Author Topic: F*CK EBGAMES  (Read 10793 times)

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Offline darknight06

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« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2005, 10:47:35 AM »
As I've stated in another thread, I don't know about the other EB's, but according to a couple of friends of mine that used to work there they told me that the primary reason they do stuff like that is because they have to meet a specific quota.  Depending on the circumstances with the employee not meeting the quota could either get you in trouble or fired.  This was exactly how one of them was given the proverbial boot.

Offline PJ gamer10

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« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2005, 02:52:57 PM »
Yeah its true guys.In my store (EB Games) we don't like to throw any of those things on people but we really do get crap from our higher ups. I wish all of you can come to my store. Out of four guys two of us are big Nintendo fans and usually get into arguments with our customers. If any of you live in the New Jersey area stop by Garden State Plaza. We'll talk for hours. Again though don't get hard on some of the guys that work there, they just have to meet certain goals.  
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Offline Infernal Monkey

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« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2005, 03:08:31 PM »
EB offered me one dollar for Dave Mirra BMX 2. They were selling it new for $4.95, and pre-owned copies were anywhere between $30-$50 AUD.

EB make sense. What's going on in this thread?

Offline Babyboy8100

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« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2005, 08:33:43 PM »
oh yeah they did that to me when i bought wrestlemania the first one one gamecube i paid $50 bucks i went to gamestop all i got was 10 dollar credit i was like WTF!! but i wanted to get rid of it so i said to the guys in the store who ever want this $20 bucks take it right now i rather sale it and lose but i know someone else will enjoy it more than to sell it to gamestop so they could sell it for $40 bucks used at least that kid that i sold it to he got a good deal .

Offline PaLaDiN

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« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2005, 08:55:25 PM »
"making generalizations about people who buy popular games is genius"

It was a joke.

Hah! I doubled your one-month response time!
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Offline Pale

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« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2005, 06:40:08 AM »
I went into gamestop last night to pick up katamari, I asked if they had gotten dk:jb or touch and go in yet, they said not till tomorrow, then argued with me for 10 minutes about why i need to preorder.  EVERYONE NEEDS TO STOP PRE ORDERING STUFF!  I'm so sick of getting pestered about it....  Ya know the t-shirt that says "No I don't want the strategy guide?"  Well now they need to make one that says "I don't want to preorder anything so SHUT THE HELL UP!"
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Offline UniversalJuan

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« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2005, 07:25:46 AM »
As a GameStop employee myself I must ask that you all simply stop the one sided nature of this conversation. Not all EBs and GameStops are like the ones you go to! It angers me to no end constantly hearing all the moaning and whining and then taking it out on every GameStop and EB in existance. I have news for you people, words and phrases like "most", "almost", and "just about" exist for a reason!

Stop all the grouping and generalizing is all I'm asking really because for the most part I agree with you all but just please recognize 2 things. 1, that there are exceptions, and 2, we are told to make these pitches. (Note: I am not defending the idiots who don't comprehend the word no. When I make my pitch I only keep talking if they're interested, otherwise no means maybe try to make a quick convince but usually just shut up and finish the sale.)

I'm done with my little rant, just please try to understand the other side of the spectrum too, unless you have to regulary deal with idiots who fail to have a grasp on the English language.
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Originally posted by: Luigi Dude
The greatest game of all time is Super Smash Bros Brawl.  It

Offline Pale

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« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2005, 07:30:21 AM »
My generalizations come from working in retail.  I know for a fact that garbage like talking people into pre orders comes down from the top.  I also know that several stores in the area do the same thing.  I will grant you that this *could* be a regional thing but it definately isn't a single store doing it.  I can almost picture the store meetings where the managers discuss what corporate wants the clerks to peddle this week.  Thats corporate retail for you...  and I challenge you to deny that.

By the way, if anyone wants to start bashing circuit city, I can probably confirm everything they say as fact.....  Go ahead, ask me something...

Edit: Jeez pale, read the guys entire post..

I see that you are acknowleging the fact that you are told to do these things..and that, in my opinion, is all the more reason to convince people not to but into this crap.  It forces you guys to be annoying jack asses when you probably aren't, and that isn't right.  I just think of myself selling service plans last year and how crappy it made me feel.  You, as an employee can't say the things i'm saying..but I want you to know, my posts aren't a "Gamestop employees suck" type thing... they are a "Gamestop the company sucks" thing.
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Offline Ian Sane

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« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2005, 07:59:02 AM »
"I went into gamestop last night to pick up katamari, I asked if they had gotten dk:jb or touch and go in yet, they said not till tomorrow, then argued with me for 10 minutes about why i need to preorder."

I don't mind them saying "do you want to pre-order it?"  It's the fact that an arguement took place that annoys me.  If I don't want to pre-order let me risk not getting the game.  If I don't pre-order and the game is sold out when I go to buy it what do they care?  IT'S SOLD OUT.  That means they sold all their copies so what f*cking difference does it make if I was one of those people that bought one?  And if it's not sold out then I buy a copy anyway.  It's not like the store loses any money if I don't pre-order.

Thankfully I rarely get bothered about pre-ordering since in my area the amount of available game merchandise greatly dwarfs the amount of game demand.  I can easily buy any game at release without a pre-order and the stores know it so they wisely shut up about it so they don't piss me off.

It's worth noting that by far the most popular store for games in my area is a local chain that doesn't even do pre-orders.  The amount of traffic in that store is easily double that of EBs.  Funny how having no corporate sales pressure crap has created a more loyal customer base.

Offline KDR_11k

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« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2005, 08:36:31 AM »
The lack of any sales pitches here makes me wonder if my country has a law against that. Neither EB nor that small store in my hometown ever tried to sell me additional crap. But then I rarely buy at smaller stores because they tend to be expensive.

Offline Rhoq

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« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2005, 10:40:47 AM »
Alright, I went to the local Game Stop during lunch today to pick up my pre-order for Pac-Pix. Usually the people that work at this store are pretty good. This is also the same store I had pre-ordered my DS and waited in a line that wrapped around the outer isles of the small store (I would estimate that a good 30 people were waiting patiently to pick their DS that day).

Anyways, I walk-in and one of the guys behind the counter (and he was wearing a Manager’s shirt) asked if he could help me. I told him I was there to pick-up a pre-order. He then passed me off to the other clerk behind the counter. He asked “What game?”. I said “Pac-Pix”.

The manager then said (as he’s wiping off dust from his PSP’s screen) “Pac-Pix? We were just looking at that as we unpacked the box. Who would want to play that? I know I wouldn’t want to, let alone pre-order it. I don’t know much about it, other than it has something to with Pac-Man. What’s it about?”

I ignored him as he clipped his PSP onto his belt loop.

I really thought about asking for a refund of my deposit and taking my business elsewhere. This is the first time I’ve witnessed this sort of ignorance at this particular Game Stop store. In the 8 or so years I’ve been a customer at this particular location I can honestly say that the staff has been very good at not showing bias towards one particular system or another. While I know that he was dissing a game and the not the system, I still kind of felt like he was bashing me for having a DS, particularly because he was holding a PSP in his hands at the time he made his comments.

Thinking about it though, I prefer doing business with these game specialty stores since they usually have new releases the day after the ship date. With larger retailers (Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City, etc.) you sometimes have to wait a few extra days before the games are put on the shelves and with minor releases it sometimes takes weeks before they get any copies, if ever.

I just felt the need to vent a bit. Never mind me.

Offline Gremio

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« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2005, 06:53:31 AM »
Gamestop never tried to force a warranty on me or anything but they do overcharge for practically everything here. $55 for console & PSP games, $40 for DS games. I don't like shopping there because of the overpricing.

Offline Rhoq

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« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2005, 07:16:54 AM »

Originally posted by: Gremio
Gamestop never tried to force a warranty on me or anything but they do overcharge for practically everything here. $55 for console & PSP games, $40 for DS games. I don't like shopping there because of the overpricing.

Where do you live? I find that GameStop's in store prices match the on-line prices (at their website) and sometimes the store's prices are 5 dollar's lower (on older titles).


Offline RickPowers

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« Reply #38 on: April 29, 2005, 08:39:33 AM »
Never buy an extended warranty for a Nintendo product.  Nintendo will frequently honor their warranty long after it expires.

As for salespeople, I don't go to EBGames any more, GameStop is OK, but I primarily go to the GameCrazy by my house, because it's convenient, I get better trade-in credit, and they know I write for a GameCube site, so they always take time to chat with me.
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