Author Topic: Miyamoto interview on IGN  (Read 17321 times)

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Offline Arbok

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2005, 02:56:14 PM »

Originally posted by: Kairon
I can't wait for you to stop caring Ian Sane.

I must add that the day Ian Sane stops caring will be a sad one indeed, he may be tough on Nintendo, but one would be hard pressed to deny that he doesn't bring a lot of important points to the table.

In regards to the power of the Revolution, I'm sure Nintendo is not going to drop the ball here. They still have a lot of time left to work on this, and if anything seeing the Xbox360 and PS3 likely pointed them in the right direction if perhaps they were going for something else. Only speculation, though, of course.
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Offline jasonditz

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2005, 02:59:33 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane

If the Rev is underpowered it already has two negative points in that it's the weakest hardware and if has the worst versions of multiplatform titles.  Two negative points that Nintendo can see coming a mile away and can stop right now.

How. We've seen the PS3's specs. We've also heard reports that its going to cost $450 at launch in Japan. The only way Nintendo can make their hardware as strong is to make it as expensive. So, if Nintendo whips out the Revolution as the unquestioned leader in performance and then announces a $500 launch price, is that stopping a problem or creating a bigger problem?

Offline Artimus

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2005, 03:23:17 PM »
I enjoyed the interview. One thing I was happy to see was that the 'revolution' wasn't some obscure thing they were trying to tie down. It's somehting Miyamoto really believes in. Which means it must be worth something.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2005, 05:17:51 PM »
"Look Ian Sane, you're asking for Nintendo to BE Sony and Microsoft."

No I don't.  If I wanted that I wouldn't even be on this forum.  I would just buy a PS2 or Xbox.  I want Nintendo to be Nintendo.  Ever played the NES, SNES or any Gameboy?  That's the Nintendo I want Nintendo to be.  They've got it in them.  Look at the GBA.  It's the current Nintendo on top of it's game providing a system that delivers on all fronts.  Why is it so weird to want the same thing for Nintendo consoles?  The SNES was in direct competition it's whole life.  Nintendo didn't have a monopoly or anything.  They were under pressure and they delivered huge.  That's the Nintendo I became a fan of and that's the Nintendo I want to see.

I want Nintendo to do well because I like their games and I like their quality.  I see a game industry full of idiots raised by the Playstation who are turning the industry into crap.  I want Nintendo to have a bigger presence.  I want them to be respected.  I want them to call the shots.  I don't want Nintendo to be Sony and MS.  I want Sony and MS to be Nintendo.  I want to see a game industry where Nintendo influences where the industry goes instead of non-gaming corporations like Sony and Microsoft who only care about taking our money.  Gaming was better when Nintendo had more influence.

Offline ThePerm

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2005, 05:29:12 PM »
if you go back to my "what nintendo gamers want thread" Ian sane merely echos me here. Essentially. I want Nintendo first party games and I want the third party games.

I want graphics too...but not because im a gfx whore...i just know that some things in gameplay can only be achieved if the graphic realisation is  high
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Offline foolish03

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2005, 05:40:04 PM »
This thread should be forwarded to nintendo.  good points guys.
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Offline Kairon

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #31 on: May 19, 2005, 05:49:36 PM »

You do realize that the era when Nintendo had more influence was when Hiroshi Yamauchi was illegally opressing the other game companies right? They would dictate which games WOULD and WOULDN'T be released due to their own interpretation of the game's quality, they put restrictions on the number of games third parties could release in any one year, they were also naturally conservative in the content of games, though the quality of graphics those days probably made it unnecessary.

The Nintendo you want is a Nintendo made possible only by the incompetence of third parties, the collapse of the videogame industry in '83, and by Hiroshi Yamauchi's hated tactics.

It certainly was a golden age, but it was a golden age because the genies we have today hadn't been let out of the bottle. Those genies are competent third parties who can make decently successful games, the evoltuion of technology to a point where Nintendo can no longer stay on top, and the successful rebirth of an Industry that Nintendo saved, such that it has more stylistic directions than Nintendo could probably care about.

Sure, that golden age was great, and it was necessary. The collapse of '83 put the industry in a spot suchas where only Hiroshi Yamauchi and Nintendo could save it. They saved it by impinging on developer's freedoms (Nintendo dictated Q & A, max # of games that could be released in a year) and by completely obliterating the "adult" portion of videogaming, instead, recasting it towards children.

In a sense, Nintendo's success at saving videogames has evolved the market to such a point where Nintendo simply can't take the game industry further in certain ways. This is when Sony came in, to do things with games that Nintendo couldn't. (Become more hardware centric, let third parties blossom, re-enter the adult videogame market)

This isn't a bad thing, but the viewpoint allows one to reinterpret Nintendo. Nintendo is perhaps the most important videogame company of all time: they saved videogames. But the period where videogames needed intensive care is over. Gaming, now constantly changing and evolving, is too large an enterprise to be overseen by one micro-managing perfectionist company like Nintendo.

Nintendo still has a lot to give to videogaming, but not as the be-all and end-all of interactive entertainment. I agree with you, a lot of todays games are simply...lacking... and Sony and Microsoft have turned the entire gaming world commercialistic and mass market. Yet that's part of what gaming is now, for better or worse, and it's precisely that way because Nintendo taught the world that videogames were fun.

I wouldn't know what to make of it if Nintendo was in the top dog position again. I bet it would be good overall, but I doubt that Nintendo has anywhere NEAR the energy, resources, to last long in such a position. But I feel that Nintendo has already been in that position during the 80's and early 90's, and that they were able to give the gaming industry so much in that time that there's probably nothing left the game industry could learn from them in that form.

Now I see a Nintendo who's still creating amazing games and still driving forward with their beliefs in innovation, game control, all-age access, and quality. I don't see a company that used to BE videogames, I see a company that is more successful than ever at making new and brilliant games in their own style, a company that innovates, and can lead by example instead of merely by monopolistic Yamauchi-esque edicts.

I agree though... EVERY Nintendo fan wants Nintendo to be #1 again. But I'd hope that Nintendo fans also realize that they never really loved Nintendo because they were in a position of power over other companies. I'd hope they realized that Nintendo gave us the first battery-backed saves in the original Zelda, gave us warp zones in Super Mario Bros., the portable gameboy, Mario Paint and Pokemon, the oft-copied light world/dark world mechanic from Zelda:Lttp, the analog control from the N64 and the lock-on battle system from Zelda: OoT and WW.

All of these never came because Nintendo was #1. They came because Nintendo refused to compromise their values in the face of adversity, and even though this may have cost them the #1 position in the industry, their games were able to be realized in the way that Nintendo wanted them to be.

In a way, I ultimately believe that the world benefits more from Nintendo's freedom to create things the way they want to, than from Nintendo being in a position to babysit all the other companies.

Carmine M. Red
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Artimus

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2005, 06:20:58 PM »
You guys want Nintendo to cater to the status quo and Nintendo wants to innovate in another direction. If it's either or do you really want to side with EA?

Offline Caillan

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #33 on: May 19, 2005, 06:56:20 PM »

You do realize that the era when Nintendo had more influence was when Hiroshi Yamauchi was illegally opressing the other game companies right?

He specifically mentioned the SNES era, when Nintendo had influence because they were big, but they couldn't coerce developers because they'd go to Sega.


. . . the evoltuion of technology to a point where Nintendo can no longer stay on top. . .

Nintendo can keep up with technology. The Cube has pushed more polygons than the XBox ever has, and the DS is still powerful, even if it's overshadowed by the PSP in that respect.


I wouldn't know what to make of it if Nintendo was in the top dog position again. I bet it would be good overall, but I doubt that Nintendo has anywhere NEAR the energy, resources, to last long in such a position.

Being the market leader gives you energy. The PS2 would have crumbled at launch if Sony wasn't the market leader in the first place. An expensive console with a terrible launch line-up backed up by mainstream media penetration won this generation.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #34 on: May 19, 2005, 07:10:05 PM »
"You guys want Nintendo to cater to the status quo and Nintendo wants to innovate in another direction."

You act as if these too things are mutually exclusive.  Ever played Goldeneye or Ocarina of Time.  HUGE games.  Sold millions and millions of copies.  Both incredibly innovative both pure Nintendo.  Both catered to the current market.  There's no rule that you can't make a cool game that the mainstream likes that is innovative and really good.  It's been done and it's been successful.

Offline Artimus

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #35 on: May 19, 2005, 07:38:53 PM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"You guys want Nintendo to cater to the status quo and Nintendo wants to innovate in another direction."

You act as if these too things are mutually exclusive.  Ever played Goldeneye or Ocarina of Time.  HUGE games.  Sold millions and millions of copies.  Both incredibly innovative both pure Nintendo.  Both catered to the current market.  There's no rule that you can't make a cool game that the mainstream likes that is innovative and really good.  It's been done and it's been successful.

Both those games were on the #2 system.

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2005, 08:03:18 PM »
Some people are overreacting to everything said about the Revolution, it's hilarious. The only thing that frustrates me is that there's STILL a lack of direction in Super Mario 128, for gods sake, we've been hearing the same thing for over THREE YEARS, "oh we don't know what we're doing with that yet", make a damn decision.

Offline ThePerm

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #37 on: May 19, 2005, 10:24:26 PM »
up reggie interview on gamespot...he said the right things again..he should be king of the company.
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Offline Arbok

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #38 on: May 19, 2005, 10:28:20 PM »

Originally posted by: ThePerm
up reggie interview on gamespot...he said the right things again..he should be king of the company.

Yeah, watched that too, very well done. I liked the part where he wanted to take questions from the crowd around him before it was over.
Toho Kingdom


Offline ThePerm

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #39 on: May 19, 2005, 11:16:55 PM »
yamauchi is a hardass mofo...all those restrictions need to be reasserted into the industry.
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Offline ThePerm

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #40 on: May 19, 2005, 11:41:21 PM »

Originally posted by: Artimus

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"You guys want Nintendo to cater to the status quo and Nintendo wants to innovate in another direction."

You act as if these too things are mutually exclusive.  Ever played Goldeneye or Ocarina of Time.  HUGE games.  Sold millions and millions of copies.  Both incredibly innovative both pure Nintendo.  Both catered to the current market.  There's no rule that you can't make a cool game that the mainstream likes that is innovative and really good.  It's been done and it's been successful.

Both those games were on the #2 system. was the number one system till 2000...its funny how everyone talks of playstation like it really beat nintendo hard. BUT ITS BOGUS. in 1999 nintendo anounced they had majority market share. playstation 2 was released in 2000 and at the same time 2000 was an almost dead yerar fro nintendo (as well as 2001) it basically gave the market to sony by not having anything. It had nothing to do with cds versus was all to do with the lack of games nintendo had. I'm tired..i remember reading the market announcement years ago..but i cant find the link on ign64...i used to have it bookmarked.

wait it might be in here more accurately  
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Offline Artimus

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2005, 02:28:13 AM »
The PSX sold more units.

Offline stevey

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #42 on: May 20, 2005, 06:45:26 AM »
"IGNcube: We're all assuming that the revolutionary aspect of Revolution is the controller. Do you know what the Revolution is yet or are you still trying to figure that out?

Shigeru Miyamoto: [Laughs] You're doubting me, aren't you? I can see that you're over there mistrusting my word. I understand. [Laughs]

Of course. It's set in stone. It has been determined. I'd love to show it to you. I'd love to be able to show you the features of the Revolution controller and tell you about them. However, unfortunately if we do that too early those ideas would be stolen. We know that from past history. Analog stick. Boom - gone. Rumble Pak. We bring it out and everybody has to have rumble. We got the wireless out first and now there's wireless everywhere. So we have to keep it under wraps. "

Read it! Stop doubting nintendo. They not going to die ike sega did they not losing money. The rev not going to be crony, and in term of power the rev is to the 360 as the cube is to xbox. Ian and every body that think nintendo dose not know what there doing forget E3*03 they know they f*ck up but didn't have nothing to show and fix it at 04, and 05 was a no show because there going to be a space would right before 360 release. So stop bashing nintendo idea unless they relly suck for sure

ps sony stole the 3D glass idea with sly 3d
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2005, 07:14:00 AM »
"in term of power the rev is to the 360 as the cube is to xbox."

That's not good.  The Cube was the second most powerful console.  The Rev would be the third. The Rev should be to the PS3 as the Cube is to the Xbox.  The Rev is coming out after the Xbox 360 and thus should have better hardware.  

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2005, 01:37:18 PM »
"Having the worst version of Madden didn't put the Cube in last place.  No it was that combined with no DVD playback, no online games, a restrictive controller, no demo discs, small memory cards, component cables that have to be ordered online, weak third party support & not enough mature games."

I don't think little mistakes like that were the problem. Strong positives trump minor's just that GameCube didn't really have any strong positives (except great first party games). GC wasn't the first console out, it wasn't the most powerful console, it didn't have name brand recognition, and it didn't have a killer app at launch. In short, it didn't have anything to make it stand out...except the color purple, which didn't help any.

The situation is ENTIRELY different this time around. Now, Microsoft and Sony are the ones without anything of value to offer. They have improved graphics and underwhelming games. The mainstream doesn't care. No one seems excited by these new consoles. Last time around, when ps2 was unveiled, everyone ate it up. Now, well, the unveiling of the ipod mini got more press coverage than the unveiling of the ps3 and 360.

Now, let's look at Nintendo. Look what they're already offering: 20-year backwards compatability and free online. Huge positives that the competition can't offer....and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Apparently, we're also getting a revolutionary controller, new types of games with broad appeal, an incredible launch lineup that includes Super Smash Bros. ONLINE and a new Miyamoto game, and an affordable price. Those are all huge positives that will register with the mainstream and won't be offered by Sony or Microsoft.

Yes, the 360 an early launch (though I don't think Microsoft is offering enough to convince many to splurge and switch over just yet). Yes the PS3 has the best graphics and the ability to play blue ray movies (which might count for something if the console is actually affordable. I doubt it will be.) But- and maybe I'm missing the boat here - I really think Nintendo has the upper hand.


The Cube was the second most powerful console.  The Rev would be the third. The Rev should be to the PS3 as the Cube is to the Xbox.  The Rev is coming out after the Xbox 360 and thus should have better hardware.

I agree that would be ideal.

And I AM worried about graphics. Miyamoto brought up the DS vs. PSP, but graphics don't matter nearly as much in handhelds as they do in consoles. The Rev cannot look a generation behind the PS3. As good as graphics are becoming, people will still be able to see the difference if there's a big enough gap. So, I'm hoping Nintendo doesn't underestimate the value of good graphics as much as, say, Rare underestimates the value of a good framerate.

On the other hand, I don't think I'd mind that much if the Revolution was on par with the Xbox 360 visually, even if some of the innards weren't technically up to snuff. Here's a couple of things to keep in mind: a) ps3's actual graphics won't look nearly as good as they do now, b) the ps2 was underpowered, and c) Revolution's fist party visuals will still likely look better then 360's because of good art direction and such.

As long as the consoles all LOOK the same, as they pretty much do this generation (though hopefully this time they'll be even closer), I'll be happy.
Should Nintendo really pay an exorbitant sum of money just to get a tiny incrcrease in the quality of the visuals?
Yes, mindshare is important too, but I don't think having the 'most powerful' console will mean much this time around. I think we're past the point where people nuts over something just because you tell them it has better specs. The games need to look great and play great, that's all that really matters..... and I think revolution will deliver.  
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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #45 on: May 20, 2005, 03:39:38 PM »
What Miyamoto said was clear, they might not have the big horsepower, and the key word here is "might", as he said, they are using cutting edge technology, but since the chips arent finalized, and neither are their competitors, they dont throw out numbers, and find it dishonest to do so. I hope it to be on par with the x360, but I have the hunch that next gen games are all going to look the same, except for a very few big budget titles, because the prettier the more expensive, and thus it wont really matter that much.
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Offline Galford

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #46 on: May 20, 2005, 03:42:12 PM »
All I can say Ian is I feel your pain, ok and Perm I can kinda feel your pain.

What tells me Rev is underpowered is the size.  One reason the PS3 is so big is it generates a lot of heat.  How many people here know that the XBox360 is water cooled?  That is the only reason that XBox360 is the size it is.

The Rev at best is the size of CD-ROM player.  There is no way in hell an air-cooled system that size could be more powerful then either XBox360 or PS3.
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Offline BlackGriffen

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #47 on: May 20, 2005, 04:55:35 PM »
There's an awful lot of hysteria over the assumed lack of power of the Rev. Let's look at the facts, now, shall we:

Nintendo and MS are going to the exact same company for the graphics chips (ATI)
Nintendo, MS, and Sony are all going to the exact same company for the CPUs (IBM)

Without getting too much into the nitty gritty details of the arch of the systems I will say that there's a good reason Sony turned to Nvidia for a graphics chip instead of just using the Cell (like I believe they'd originally planned): the graphics chip will be the most critical component determining how much graphical power the devs will use. All that raw horsepower the Cell has is really nifty on paper but actually utilizing it is no mean feet. Given that difficulty, in terms of how much CPU power devs will actually utilize, I would be genuinely surprised if the three systems didn't come out to be pretty comparable.

In terms of the graphics chips, it's more interesting. Rev is launching later, so it should, in theory, have a better chip than XBox360 (Nintendo may opt for a roughly comparable one that is cheaper, though). In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo opts for a very similar chip to the one in the XBox 360. What makes me say that? Well, we know that NEC is licensing MoSys's 1T-SRAM for use in the Rev (according to MoSys). We also know that NEC is actually manufacturing a part of the graphics chip being using the the XBox360 that gives it full screen MSAA (anti-aliasing) and a number of other things "for free" (ie with no impact on the main chip core). This part is a bunch of memory surrounded by some logic for doing that stuff. If it turns out that this part of the graphics chip uses 1T-SRAM, then I would be genuinely surprised if it doesn't get used in the Rev.

Nvidia, on the other hand, is behind Sony's chip, so what it boils down to is: who will have the better graphics chip, ATI or Nvidia? Given the current situation of the graphics chip market, I'd be surprised if either was a break out leader.

Long story short: it would be surprising if the Rev is significantly underpowered.


Offline jasonditz

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #48 on: May 20, 2005, 05:00:52 PM »
Indeed, I'd be surprised if there's a huge difference between the 360 and the rev graphically... and I'd be even more surprised if Sony manages to get a tenth of their stated specs in any of their launch titles.

Offline PaLaDiN

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #49 on: May 20, 2005, 05:15:39 PM »
There's a difference you haven't really accounted for: Nintendo is aiming for extremely small size and power consumption.
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