Author Topic: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?  (Read 5282 times)

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Offline Don'tHate742

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Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« on: May 25, 2005, 12:38:12 PM »
Nintendo has always been vague when talking about the "Revolutionary" aspect. They have yet to give any sort of solid information about it. Still....everyone assumes it's the controller, because naturally we focus on gameplay interactivity.

However, Nintendo has never made the mistake of making the phrase "Revolutionary" aspect and Revolution controller synonymous. Instead, they focus on user-interface...why?

My question is this; why has Iwata especially stressed user-interface rather than controller? What are they planning?
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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2005, 12:46:13 PM »
If the Revolutionary aspect of the system is the interface, why was the Revolution's controller completely absent from E3?  Why did Iwata (or maybe it was Reggie, I don't recall) state that they weren't going to show the controller until Sony and Microsoft had finalized theirs?
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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2005, 12:48:12 PM »
I too also think the revelutionary aspect is not in the controller (or not just the controller, the controller in junction with the system is more likely)  Reggie (I think it was him, well someone at Nintendo) said that they would not reveal everything on the Rev till Sony finalized their specs.  This leads me to believe that whats revolutionary about the Rev lies within the hardware.  If it was the controller, Sony and MS could simply just make their own and adapt that into their system.  If the key ingredient is in the hardware, Sony and MS can't really do much but wait till the next next gen in order to copy it.
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Offline vudu

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2005, 12:50:30 PM »
Hm...maybe I need to re-check out that Reggie/Iwata comment.  Truth and I both read the same thing and got completely different things out of it.

EDIT:  I found this over at GameSpy.

The rumors of a touch screen controller weren't addressed, but Iwata did comment that current controllers "may satisfy the hardcore gamers, but they've become too difficult for more casual gamers."    

"For the next-generation console, we plan to introduce a friendly user interface so that, for example, a mother who's watching her child playing a game might say, 'Oh, I'd like to try that too,'" Iwata said. "However, user interfaces are devices that can easily be imitated by other companies, so I can't reveal any details right now."
Not exactly sure how to take that.  At first it seems he's referring to the controller.  But it might just be how the writer took it and not exactly what Iwata meant.  Hard to say.  
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2005, 01:24:10 PM »
They always innovate with the controllers, thats why the didnt show anything, they dont want their idea to get stolen again. Personally after giving it some thought I conclude they are just trying to delay the innevitable, if the idea is great it will get copied eventually, like the analog was, no amount of patents will be able to avoid that.

Rewatching the E3 conference I found something interesting, from Iwata's speech:

"[...] But not everyone sets out to create an expensive, time-consuming masterpiece, and here Revolution also earns its name. We are convinced game creation on Revolution can be the most developer friendly, simpler, faster and less expensive than any other new system. In this next generation development cost will commonly move well into eight figures, developers will become more endangered. For them we offer a solution to help maximize creative freedom while controlling developing investments, this is a console where the big idea can prevail over big budgets"

Unless the "engrish" made me understand something wrong, the Revolution earns its name because its developer friendly, is that the revolutionary aspect then?  
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Offline Don'tHate742

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2005, 01:33:46 PM »
Maybe, but it's interesting how Nintendo is holding off on revealing REV specs as well.

If it was just a normal system (like the Cube/N64), they would of revealed some of the inner workings; even if they put a "subject to change" warning. It just makes since to show specs, because people will be dissapointed otherwise. Unless.........unless something about your specs isn't graphic/processor related. That spec that instead of upgrading, throughly shifted what a console should do. Then of course Nintendo wouldn't want to show it (and neither would the other 2 if they had the choice).

This combined with the Rev controller that in itself is a mini-revolution, and you have something that you would gaurd with your life.

I just can't imagine what that could be....

I keep thinking of an interesting qoute that said "It is not a console, it's not a handheld it is something like a whole new platform." I don't know who stated it, but I think/hope it was a Nintendo Rep.

Another qoute is from Reggie, that said the days where a person is attached to a controller that is attached to a console that is attached to a TV, are over.

What the hell could those two qoutes be talking about?  
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Offline PaLaDiN

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2005, 01:39:53 PM »
"is that the revolutionary aspect then?"

No, actually. He said "also".

Controllers are part of the user interface. Other parts could be the software on the Rev and any peripherals they would include with it... basically anything the user uses to interact with the Rev, which is extremely vague and doesn't narrow anything down beyond "he's not talking about graphics".

I've been thinking about those quotes a lot lately and they seem really fishy. All I can come up with is that the box we've seen might not be the console itself... maybe they consider the controller itself to be the console. Or it might be like those Atari joysticks that plug directly into the TV.

Or he could just be talking about wireless.
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Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2005, 01:41:59 PM »
Quote Revolution also earns its name.

Like the DS, the name Revolution caries multiple meanings....
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2005, 01:44:35 PM »
"why has Iwata especially stressed user-interface rather than controller?"

I imagine it's because Nintendo often uses their own buzzwords to describe stuff.  Notice how they never say "online".  They used to use the tern "noline" and that often say something like "Wi-Fi connectivity" or "communication".  I think it's to make it sound like Nintendo thinks up all of their own ideas.  If they use a weird buzzword it sounds like they invented it.  I imagine "user-interface" is Nintendo-wacky-speak for "controller".  Regardless of what they show they're going to act like this controller is totally new even if it's just a Cube controller with a trackball on it.  It's like Nintendo doesn't use "controllers" anymore.  They now use a "revolutionary user-interface that provides dynamic innovation in noline communication."

RE:Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2005, 02:28:58 PM »

Originally posted by: Don'tHate742
I keep thinking of an interesting qoute that said "It is not a console, it's not a handheld it is something like a whole new platform." I don't know who stated it, but I think/hope it was a Nintendo Rep.

That was quoted from I believe Squereenix's president.  He was talking about how he like's the direction Nintendo is going.  Thats news is recent and shouldn't be hard to find if you want the direct quote lol.

"It seems that a great number of individuals crave technology that gives an individual a false sense of intimacy. Producing just enough communication to get the job done while stripping out the intangibilities. If you had the chance, would you demand convenience give your humanity back? Or would you

Offline IceCold

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RE:Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2005, 02:43:12 PM »
Yes Wada said it - he was talking online

Nintendo's networking plan is, according to Wada, "not just a portable, not just a console -- it's exactly what we wanted in that it's the birth of a completely new platform."
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Offline Famicom

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2005, 02:53:50 PM »
I dunno. The more I think about it, the more I think that it's something that will show and hide or highlight certain buttons for certain games, possibly through a user interface in the game? Mom sees child playing with complex controls and having fun, but can have the same fun with their own simplistic controller scheme. Lights in the buttons? Ability to use the DS as a wireless controller (lending credibility to the third pillar argument)? These ideas sound about as revolutionary as kidney bean shaped buttons, but hey, Nintendo was very proud of that idea.
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Offline Gremio

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RE:Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2005, 03:08:38 PM »

Originally posted by: IceCold
Yes Wada said it - he was talking online

Nintendo's networking plan is, according to Wada, "not just a portable, not just a console -- it's exactly what we wanted in that it's the birth of a completely new platform."

Wow, this and a few other comments I've read makes me really curious about what Revolution's "online" set-up could be like. I've played online console games before and I've always had a problem with them because they end up in the long run being more stressful than fun. My whole reason for playing video games in the first place is to relax and wind down but the agressive environment of online games tends to wire me back up.

Offline nemo_83

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RE:Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2005, 04:07:24 PM »
It sounds like Nintendo wants me to put batteries in my console rather than plug it into the outlet one foot, no six inches from where I keep my consoles.  It is a nice novelty option to not have to plug it up to your tv, but how is my tv going to recieve a wifi signal coming out of the REV?  I am still going to have to plug something into my tv or buy a new one.  I prefer the option of plugs.  Including the hardware to project all these wireless signlas can only drive the price of the system up; are the benefits really worth the extra cost when neither of the compteting consoles will feature the ability to function as a hub.

It would be nice if I could go online and type in the serial code on my old games I already own so I could download them for free onto the REV (through proof of hardcopy) and then I could box up all the old hardware and carts and have one Nintendo system to rule them all.  

Part of the revolution is in the download service, part in the free online play, and part in the interface on the controller.  

When I think of the interface I don't think of revolution.  I think of evolution.  MS and Sony have not even evolved, but Nintendo is promising a revolution.  Usually when you think revolution you think technology.  It was a technology, not imagination that gave the N64 its revolutionary aspect.  When I think of interface, I think about using imagination.  An example of imagination is the Cube's button layout.  The A button is in the center with the other buttons radiating around it.  

When I think of the technologies that have not been put into a console controller though; the list is long.  It could be a trackball or scroll wheel.  So simple, but Sony and MS won't do it unless Nintendo says it is what they are using.  Gyros and haptics don't make me think of the interface as much as controller.  When I think of interface, I think the face of the controller.  Gyros and haptics are more based around arm movement than finger movement.

I don't care about thinking about what Nintendo might do vs what I think Nintendo should do as far as touch screens are concerned.  I'm not going to offer up a touch screen idea again, because the whole bubble that surrounds that is based on technology that I have never seen demonstrated.

The best evidence this is going to be focused on the missing piece, the controller, is when Iwata spoke of the paradigm shift.  The revolution in gameplay he described gave me hope for this industry.  I hope they don't let me down.  It is up to Nintendo to convince me that I don't already own all the IPs or games.  

In some quotes Iwata seems to contradict what he has said about the hardcore gamer in the past.  They are about the game industry only.  But not the gamer; not the real gamers.  They are about making the controller work better, but do not seem concerned about what hardcore gamers want.  Iwata at GDC 05 said that Nintendo would continue to make games for its fan base with big titles like Legend of Zelda; yet SK left Nintendo because Nintendo wants to make smaller games.  Nintendo seems confused about what hardcore gamers want.  Yeah the hardcore gamers know the franchises better than anyone and will gobble up Metroid and Zelda; but it doesn't mean they can plaster Mario's face on everything and expect it to appeal to hardcore gamers.  Hardcore gamers look beyond the face and see Mario Tennis, Pinball, Party, Golf, Soccer, Baseball, Dancing, Basketball, and Football.  Not my kind of games.  I've played those sports in real life; and if I wanted to play those sports I would; but I don't.  I hate sports.  I like adventures.  I like story.  I like to learn.  I like to do things I can't do in reality.

Most of all I like original things.  I like new things.  I like new worlds, with new characters, and new rules.  In past years when Nintendo has launched something new it has not been a real adventure.  Animal Crossing is not the same kind of game as Metroid, Zelda, Castlevania, RE, or MGS.  Nintendo needs to develop the next big IP.  They don't need to let MS and Sony be the ones who come up with original characters again.  In the past years, reaching back to the beginning of the N64; the original quality character driven games I have seen have been games not from Nintendo's internal teams.  Sega, RARE, Sony, Bungie, Rockstar, Capcom, Silicon Knights, Oddworld Inhabitants, etc.  Have the guys at Nintendo run out of original ideas?  No, they just keep inflating their franchises like Zelda with their original ideas.  Don't you think there could have been an original game created around the wind thing in WW?  Or the ocean thing?  What about the new Zelda?  Why didn't they just make two games out of that?  A Zelda game.  And an unrelated game about a werewolf?  I have ambitions for a werewolf game based on lunar cycles, multiple moons, and multiple transformations.
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RE:Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #14 on: May 25, 2005, 04:36:50 PM »

Originally posted by: IceCold
Yes Wada said it - he was talking online

Nintendo's networking plan is, according to Wada, "not just a portable, not just a console -- it's exactly what we wanted in that it's the birth of a completely new platform."

I remember reading the article where this is quoted and it does mainly have to do with Nintendo's networking plan but I believe that individual quote is in reference to the system as a whole.  "not just a portable, not just a console -- it's exactly what we wanted in that it's the birth of a completely new platform" doesn't seem like a good quote in reference to a network plan.  What I get from that is that Nintendo's Rev will go beyond just being a video game system, an entertainment hub that has only to do with gaming, different types of gaming we have yet to see aside from the usual genres.  It'll bring nintendo back to having an "entertainment system" as aposed to a "video game system"
"It seems that a great number of individuals crave technology that gives an individual a false sense of intimacy. Producing just enough communication to get the job done while stripping out the intangibilities. If you had the chance, would you demand convenience give your humanity back? Or would you

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #15 on: May 25, 2005, 04:43:06 PM »
Hahaha, great first parapgraph nemo, you're bitching about something that's not going to happen.  It doesn't even make sense


I'm not going to offer up a touch screen idea again, because the whole bubble that surrounds that is based on technology that I have never seen demonstrated.

You're blind.


In some quotes Iwata seems to contradict what he has said about the hardcore gamer in the past. They are about the game industry only. But not the gamer; not the real gamers. They are about making the controller work better, but do not seem concerned about what hardcore gamers want.

You and Ian should, like, get married or something.  Nintendo is catering to the hardcore gamer too.  I bring up Fire Emblem for the GC- do you think that game is aimed towards non-gamers?  Yeah, there are tons more, expecially for the DS, just look at the list of announced games.  But what's that?  Nintendogs, Electroplankton, and Touhokudai Gaku Mirai Kagakugijutsu Kyoudoukenkyuu Center: Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju no Nou o Kitaeru Otona DS Training are also on the list!  Non-gamers, core gamers- a happy family of happy Nintendo customers happily playing games that they're happy with.


Hardcore gamers look beyond the face and see Mario Tennis, Pinball, Party, Golf, Soccer, Baseball, Dancing, Basketball, and Football. Not my kind of games.

Football....?  Anyway, some people DO like those games.  I don't normally like sports games, but I love Mario Tennis and Golf, and I'm currently anticipating Mario Strikers just as much as the new Zelda (disclaimer: this is because I already KNOW that Zelda is going to be the best game ever, so I can wait.  Or something) .  I'm not too excited over Mario Baseball, but my little brother is.  My brother also bought NBA Street V3 and Mario Party 5 when I probably wouldn't have.  See?  Even if they are Mario spin-offs, or simple feature Mario in a different setting, each game appeals to different people.


Nintendo needs to develop the next big IP.

They ARE.  For the Rev, though.  It's too far in the GC's life to come up with something brand new, it's better to launch their new console with it.  Right now they're trying to push as many Cube's as they can, which is why they're coming up with mostly sequels and spin-offs, which are always stellar anyway.  Of course, there's still stuff like Chibi-Robo, Battalion Wars, and Geist too.  So there.


Don't you think there could have been an original game created around the wind thing in WW? Or the ocean thing? What about the new Zelda? Why didn't they just make two games out of that? A Zelda game. And an unrelated game about a werewolf? I have ambitions for a werewolf game based on lunar cycles, multiple moons, and multiple transformations.

1. They're going to keep on making Zelda, and they need to keep it at least a little fresh.  Instead of trying to stratch a whole game around "big ocean," it's more effective to stick it into a Zelda game.  It keeps series fresh, while still retaining that good idea.  I would rather have a creative Zelda than a stale Zelda and a thin game about an ocean.
2.  Link is not a werewolf >=o  Still, it's the same as WW.  Sure, a good game could be made with just the werewolf idea.  But take the wolf out of TP- you've just lost a huge part of the game, and you're stuck with JUST a bigger, prettier OoT.  The wolf idea makes it more original.  Plus, nothing's stopping another dev from making a game soley about a werewolf.  Some people may scream "ZELDA RIP OFF," but what adventure game isn't?  
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Offline IceCold

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RE:Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #16 on: May 25, 2005, 07:42:52 PM »
"Football....? Anyway, some people DO like those games. I don't normally like sports games, but I love Mario Tennis and Golf"

Yes, I like them too, but I don't like the fact that they have Mario in them just to sell while diluting the Mario brand. Put original characters in and keep everything else.
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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2005, 08:48:27 PM »
about lights in the buttons..i was jsut thinking about ho cool that would be..remember how i said it would be cool if there was a key modifyer button and that changed the function of the be cool if they changed from one color to another.
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Offline nemo_83

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RE:Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #18 on: May 25, 2005, 09:10:40 PM »

Originally posted by: KnowsNothing
Hahaha, great first parapgraph nemo, you're bitching about something that's not going to happen.  It doesn't even make sense


I'm not going to offer up a touch screen idea again, because the whole bubble that surrounds that is based on technology that I have never seen demonstrated.

You're blind.


In some quotes Iwata seems to contradict what he has said about the hardcore gamer in the past. They are about the game industry only. But not the gamer; not the real gamers. They are about making the controller work better, but do not seem concerned about what hardcore gamers want.

You and Ian should, like, get married or something.  Nintendo is catering to the hardcore gamer too.  I bring up Fire Emblem for the GC- do you think that game is aimed towards non-gamers?  Yeah, there are tons more, expecially for the DS, just look at the list of announced games.  But what's that?  Nintendogs, Electroplankton, and Touhokudai Gaku Mirai Kagakugijutsu Kyoudoukenkyuu Center: Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju no Nou o Kitaeru Otona DS Training are also on the list!  Non-gamers, core gamers- a happy family of happy Nintendo customers happily playing games that they're happy with.


Hardcore gamers look beyond the face and see Mario Tennis, Pinball, Party, Golf, Soccer, Baseball, Dancing, Basketball, and Football. Not my kind of games.

Football....?  Anyway, some people DO like those games.  I don't normally like sports games, but I love Mario Tennis and Golf, and I'm currently anticipating Mario Strikers just as much as the new Zelda (disclaimer: this is because I already KNOW that Zelda is going to be the best game ever, so I can wait.  Or something) .  I'm not too excited over Mario Baseball, but my little brother is.  My brother also bought NBA Street V3 and Mario Party 5 when I probably wouldn't have.  See?  Even if they are Mario spin-offs, or simple feature Mario in a different setting, each game appeals to different people.


Nintendo needs to develop the next big IP.

They ARE.  For the Rev, though.  It's too far in the GC's life to come up with something brand new, it's better to launch their new console with it.  Right now they're trying to push as many Cube's as they can, which is why they're coming up with mostly sequels and spin-offs, which are always stellar anyway.  Of course, there's still stuff like Chibi-Robo, Battalion Wars, and Geist too.  So there.


Don't you think there could have been an original game created around the wind thing in WW? Or the ocean thing? What about the new Zelda? Why didn't they just make two games out of that? A Zelda game. And an unrelated game about a werewolf? I have ambitions for a werewolf game based on lunar cycles, multiple moons, and multiple transformations.

1. They're going to keep on making Zelda, and they need to keep it at least a little fresh.  Instead of trying to stratch a whole game around "big ocean," it's more effective to stick it into a Zelda game.  It keeps series fresh, while still retaining that good idea.  I would rather have a creative Zelda than a stale Zelda and a thin game about an ocean.
2.  Link is not a werewolf >=o  Still, it's the same as WW.  Sure, a good game could be made with just the werewolf idea.  But take the wolf out of TP- you've just lost a huge part of the game, and you're stuck with JUST a bigger, prettier OoT.  The wolf idea makes it more original.  Plus, nothing's stopping another dev from making a game soley about a werewolf.  Some people may scream "ZELDA RIP OFF," but what adventure game isn't?

I agree with Ian on this subject; at least as far as what I think Nintendo might do as opposed to what I would like them to do.  Ian said, "I imagine it's because Nintendo often uses their own buzzwords to describe stuff. Notice how they never say "online". They used to use the term "noline" and that often say something like "Wi-Fi connectivity" or "communication". I think it's to make it sound like Nintendo thinks up all of their own ideas. If they use a weird buzzword it sounds like they invented it. I imagine "user-interface" is Nintendo-wacky-speak for "controller". Regardless of what they show they're going to act like this controller is totally new even if it's just a Cube controller with a trackball on it. It's like Nintendo doesn't use "controllers" anymore. They now use a "revolutionary user-interface that provides dynamic innovation in noline communication." "  

I think these buzzwords are a bad idea.  Nintendo needs to be straight about things.  Saying noline insinuates no online.  Why not free line.  Much more positive sounding.  

Rather than talking normal speak Iwata got all tech head on a reporter and called the controller or a part of the controller the "user interface."  Nice way to dodge the question with a fancy way of saying controller.  

I would not be surprised to see Nintendo just throw on a trackball, and it could easily be copied by the competition; because it is not a technological application they can patent.  When they say though, that mothers are going to want to try this it makes me think of a controller with nothing on the face of the controller, just some kind of motion sensing and/or force feedback; and some triggers.  Simple; but does it alienate traditional gamers?  Hopefully not; because it really is about the games and how they use the controller.  If it the REV launches with a remake of Sunshine and a bunch of cursor puzzle games; this guy won't be getting it.  That is too much like the DS.  

The touch screen technologies I was talking about were things like a touch screen that could also have a dpad type mechanic beneath it.  Or a touch screen that can give tactile feedback.  I have heard rumors about tactile screens and screens you could hit in more than one place at the same time, but I don't think I have seen any of these technologies.

About my first paragraph.  I was thinking about the teathered quote; and if you take it literally they want you to be able play this thing on tvs and pcs without hooking it up to them.  As far as batteries in a console.  Why are they trying to blur the line between console and handheld.  I don't really believe I'll have to use batteries, they just make it sound like it.  Why can't consoles be defined by the controller?  You have to ask yourself what is the reason this console can't be both a portable and a console?  You have to ask yourself what is the benefit you get out of a system that is stationary at your house?  MS and Sony believe the answer to this is that the console should be multimedia; thus it has so many accessories the system is too large to carry anywhere.  Sony and MS are making systems thinking about obscure dvd formats to conquer the movie industry, mp3s, Windows, tivo, power to compete with PC gaming.  Nintendo according to what they are saying is trying to bridge the PC and console market via the controller rather than graphics.  The PC market is an example of how lots of power doesn't mean lots of games.  Nintendo is not trying to do everything a PC can do, just the controls.

Um, about Zelda rip offs.  Zelda has trickled down through most games.  There are some blatent attempts at ripping Zelda off out there like Dark Cloud, even the way it took a step towards cel shading after WW debuted.  Ico and Collosus could be argued as rip offs, but they seem more original than Dark Cloud and are much better gameplay wise.  Games like RE often seem like a drawn out dungeon from a Zelda game.  You ever noticed that?  Or the way in MGS you hide behind things just like you used to in the original Zelda, but it like RE took that aspect a bit further.  Ico is the same way in that you have the entire game based around what is basically the first quest in LttP when you escort Zelda out of the castle.

As long as a game does it right it can dodge the rip off criticism.  If I had done a werewolf game it would have been more focused on sword fighting than bows, boomerangs, communicating with animals, etc.  I like those aspects of Zelda, but I would not include them if I were making a game out of the werewolf concept.  It would be much more heavily focused on moving the character around like in a Mario game.  It would involve speed like Sonic.  But the most Zelda esque thing about it would be the adventure design of open fields, swamps, deep dark woods, villages, castles, and dungeons.  Say there were three moons affecting you throughout the game and they only line up one time; at the end.  And that is when you become something really cool like a giant silver wolf (silver is usally associated with killing werewolves).  The main character by day would adventure around in silver armor shining in the sun; but some nights depending on the moons he would transform.  You would start the game off unable to control the character at night, only able to watch it as it slaughters people.  Then you get to where you can control yourself, but you still can't control the transformation; you can't decide to or not to.  It just happens.  Later you then gain the ability to control the transformation most any time, including during the day.  When certain moons are full you can transform into a werebear.  This fits in perfectly with the whole fantasy adventure thing because the oldest English story written down is Beowulf, which translates to bee wolf or bear.  The character of Beowulf was an ass kicking werebear.  And like the story of Beowulf I would end the game with the character sacrificing...what would you think if it was a girl...herself to kill a dragon.

One more visual dealing with the idea of the werewolf.  I can see rolling green hills with sheep grazing and the player as a big bad wolf picking off sheep and shepards.  Also little red riding hood and the three little pigs would make great side stories.
Life is like a hurricane-- here in Duckburg

Offline jasonditz

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #19 on: May 27, 2005, 08:32:07 PM »
The truth is far more impressive.

In actuality the controller will break into 5 smaller controllers, all the the shape of lions. And each of those will break up into 25 or so toy cars, some of which will be wifi enabled.

Offline Stimutacs Addict

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2005, 07:33:34 AM »
the platform/handheld quote further strenghtens my beliefs that DS and rev owners can play FF:CC together; an I think that could be the purpose of the third pillar. You can use your DS as a rev controller or as a standalone gaming portable, and maybe access the web (please?) on your DS while you are in range of your Revolution's WiFi connection (hell, any wifi hotspot)

I just want to see how many developers are willing to produce lower budget titles on familiar hardware; that seems like it would be a big advantage, but programmers will develop for the masses, regardless of costs and hours. this is why NIntendo needs a competitive launch and Miyamoto's killer IP needs to be a massive knockout. It needs to be grand in scope; I don't want to play Mario's Marble Madness *(with gyration)* on launch day. (i guess that doesnt even matter; the first game I'm poppin in the rev is SSB)
I'll shut up now...

Offline jasonditz

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RE: Enough about the controller....what about User Interface?
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2005, 08:04:32 AM »
I totally want to play Mario's Marble Madness on launch day.