all, but Im sure it will get an M or AO over there.
"You borrow style elements from 20yr old scifi flicks and 10 yr old PC scifi flight shooters, and you add bump mapping and TAKE AWAY character, and you got Halo." -Pro

Offline odifiend

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« Reply #70 on: December 27, 2005, 06:07:37 AM »
Well, mantidor, you have the pleasure of witnessing the kind of person that freaked out due to Janet's 'wardrobe malfunction' in this very thread.  Though it didn't bother me, I see where opponents can say that their impressionable children where watching and it was completely unexpected.  Regardless, if Waluigi can do crotch chops in Mario Strikers and it come in at an E (not E 10 mind you), and GTA sans nudity gets an M - there is no way a Pet simulator could get an AO.  You need nudity for an AO and I don't thing virtual pet nudity counts...
Kiss the Cynic!

Offline ShawnSt3r

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« Reply #71 on: December 27, 2005, 06:11:58 AM »
You know what rellik.... your an ass.  I try to remain civilized and then some flaming fool like you comes along having not even read my posts and proceeds to pick out fragmented statements and flame.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof



How many more ways can I say this, do I need to draw it in crayon or make a pupper-show for you?

God (The Lord, Jesus Christ) and the Bible were taught in public schools up until Madalyn Murray O'Hair, an atheist appealed to the supreme court in 1962(which had been liberally stacked by lousy FDR ) to have it removed and they declared it unconstitutional.

CLEARLY, there was never an intention by our founding fathers for God, The Bible, or Christ to be seperated from government!

The Supreme Court was wrong in interpretting the constitution on this issue and many others. They had an agenda and they saw it through. That agenda was and is a hate of God and of promoting the liberal ideology. (athiesm.... also a belief system)

Yes, I am fired up, fools tend to get me that way.  


Offline mantidor

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« Reply #72 on: December 27, 2005, 06:16:50 AM »
GTA sans got an AO, remember?

Its bad to make such generic statements like that, but the States are starting to really scare me, the Janet thing was just humourous and even if people overreacted a bit I can understand, but the debate about creationism vs evolution to be taught in schools was simply unbelievable. You are the worlds most powerful country, mainly because you have been the only country that have used atomic bombs on real cities, so when I mix that scenario with the growing fanatism of religion I cannot do anything but worry... and expect an M or AO rating for the lapis game, you were actually debating creationism tobe taught along with science, nothing can surprise me now..

EDIT: its evolution, not revolution! Nintendo has clouded my mind  

"You borrow style elements from 20yr old scifi flicks and 10 yr old PC scifi flight shooters, and you add bump mapping and TAKE AWAY character, and you got Halo." -Pro

Offline ShawnSt3r

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« Reply #73 on: December 27, 2005, 06:28:13 AM »
Growing fanaticism.... its shrinking actually.  Thats what this is all about...

In short..... Evolution has 0 facts (every missing link has been proven frauds, no intermediate forms...etc) and is only popular because it offers an alternative to creation in peoples minds.

Creation however, is supported by geology, the study of the universe, archaeology... and the Bible most importantly.

I would like to direct you here where I am currently in a discussion about this very thing, my username is 'IHaveFacts'

Im not sure if posting a link to another forums is in violation of this forums rules, I apologize if so, but it is relevant to the discussion.

 America is the greatest country because were were founded on Biblical Principles... which include freedom.  This makes us now, and made us in our development, the most desireable place to live on the face of the earth.  This freedom spawned a free-market economy.(capitalism)  Which in-turn spawned US > You.  Dropping nukes a Japan did not make us a world power, it only ended the war quicker than it would have otherwise been.

Please stop with the new non-sense posts.  Please stick to the old non-sense. Im making like 6 posts and hour here because of this.  

Offline odifiend

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« Reply #74 on: December 27, 2005, 06:36:22 AM »
Sorry mantidor slipped in some french sans= without.  So GTA without nudity got an M.  GTA SA got an M until they had to recall to upgrade it to an AO when that nudity code/mode was discovered.  As for the Scopes trial, the deep south used to be quite insane in their conservatism to the point it was just radical.  Not unlike religious terrorists today.
Shawnst3r, FDR was lousy?  Are you insane?  He was one of the greatest presidents in US History and his terms in office largely made the US into the prospering country it is today.  The Supreme Courts ideology especially in that time of racial tension was equality.  Not a bad ideology if you ask me...  So to teach Christianity in public school would be unfair to those of other religions.  But I suppose any decision that doesn't interest you and your beliefs are at fault and should be flamed.  I guess you missed the point of the Constitution and the ideals of the founding fathers after all...
Kiss the Cynic!