Author Topic: REV's appearance and marketing  (Read 25158 times)

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REV's appearance and marketing
« on: April 09, 2005, 03:43:07 PM »
What do you think Nintendo will/should do this time around with the console's appearance, packaging, and marketing?

Here's what I want:

A bright color for the console itself (that isn't purple). differentiate itself from the Competition. Personally, I'd like a nice Dreamcast white. Though silver would be cool. A reflective top would be even cooler.

The return of the color red.
After GameCube's bright-purple fiasco, Nintendo seems to have gotten the idea that they should try to eliminate all color from its consoles and marketing. GameCube's official color is now grey. This is a bad idea. Everybody hates grey. Case in point: Apple didn't become popular until they switched from dull gray to bright white, light blue, and silver.
Nintendo needs an official color this time around: PS2 is blue, XBOX is green, I think Nintendo should be red. Though they've dabbled with light blue recently (panasonic q, DS marketing), and that would work too.

The return of N-64-style curves.
Boxes are boring. Actually, I'd like the console to be completely round....something like the base of the g4 imac.

I loved the lights surrounding the panasonic q, and think this thing should light up wherever possible. Have a light in the console's underbelly that lights up when the console's on. Have a light that surrounds the start button and throbs when it's time to press start. Have lights around the controller ports that throb when a controller needs to be plugged in (if there'll even be controller ports this time around.)

If the powermac g5 has a handle, the revolution can have a handle. It just needs to look cool.

Smaller footprint.
Don't get the wrong idea from GameCube. There is nothing wrong or 'uncool' with a console being small and sleek. However, this time around, the box that the console comes in needs to be at least the same size as the competition's (in America).

A mentioning of Japan.
Japan is ridiculously popular right now. Have a 'Designed by Nintendo in Kyoto, Japan' sticker somewheres. And, if you want to get really crazy, use a 'approved by master game designer shigeru miyamoto' sticker.

A mentioning of power.
I don't care how revolutionary the console is, I don't care if it can't render as many polygons as the PS3, on the packaging and in the commericials it needs to be touted as an extremely powerful console.

Good advertising.
I can't really say too much about ads until the console is revealed.
...Early advertising that leads you to believe there's some sort of actual revolution would be cool, though. I'm imagining white text on red background that says "JOIN THE REVOLUTION!"
Later ads should put the console and it's graphics center stage. The console itself should turn heads this time around, so the advertising won't have to hide it.

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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2005, 04:08:30 PM »
GameCube's official color is now grey.

Wait, hold up........Huh!?

I don't care how revolutionary the console is, I don't care if it can't render as many polygons as the PS3, on the packaging and in the commericials it needs to be touted as an extremely powerful console.

This is Nintendo...Humbleness comes first whether anyone likes it or not...The fact that even Reggie has been talking about how much more important the innovations of the Rev are compared to the graphics illustrates this point...

There is nothing wrong or 'uncool' with a console being small and sleek. However, this time around, the box that the console comes in needs to be at least the same size as the competition's (in America).

Seeing a giant box is actually a turn-off for me...

A lot of these things just aren't practical and/or are just plain silly, outside of marketing, which Reggie has already mentioned...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2005, 04:11:04 PM »
In response to:

The return of the color red.

The return of N-64-style curves.

Smaller footprint.

Reggie says

One thing the GameCube taught us is the importance of pleasing as many different types of gamers in the market as possible. For example, the physical design of the hardware itself was a bold attempt by us to do this -- to make a system that is stylish in its own way and that will fit in well with a family living room. In hindsight, the color choice and box design may not have been as helpful in achieving that goal.

Sony and Microsoft both aimed the design of their systems toward the one-color scheme with a purely masculine feel. But with that came their own issues, including constant comments about the size of the systems -- especially the Xbox, which for some time, was teased as being as big as a tea table for consumers in Japan. So, lessons learned for all, I think.

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2005, 04:42:29 PM »
I found a mock up that someone made and changed it to what I would like it to look like.

It's shiny green (very attractive I might add) with a big clear LCD right in the middle of it. It shows what controllers are connected (wirelessly of course) and also tells you what game is in.

Without further adue (sp?):

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Offline Dasmos

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2005, 04:43:48 PM »
I think the REV should come with a free Mario or Luigi cap! That would be cool.......
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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2005, 04:44:44 PM »
This thread loses for wanting Nintendo to be more like Apple...

for wanting the Rev to be an overpriced fashion accessory.  
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Offline nemo_83

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2005, 05:25:57 PM »
I think the casing should be solid milky shinny white unless the competition does that.  
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Offline Artimus

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2005, 06:07:56 PM »

Originally posted by: PaleZer0
This thread loses for wanting Nintendo to be more like Apple...

for wanting the Rev to be an overpriced fashion accessory.

Ever used an Apple computer? Especially their laptops. Beautiful machines with amazing insides.

I'd like to see Nintendo team up with Apple, actually.

Offline nickmitch

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2005, 07:43:38 PM »
Well you'll want to have at leaste two types of commercials for each of your demographics. Start by advertising on Nickelodeon, Kids' WB and FoxBox to keep the younger demographic. Next, something for the older crowd on MTV, [adult swim] and Spkie TV.
The younger aimed commercials should be simple: "Most powerful nintendo console ever!" "Change the way you play." Then the constant: "Join The Revolution" and aim the commercials more towards the fun factor.
Now, for the older crowd, show off the graphic and processing power that the youngins wouldn't understand. Go in to specifics instead of brief generlizations and don't use catchy phrases to sell to the older crowd.
Software advertising would have to work completely differently from this but still have some kind of link between them. Like pirates, for example. Having pirates talk about the console in one commercial; and then in another, have them talk about the games. Or just have them say "Join the Revolution" at the end.
I also think that Reggie should be in some of the commercials as it is could that fans have a physical being that they can follow and worship. Having Reggie delever all of Nintendo's good news would make people stand up and listen whenever he spoke (if they didn't already).
Better idea: Just have Reggie come on and say "Join the Revolution" at then end.
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Offline PowerHair

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2005, 07:47:25 PM »
Artimus: I believe he was referring more to the iPod with "overpriced fashion accessory."

We all know Apple computers are the best.

Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2005, 08:46:49 PM »

Originally posted by: Artimus

Originally posted by: PaleZer0
This thread loses for wanting Nintendo to be more like Apple...

for wanting the Rev to be an overpriced fashion accessory.

Ever used an Apple computer? Especially their laptops. Beautiful machines with amazing insides.

I'd like to see Nintendo team up with Apple, actually.

I've used an Apple computer...Their Powerbook laptops are hunks of junk...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2005, 09:25:13 PM »
"This is Nintendo...Humbleness comes first whether anyone likes it or not"

Well that's kind of the point.  Humbleness in advertising isn't very effective.  Sure that's probably how they'll act but we're talking about what they should do not what they will.

I think the important thing is the Rev looks like a piece of electronics.  The Cube looks like a toy.  Personally I like toys so the I thought the Cube design was kind of cool but few people are like me.  Why discourage sales with something as silly as appearance?  Make it look high-tech and gadgety.  I think the design should be aimed more for adults.  Kids find adult stuff cool.  Adults don't find kids stuff cool.  It's just common sense to go for something 100% of the population will tolerate than something that only a part of it will.  And if NCL wants to go with some wacky thing that won't fly outside of Japan then change the design for the North American market.  The NES and Famicon looks totally different so there's no rule the design has to be universal.  Sure it will raise costs but I think the extra cost is worth not sabotaging sales just because NCL lives in a bubble.

I think colours are great and should stay.  The imporant thing is just that the colour that is focused on in ads is neutral.  White, silver, grey, black.  These are non-offensive colours everyone is cool with.  Once you focus on something else people assume the console is focused more on specific groups.  Case in point purple carries symbolism in North America that superfiscial young males don't find particularly flattering.  A purple colour as an option is great but as the main colour is just stupid.  I don't know how the entire company of NOA was so clueless as to not figure out that purple was not a good main colour particularly when they had black units RIGHT THERE so it's not like they were stuck.

For marketing I think "join the Revolution" is a great slogan.  It has this feeling like everyone's on board and you're being invited to join this new movement.  It sounds exciting.  I immediatly think of people running through the streets for some reason.  Remember that N64 ad that had all these people in different colours running through the streets and in between they shilled specific games?  I think something like that would be really effective.  Obviously though there should be a fair bit of game footage (GOOD footage) in between to show off the graphics.

With a name like Revolution the ads just write themselves.  You could paint Sony as an oppresive government forcing us to conform to boring games and then paint Nintendo as the "Revolution" of rebels overthrowing the oppresive Sony and regaining their crown.  It's aggressive and promotes Nintendo's innovative game ideas and it's like a call-to-arms for Nintendo fans.  We're taking games BACK.  That sort of thing.

Offline Savior

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2005, 10:17:26 PM »
1.Lights,LED,Neons are great.

2.The Next box is probably white seing the stuff from our colony so White should be out

3.Silver is Very popular. Sold like hot cakes as a GCN option. Is the only DS option in US. I like Silver.

Silver, Sleek, with LED/Lights. Preferably Red ones. Silver and Red

Oh and I like something like Long Live The Revolution, or the Revolution will not be televised stuff like that.

Give a single color that stands out initially maybe later give gamers options


I'd like to see Nintendo team up with Apple, actually.

Not a bad idea. Except its an American company. Nintendo is still Japanese centric
The Savior Returns Late 2005

RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2005, 11:25:49 PM »
What I would like to see is a retro look.  I know I've mentioned it before in these forums but might as well say it again since it relates to this topic.

As for design, go with a silver or platinum color.  Have it's shape resemble the old NES, somewhat squared but slimmer and sleaker.  A disk drive would come out the front of it but the slot would resemble the old slot for the NES in shape lol.  The Power and Rest buttons would be on the left as before but the words Power and Reset would be lit up in bright red LED lights.  The system would read Nintendo Entertainment System again and on the top would read NE5.  NE5 would be the logo and would be similar to NES but still have N5 to symbolize the current generation of Nintendo systems.  

As for marketing, this could be done many ways if they take this retro angle.  They could use commercials similar to the few we've seen for the GBA NES games.  In those they play oldschool music and the scene is forever changing from real life to the game world.  With this look they can recapture some of their old fans that grew up with Nintendo.  Also, if they want to take gaming back to a simpler time, where it was pick up and play for everyone, this could be a good look for them.  
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Offline Grant10k

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2005, 12:22:58 AM »

With a name like Revolution the ads just write themselves. You could paint Sony as an oppresive government forcing us to conform to boring games and then paint Nintendo as the "Revolution" of rebels overthrowing the oppresive Sony and regaining their crown. It's aggressive and promotes Nintendo's innovative game ideas and it's like a call-to-arms for Nintendo fans. We're taking games BACK. That sort of thing.

Sounds farmiliar...."1984"
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Offline TheYoungerPlumber

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2005, 01:23:41 AM »
Yes, tempered metal is the best way to go.  Personally I hate broad, round corners, so I despise Apple's "hip" designs more than Sony's.

I predict the Revolution name will stay.  Nintendo clearly knows it has a marketing ring to it.  Heck, I suggest "Nintendo" is dropped from the title (though that will never happen).  Notice how Microsoft downplayed itself with the Xbox.  Amlost all PR Jargon goes: "____ for the Sony PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube and Xbox from Microsoft".  Microsoft has a somewhat negative subtext of the giant corporation.  Nintendo has a subtext of childishness they could partially shrug off with some "mature" titles at launch and a system called "Revolution."

They hardly have to pretend not to be Nintendo, and can still go for a retro angle in commercials, but I'm not convinced retro is the proper angle for a fancy new technology.  The GBA SP was basically an old-school system by design, and retro marketing was a great tactic for the system.  Familiar franchises like Mario and Metroid haven't done much for mainstream interest in the GameCube.
::Michael "TYP" Cole
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Offline Dasmos

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2005, 02:24:24 AM »

Originally posted by: Truthliesn1seyes
What I would like to see is a retro look.  I know I've mentioned it before in these forums but might as well say it again since it relates to this topic.

As for design, go with a silver or platinum color.  Have it's shape resemble the old NES, somewhat squared but slimmer and sleaker.  A disk drive would come out the front of it but the slot would resemble the old slot for the NES in shape lol.  The Power and Rest buttons would be on the left as before but the words Power and Reset would be lit up in bright red LED lights.  The system would read Nintendo Entertainment System again and on the top would read NE5.  NE5 would be the logo and would be similar to NES but still have N5 to symbolize the current generation of Nintendo systems.  

As for marketing, this could be done many ways if they take this retro angle.  They could use commercials similar to the few we've seen for the GBA NES games.  In those they play oldschool music and the scene is forever changing from real life to the game world.  With this look they can recapture some of their old fans that grew up with Nintendo.  Also, if they want to take gaming back to a simpler time, where it was pick up and play for everyone, this could be a good look for them.

The sytem is code-named the revolution, fulfilling your idea would not reveloutionary at all. It would be cool no doubt, but it would seem that they are backstepping trying to hold onto the past too much.

Nintendo are trying to create a new way to play games and if they keep dwelling on the past, wanting things to be like before this "revolution" will never happen.

I know having the revolution "look" like the NES doesn't change what the system does, it would just seem to be a bad angle to shoot for in my opinion.
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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2005, 05:26:08 AM »
I ditto Ian on the name and marketing.  I would like to see a system that is sleek, but shocking.  Silver/black like the DS, and charcoal gray like the N64 are neutral enough not to be offensive, and blend in with typcial TV/stereo equipment.

As for shocking, I envision the Revolution being very small, but sleek. Similar to the size of the Mac Mini, but more rectangular. About the size of a dictionary. The guts can be cooled like a laptop, with a heatpipe-type design that exhausts out the side or back.

Offline slingshot

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2005, 05:41:20 AM »
I like a semi-transuscent  shell that hints at the electronics inside, but just barely.  I'd have the logo imbossed on the outter
shell from the inside, so that you can't see it at first, but when you turn on the system, an erie white-blue glow illuminates
the entire console from within, and the logo becomes visible.  All LED would be a Yellow-Green, or Orage.   and there could
be some sort of glowing rings of light around the controller connection port that are a ghostly white (just like in the pic
above- which I think is the coolest I've yet seen- but I didn't like the color green- it was too XBOX-Y

Offline Pale

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2005, 06:33:31 AM »

Originally posted by: Artimus

Originally posted by: PaleZer0
This thread loses for wanting Nintendo to be more like Apple...

for wanting the Rev to be an overpriced fashion accessory.

Ever used an Apple computer? Especially their laptops. Beautiful machines with amazing insides.

I'd like to see Nintendo team up with Apple, actually.
Ugh, for the sake of everyone's sanity I'm bighting my tongue.
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Offline Caliban

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #20 on: April 10, 2005, 06:46:56 AM »
If anything I would like to see is Nintendo bringing back what they used to have in their NES commercials: "Now you're playing with power!" . Seriously, why not?! As for colour for the new system I'm fine with either silver, black, white. Don't want any flashing lights on the system at all other than the power LED turning on. If they can build the system to have the same effectivness in space management as the Cube then I'm fine. I envision the N5 to be as small as the slim PS2 is but with it's own design.

Offline LuWoo75

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2005, 07:57:50 AM »
I do think that in order to catch a fish u havta use a worm.  Looks do count that why i dont understand the thinking behind the Gamecube.  I think the Revolution should be something artsy but cool.  I dont ness think it has to be like Apple, even though i luv apple products and i'm writing this post from a Mac but it should be something within that same realm of concept.  It should be interesting to find out how this machine will look.  

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RE: REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2005, 08:23:43 AM »
Caliban: If you want to use "power" I'd suggest "Take the Power back!".

Personally I like the Cube design and think the PS2 was handcarved out of a huge chunk of ugly so my ideas about the design wouldn't hold any weight.
As an advertisement I'd suggest having thousands of people with identical clothes, shaved haircut, pale skin and a green X tattooed into their foreheads (along with a barcode) sitting in front of thousands of numbered TV screens playing the same game, all in a pretty dark environment (think Matrix real-world scenes) perhaps with CG machines watching over them, then as the camera shows all this show two texts: "Don't be another number in the system" "Take the power back", ending with a "Revolution" logo in the end. Perhaps use that only for the early phase.

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2005, 09:43:33 AM »

Originally posted by: PaleZer0

Originally posted by: Artimus

Originally posted by: PaleZer0
This thread loses for wanting Nintendo to be more like Apple...

for wanting the Rev to be an overpriced fashion accessory.

Ever used an Apple computer? Especially their laptops. Beautiful machines with amazing insides.

I'd like to see Nintendo team up with Apple, actually.
Ugh, for the sake of everyone's sanity I'm bighting my tongue.

I like apple
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Offline Artimus

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RE:REV's appearance and marketing
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2005, 10:03:58 AM »

Originally posted by: PaleZer0

Originally posted by: Artimus

Originally posted by: PaleZer0
This thread loses for wanting Nintendo to be more like Apple...

for wanting the Rev to be an overpriced fashion accessory.

Ever used an Apple computer? Especially their laptops. Beautiful machines with amazing insides.

I'd like to see Nintendo team up with Apple, actually.
Ugh, for the sake of everyone's sanity I'm bighting my tongue.

You should. I don't even own an Apple but I'm regretting buying this Dell that's so slow now and brand new. Not to mention ugly.

Apple's laptops are small, sleak and last a damn long time. They're certainly better looking than any PC except maybe Alienware.